Boyfriend Tag and Girlfriend tag Part 1

P.L.H vs SNSD *Application Closed* (/|-_-)/|

“Hello everyone! So you guys might be wondering what the PLH girls are doing uploading videos of them on youtube with their boyfriends.  Well, we were all inspired by Hyun Mi and Gongchan’s video they did a while back, we all decided to honor the couple by doing a similar video.  Except Zelo and I will be doing the Boyfriend tag along with Minhee and Daehyun, and Kai and Eun Mi.  I will have their links in the description below, so let’s begin shall we?” Allie said to her one of many cameras and Zelo nodded.  “Wait! But there is a catch! If I get something wrong, she gets to draw on my face, but if I get something write, I get to draw on her face. So it goes almost either way.” Zelo said and Allie sighed.  “I’m still trying to figure out why I agreed to that” Allie replied and Zelo laughed and hugged her.

                “She's sitting in front of the tv what is on the screen?” Allie asked and looked towards Zelo.  “Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Married to Jonas, Big Bang Theory, and any other show that I would happen to be on.” He answered and Allie nodded. Zelo then drew a small heart near her eye.  “You’re out to eat, what kind of dressing does she get on her salad” Zelo thought for a minute and then looked up, “Ranch..WAIT NO CEASER” He said and Allie tsked.  “Wrong! I have fat free italien dressing” She said and drew a smiley face on Zelo cheek and kissed it.  “What is one food she does not like” “Tomatoes, and if I get that wrong then it is definetly onions, because no one likes onions” He replied and she giggled. “But what if I liked onions?” “Well then you are a depressing person” He said and Allie glared at him.  “I don’t like tomatoes or onions.” She said and he cheered.  Zelo quickly drew a cat that looked deformed and they moved on.  “What size shoe do I wear” “Size 6” “Ha size 7 loser” She replied back and drew a huge heart on his other cheek.  “What is my favorite type of sandwich” “Peanut butter and Jelly” “Correct~” Allie said and he kissed her before he drew a mini godzilla on her forehead.  “What is my favorite cereal?” She asked and he blushed.  “Lucky Charms…ha because you are my lucky charm, and I’m your lucky charm!” He said and she giggled.  “What is my favorite type of music” “Clearly anything B.A.P” Zelo said and pretended to be cocky.  “You did not answer it fully so you got it wrong so I will now draw Pikachu on your face” Allie said as she begun to draw and Zelo could not stop laughing because it tickled.  “What is my eye color” She asked and Zelo turned her head towards him.  He starred into her eyes and she couldn’t help but blush when he kissed her more.  “Brown” He said and drew lips on her nose.  “Who is my best friend” “You don’t have one because you have too many” He replied and she was turning red from how she had more art work on her than on him.  “What is something you do that I wish you would not do” She asked him and he shrugged.  “I don’t know really..nothing I don’t think” “Wrong. You calling or texting me at like 3 in the morning asking me what I am doing!” “WAIT BUT I SO KNEW THAT” “No Zelo! I get to draw on your face! Not everyone is awake at 3 in the morning unlike you guys!” Allie said and the two got into a mini wrestinling match.  Allie then succesfully drew a dog on his face, a big dog. “What kind of cake would I like on my birthday?” “Red Velvet” He said and drew dots on her ear.  “Oh god we look like a hot mess wrapped in one” Allie said and Zelo laughed.  “Do I do any sports” She asked and he nodded.  “Cheerleading and Volleyball, and sometimes tennis” He said and she nodded and giggled.  Zelo then drew him and her as stick figures. 

                “What could I spend hours doing” Allie asked and Zelo blushed at the question “I so know what you are thinking and you are totally wrong so I get to doodle” Allie said and wrestled him to draw on his face.  “You look like a lovely striped Zebra” “And you look like Picaso went mental and decided to put everything in a painting” Zelo replied and Allie’s jaw dropped and her hand was on her heart.  “What is one unique talent I have?” “You being able to do a herkey jump like five feet in the air” He said and she nodded.  After he drew more things on her face, Allie zoomed in on themselves to show what they drew on each of their faces.  “Hehehe I won, I beat noona hahahaha.” He sung and Allie giggled.  “Alright guys! Thank you so much for watching and I will have the links to the other girl’s videos below.  Have a safe holiday and I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!” Allie said and the couple waved goodbye and said goodbye to the camera.

                “Oppa…your hair is fine” Minhee said as she stared down Daehyun as he was looking at the camera screen and fixing his hair.  “But I have to look good for your fans!” He said ans she giggled.  She pressed the recording button and the two begun.  “Hey everyone! Today, Daehyun oppa and I will be doing the boyfriend tag with him answering questions about me.” Minhee explained and Daehyun smiled at her cuteness.  “So what do I get if I get a question wrong?” “You get a kiss on your puffy cheeks” Minhee said and pinched his cheeks.  “And what do I get if I get a question right?” “Hm..a kiss on your lips!” Minhee said and demonstrated.  “Well I better get all of them right then” He said and she blushed.  “Okay question 1, When and where did we meet?” “When we came to bring flowers at the HRT building for Soo Lin, and we slowly starting talking from then!” He said and she nodded. She gave him a quick kiss and moved onto the next question.

                “When did you meet my parents?” “Last year during Christmas!” She gigged and kissed him again “Who by the way like you a lot. Third question, what is one thing you wish I did not do?” “Argue back with me” He said and she shook her head. “You so aren’t getting a kiss for that” “What do you mean? I answered the question!” And the two continued to have a playful argument until Minhee gave him a kiss on his cheek, which made him shut up. “Where was our first date?” “The movies and a dinner after I think” She gave him another kiss on his lips and he started to happier after ever kiss. “Question five, what eye color did you wish I had?” Daehyun starred at her eyes and smiled “I like your eyes the way they are now.” And he kissed her.  “What dressing do I always use?” “Ranch” He said and kissed her. “Name one food that I do not like” “Really…anything with mayonaise” The two started saying the word mayonaise in english, which he had problems with and then they decided to move to the next question. “What I one drink, or whole group of drinks I do not like” “Acolhol” The two said at the same time and moved to the next question. “And your favorite drink is anything from Starbucks.” He said and she glared at him.  “Well thanks for answering question 10” She said and he laughed at her anger.



                “What is my shoe size?” “Size 6…wow you have small feet” He said and picked up her foot to examine it.  “No, it’s average size!” She said before he started tickling her foot.  “I will k-kick you s-stopppp!” She said as she was laughing and he did a huge evil laugh.  “What do I collect a lot of” She asked him and he tried to stop laughing. “Shoes..Way.Too.Many.Shoes” He said and she giggled.  “Shoes are amazing clearly,it helps them to make you look taller or about the height of Zelo” She mumbled the last part and he glared at her, “Yah!” He said and started tickling her even more.  “What would I eat everyday if I could?” “Chocolate chip cookies.” “And?” “What do you mean and? There is no and!” He said and they started to have another playful argument “Next question then!” Daehyun said to end the argument.  “What is my favorite cereal?” “Fruity Pebbles!” He saird cheerfully and she kissed him. “What is my music” “Anything Katy Perry, good god” He said as he remebered one day scrolling through her phone and seeing every Katy Perry song.  “I was born with what hair color?” “Black” the two said at the same time and kissed.  “Who is my Bff?” “Me clearly” She kissed both his cheek and his lips and laughed at his reaction.  “Alright everyone that you so so so much for watching this video that I hoped you all enjoy! Make sure you watch the other PLH couple videos that they are doing, like Eun Ji and Minhyuk are doing the Boyfriend Makeup tag while Crystal and Taewoon are doing the girlfriend tag! Goodbye!” She waved goodbye and Daehyun pretended to hug the camera.  He turned it off and they went off to edit the video, and to watch the others.”

                “Eun Mi it cannot take you that long to do your makeup.” Kai groaned from Eun Mi’s bed as she was putting on the finishing touches on her eye makeup.  “Okay I’m coming!” She said as she ran back to her bed where Kai was and sat next to him.  She pressed the record button and the two started making funny faces.  “Hello people! This might be shocking, but yes Jongin and I are dating and have been for four weeks now.  So it’s still pretty early in our relationship, but we decided to do the boyfriend tag, just so later on we can do another one to see if he improved.  So let us start shall we?” Eun Mi asked him as he picked up her dog.  “We shall” He said and the two laughed a little.  “Okay first question, I’m sitting in front of the TV, what am I watching?” “Uh…Running Man, Star King sometimes, Spongebob, E! News. The list could go on for days~” He said as he did random hand gestures that Eun Mi laughed at.  “What is one food I do not like?”  “Well I mean you basically eat everything-“ “So you are basically saying I’m fat?” Eun Mi said in a joking way and her dog started barking at Kai, “No! I’m just saying I don’t think you dislike any food!” He said to defend himself and Eun Mi started hitting him with a pillow.  “Yah!” He said and pinned her down as she tried to escape.  “Next question! What size shoe do I wear?” “Size 7, I saw your shoe before I pinned you down” He said and she laughed.  “Favorite type of music that I like?” “Uhh anything Kpop I would say, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Jlo, Lady Gaga most likely.” He said and she grinned at him.  “You are doing pretty well for knowning me for 4 weeks.” She responded and he smirked.  “Because I am smart!” He claimed and her dog barked at him disagreeing.  “What I could I eat everday if I could.” She asked and he thought.  “Ding Dongs or Chicken.” He asnwered and she laughed.  “Probably the same for you too!” “Couple food!” He replied and the two laughed.  “If I am at a restaurant, what would I get on my salad” She looked up from her phone and towards him.  “Well I mean any, cuz there is not a lot of different dressings.  So I would say any kind.” Kai said and she looked at him weirdly.  “So If I am I a good mood, I just get a little bit of each dressing and pour it all on my salad?” Eun Mi asked him and he nodded.  “Why not.” He replied and she giggled.  “Okay same question, but what would I get to drink.” “Any kind of wine um-“ He was saying until she tackeled him on her bed, “I do not drink oppa!” She told him and he begun to tickle her everywhere.  “Okay okay! You would get water!” He said as he took a break from tickling her and she tried to catch her breath. “What do I collect?” He looked towards one of her shelves by her bed “Your 50 million phone cases you buy from ebay like everyday.” He said as he got up and grabbed some of her phone cases.  “No one needs the same case in five different colors.” He said and he showed the camera and Eun Mi was blushing.  “Last two questions combined, what is my favorite type of sandwhich and cereal?” “I know you love cinamin toast crunch and your favorite sandwhich would be chicken with lettuce and tomatoes only” He said and she nodded.  “That’s it?” “That is it! We are so sorry it is so short, but Jongin has his schedule to attend and I have a photoshoot to attend to, but we both hoped you enjoy the video and the girls are doing similar videos to this so support them also! I will have translations for the video so be patient! Thank you!” “THANK YOU” Kai yelled in her ear and she started to hit him.  “Thanks!” She yelled back after she ended the video. 

                “Be safe oppa! And have a blast! I’ll be watching.” Eun Mi said as she lead him to the door where his manager was waiting for him.  “Bye! I love you!” He said after he kissed her.  “Love you too!” She yelled as he started to get in the van.  He waved goodbye onced they started to drive away and she blew an air kiss. “Now I have to leave. Come on Blue!” She yelled the last part to her dog who ran down the stairs, got a quick drink from his water bowl, and then Eun Mi quickly put his little jacket on before he jumped into the front seat, where his chew toy was waiting for him. “Let’s go!” Eun Mi said as she drove out the drive way and to the photoshoot.

              “Good evening, or afternoon, or morning! My gorgeous girlfriend and I are going to the girlfriend tag!” Taewoon said and Crystal smiled at him.  “I like how you did the introduction when the video is going on my channel.” He laughed and pulled her closer to him.  “But ours will be different! We will answer some of the tradition questions, but the fans also sent us questions through our twitters and facebooks, so we will answer those too.” Crystal added and he nodded.  “Are you ready?” She asked him, but he gave her a ‘are you joking’ look.  “The real question is are you ready because you will be the one answering the questions” He said and kissed her cheek. 

                “I like your outfit by the way.” He said as he started to look through his phone for questions.  “What? An oversized sweater, my very short dancing bottoms, and very fuzzy socks?” Crystal asked and he chuckled.  “It’s still hot” He whispered into her ear and pulled her into his lap.  “First question, when did we meet?” “Weekly idol when our memebers were trying to get us together then.” Crystal responded and he nodded, agreeing.  “What habit do I have that you hate?” He asked and she thought.  “Okay so he does this thing as a surprise attack as when I’m talking to someone and he slowly starts moving his hands like towards my rib cages and then he starts tickling me, and I hATE IT! OMG STOP TAEWOON” And he was doing exactly as she described. “You still like it though” He said as she continued to squirm in his lap. 

                He then stopped as she tried to catch her breath, but then he started it again.  A few seconds later he stopped and grabbed his phone to continue answering questions.  “What is my favorite thing to do?” “Besides composing new raps and songs, it would be to watch me dance when I have ballet, or making instagram videos” Crystal said and he kissed her cheek.  “What is my favorite color? And if you get it wrong then I get to tickle you” He said and Crystal pouted at him.  “Black?” She whispered and slowly started curling into a ball before he could tickle her.  She got it right, but he decided to trick her and begun to tickle her even more.  “Stop please oppa!” Crystal said and she screamed a little bit as Taewoon kept tickling her.  “WOO JISEOK STOP!” Crystal yelled in a playful way and he stopped.  “Fine be like that” He said and she snuggled into his chest “But I would like to breathe!” She defended herself and he chuckled.  “Where was our first kiss?” “At the beach when you asked me to be your wonderful girlfriend.” Crystal replied and he kissed her cheek once more.  “And it was the first time you said I love you to me.” Crystal smiled and Taewoon smiled back.  “Who said it first?” He asked and she pointed to him.  “You are correct” He said in a game show host voice and she giggled. 

                “What is our favorite thing about each other? Personality and physically wise asked by Paula Valene” He asked “Personality wise, I love his sweet persona, and how he makes everyone else before himself.  And how he makes anyone laugh so quickly, including him being so lovable and cuddly.  Physically, I like his smile, it just makes me really happy.” Crystal said and she was almost tearing up.  “Well for me I love how she carries herself and her confiedence, like no one could break her spirit.  How clusmy she could be also, and just how she always has a smile on her face.  She’s just a bright loveable person.  Physically, I love her eyes, because they are just as bright as her smile, and her legs.  Because they are so long when she dances.”  He said and she giggled and blushed.  “What were your first impressions of each other?” He asked and Crystal blushed at the thought.  “I thought he was kind of the tough guy when I would just look at him, but then I figured out he was very sweet and the way he smiled was so bright and his laugh sounded so sweet.  The way he made people laugh told me he was a caring guy, and how he looked so much like his brother basically, but I find him to be better looking.” He grinned as she was talking and hugged her tightly.  “Do you consider yourself a normal couple? Asked by dreamsaremadeof from twitter” “I think so, just a tiny bit different though.” Crystal said and he agreed. 

                “Do you show PDA? Asked by ladydancer145 on youtube” “A lot.  Our members get sick of it” Crystal said and the two laughed at the thought of their members.  “Are your parents supportive of the relationship asked by godzillafan101 on twitter” “At first mine weren’t since he is five years older than me, but after I talked to my parents, they started to accept it and liked him more day by day.” Crystal said and Taewoon kissed her.  “My parents were kind of the same before they met her, but when they actually met her in person, they fell in love with her and my mom adores her.” He said and she awed at the thought of his mom.  “Last question from Kim Danielle on Facebook, where do you see the two of you in 10 years” He asked her and she looked at him and smiled.  “Married to him and having kids, but we would still be working too” She said and he hugged her more.  “Same..Well that is about it! Thank you so much for watching and continue to support both groups.  Bye!” Taewoon said and Crystal waved goodbye and blew a kiss.  She stopped recording and put the camera back in her bag.  “Hey oppa, what was your first impression of me?” Crystal asked and she turned towards him.  He sat on the bed and pulled her towards him to where he was straddling his lap.  “To me, you wereand still are the most gorgeous girl in the world that I would have died to have.  I thought your smile was the prettiest thing I had ever seen, and the way you laughed sounded like music. And your eyes-“ He said and moved her hair beind her ears.  “Are prettier and worth more than diamonds.  I love you so much Crystal” He said and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you too” She replied as he wrapped his hands around her waist and started kissing her when Zico walked in with Crystal’s dog, breathing hard.  “Your dog, basically just gave me a walk more than vice versa.” He said and Crystal giggled.  She called her dog over and he sat next to Taewoon.  “Good boy!” Crystal told her dog and her dog barked.  

Hello everyone! The next chapter will come soon! The next chapter will feature the other four couples and maybe the 3B's music video making (?) idk yet but please keep watching for more updates in the next five hours i guess! 

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cynniiee #1
Chapter 150: im here and there
im everywhere~
Chapter 149: punching the ENTIRE WORLD because today i decided to check up upon this story and was like ???? when i missed another chapter ugh.

i seriously need to clear my subscriptions OTL i keep missing everything :///

and when you mentioned world tour i was suddenly reminded of infinite's ah bbs ;AA; so much songs to perform < 3 and i bet the songs sound wonderful wth the girls singing them c; AHAHA FLAPPY BIRD. my high score is in the 40s. and them talking about their bfs o// wish i had friends like that but life was like NOPE. and they're so nice to their fans ;; and the outfits are all so pretty ;o; wish i had the body to wear them orz. soolin's outfits were all so lovely, i really liked the blue dress < 3 and her swag necklace in the following outfit ha ha ha. and soolin's green hair for army in love..../dies. yes to the dress. and the black dress is really nice as well <3 i like her pink leggings for Do It Like A Dude. and the purple dress afterwards < 3 that's a lot of outfits! o// but they're all really nice c: and so many idols that came to their meet and greet ;o; AND THE LOVEBIRDS.

and for the author's note; maybe you can start a new one? this is letting pretty long with scrolling and you can add in a new layout, etc. but up to you(:

Chapter 149: Love love love this chapter!
Love the clothes, love all the details. Love the cutesy moments at the end.
The tour is starting amazing!
You're doing a great job writing this all out for us to read author-nim!
PLH hwaiting!
cynniiee #4
Chapter 149: wow it was daebak
you did a great job!
i missed you its being a while
well like i always say
author-nim hwaiting
eunmi & kai hwaiting~
P.L.H hwaiting~~~
Oneofakind22 #5
Loved the chapter it was so long and visual as always. The girls put on a great show and outfits are amazing. Happy that all the boyfriends/husbands/fiance's were able to show up which made the girls happy. Can't wait for the rest of the tour Thank you for putting so much time and energy into this chapter:)
Chapter 149: Ohmygoodness this chapter is amazing and all the outfits are amazing as well! Thank you author-nim for writing such a long chapter, it's great. & for the sequel thing, which ever way is easier for you!
Chapter 148: //soolin. okay i am officially going to jump of a boat i swear i bookmarked this to reply to but what is this ;; sorry that you need to keep reminding me to comment, i swear this brain of me just isn't working.

anyway, first of all, the clothes you picked were all really nice, i wish i could wear them but after looking at my body orz. and soolin's nails are really nice...wish i had fingers like that but then again wishful thinking ;;

But Elsa would sleep, eat, or poop so Hyun Mi was fine (lol I guess)
OTL i swear babies are so lucky they don't need to do much (just for that period of time i guess) asdfghjkl. but glad hyunmi's fine ;; and the song lyrics are nice! never heard of the song before (or have i?? time to check) but the lyrics are written nicely c: and glad they got a standing standing ovation, when i did my play at school at the end i swear i felt so happy and motivated asdfghjkl it's these little things that make life easier and happier. and their fans are so sweet, i need friends like that ;; c8

"They honestly changed my friends life, she was close to be done with everything. But once I showed her these girls, they changed her view on life and now she is happier than she has ever been"
asdfghjk this is just so emotional and kpop did really make my friend become happiner in general, i guess, since she now needs to live for comebacks and live streams. o// and glad they're going so well in korea. and hopefully zelo and allie meet each other again soon;;

and again, sorry abut my lack of brain cells and forgetting to comment every now and then;;
Chapter 148: yay congrats to PLH for winning the awards & thank you for the update!
Chapter 148: omg congratz to PLH for winning the awards!

- Soo Yun