*~Love is in the Air?~*

P.L.H vs SNSD *Application Closed* (/|-_-)/|


            The girls arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana (woot woot MARDI GRAS) for the super bowl to perform at the half time show.  They arrived early Saturday morning and had to go straight to the arena to practice for tomorrow, and then the girls had the rest of time to themselves until it’s time for the Super Bowl.  “I’m so excited! Performing in front of millions of people in America. AHH! I’M SO EXCITED!”  Xiu said and clapped her hands as the girls ran to their rooms in the hotel.  “But I’m so nervous though! Beyoncé might be watching us though when we perform!” Allie said and lay on her bed.  All the girls were in one room (Xiu’s and Allie’s) and were discussing their performance tomorrow night. Chung Hee let the girls go site seeing and go to the parades New Orleans have.  It started getting late so the girls went back to their hotel room to get some sleep. 


            Hye Ri was the first one to wake up that morning and decided to turn on the TV, since she had a while until the other girls had to wake up.  “…And two men were arrested for climbing the light pole near New Orleans Avenue when they were both drunk.” The newsmen said and showed a video of the two climbing the light post.  “Isn’t it impossible to do that?” Eun Mi asked as she rubbed her eyes.  “Well dear child, anything is possible” Hye Ri replied and started to flip the channel.  “No, no, no, no, hell no, no, aaaaannnnddd no.” She said as she flipped channels.  She then turned off the TV and went back to sleep.  “WAKE UP!” Kianna yelled as she walked into all of the girls rooms.  “No” Eun Mi said as she shoved her face father into her pillow.  “Eun Mi I-“ “No” She replied not moving.  “Eun Mi You-“ “No”  “Child-“ “NO!” “I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT IF YOU DO NOT WAKE UP” Kianna said and Eun Mi slowly flipped over and stared at Kianna.  “Damn you” Eun Mi said in her head quietly and went to go get ready. 


            The girls arrived to the dome and did a rehearsal a few more times and decided to stay and watch Beyoncé’s rehersal with Destiny’s Child.  “Wow~” Hyun Mi and Eun Ji said at the same time, as they say her dance and sing.  “She is so pretty” Young Sun said and the girls nodded.  Beyoncé walked off the stage to come chat with the P.L.H girls and they tried to keep their excitement in.  “Hey ladies, you excited for tonight?” She asked as she drank from her water bottle.  “Y-yeah definitely!” Allie replied and the girls nodded.  “Don’t be nervous around me girls! I’m just me.” She replied and the girls giggled.  “But you’re like a legend!” Minhee said and she giggled.  “Well thank you! I-“ Beyoncé was saying until her manager called her.   “Well I got to go! See you girls tonight!” She said and waved goodbye to them. 


            “AH! WE TALKED TO THE LEGEND!” Soo Yun said and the girls giggled.  The girls decided to go walk around the place once more before getting situated at the Dome in their backstage room.  After they were walking around for almost two hours, they went to their room that was reserved for them and sign autographs on the way to their room.  Once they got situated, Crystal plug in her earphones and started watching a music video, smiling like an idiot at some parts.  Hye Ri leaned over and saw Crystal watching the music video and started giggling.  “So, uh, watch are you smiling at?” She asked Crystal.  Crystal turned off the music video and started laughing nervously.  “W-what are you talking about unnie?” “You only say unnie to me when you like someone.” “N-no I don’t unnie.” Crystal said and put her hand over . 


            “Stop joking with me and who do you like?” Hye Ri asked and nudged her.  “Don’t tell anyone please!” Crystal begged and she nodded.  Crystal whispered to her and Hye Ri was shocked.  “NO WAY!” She yelled and everyone turned towards the two.  “Hye Ri..” “YOU LIKE SPEED’S TAEWOON?”  Hye Ri yelled and all the girls ran towards the two.  “YAH!” Crystal yelled and covered her face.  “Why are you embarrassed?” Hwa asked as she sat next to Crystal.  “I don’t know.  Maybe because I don’t want to be judged.” Crystal said while looking down.  “Why would you be judged?” Soo Lin asked.  “Because of our .” Crystal mumbled, but they still heard her.  “It’s like what? A five-year gap.  So what?” Young Sun replied.  “If you really think about it, I’m 17 and he’s 22.  It seems weird.” Crystal said and the girls ohed. 


            “I don’t think it would matter to anyone.” Hyun Mi shrugged.  “I guess not, but...” Crystal said and Hye Ri put her hand up.  “Listen, what if I told you he likes you too?” She said and Crystal laughed.  “That’s such a lie.” She said and Hye Ri was about to say something until the girls had to get ready.  Once they were done, the girls went back to their conversation. 



P.L.H SuperBowl Performance


            “Yes he does” “No he doesn’t” “Yes he does! If you want proof I will give you proof.” Hye Ri said and grabbed her phone and called Zico.  “Hey who is your brother’s crush?” “Crystal why?” Zico replied and Crystal’s eyes got wide.  “Crystal did not believe me when  said so.”  “He does Crystal, trust me.  I went to their dorm one day and his side of the bed is covered with pictures of you, he even has one under his pillow!” Zico said and Crystal started blushing.  “He better not do what I think he does with that picture of Crystal.”  “Don’t worry Hye Ri he doesn’t.  At least I don’t think he does.”  Zico said and Crystal turned red.  “Figure that out for me and call me back.” Hye Ri said quietly and Zico said he would. “Alright girls, hair and makeup time!” Chung Hee said and the girls quickly went to get their hair and makeup done.


            The girls decided to try to watch some of the game, but they did not understand a thing.  “I think this is rocket science.” Soo Lin said as she watched the players tackle each other.  It was the first halftime show for the game and it was Beyoncé’s turn to perform.  She brought high-level energy to the stage and everyone was cheering for her.  “I think she literally is walking fire.” Kiomo said and the girls agreed.  “Now you guys have to bring it.”  Kianna said and the girls continued watching and jammed along when Destiny’s Child begun to perform.  The game kicked off again and the girls started warming up more.  Stretching, rap practicing, and warming up their vocals were all heard from their room.  “I’m starting to get nervous.” Allie said and started shaking her hands and her feet to get rid of her nerves. 


            “You girls will be fine!”  Hee Young said as she hugged the girls.  They were called to the entrance to the football field and to wait there, and the girls ran downstairs because they were so excited.    All of the three members from Destiny’s Child came to take a picture with P.L.H and chatted with the girls and gave them advise and told them that they will be watching.  The stage was being set for the girls again since the last halftime show was about to begin.  “We will do fine, we will be great.  Don’t think of anything besides performing.  If one of us goes down, we will all go down and pick back up.  Just breathe and be calm.” Hye Ri told the girls and the girls threw their hands in and chanted their name and got ready.  “Do the girls know they will probably have the most viewers watching them then Madonna last year?”  Kianna asked Chung Hee and he chuckled. “They will figure out themselves.  C’mon they are about to perform.”


            “Please welcome, the largest kpop girl group known in the world, P.L.H!” The announcer announced and the crowd went wild.  The football filled with people, majority fans of the girls, and started chanting their names.  The girls got in ready positions and starting singing songs from one of their new albums.  They performed Catch My Breathe first and then switched to Calling all the Monsters, then it transited to Jai Ho, then to Hate on Me, In The End, then to Gold, which will be their new single for their comeback in Korea, I’m not Perfect remix, Give it up to Me, and We Run The Night by Young Sun and the girls danced with her.  Soo Yun did Baro’s rap part.  “Mr. Chung Hee sir, your girls are beating Beyoncé’s views right now by 5 million people.  The views are still in counting though, and they are huge.”  The backstage manager told Chung Hee and he high fived Kianna. 


            The girls ended and the audience gave them a standing ovation.  The girls smiled brightly and looked around the arena to see all the people and flashing camera lights.  They waved at cameras and touched some fans hands, and the girls grouped hugged before walking off the stage.  The girls screamed and hugged Chung Hee and Kianna.  “That was unbelievable!”  Xiu said and everyone giggled.  “You girls are very impressive.   That was an amazing performance!” Beyoncé said and hugged the girls.  “Thank you!”  “I would love for you girls to perform for one of my concerts sometime soon. “ She replied and smiled at them.  “REALLY? That would be really really exciting!”  Eun Mi said and Beyoncé giggled.   “You were amazing too!” “But I didn’t break Madonna’s record now did I?” Beyoncé said and the girls looked at her confused.  “What do you-“ Allie was saying until Chung Hee cut in.  “You girls broke Madonna’s record.  Hers was 114 million views, 3 million more views than the actual game.  113 people watched the game tonight; you girls escalated the views to a little bit over 125 million views.” “WHAT?” The girls screamed at the same time and started jumping up and down.  “Congratz ladies, I will be in contact with you soon.” Beyoncé said and the girls nodded and she left.


            “AAAHHH!” The girls screamed and hugged each other.  “But HOW?” Hye Ri asked as she wiped her tears away from her face.  “A bunch of people wanted to see what you girls would bring to Korea.  You girls have now broken a huge record in Korea, and set the bar very high.” Kianna said and the girls nodded.  “No one can beat this, at least I don’t think so.” Hee Young said and the girls screamed once more.  Chung Hee took a phone call and he was also beaming more. “Girls gather around quickly! I just got a call from a big Newspaper conference and a bunch of different newspapers and TV channels from around the US wanting to do a press conference with them tonight.  So do not change because we will be leaving shortly.” He said and the girls nodded.  The girls quickly packed their things they brought to the room and waited until a van came to pick them up.  Baltimore’s team won the superbowl and the team wanted a picture with the girls and they quickly got into the van that arrived. 


            The girls burst into songs because they were so happy and excited, and they continued to sing Good Feeling by Florida and Kianna put it on the HRT and PLH twitter page.  They arrived at the press conference and saw a bunch of journalist and TV stations here, from CNN to Good Morning America, to Fox News.  “So.Many.People.” Minhee said as she looked behind the curtain.  Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, New York Daily News, and the Chicago Tribune newspapers were all there at the conference.  The host introduced the girls and the girls walked onto the mini stage and bowed to the people in the room and did mini waves. 


http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Italy+Training+Press+Conference+Group+C+UEFA+73OYjR7RoXHl.jpg (the room looked like this)


            The girls sat down and the conference begun.  “Can you tell us about the group please?” A journalist asked and Allie begun.  “We are a girl group from Korea and we debuted in 2011.  We consist of 13 members with different nationalities and bring something different to the tables in the Korean Market.  We are one of the largest Kpop groups in Korea number wise and age from 21-16.” Allie said and the journalist nodded.  “Are you girls more popular here than in Korea?”  Hye Ri giggled and begun speaking.  “I usually think this also.  But I think we are so big here is because we are not an average girl group that people usually see and here it is mostly solo artist and I think people like us because we are different.  That and we feel like we are here more than in Korea.  But I never thought we would already become a big deal in America, so it is truly a blessing and we thank everyone who has been with us since day one, including our fans.” She replied.  “What did you girls think about performing at the SuperBowl tonight?” “We got the news last week that we would be performing and we were stoked.  And we got really excited when we heard Destiny’s Child would be there.  At the same time, we were very nervous because we thought barely anyone would know us when we would perform or even boo us, but we saw a lot of fans and people jumping to us sing and it was really awesome.” Minhee said and the girls nodded. 


            “How does it feel breaking Madonna’s record from last year?”  A reporter from CNN asked and Soo Yun wanted to answer this one.  “It felt like we just dreaming.  We never thought about the viewers TV wise, so it surprised us and we were screaming backstage we were excited.  I never thought about beating a record set by someone so big, but dreams happen that you never expect to happen, and it came into place perfectly.  And we heard it is a big amount of viewers so it is very exciting.” “And did you girls know, your record will be in the Guinness Book of World Records?” The same reporter asked and the girls got really excited. “REALLY?” Eun Mi asked and the she started doing a mini spazz and the people laughed.  A representative from the World Records came on stage with a plaque and gave it to the girls.  The girls posed with them holding the award and went back to the press conference, which continued for 45 minutes.  “Thank you so much! We love you all!” Young Sun said and the girls bowed and waved goodbye to everyone. 





It was early in the morning and Eun Mi had to wake up at 3 in the morning to meet up with her team at the airport at 4 am for Nationals in Malaysia.  All of the girls would meet her over there, but only Soo Lin, Hwa, Allie, Soo Yun, and Young Sun would go with her.  So all of those girls woke up, got ready, packed, and left for the airport with Eun Mi and her team.  Eun Ji and Kiomo were in California for the grammys with Electra Heart.  Hye Ri, Crystal, Minhee, Xiu, and Hyun Mi are going to Weekly Idol again, but the boy group SPEED will be there also, so they wanted to do a girl group vs boy group kind of thing.  “Your future boyfriend will be with us today.” Hye Ri whispered loudly to Crystal and she giggled. “Oh shut up!” She replied hitting Hye Ri. 


            “Hyun Mi is going to meet us over there with Gongchan and the little ones.” Xiu said as the girls head out the door.  The girls drove to the building and arrived at the same time as SPEED.  “Hide me” Crystal said to Xiu and Xiu giggled.  “I have never seen you this nervous for a guy before.”  She replied and Crystal blushed.  Crystal dragged Xiu quickly into the building and the rest of the girls ran behind the two.  They giggled once they got inside and Defcon and Don were already filming their little introduction thing. Taewoon was looking at Crystal and she met up with his gaze and he smiled at her and she looked away and blush.  DefCon could see this and he would take note to make fun of the two later.  PLH and SPEED walked out at the same time and each did their introduction.  “How about we have Crystal and Taewoon stand next to each other.” Defcon said and dragged her over to Taewoon.  The two giggled and blushed.  “What are we-“ Don was saying but DefCon whispered in his ear and Don nodded. 


“Well let’s continue!” Don said and left the two there.  SPEED did their dance challenge thing and PLH would evaluate it.  They let the girls talk about the superbowl and embarrassed Crystal and Taewoon.  “You know who would look good with you Crystal?” DefCon asked and she looked at him.  “Taewoon.” He replied and she looked away, blushing and rolled her eyes.  Taewoon looked down blushing also.  “He is a very big fan of Crystal, he has pictures of her around his bed, even one under his pillow.” Sung Min said and Taewoon just glared at him.  Hye Ri said Zico told her and Crystal that and Taewoon even got more embarrassed.  “Don’t worry, Crystal has pictures of him too!” Hye Ri said and Crystal glared at her.  “He’s even her screensaver on her phone!” Minhee added and smiled like it wasn’t a big deal.  “I will murder you two when we get home.” Crystal whispered to the two and they laughed. 


“What do you like about Crystal?” DefCon asked Taewoon.  “I like how she is as a dancer, she always seems focus.  And she is very pretty, and I like how she is caring to others.  There is more.” He replied and Crystal smiled.  “We need to hook them up.” Don said to DefCon and everyone laughed.  “What do you like about Taewoon?” Don asked Crystal and she looked at Taewoon as she talked.  “I like his height and his rapping skills.  And he is a very caring person towards s.  He is really funny from what I see and he looks kind.” She replied and he looked down, blushing.  “Let’s have these two do the thing where they look each other in the eyes.” DefCon said and Don agreed.  He got the two to stand up in front of each other and Don put the card in front of their eyes.  “1,2,3” He counted and pulled the card away from their eyes and their eyes connected to each other and they just kept looking and smiling at each other. 


“They are really into it.” Young Sun said to Hyun Mi and she nodded.  It looked like they forgot about everyone around them and  they just kept looking at each other.  “Love took over them.” Hye Ri said and Minhee giggled.  “This has been going on for a minute now, lets break them up.” Don said and he broke the two up.  “Before you guys, do something inappropriate, let’s move on.  “So SungMin, you and Minhee go to school together right?” DefCon asked and the two nodded.  “What’s this Alice in Wonderland act you two do.” “We got really bored one day in one of our classes and we just came up with it together.  It’s not exactly like Alice in Wonderland, but it’s me acting something like her.” Minhee explained and the two nodded and asked to see it.  (A/N: Minhee speaking will be in bold)  “Knock Knock”  “Whose there?” “Knock Know” “Whose there?” “Knock Knock?” “Whose there?” “Knock Knock” “Whose there?” “Orange?” “Orange who?” “Knock Knock” It got silent for a minute and they all waited for her response. “I don’t want to answer the door anymore.” She said and walked away from him, leaving everyone laughing. 


The show continued and the girls helped out DefCon and Don with SPEED’s profile thing and were amazed by their talent.  Taewoon and Crystal would glance at each other every once in a while and giggle silently.  DefCon and Don talked to Hyun Mi for a bit about her kids and Gongchan walked out with the two of them.  “I love having conversations with them. It’s interesting” Hye Ri said and everyone observed.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88zQnO-Gvlo “..And the Queen is evil!” Jin Ae explained and Hye Ri nodded, sitting with the two.  “But what if she isn’t evil?” “SHE IS TOO EVIL!” Jae Sun argued with her and Hye Ri’s eyes got wide.  “And the cards painted each other!” Jin Ae added and Hye Ri giggled.  “How about I paint you two red.” “NO AUNT HYE RI!” The two said at the same time and Hye Ri started tickling them and everyone laughed.  DefCon and Don asked Gongchan and Hyun Mi about their wedding and how the planning was going.  The kids were entertained by Crystal and Taewoon decided to join in and the kids got used to him quickly.


20 minutes later, the show ended and the girls noticed Taewoon and Crystal getting confortable with each other and talking more.  “They would really look cute together.” Xiu said and the girls agreed.  “So do you want to hang out, l-like right now?” He asked and she giggled.  “Sure! I have to leave tonight anyways.” She told him and the two laughed.  He grabbed her hand and they went to a little café near the building.  “Should we go spy on them?” Minhee asked Hye Ri and she shook her head.  “No, let them be.  They will be fine!” Hye Ri said and texted Crystal to be home by 9.  The rest of the girls went home to go pack and wait for Crystal to get home.  It got late and Taewoon walked Crystal home and it looked like they had a good time.  “Thanks again oppa.  I had an amazing time!” Crystal said and turned towards him.  “I had a great time too! We should hang out more some time!” He said and she nodded.  “Well goodnight oppa!” She said as she opened the door.  “W-wait!” He said and kissed her cheek and hugged her.  She slowly hugged back and melted into his hug.  “Goodnight Crystal.” He smiled and said to her.  She nodded and walked in and waited for Taewoon to leave in the van that picked him up.


“You guys will so date soon.” Hye Ri said and hugged her.  “C’mon, let’s get some sleep”  She told her and she nodded.  Crystal fell asleep in a very good mood. 


Outfits for the chapter: http://www.polyvore.com/weekly_idol/collection?id=2285010#fans


Hey guys! I updated! Lol but I'm seriously upset right now, because Sunday morning, like really early, one of my classmates got shot in the head and died.  And I'm so upset about it! Two other boys got shot that i know, but they are doing perfectly fine.  One of the boys is also in my grade at my school and was in ICU until yesterday afternoon.  Please send prayers to all of the families in the incident! I don't exactly feel like explaining anymore because I'm shaking writing this!


Also the SuperBowl is the surprise! Comment and subscribe please!

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cynniiee #1
Chapter 150: im here and there
im everywhere~
Chapter 149: punching the ENTIRE WORLD because today i decided to check up upon this story and was like ???? when i missed another chapter ugh.

i seriously need to clear my subscriptions OTL i keep missing everything :///

and when you mentioned world tour i was suddenly reminded of infinite's ah bbs ;AA; so much songs to perform < 3 and i bet the songs sound wonderful wth the girls singing them c; AHAHA FLAPPY BIRD. my high score is in the 40s. and them talking about their bfs o// wish i had friends like that but life was like NOPE. and they're so nice to their fans ;; and the outfits are all so pretty ;o; wish i had the body to wear them orz. soolin's outfits were all so lovely, i really liked the blue dress < 3 and her swag necklace in the following outfit ha ha ha. and soolin's green hair for army in love..../dies. yes to the dress. and the black dress is really nice as well <3 i like her pink leggings for Do It Like A Dude. and the purple dress afterwards < 3 that's a lot of outfits! o// but they're all really nice c: and so many idols that came to their meet and greet ;o; AND THE LOVEBIRDS.

and for the author's note; maybe you can start a new one? this is letting pretty long with scrolling and you can add in a new layout, etc. but up to you(:

Chapter 149: Love love love this chapter!
Love the clothes, love all the details. Love the cutesy moments at the end.
The tour is starting amazing!
You're doing a great job writing this all out for us to read author-nim!
PLH hwaiting!
cynniiee #4
Chapter 149: wow it was daebak
you did a great job!
i missed you its being a while
well like i always say
author-nim hwaiting
eunmi & kai hwaiting~
P.L.H hwaiting~~~
Oneofakind22 #5
Loved the chapter it was so long and visual as always. The girls put on a great show and outfits are amazing. Happy that all the boyfriends/husbands/fiance's were able to show up which made the girls happy. Can't wait for the rest of the tour Thank you for putting so much time and energy into this chapter:)
Chapter 149: Ohmygoodness this chapter is amazing and all the outfits are amazing as well! Thank you author-nim for writing such a long chapter, it's great. & for the sequel thing, which ever way is easier for you!
Chapter 148: //soolin. okay i am officially going to jump of a boat i swear i bookmarked this to reply to but what is this ;; sorry that you need to keep reminding me to comment, i swear this brain of me just isn't working.

anyway, first of all, the clothes you picked were all really nice, i wish i could wear them but after looking at my body size...no orz. and soolin's nails are really nice...wish i had fingers like that but then again wishful thinking ;;

But Elsa would sleep, eat, or poop so Hyun Mi was fine (lol I guess)
OTL i swear babies are so lucky they don't need to do much (just for that period of time i guess) asdfghjkl. but glad hyunmi's fine ;; and the song lyrics are nice! never heard of the song before (or have i?? time to check) but the lyrics are written nicely c: and glad they got a standing standing ovation, when i did my play at school at the end i swear i felt so happy and motivated asdfghjkl it's these little things that make life easier and happier. and their fans are so sweet, i need friends like that ;; c8

"They honestly changed my friends life, she was close to be done with everything. But once I showed her these girls, they changed her view on life and now she is happier than she has ever been"
asdfghjk this is just so emotional and kpop did really make my friend become happiner in general, i guess, since she now needs to live for comebacks and live streams. o// and glad they're going so well in korea. and hopefully zelo and allie meet each other again soon;;

and again, sorry abut my lack of brain cells and forgetting to comment every now and then;;
Chapter 148: yay congrats to PLH for winning the awards & thank you for the update!
Chapter 148: omg congratz to PLH for winning the awards!

- Soo Yun