No Matter What (Kray)

EXO One Shots! (Open Request)

Yixing was walking down the street, afraid, shocked, and hungry. He hasn’t eaten for days and he hasn’t slept. His clothes torn and his hair messy, he had a few scars and bruises here and there. The city was in shambles. The street was deserted, buildings were emptied and there are dead people everywhere… The zombie apocalypse is here.

A few days ago it was still fine, people were still having their daily morning coffee at the nearby Starbucks. Businessman were still hustling around busily, talking on their phones and walking as fast as they can to save up more time. Yixing was feeling excited, he was finally in Los Angeles. He could finally sign with the record company that he had dreamt of since he was young.

But no. Things didn’t go as planned. Just two days in Los Angeles and things starts to get weird. Policeman started evacuating people from the city. News were all talking about a weird infection that had infected people, an infection that can bring the dead back. Yixing was evacuating, just like everyone else. He was in a taxi and suddenly, a car came crashing into his taxi, knocking Yixing out of the car. He landed in a bush nearby and he out. The next thing he knew, the city was deserted. Zombies were lurking around.

Yixing tried to look for weapons to defend himself. He tried breaking into one of the shop that sells guns but there was no use. The windows were all shatter proof. It has been three days since the break out and Yixing had survived mainly on keeping quiet, making no sound at all. There are a few times where he almost got into troubles with the zombies but he got away. Yixing is lost. He didn’t what to do, the city was in ruins and there is nobody around.

He began walking to look for a way to escape the city. But everywhere he goes, there are sure to be a lot of zombies around. He tries to walk past them quietly every time but it doesn’t work. The zombies are all very sensitive towards sounds. Yixing gave up and began walking towards a tall building. There was a signboard on top, so he thought that he could spend the night on the tall signboard, zombies couldn’t reach him there.

He was on top of the building when suddenly a few zombies appeared and began walking towards his direction. Yixing panicked and began backing away from them. He backed until he was at the edge of the building, he was about to fall. Yixing closed his eyes and wait for them to attack him but no, he heard gun shots and he opened his eyes. Someone was at the signboard, aiming his gun at the zombies.

“Hurry up here!” The man said.

Yixing quickly ran towards the signboard and climbed on it. He sat down when he reached the top and he felt his heart was thumping like crazy. That was a close call, he could have become zombie dinner!

“Thanks for saving my life.” He said.

“No worries.” The man said and tossed a bottle of water towards Yixing. “You must be terrified. Drink up.”

Yixing nods and gulps down the water the man had given him.

“Here, some chocolates would help to calm you down.” He said and gave Yixing a bar of chocolates.

“I’m Yixing.” Yixing said and smiled. “And you?”

“Kris.” He said.

“Thank you Kris, for saving me.”

“You’re lucky I heard footsteps.” Kris said. “Don’t you have a weapon to defend yourself?”

Yixing shook his head.

“Know how to shoot a gun?” Kris asked.

Yixing’s eyes widen. “Not really…”

“Here, just take this.” Kris said and handed him a gun. “Just aim and shoot when you got into trouble.” He said. “Understand?”

Yixing nod his head slowly. Oh no, the only time that he had actually shoot a gun was when he was still in high school, he was in the shooting club but that was like 6 years ago.

They stayed silent for quite a moment and Kris spoke up. “What are your plans now?”

“I don’t know… Try to survive and look for a way out I guess.”

“No use.” Kris said and shook his head. “I’ve tried looking at all the exits. All blocked. The military have blocked all possible exits to prevent the zombies from getting out of this city.”

“What about the airplanes?” Yixing asked.

Kris shook his head. “No use, airport’s destroyed.”

“What can we do?”

“We could go look for a private jet, or a chopper to get out of this hell hole.”

Yixing nods and looks around. “You have a radio here?”

“Yup, been listening to the news since this morning.” Kris said. “Freaking government has been trying to cover up this whole thing.”

“Aren’t they doing something about it?”

“They are going to bomb this whole city to prevent outbreaks from happening.”

“WHAT?” Yixing looked at him.

“Heard it from a colleague. Not quite sure.”

“Wait… How did your colleague know about this?”

“You still don’t get it?” Kris asked. “I am from the military. We came here three days ago to look for survivors, but got attacked by a whole group of zombies. A lot of us were turned and a lot of us died.  I managed to survive these few days.”

“Oh…” Yixing said and looked down. It must be hard for Kris, his friends all died. He might have been forced to kill a few of those who were turned too.

“Rest up.” Kris said. “We’ll need to go look for a way to get out of here tomorrow.”

Yixing nods. “Hey, Kris.” He said and Kris turns. “Thanks.”

The next morning was by far the best morning Yixing had woken up to. He finally had some sleep and he was feeling energized. He looked around and found Kris sitting in a corner, listening to the radio.

“Good morning.” Yixing said and sat down beside him.

“Good morning.” Kris said. “Here, have some breakfast. I got it from one of the convenient stores.”

Finally some food! Yixing thought. He ate hungrily, staring at Kris most of the time. Kris has been expressionless since Yixing met him. There is no sign of fear on his face at all. Yixing reckons that Kris is probably highly trained in the military and is not afraid of anything at all.

“Where are we heading next?” Yixing asked.

“We’re going to the airport.” Kris said. “Just to double check if there is any private jets parked there.”

“Okay. I’ll just follow you then.” Yixing said and smiled.

Kris was amused at how optimistic Yixing is. He was smiling even though they were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

“You’re not from around here are you?” Kris asked. “I can tell from your English accent.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m from China, a place called Changsha.” Yixing said.

“China? My family’s there too.” Kris said. “Except that we live in Guangzhou.”

“Oh? Well, let’s make it out of here together and get back to China shall we?” Yixing asked.

Kris nods. If only they could get a plane…

After much preparation and quite a long journey, the two of them finally reached the airport and were checking to see if there are any jets there.

“Any luck?” Kris asked.

“Nope.” Yixing shook his head. “You?”

“No. I’ve found a lot of jets with their wings broken.” Kris said. “Nothing at all.”

Yixing sighed. He was beginning to lose hope.

“Wait a second…” Kris said and walked towards the newspaper stand. “Here, look at this.” He said and handed Yixing the newspaper.

On the front page were the headlines, about an interview with the richest man in town.

“He owns a helicopter.” Kris said while flipping through the pages. “Looks like we’ve found our way out of this hell hole.”

“We just have to look for his mansion.” Yixing said. “How hard can that be?”

Kris looked at Yixing and smiled.

“That’s the first time I’ve seen you smiled.” Yixing said. “And I like it.”

Kris’s eyes widen and stare at him. This is the first time someone had ever told him that they liked his smiles.

“Now let’s go get that ticket way out.” Yixing said and walked towards the exit.

Kris hotwired a truck and the two of them got in.

“A truck?”

“Unless you wanted to be zombie lunch, yes, a truck.”

“Do you know how to drive one?”

“I drive tanks in the military, what can I not do?” Kris asked.

Yixing laughed. He is right. He almost failed his driving test and he is in no place to judge Kris’s driving skills.

“Okay then. Let’s go.” Yixing said and got on the truck.

It was harder than they thought to look for the mansion in town. There were a lot of mansions here and they were all in different parts of town.

“That’s it for today.” Kris said and they began looking for a place to spend the night. “Look for somewhere high. The zombies can’t possibly get us if we’re in higher ground.”

The two of them stuck together, watching each other’s back.

“Watch out!” Yixing hissed and pulled Kris to hide behind a mailbox. The moment he pulled Kris to hide, a whole bunch of zombies came walking towards their direction.

“Shhh. They can’t detect us if we don’t make a sound.” Kris said and Yixing nods. They crouch down and held each other’s arm tightly.

Kris gestured towards Yixing to move slowly to prevent making noises. While they were moving, a gust of wind blew through and a signboard behind them came crashing to the ground, producing a loud noise and resulting in the zombies walking towards their direction.

“Kris!” Yixing shouted. “Duck!” He said.

Kris ducked as Yixing said and Yixing shot the zombie that was about to bite Kris in the head. Kris’s eyes widen. Yixing just saved him.

“Run!” Kris said and grabs Yixing’s arm. They ran and ran and finally they reached an apartment and they ran upstairs to the roof and up the signboard.

“We’ll be safe here.” Kris said while panting hard.

“That was close!” Yixing said. He was shaking so hard that when he talks, his voice trembles.

“That was a nice shot.” Kris said and looked at Yixing. “Thanks for saving my life.”

“Hey, I owe you one.” Yixing said. “Now we’re even.” He added and smiled.

Kris felt weird. He has this weird attraction towards Yixing. He might be in love with Yixing now. Being with Yixing made him wanted to protect him and keep him safe.

“We should get some rest.” Kris said. “Tomorrow will another day full of challenges.”

Yixing couldn’t sleep that night. He had just shot a person.

“It doesn’t count does it?” Yixing whispers to himself. “He is dead even before I shot him…” He mumbles.

“Who are you talking to?” Kris asked when he heard Yixing mumbling.

“Nothing…” Yixing said and pretends to be falling asleep.

“Is this the place?” Kris asked while stopping the other truck that the hotwired this morning.

“I think it is.” Yixing said. “Come on, let’s go check it out.”

The two of them got off the truck and walked into the mansion. They were shocked when they realized that there were no zombies in there.

“Guess the zombies couldn’t get through the walls.” Kris said.

“That or they got smarter and hid.” Yixing said and shrugged.

They kept walking and they got into the hall.

“I think this is it.” Yixing said. “Paintings of planes, helicopters, jets all over the walls. Definitely it.”

“We just have to look for it and we’re off.” Kris said. “It should be in a garage or some sort.” He added and reached to open one of the doors.

Just as he was turning the knob, a zombie appeared from nowhere and bit his arm.

“.” Kris cursed and shoots the zombie in the head. “I’m bit.”

“No…” Yixing ran over to him and looks at the wound.

“You’ll have to put me down Yixing.”

“NO!” Yixing said and backed away. “I won’t. I can’t!”

“Yixing!” Kris said. “Please, I don’t want to be one of them.”

“We’ll get out of here together and maybe they’ve develop a cure… Please Kris you can’t leave me alone.”

“Yixing….” Kris looked him in the eye.  “Just kill me.”

“I like you Kris.” Yixing said suddenly. “In fact, I love you!”

Kris froze. “You what?”

“Yeah that’s right!” Yixing said. “I love you. I’ve fallen in love with you and you listen to me, we’ll get out of here no matter what.”

“I can’t. I’ll turn just like them.” Kris said and gesture towards the zombie on the floor. “I don’t want to hurt you!”

Yixing kept quiet. “How long before you turn?” He asked.

“About 24 hours…” Kris said.

“Can we at least spend it together?” Yixing asked.

Kris stares at Yixing. “Yeah… We should.”

The two of them went to the roof of the mansion and sat down at the edge of the building.

“Promise me one thing.” Kris said.


“Shoot me before I turn.”

Yixing looks at Kris with tears in his eyes. “I promise.”

Yixing leans on Kris’s chest and Kris puts his arm around Yixing’s shoulders. They stare into the skies and talked about each other.

“Never thought that this city could be so pretty huh?” Yixing asked.

“Yeah. Everyone’s too busy about their own lives, moving in fast paces, being too materialistic…” Kris said and laughed.

“I want to go back home to Changsha, then we can go have my mum’s home cooked dinner.” Yixing said.

Kris kept quiet. Yeah, we.

Yixing fell asleep after a while in Kris’s embrace. Kris smiled. He wanted to kiss him but he was afraid that the infection is contagious. Kris continues looking at Yixing and he too, fell asleep after a short while.

When Yixing opened his eyes, Kris was nowhere to be found. He panicked and checked the time. Oh no… 24 hours had passed. KRIS! He stood up and looked around, eyes searching for the tall body figure.

“Kris!” He shouted when he saw Kris standing at the far end of the building. He ran and ran towards him and stopped a few feet away from him.

Kris was alright. He was completely fine. He did not turn into one of the undead. Kris turned and looked at Yixing.


“You’re alright!” Yixing said and ran into Kris’s embrace. “You’re fine. You’re okay.” He said while sobbing.

“That’s the one thing that I don’t understand.” Kris said.

“Unless…” Yixing said and sniffed. “Unless you’re immune.”

Kris stares at Yixing. “Immune?”

“You could be the one that everyone needs. You can be the savior and stop this apocalypse. You are the cure!” Yixing said.

“But that doesn’t make any sense…” Kris said.

“Let’s get out of here first.” Yixing said. “Then we could get you to a lab and find out the truth.”

Yixing pulled Kris’s arm but Kris stopped him. Yixing turned and looked at him.

“What is it?”

“I’m alive Yixing.” Kris said and smiled. “I’m fine.”

“I know…” Yixing said and cupped Kris’s face. “I know.”

Kris pulled him in for a kiss and they stayed like that for a moment.

“We should get going.” Kris said.

“Yeah…” Yixing said. “We should.” 

This is my first time trying to write something like this.

This may but meh, I'm trying.

Anyway.... Pop quiz!

BaekYeol or XiuHan?

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To be honest the Kray zombie apocalypse story was kinda inspired by Dead Rising 3... Teehee


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Wow222 #1
In Exo's show time ep 9 when they played Bang 007 and Lay and Kris lost Lay looked at Kris with a scared face as they got split up and beat up by their members.
lovefanfics1609 #2
Chapter 33: Im just crying my heart out. Why authornim? Why...?
Chapter 51: Poor Yixing! :c
Chapter 33: Holy crap, Kray angst really hurt my heart!
Chapter 18: That was so cute and sad at the same time :c did you cried writing this? :o
Chapter 18: That was so cute and sad at the same time :c did you cried writing this? :o
Chapter 52: omg.. i love this date combination.. so cool~
Chapter 51: the stalker really really disgusting.. its good that you're okay, xing
Chapter 50: oh, luhan.. why you so stubborn? lucky sehun still love you, tsk tsk but i love when you did that for some reasons :')
NadyaMisa #10
Chapter 51: boyfriend material. i like this story :)