Chapter 8

Spur Winter


After a little funny quarrel among the boys over who’ll be your partner tonight, suddenly the lights off. The lights flashing on the stair and you know that Hyura will appear soon. Slowly, Hyura appears and walk down  the stairs carefull while flashing her beautiful smile. You smile proudly and feel happy for her. She looks really pretty like a princess.

                You take a glance at Luhan and see that he’s too mesmerized by Hyura. He cant stop staring at her and smiling softly. You feel sad again and bite your lips. You hurriedly try to forget about everything and bury your feeling in the deepest part of your heart. You playfully slap Luhan’s arm to prevent him from drooling over Hyura.

                He snaps out of his mind and look at you with his pokerface but it’s too late because you saw how he was staring at her. “Try not to drool, can you?” you chuckle amusedly despite your bleeding heart. Luhan finally lose it and sigh, he looks at Hyura again who’s now talking with some guy friends of her. “She’s really pretty.”

                With a smile you push Luhan forward slowly. He stares back at you with an questioning look. “Go, confess to her.” you said after you realize that Hyura walks towards the park alone which is filled with some of the guests. Luhan gives you a smile, a smile that you always love. “Wish me luck.” he said before leaving you standing alone, broken.

                “Shall we follow them silently?” you heard  Xiumin asked  Baekhyun and Kris, behind you. The other guys heard what Xiumin said though. Seems like they’ve found out that Luhan likes Hyura.

                “I don’t know.. It’s really tempting though. I bet he’s going to confess to her.” said Kris with smirk.

                “Let’s go! We shouldn’t even discuss this you know, isn’t peeking  our permanent hobby?!” said Sehun excitedly, and you chuckle. You can’t help but forget that you’re hurting inside. You turn your body to them and look at them amusedly.

                “Last time we peeked over Luhan,what we got wasn’t really good though.” said Chanyeol remembering the nightmare of them when they peeked over making out Luhan with a girl in a club. You laugh remembering that too. The day after they peeked over him, Luhan put some cockroaches on their bags, knowing that cockroach is their weakness, and it made them scream like girls, making their pride went down in front of the other students immediately.

                “It’s okay, just hand it to me, I’ll take care of that.” said Sehun knowing that he himself is Luhan’s weakness. With that, then they decide to slowly go after Luhan and Hyura. Suho realizes that you don’t even move an inch, and looks at you.

                “You’re not coming?” asked Suho carefully. “I.. I  have to take my gift for Hyura in the car.” You stutter while saying those words. The truth is that you are not sure if you’re ready to see them.. as a couple. Suho somehow knows about the real reason of you and smile sadly before  and leave you alone.


                After you take your gift for Hyura, you nervously walk towards them in the park. You keep taking a deep breath to calm yourself. When you finally find the glimpse of the guys peeking over Luhan and Hyura, you join them and what you see breaks your heart immediately.

                Luhan and Hyura sit in a lawn chairs, and.. kissing. Your breath become unsteady but you try to calm yourself while the other guys try so hard not to make any noise. You have to be okay because soon you need to get used of this view after Hyura and Luhan become a couple. A warm hands wrap around your cold hands, and you realizes it’s Suho’s who’s staring at you with a pity gaze.

                You smile at him, try to maintain your expression and mouthing him ‘I’m okay’. He’s still holding your hands though, when Yixing suddenly sneezes, making the boys freeze on spot, as Hyura and Luhan turn their heads towards the bushes of the leafs behind them. Everyone still freeze on spot, not daring to move even an inch. Luhan’s expression was first shocked, before he realizes it and his cold expression appears on his face.

                “..Guys..” said Luhan, trying to maintain his annoyance. Hyura on the other hand chuckles. All the boys reveal themselves and walk towards Luhan and Hyura with an innocent gaze on their faces, while Baekhyun slaps Yixing’s head. You follow behind them slowly, not sure if you’re ready to face them.

                “CONGRATULATIONS!!!” said the boys at the same time, making Hyura and even Luhan blush. Luhan doesn’t know how to react. He then looks at the shy Hyura and smiles purely. You try to hold your tears, you’re happy and broken at the same time. That smile of Hyura that you love is there, and also Luhan’s.

                Hyura suddenly spots you and she gets up immediately and hug you. You hug her back and whispering congratulation on her ears. Luhan smiles soflty at the sight. “Now, you can’t flirt with other guys anymore.” you playfully wink at her, and she slaps your arms softly. “Same goes to you, Luhan.” you said and give Luhan a warning gaze, you’re just teasing him though.  Luhan chuckles and nod eagerly.

                “I wont ever hurt Hyura, don’t worry, Hyerim.” said Luhan while smiling. You smile proudly despite your own broken heart. The other guys shriek at Luhan’s words, and they laugh.

                “Shut up. I haven’t forgiven you all.” said Luhan to the boys in his cold expression but blushing so hard. You and the boys laugh so hard at the miserable Luhan.

                “Well, then since they just became a couple, I think we should leave them now, I’m sure they want to have a moment with only both of themselves.” said Chanyeol and followed by the others’ nod.

                “Wow, you’re being clever Chanyeol. This is rare.” said Luhan and get a smack from Chanyeol. you and all of them laugh at them.

                As the others leaving Luhan and Hyura, you hand her your gift and hug her once again. “I’m really happy for you.” you said once again. “Thank you so much Hyerim.” said Hyura while holding your hands and smile.

                “Umm.. Hyura, I need to go back home right now.” you said carefully.. and Hyura gives you a disappointed look. “What? But why? After this there’s an after party and what am I going to do without you.” Hyura pouts and you feel bad because of your decision. You decided to leave early because you can’t maintain your feelings anymore.

                “I- I’m not feeling well.” you try to find a reason, and Hyura looks at you worriedly. “Really?.. Then you have to go rest.” said Luhan all of sudden followed by Hyura’s nod, and he worriedly look at you. Your heart aches even more at his concern to you.

                “I’m sure I’ll be okay after I sleep.” you give them a reassuring smile and is about to leave when Luhan pulls your hand all of sudden. Your heart beats so fast only over the skin contact, you look into Luhan’s eyes and he gives you his pure smile, that smile that you always love.

“Thanks for everything, Hyerim” said Luhan and you nod at him, biting your slips so hard. You cant even reply his words, because you feel like when you open your mouth you’ll lose your strength. You hurriedly pull your hand from Luhan, and walks away., with tears in your eyes.

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Chapter 46: Sad-beautiful story I have ever read 😭😭😭💛💛 just love it! The most fav chapter is epilogue when they finally officially together! And the most fav scene is when Luhan is jealous pftt 😂
nanayeolxx #2
Chapter 46: this is so beautiful story i had read. i felt sorry to hyura bc being a jerk for leaving is blind
jessi828 #3
Chapter 46: beautiful.....
autumntears #4
Chapter 46: What a beautiful story!

You make my heart go shalalalala!...XD
livihwang #5
Chapter 46: It was an amazing story author nim!! I spent 2 hours and 30 until 2 am.. Actually i have an exam on tomorrow , but the more i clicked next button , i can't stop reading it.. This story was one of the best story that i have read <3 Good job ^^
haeri0610 #6
Chapter 46: I really love this story so much. I began crying when hyerim decided to take the photos she had taken with Lulu after knowing he would have a surgery. Gawd that was so sad...

But I'm glad they become together at last. Good job,authornim... Daebakkk
Chapter 46: how come I just only came upon this now??!! This is breathtakingly good!
zikyukai59 #8
Chapter 46: Urghhh why I've been noticed this story now...what a great story u have!!! Its such a wonderful yet heartbreaking story...thank u because make this story ^_^ ★★★★★++ I give u!!! Good job!!!