Chapter 14

Spur Winter


Your days on the college becoming like hell after what happened. You can feel that you and your friends becoming more and more distance except with Hyura of course. She silently supports you. You still eat with them in the cafeteria but there’s this awkward atmosphere between you and them. Both of you and your friends try not to talk about your relation ship with Myungsoo though.

This  time is no exception. You’re eating in the cafeteria with them, and the awkward silent is there again. You try so much to ignore the fact that your friends keep taking a glance on you. All of sudden you can feel that a hand wraps your hand which is on your laps under the table, and your eyes widen.

“Hyerim, do you.. really like him?” You stare into Luhan’s doe eyes. You’re still surprised that he’s still holding your hand even though Hyura was there beside him. No one realizes it though.

You slowly nod and flash him a sad smile. You really wish you could tell Luhan that your relation ship with Myungsoo is just fake. You sih you could tell him that you only love him….

For a moment, Luhan only has his blank expression before he nods his head and smile sadly, which surprises you. He takes his hands off of you, and continue on eating. Luhan starts talking with Hyura again, and he kisses her temple as he embraces her. A sigh escape from your lips and you choose to look at anywhere but them.

On the other hand someone is watching you. He was watching when you talked with Luhan, he was watching that after talking with you, Luhan started to being all lovey dovey again in front of your eyes. He watching how that sad face appeared after that.

That jerk. Myungsoo curses silently. He was eating with his gank member in the cafeteria too, but their table is far from Luhan’s gank. But it doesn’t make him stop watching you. Myungsoo slowly gets up from his seat and walks away. His friends raise their eyebrows as they see him walking towards Luhan’s gank table.

You’re not aware of the situation as you’re busy diverting your attention from Luhan and Hyura, you’re to concentrate on eating. You can feel that your friends suddenly fall silent. No, not only your friends, but also the whole cafeteria. You lift your head and you can see your friends staring dangerously at anything or anyone behind you.

You slowly turn your head, and find Myungsoo standing there looking at you with a big smile on his face. You gulp down. You now understand why whole student in the cafeteria hold their breaths. They know the unstable relation ship between Luhan’s gank and Myungsoo’s. And because, Myungsoo just approached Luhan’s gank table, and looking at your friends’ expression, is going to happen.  

                What you don’t expect is that suddenly Myungsoo bends down and lean forward making the space between you and his face is so close that you can feel his breath. You freeze not knowing what to do.

                “Want to eat with me, my dear?” asked Myungsoo with a light voice as he’s staring at your lips. You’re too speechless that you can only nod slowly making Myungsoo smiles. It’s not like you have another choice though.

                Myungsoo wraps his hand on yours, and pulls you off of the seat. You get up from your seat and turn your head and look at your friends’ disappointed face, especially Luhan.. He looks like he’s going to break anything in seconds, while Hyura silently become so excited. You bite your lips and give them a sorry smile before you let Myungsoo pulls your body.


                After you sat with Myungsoo and his friends, you can feel that your friends keep taking a glance towards you, and the whole cafeteria become aware of the burning aura between both ganks. You try so much to ignore everything and just sit in silent.

                Someone clears his throat and you lift your head. “So.. I don’t think we’ve introduced ourselves properly to you.” said Himchan. You actually know their names really well, but you choose to let them introduce themselves to you. “I’m Himchan, and this is Minhyun, Minhyuk, Ray, Kangjun, and.. your boyfriend Myungsoo.” you raise your brows, looks like they don’t know about the fake relation ship too.

                You chuckle at the statement though, and they also chuckle. “I’m Hyerim.” you know they’re waiting for you to introduce yourself too. They slowly nod before they continue eating again. You take a glance at Myungsoo who’s obviously keep staring at you. He flashes you his smile when you make an eye contact with him.

                “You know, I think my friend here is madly in love you.” said Minhyuk as he laughs lightly. You blush and immediately feel bad that you don’t love Myungsoo back. “And you know, if stares could kill, we all here we’d be dead already,” said Minhyun as he directs his eyes to your friends’ table who keeps giving death stares to here.

                You laugh at the statement, and they look surprise to hear you laugh before they also laugh. Myungsoo stares softly at the sight of you laughing. “Tomorrow night, we’ll have fun in the club, you know you can come too.” all of sudden Himchan offers you.

                “I’m sorry, I don’t go to club..” you carefully decline the offer. “Oh, come on. You don’t need to do anything. You can just sit there, and plus you’ll be with Myungsoo.” said Kangjun, making effort to make you agree.

                “I want you to go with me,” said Myungsoo softly as he stares at you intensely. You gulp down because if it’s Myungsoo then you have no other choice. You half heartedly nod slowly making Myungsoo’s lips curve into a smile. You’re not sure, but you have a bad feeling about this.




sorry for short update >_< i have to go somewhere~

anyway, thanks for liking the story!! <3

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Chapter 46: Sad-beautiful story I have ever read 😭😭😭💛💛 just love it! The most fav chapter is epilogue when they finally officially together! And the most fav scene is when Luhan is jealous pftt 😂
nanayeolxx #2
Chapter 46: this is so beautiful story i had read. i felt sorry to hyura bc being a jerk for leaving is blind
jessi828 #3
Chapter 46: beautiful.....
autumntears #4
Chapter 46: What a beautiful story!

You make my heart go shalalalala!...XD
livihwang #5
Chapter 46: It was an amazing story author nim!! I spent 2 hours and 30 until 2 am.. Actually i have an exam on tomorrow , but the more i clicked next button , i can't stop reading it.. This story was one of the best story that i have read <3 Good job ^^
haeri0610 #6
Chapter 46: I really love this story so much. I began crying when hyerim decided to take the photos she had taken with Lulu after knowing he would have a surgery. Gawd that was so sad...

But I'm glad they become together at last. Good job,authornim... Daebakkk
Chapter 46: how come I just only came upon this now??!! This is breathtakingly good!
zikyukai59 #8
Chapter 46: Urghhh why I've been noticed this story now...what a great story u have!!! Its such a wonderful yet heartbreaking story...thank u because make this story ^_^ ★★★★★++ I give u!!! Good job!!!