Chapter 34

Spur Winter


                This morning the sun doesn’t show up like usual, but it’s cloudy instead. The weather seems to represent your feeling at the moment. You’re walking to your campus with a blank stare and you keep your head down. It’s Monday and it’ll be the first day for you to be back at the college since a month ago but you don’t have any passion at all.

                You miss waking up to see Luhan sleeping beside you, you miss to spend your days with Luhan. You puff your cheeks before a desperate sigh escapes from your lips. It’s been two days since Luhan gets his eyesight back. Hyura called you a couple times just to tell you about how is he doing. She said that Luhan is really happy, he’s been in good mood, and he treats her more lovingly too. You could hear her excitement and you smiled. You’re happy by just hearing that Luhan is happy and Hyura is happy too, just like it used to be. Just like how it’s supposed to be. Despite your already really broken heart, there’s still a glimpse of happiness to see everyone you love is being happy.

                You’re entering the college’s entrance as you still keep your head down and lost in your own mind that you don’t realize that you’re walking into someone who’s been staring at you ever since you enter the college. You bump into the person’s chest and stumble backward in shock, but before you can fall, the person grabs your arms. “Tiny girl, please watch your steps.” your eyes widen at the familiar voice and you lift your head to see the person smirking at you. A big smile appears in your face.

                 “Myungsoo.” you have to admit that you missed him and you’re really happy to see him again. He’s one of your bestfriend that you love after all. “I missed you so much! How are you?” you ask him excitedly and he chuckles. “I’m fine, you?” your face fell for a moment but you manage to put on your smiley face again. “Me too.” you smile softly and both of you start to walk together to the class.

                   “Myungsoo, let’s pretend that we’re in a relationship again, like how it used to be” you try to speak as cheerful as you can but Myungsoo immediately knows that something isn’t right at the moment he stares at your eyes. “Why would you want to do it again?” a frown appears on his face and you gulp down, nervously. Myungsoo grows impatient as you’re still not replying his question. “What happened, Hyerim?” Myungsoo tries to look at you in the eyes with his sharp gaze and you immediately turn your face to the side, unable to meet his gaze. A sigh escapes from your lips. ‘I guess I have to tell him everything.

                    Myungsoo’s face changes from disbelief, to anger, to disappointment before it changes back to disbelief again as you finish telling him. You stare at him pleadingly, hoping he’ll want to help you. Myungsoo shots you a dark gaze before his eyes turn blank. “Why did you that?.. Why did you let her to have Luhan when you’re the one who deserve him?!” Myungsoo’s voice is so sharp that you gulp down, scared. You didn’t expect he would be so angry like this.

                   “I-it’s for Luhan, Myungsoo. You don’t understand. He loves Hyura.” you try to explain but Myungsoo only shake his head abruptly. “No, Hyerim. He likes you. I’m sure he likes you.” Myungsoo puts his hands on your shoulder and he shakes it lightly. A frown appears on your face and you shake your head abruptly. “No he doesn’t. He never loves me, Myungsoo. I was the one staying with him all the time and I’m sure that he likes Hyura.”  you stare at him pleadingly. You don’t know why would Myungsoo says that he likes you when it’s obvious that he likes Hyura.

                   Myungsoo on the other hand wants to make you sure that Luhan loves you, but he himself doesn’t have anything to proof it. Myungsoo is at lost for words and he stares at you in disbelief before a sad gaze appears in his eyes. He can’t even imagine how much you have sacrificed for Luhan and Hyura. He definitely hates Hyura now. What kind of bestfriend that doesn’t even care about the other one’s feelings.

                  “Please Myungsoo..” Myungsoo stares at your pleading gaze and he gives up. He turns his head to the side as he lets out a heavy sigh before he turns his face back to you. “Fine..” your face lights up and you immediately hug him while Myungsoo’s eyes widen as he feels surprised of your sudden hug. “Thank you, Myungsoo.” you pull your body and smile widely at him. Myungsoo soften seeing you become so happy. ‘How can you be happy like this when you’re actually breaking inside?




            You have prepared for everything even before you start your college again. You have changed every classes that Luhan was in with you so now you wont meet him in every of your classes. It’s because you’re not ready to face Luhan. It’s also for your own benefit so you’ll be able at least be concentrate to your subjects.

            You know that Luhan starts his college today too, but you managed to avoid him well, it’s the last class and you haven’t met him even once. You’re sitting on your table, when someone suddenly sits abruptly beside you and you turn your head in surprise only to find the furious gaze of Suho. “Why did you do that?!” He gives you a dark stare. At first, you are still surprised at his sudden presence and his question isn’t helping at all. But then you realize what he means and a sad expression appears in your face.

             “Why did you have to do anything without at least telling me maybe? Why did you do it even though you know that you’re the one who will be hurt the most? Why Hyerim, why??” Suho’s gaze turns from dark to sad. He takes a shaky breath, as he sees your hurtful expression. “Suho. I’m sorry I didn’t go with your plan..” you feel sorry at him and you bite your lips. You look at anywhere but him. “Hyerim, Hyura could just tell everything as what have we planned before..” He cups your face, and tries to search for your eyes.

              “No Suho, Luhan will be broken if he knows the truth.. He’ll be sad if he knows what Hyura did because he loves her, and he probably would hate her, and Hyura would be sad if that happens because she still loves Luhan too. It’s alright now, everything has turned to what is used to be.” you try to make him sure but Suho’s gaze to you is so sad that you bite your lips. “Then is it okay if you’re the who’s broken? Is it okay??” you stiffen at Suho’s words and you turn your gaze down You bite your lips hard before you let out a desperate sigh. You lift your head and smile at him softly. “It’s okay. I’m okay, trust me.” Suho stares at you in disbelief. He himself would be at the verge of breaking down if he was you but seeing how tough you are makes him soften.

                 Suho grabs your hands tightly and you slowly lift your head to face him, “You have me whenever you feel down, okay? I’ll always be there for you.” Suho loves you so much that he treats you as his own sister, he’ll be sad whenever you feel sad. You smile softly at him before you nod your head.



                You just finished doing your homework and you’re going home after you stuff some of your things into the locker. Most students have left the college and you’re alone in the corridor. You’re in your own world as you walk towards your locker. You feel thankful that your friends want to help and act like nothing happened in front of Luhan. You haven’t met Luhan or Hyura today and you are more than happy about that because you don’t think you’re ready enough to face him.

                You think about Luhan while you’re stuffing your things inside your locker. About how is he doing.. is he back to his usual cocky Luhan? you chuckle at the thought. Is he even thinking about you?.. your face becomes sad as the question comes into your mind. You let out a deep sigh and you try to forget about it at the moment, You don’t want to always feel sad, and you try to think of something good.

             You’re about to finish stuffing your things when someone comes in the same corridor with you and is staring at your side view in a bit distance. You don’t realize it before, but then as you finish it, and you close your locker you turn your body. You catch a glimpse of someone standing a bit distance at you and you lift your head. Your eyes widen in shock and your heart beats so fast. Tears start forming in your eyes as you stare into the person’s stare at you which is full of pain.


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Chapter 46: Sad-beautiful story I have ever read 😭😭😭💛💛 just love it! The most fav chapter is epilogue when they finally officially together! And the most fav scene is when Luhan is jealous pftt 😂
nanayeolxx #2
Chapter 46: this is so beautiful story i had read. i felt sorry to hyura bc being a jerk for leaving is blind
jessi828 #3
Chapter 46: beautiful.....
autumntears #4
Chapter 46: What a beautiful story!

You make my heart go shalalalala!...XD
livihwang #5
Chapter 46: It was an amazing story author nim!! I spent 2 hours and 30 until 2 am.. Actually i have an exam on tomorrow , but the more i clicked next button , i can't stop reading it.. This story was one of the best story that i have read <3 Good job ^^
haeri0610 #6
Chapter 46: I really love this story so much. I began crying when hyerim decided to take the photos she had taken with Lulu after knowing he would have a surgery. Gawd that was so sad...

But I'm glad they become together at last. Good job,authornim... Daebakkk
Chapter 46: how come I just only came upon this now??!! This is breathtakingly good!
zikyukai59 #8
Chapter 46: Urghhh why I've been noticed this story now...what a great story u have!!! Its such a wonderful yet heartbreaking story...thank u because make this story ^_^ ★★★★★++ I give u!!! Good job!!!