Chapter 40

Spur Winter




                It’s been a week since the fight accident with Myungsoo, and Luhan doesn’t feel any better at all. Something is totally wrong and no matter how many times he asks Hyura, she keeps saying that nothing happened. There’s also this feeling like there’s a big hole in his heart, and it’s empty. With a sigh, Luhan rubs his temple as he leans against the wall in the corridor. Everyone is going to the cafeteria or going home while he’s just standing there with so many thoughts on his mind.

                His mind wanders to you whenever he’s alone, always you. It hurts to see you with Himchan. It hurts knowing that you don’t even care about him. Everytime he sees you at the college, the urge to run to you and hug you is really big that it hurts him.  ‘I miss you so much that it’s hurting, really.’ Luhan whispers to himself, miserably. He stops denying the fact that he’s missing you so much, he’s tired of denying it.

                He knows that the one who should be on his mind all the time is Hyura, but instead it’s you. He doesn’t even think about Hyura at all unless she’s around him. ‘What is this feeling..’ he purses his brows as he’s feeling confused. Suddenly something pops on his mind. ‘Could it be.. love?’ Luhan’s eyes widen at his own thought and he abruptly shakes his head. “No, it couldn’t be.” he talks to himself, doesn’t care that he’s already gaining attention from other students in the same corridor.

                Luhan desperately keep shaking his head, denying the thought but his mind and his heart say so. He can’t even differentiate between real love or not, anymore. His heart always has some sparks whenever he sees you and it’ll beat so fast. He feels angry when you’re with Myungsoo. ‘It’s a jealousy?...’ Luhan once again shakes his head abruptly. He’s totally being in his own world, not caring about the other people who stare at him strangely before he feels someone shaking his shoulder.

                Luhan lifts his head and stares at the worried Sehun. “Hyung, are you alright?” Sehun has noticed Luhan’s strange behavior lately and it makes him even more worried. “Sehun.. I think there’s something wrong with me.” Luhan’s voice comes out so low. He can’t hold it anymore, he needs to tell someone about what he’s feeling. “You want to talk about it?” a frown appears on Sehun’s face before Luhan nods.

                “Sehun, all this time you’ve seen me ignoring Hyerim like I don’t care, right?” Sehun nods as he leans against the wall beside Luhan, but he’s still facing him. “I actually… I don’t know. It’s probably the most difficult thing for me to ignore her.. I just can’t Sehun, I don’t know why.” Luhan looks so helpless that Sehun feels pity on him. He’s surprised of what Luhan just said. “What do you exactly mean?” Sehun actually knows, it’s just that he wants Luhan to explain it more clearly.

                “I don’t know.. all that is on my mind is her. I can’t get her out of my mind. I feel so pathetic right now. I don’t know why I’m feeling like this.” Luhan his own hair and his stare becomes sad. He feels so pathetic that he can’t even face Sehun. A smile appears on Sehun’s face before he hides it as fast as it appears. “You like Hyerim, hyung. She’s the one you love.”

                Luhan has expected him to say it, but still he paled at Sehun’s words and he wants to deny it but he can’t. “No, Sehun. I’m not going to fall in love with a girl who doesn’t even care about me, about my feelings.” Luhan growls as he says those words. For a moment, Sehun forgot that Luhan doesn’t know the truth and now that he realizes it, his eyes stare at the ground sadly.

                “You can’t deny it, hyung.” Sehun said with a sigh and Luhan shakes his head desperately. “You need to help me how to forget about her.” Luhan says the opposite of what his heart says. “No, you can’t.” Sehun lifts his head with a serious expression. It’s rare to see this side of Sehun since he’s more like a spoiled kid in front of others, but when he’s being like this, it means he’s really serious on his words. His mind is still debating on telling Luhan the truth or keeping his promise for you.

                A desperate sigh escapes from his lips. ‘Hyura, I’m sorry.’ With a grim face he turns his head to Luhan. He looks so miserable and pale, and he pities him even more. It must be hurting him to ignore you. ‘Luhan hyung, you’re such an idiot.’ he whispers to his mind before he stares at Luhan’s eyes, whose been staring into his eyes, to find an answer.

                “There’s something you don’t know, and you need to know about it. The truth.” a frown appears on Luhan’s face after he heard Sehun’s words. “What??” Luhan’s heart beats so fast that he’s getting worried of what exactly is Sehun talking about. Sehun takes a deep breath before he starts to speak. “Hyerim.. She’s actually the one that-“. “Luhan.” the sudden appearance of Hyura beside Luhan, stops Sehun’s words and he curses inside. Both of Sehun and Luhan talked so serious that they didn’t care about their surrounding, and didn’t realize that someone was approaching them.

                Hyura stares at both of them suspiciously and the frown on Luhan’s face replaced by his cold expression, like usual.”Luhan, you said you want to drive me home.” Hyura stops staring at them suspiciously and stare at Luhan pleadingly. Sehun is trying so hard to prevent himself not to strangle Hyura and throw her off the roof of the college building. ‘This .’  

                A smile appears on Luhan’s face. Sehun can feel a bit of enjoyment because the smile on Luhan’s face is not really pure. “Right. Sorry I forgot. Umm, let’s just go right now.” Hyura nods happily, she’s trying hard to avoid the cold aura that Sehun gives off, though. Hyura then grabs Luhan’s arms softly and pull him with her. Luhan shrugs his shoulder at Sehun before he turns his body, letting Hyura to pull him.

                “Ugh that was close.” Sehun growls dangerously and punches the air desperately. Now, he regrets that he didn’t kick Hyura on the face and bury her with his own hands. “I’ll tell you about everything, hyung. I’ll tell you soon.” with a grim expression he nods slowly as he promises to himself.

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Chapter 46: Sad-beautiful story I have ever read 😭😭😭💛💛 just love it! The most fav chapter is epilogue when they finally officially together! And the most fav scene is when Luhan is jealous pftt 😂
nanayeolxx #2
Chapter 46: this is so beautiful story i had read. i felt sorry to hyura bc being a jerk for leaving is blind
jessi828 #3
Chapter 46: beautiful.....
autumntears #4
Chapter 46: What a beautiful story!

You make my heart go shalalalala!...XD
livihwang #5
Chapter 46: It was an amazing story author nim!! I spent 2 hours and 30 until 2 am.. Actually i have an exam on tomorrow , but the more i clicked next button , i can't stop reading it.. This story was one of the best story that i have read <3 Good job ^^
haeri0610 #6
Chapter 46: I really love this story so much. I began crying when hyerim decided to take the photos she had taken with Lulu after knowing he would have a surgery. Gawd that was so sad...

But I'm glad they become together at last. Good job,authornim... Daebakkk
Chapter 46: how come I just only came upon this now??!! This is breathtakingly good!
zikyukai59 #8
Chapter 46: Urghhh why I've been noticed this story now...what a great story u have!!! Its such a wonderful yet heartbreaking story...thank u because make this story ^_^ ★★★★★++ I give u!!! Good job!!!