Chapter 44

Spur Winter


              You feel happy enough. Yes, at least you feel happy enough that all your friends are here to see you go, to see you for the last time. One thing that makes you sad is that Myungsoo isn’t here.. yet. He promised you he’ll go to the airport, but he isn’t even here yet when around 30 minutes later your plane will take off. Another thing that is distracting you the  most is that you’re trying so hard to step aside your mind of hoping Luhan and Hyura will appear. Especially Luhan. You let out a sigh and erase the thought away.

                “Hyerim.” You turn your head to the side and find Sehun smiling widely at you. You must’ve been in deep thought that you didn’t notice Sehun came to sit beside you. You’re sitting with your friends inside the airport, you refuse to go inside the airport longue. You want to spend your last time here with your friends so you decide to stay until your plane is ready to take off. 

                You stare at Sehun, waiting for him to continue when you notice a bottle that he’s holding and you raise your brows. “Let’s drink this.” He smiles so widely and he shows you a little bit of his aegyeo and you find yourself amazed by his cuteness before you chuckle. ‘Not again, Sehun’. “Sehun.. You need to stop.” Suho who’s sitting in front of you, stares at him warningly, making Sehun pouts while the others laugh.

                Sehun has been trying to do anything to make you stay such as begging to Suho to let him drive the car which has you inside and purposely trying to crash the car but it failed somehow,  hiding your suitcase (he did it with Chanyeol’s help), and now he’s asking you to drink tequila with him so that you would be drunk and you couldn’t go.

                You laugh at Sehun who’s staring at you pleadingly before you give him a sorry smile, and he walks back to sit beside Tao with shoulder slumped down.  Just like that, you and your friends laugh while talking together, all of you are trying to forget about the fact that Luhan isn’t here. 15 minutes passed, and you take a glance at your wristwatch worriedly. You feel a movement beside you and see Suho sits there.

                “How much time is left?” he asks and you let out a sigh. “I don’t know.. probably 10 minutes..” You keep your glance down, not wanting Suho to see the pain in your eyes. “Myungsoo isn’t here yet..” Suho takes a glance around before a sigh escapes from his lips.  “I know.. I tried to call him, but no answer.”  What you don’t get is that your friends are worried. All of them are worried not just because Myungsoo isn’t here yet, but because the only chance is on Myungsoo. The chance to bring Luhan to here is on Myungsoo’s hand..

                You’re just about to call Myungsoo again when an announcement can be heard in the entire airport. The announcement of your flight. You don’t notice how your friends stiffen at the announcement and all of them taking a glance at each other. “It’s time..” a sigh comes out from your lips and you slowly get up from your seat.

You walk slowly to the gate in silent, followed by your friends. As you arrive in front of the gate where your friends cant follow you anymore, you slowly turn your body towards them. You keep your gaze down, not daring to lift your head. Not daring to say goodbye to your friends.

                But you have to. You take a deep breath and trying to hold your tears. As you lift your head, you stare at their sad eyes, and you smile as wide as you can, you give them the purest of your smile. At least you want them to remember your smile at the last time. “Thank you, guys.” you say and you feel like you’re going to break into tears as you remember your time with them. Their kindness towards you. “You guys are the best, thank you for everything and don’t forget about me, okay?” you wink at them to hold back your tears and they laugh.

                “Hyerim, call me, okay?” you can see tears on Sehun’s eyes and you hug him tight. You’ll miss his cuteness so much and a sad smile appears on your face. “I will. I will always call all of you.” you release the hug and you Sehun’s hair softly while staring at your friends, giving them a reassuring smile. Before you go, you stare at Suho and smile softly at him. Suho steps forward and stare at you with a sad gaze.

                “Suho, thanks for everything.” you don’t know how to pay back everything that he has done for you and you hug him so tight trying so hard to hold back your tears. Suho caresses your hair before he releases the hug. “No need to say thanks, and you have to call me everyday, okay?” Suho gives you a warning stare and you slap his arms playfully.

                You slowly step back from your friends with a heavy chest, and wave your hand at them. You try to remember the smiles on their faces clearly before you hurriedly turn your body and walk inside the gate with tears streaming down your cheeks.





                Luhan has never been feeling this anxious and nervous before, and he feels like throwing up. His hands are cold and he can’t breath properly. He hasn’t recovered from the truth that just shocked him, and now he gets hit 2nd time about the fact that you’re leaving in an hour. No, not an hour anymore. 15 minutes more. “Myungsoo, can you please drive faster.” Luhan’s voice is shaky and Myungsoo stares at him with wide eyes.  “I’m driving in 130 km speed, Luhan.”

                Luhan tries to get his sense back and realize that Myungsoo is already driving so fast. “Sorry.. I just..” Luhan stares at Myungsoo with a dull eyes, and Myungsoo gives him a little smile. “I know. I understand.” A sigh escapes from Myungsoo’s lips and he continues. “We’ll make it, trust me.” Luhan stares at Myungsoo and he replies his smile. “Thank you Myungsoo. Thank you.” Luhan doesn’t know how to thank him anymore, and he feels guilty that he used to hate Myungsoo so much.

                After seems like forever, they finally reach the airport. Luhan can’t wait anymore to jump out of the car when they got stuck in a small jam of cars queuing to the front gate. Myungsoo lets out a desperate sigh and he takes a quick glance at his wristwatch. We don’t have any time anymore. “Luhan, there’s no time left. You should go now.” Luhan stares at  him in wide eyes. “What about you?”

                “I’ll be okay. I’ll come inside once I park the car.” Myungsoo gives him a reassuring smile nefore his face turns serious and he tells Luhan to go now once again. Luhan nods eagerly and get out of the car before he runs as fast as he can, ignoring the stares that he gets from people around. All he can think at the moment is you. Only you. ‘Please wait..

                In a minute, he gets inside the airport, and run to find the gate’s number that Myungsoo told him. After some minutes he finds the terminal and quickly looks around. ‘Where are you, where are you.’ Luhan starts to panic and it feels like his heart is going to explode because of the rate when he catches a glimpse of his friends.

                Luhan thanks the god, and he quickly runs towards his friends whose back facing him. They’re standing in front of the gate. As Luhan runs closer and closer, he adjusts his eyes and he starts to panic again. You’re not there. You’re not with his friends. He stops right behind your friends back, and it feels like he gets hit by something really hard on his chest.. because you’re no there with them anymore.



sorry just updated ;; haha i was sick ;;;

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Chapter 46: Sad-beautiful story I have ever read 😭😭😭💛💛 just love it! The most fav chapter is epilogue when they finally officially together! And the most fav scene is when Luhan is jealous pftt 😂
nanayeolxx #2
Chapter 46: this is so beautiful story i had read. i felt sorry to hyura bc being a jerk for leaving is blind
jessi828 #3
Chapter 46: beautiful.....
autumntears #4
Chapter 46: What a beautiful story!

You make my heart go shalalalala!...XD
livihwang #5
Chapter 46: It was an amazing story author nim!! I spent 2 hours and 30 until 2 am.. Actually i have an exam on tomorrow , but the more i clicked next button , i can't stop reading it.. This story was one of the best story that i have read <3 Good job ^^
haeri0610 #6
Chapter 46: I really love this story so much. I began crying when hyerim decided to take the photos she had taken with Lulu after knowing he would have a surgery. Gawd that was so sad...

But I'm glad they become together at last. Good job,authornim... Daebakkk
Chapter 46: how come I just only came upon this now??!! This is breathtakingly good!
zikyukai59 #8
Chapter 46: Urghhh why I've been noticed this story now...what a great story u have!!! Its such a wonderful yet heartbreaking story...thank u because make this story ^_^ ★★★★★++ I give u!!! Good job!!!