Chapter 17

Spur Winter


You take a deep breath before you step into the classroom. Since you woke up this morning until you arrive in front of your class room, your heart never stops beating fast. Your hands are cold from the nervous. You’re not sure of how to face everyone.

                After taking a deep breath you step in. The class is still half empty and you let out a relief sigh because you don’t see Luhan and the others. You hurriedly go to your table and take a seat. You don’t know what to do to wait for the class to start and you prop your chin on your hand and just stare at the window. You’re thinking about what will you do or say to your friends after what has happened. You feel really embarrassed and guilty to your friends that you let out a desperate sigh.

                Afterwards, you hear the class door get opened and you turn your head. Luhan, Kai, Suho, Kris, and Baekhyun step in the class. Luhan’s eyes fix on yours right after he steps in, and he immediately divert his eyes off of you coldly. Your heart aches and you bite your lips. You look at the others and they give you a sorry smile.

                Luhan and the others take a seat and Luhan takes out his ipod from his pocket and stuff the earphones on his ears, totally ignoring you. Usually when Luhan sees you, he’ll akways approach you and both of you will talk and laugh about everything, but now he’s totally ignoring you and pretends that he doesn’t know you. Worse is that he probably pretends that you’re not here.

                You stare at the ground and let out a shaky breath, this is the first time Luhan behaves like this towards you, and it hurts. You prefer facing Luhan and Hyura being lovey dovey any time, than Luhan ignoring you like this. You slowly take out Luhan’s jacket from your bag and decide to return it to him now. This can be your chance to talk to him.

                You take a deep breath before you get up from your seat and walk towards Luhan’s seat. As you arrive there, Kai, Kris, Suho, and Baekhyun who were chatting over something, stop chatting and a silent awkward appears. You stand beside Luhan, and Luhan’s eyes are on everything but you. It’s like he doesn’t see you standing there when it’s so clear.

                You slowly raise your hand touch his shoulder, unsure. Luhan flinches a bit and he turns his head to you with a very cold stare. He takes off his earphones, and again he diverts his eyes off of you and you bite your lips. “Luhan… I just want to return this.” You pull your hands which is holding Luhan’s jacket to him. Luhan stares at the jacket for awhile before he takes it.

                He stays quiet after he stuffs his jacket on his bag. He puts on his earphones back and his attention is on his ipod. That’s it. He doesn’t even say a single word after you return his jacket. It really hurts when Luhan doing this to you and you bite your lips really hard. The others give you a sorry smile, and you reply them with a sad smile before you go back to your seat.


                The whole day Luhan keeps ignoring you. Your friends still talk with you though, and you’re more than thankful because of that. The whole day not a single time Luhan even takes a glance at you. It’s like your presence is totally irrelevant for him. You choose to just ignore everything and just be your usual self. It’s hard, but you’ll try.

                You just placed some of your things on your locker and you decide to just go to the cafeteria because you feel hungry. As you arrive at the cafeteria, you try to find an empty spot and you find your friends on a table. You decide you’ll just eat with them like usual, despite everything that happened.

                As you arrive at their table, the awkward atmosphere is there again. Luhan and Hyura who were whispering and laughing immediately stop, his blank cold face is there again and also your other friends who were chatting together stops. You try to ignore it and flash them your usual smile. “Guys.. I just want to eat with you,” you still feel really embarrassed but at least you try to rise.

                “Of course! Why do you even say that. Usually you’ll just immediately take a seat, Hyerim. No need to ask us anymore.” Suho gives you a reassuring smile as he taps an empty spot beside him, followed by the others’ nods except Luhan of course. You feel like you’re going to cry, you feel welcomed again, and you’re more than thankful because of that.

                As you’re going to sit beside Suho, Luhan clear his throat and gives you a cold stare. “You know, why don’t you just eat with your boyfriend.” you’re speechless as Luhan’s words break your heart. His stare to you is really cold and it looks like he really mean those words. “Luhan!!” Sehun shouts as he gives Luhan a warning gaze. Suho gives Luhan a dangerous look before he diverts his eyes to you with a soft stare.

                “Don’t mind him. Just sit here,” Suho smiles and pulls your hand while you’re just remaining silent not knowing what to do. “I’m serious. She has her own friends now, and if she’s going to sit with us here, I’ll just leave.” Luhan stares coldly at his friends. Luhan doesn’t even want to speak directly with you.

                This is really hurting you that he really… doesn’t want you. You bite your lips really hard that it starts to bleed. “Luhan…” Hyura puts her hands on Luhan’s chest as she looks at him sadly. “What the are you talking about, Luhan.. really..” said Chanyeol as he starts to lose his patience to Luhan. They don’t understand why Luhan is so angry to you and you yourself also don’t understand about it.

                “It’s okay, guys.. I’ll just go home.” Your breath become unstable but you hide it well. You hide your hurt feelings well behind your poker face. You give them a reassuring smile and turn your body, leaving them. You hear one of your friends shout your name but you just ignore and keep walking, trying so hard to hold back your tears.




short update >_< but i'll update again soon :3

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Chapter 46: Sad-beautiful story I have ever read 😭😭😭💛💛 just love it! The most fav chapter is epilogue when they finally officially together! And the most fav scene is when Luhan is jealous pftt 😂
nanayeolxx #2
Chapter 46: this is so beautiful story i had read. i felt sorry to hyura bc being a jerk for leaving is blind
jessi828 #3
Chapter 46: beautiful.....
autumntears #4
Chapter 46: What a beautiful story!

You make my heart go shalalalala!...XD
livihwang #5
Chapter 46: It was an amazing story author nim!! I spent 2 hours and 30 until 2 am.. Actually i have an exam on tomorrow , but the more i clicked next button , i can't stop reading it.. This story was one of the best story that i have read <3 Good job ^^
haeri0610 #6
Chapter 46: I really love this story so much. I began crying when hyerim decided to take the photos she had taken with Lulu after knowing he would have a surgery. Gawd that was so sad...

But I'm glad they become together at last. Good job,authornim... Daebakkk
Chapter 46: how come I just only came upon this now??!! This is breathtakingly good!
zikyukai59 #8
Chapter 46: Urghhh why I've been noticed this story now...what a great story u have!!! Its such a wonderful yet heartbreaking story...thank u because make this story ^_^ ★★★★★++ I give u!!! Good job!!!