Chapter 12

Spur Winter


The slow raindrop on the window doesn’t bother you a bit, whom staring at the window blankly. You feel like going crazy of what’s been happening to you. You even don’t care that Mrs. Kim is currently teaching the class a new formula. You’re in your own world thinking about yesterday.

                “Be my girlfriend.” You stare at Myungsoo, speechless. Your mind is still processing those words slowly. “W-what?...” the word just slip from your mouth.

Myungsoo’s smirk is getting wider as he nods. “Yes, be my girlfriend and your little secret will be save.” You still can’t believe that it’s the condition that Myungsoo wants.

“But, I can’t!” you start to yell because this is just getting too much. “Why you can’t?” Myungsoo still being stubborn over it. “I can’t because I don’t have that kind of feeling towards you…” you try to say those words carefully because you don’t want to hurt him.

“It’s okay, you can just act as my girlfriend in front of all people.” It seems like your words don’t affect Myungsoo even a bit. “But.. your friends and my friends just don’t match, you know.. This is just not right, Myungsoo.” you helplessly beg for him as Myungsoo smiles.

“I like it when you say my name.” you stare at him unbelievable. “Fine if you don’t want, I can always give the recording to Mr. Park.” he continued as he flips his hair. Myungsoo then walk pass you and leaving you there who’s absentmindedly staring at the ground.

“Wait!” Myungsoo’s lips curve into a smile as he can feel your hands on his arms, restrain him from leaving. “Fine, I’ll act as your girlfriend.” your words come out very soft as you pray that you’re not making a wrong decision.

Myungsoo’s smile grows even wider as he feels satisfied to your decision. “Nice decision, baby.” Myungsoo turns his head and facing you with big smile on his face.

You let out a desperate sigh as you put your elbow on your table and put your chin on your palm. A hand shaking your shoulder softly interrupting your deep thoughts. You abruptly raise your head.

“I’ve called your name 3 times and you didn’t even reply.” said Luhan while scrunching his eyebrows. “I was in deep thoughts, sorry.” you shrug your shoulders and chuckle nervously. You haven’t told anyone about you being Myungsoo’s girlfriend and you just don’t know how to tell them..

“Class has ended, do you want to go somewhere?” asked Luhan and you raise your eyebrows. “I don’t really have anything to do.. where is Hyura?” you ask curiously because you don’t see her around. There’re only Luhan and the other boys here. “She has her ballet course.” replied Luhan while he takes a seat beside you.

“Let’s watch movies at my home.” offered Chanyeol all of sudden with his big smile. You look at him and slowly nod your head because you indeed don’t have anything to do, and watching movies sounds fun to do at the moment.

The others seem don’t have any problem with that and nod their heads as they make their way out of the class, followed by Luhan as he reaches for your hand. You blush at the action and let your body get pulled by him.

The mood is so good and you can feel it again, those moments when you spend most of your time with Luhan. You smile softly and chuckle at the sight of Suho scolding Sehun because he’s too spoiled. All of you are already at the parking lot when someone calls you from behind.

“Hyerim,” you suddenly become so nervous as your hear that voice. You turn your head and see Myungsoo smiling to you, he’s with s. You can feel that Luhan tenses up, and your other friends as well.

 “M-Myungsoo.” you don’t really know how to react and you have to remind yourself that you have to act. Act as Myungsoo’s girlfriend. And the realization that you haven’t told your friends anything hit you hard.

                You can see Myungsoo’s members put on death stares on their faces and you’re sure that your friends also do that even though they’re behind you. You take a glance at Myungsoo and his smile slowly fading away, replaced by a face as he stares at Luhan.

                “Kim Luhan, remove your hand off of her.” Myungsoo’s voice is as cold as ice and you shiver. You take a glance at Luhan and he looked surprised for a moment before he replies Myungsoo’s stare with a stare which is also as cold as ice.

                “Oh, why should I do that? I can do whatever I want.” Luhan is mocking Myungsoo as he tight his grip on your hand.  You can feel the atmosphere becoming dangerous. You know you must stop this but you don’t know how.

                “Of course you should. I’m sure you also don’t want if I hold your girlfriend’s hand, right.” your hearts beats so fast as you hear Myungsoo’s words, you’re scared of what will happen. Luhan and the others are confused at Myungsoo’s words but they hide it well.

                Myungsoo starting to lose patience and he raises his chin a bit. “I’m telling you once again Kim Luhan, to remove your hand off of my girlfriend.” Myungsoo growls dangerously while you start to become panic. You don’t have the guts to face Luhan or the others that you can only stare at the ground looking miserable.

                “W-What?..” Luhan’s word comes out very small and Myungsoo smirks. “Stop with this bull, Myungsoo. If you want to fight with us you don’t need to use Hyerim!” Sehun is losing his patience as he yells loudly and is about to face Myungsoo but get hold on by Kris and Suho.

                “I don’t speak bull. What I said is the truth.” Myungsoo smirks and turns his head to the side cockily. For a moment there’s only silence. You can only stare to the ground and close your eyes nervously. You feel hands on your arms and someone turn yours body. You lift your head and look into your friends’ eyes until it stops on Luhan’s.

                “Is that true?.” he asks softly and your heart breaks. You don’t have the guts to tell him. You bite your lips and nervously playing your own hands. ‘But he has Hyura, of course he wont be jealous’ you speak on your mind and start to gain some confidence.

                You look into those doe eyes once again and slowly nod sadly. Luhan’s face from unbelievable turns into anger to speechless before it turns to unbelievable again. You don’t even dare to look to your friends. You know they feel disappointed.. And you hate that you’re the one who disappoints them.

                You slowly back off of them, and turn your body towards Myungsoo, who’s staring at you with a proud smile. You walk slowly towards him  not daring to turn your body to your friends, because you don’t want to see their disappointed face again..

                Myungsoo raises his hand towards you as you reach him and you slowly raise your hand and put it on his hand.




sorry for the very late update >_< i was sick yesterday so only updated on chapter ;;

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Chapter 46: Sad-beautiful story I have ever read 😭😭😭💛💛 just love it! The most fav chapter is epilogue when they finally officially together! And the most fav scene is when Luhan is jealous pftt 😂
nanayeolxx #2
Chapter 46: this is so beautiful story i had read. i felt sorry to hyura bc being a jerk for leaving is blind
jessi828 #3
Chapter 46: beautiful.....
autumntears #4
Chapter 46: What a beautiful story!

You make my heart go shalalalala!...XD
livihwang #5
Chapter 46: It was an amazing story author nim!! I spent 2 hours and 30 until 2 am.. Actually i have an exam on tomorrow , but the more i clicked next button , i can't stop reading it.. This story was one of the best story that i have read <3 Good job ^^
haeri0610 #6
Chapter 46: I really love this story so much. I began crying when hyerim decided to take the photos she had taken with Lulu after knowing he would have a surgery. Gawd that was so sad...

But I'm glad they become together at last. Good job,authornim... Daebakkk
Chapter 46: how come I just only came upon this now??!! This is breathtakingly good!
zikyukai59 #8
Chapter 46: Urghhh why I've been noticed this story now...what a great story u have!!! Its such a wonderful yet heartbreaking story...thank u because make this story ^_^ ★★★★★++ I give u!!! Good job!!!