Chapter 13

Spur Winter


Myungsoo doesn’t let go of your hand a single bit, and you let him pull your weak body. You can’t forget Luhan’s disappointed face and it’s just making you feel worse. What have I done seriously..

                You stop walking and Myungsoo turns his head towards you with a questioning gaze. “I’m going home..” you said those words with no energy left and sad face. Myungsoo raises his eyebrows before he nods. “I’ll take you home.” he pulls your hand again after he said bye with his friends and both of you walk in silent.

                You actually want to refuse Myungsoo’s offer to take you home but you just don’t have any strength to talk anymore. Even when Myungsoo opens his car door for you, you just get in and sit without any comments, and it surprises Myungsoo a bit. “Why so grumpy?” asked Myungsoo as he chuckles after he took a seat and started his car engine.

                “Why are you doing this to me? You’re only making my life becoming more miserable, you know?” you take out a shaky breath. You start to think over some possibilities that you wont ever talk to your friends anymore, they’ll ignore you, and many more.

                Myungsoo doesn’t answer you but you don’t really care about it. You actually don’t expect he would answer it anyway. You silently take a glance at Myungsoo and studying his face. All girls would pay with anything to be in your place right now. But not you, Myungsoo is indeed handsome but you don’t like him in that way.. You can’t hate him too though, you don’t know why. And you have a feeling that he’ll be a very nice friend.

                Your deep thoughts sends you to the world of dreams without you realize it. You fell asleep in Myungsoo’s car. Myungsoo on the other hand realizes that you’ve fallen asleep and his lips curve into a soft smile at the sight. He pulls one of his hand from the steering wheel and your hair.

                “Believe me, I’m doing this for you.”




                You slowly open your eyes and the first thing that you see is your own room ceiling. You get up abruptly because you realize that last time you checked you were with Myungsoo. A relief sigh escape from your lips as you see that you’re still fully dressed. You get up from from your bed and walk out of your room because you feel extremely hungry.

                As you walk in the corridor you met one of your maids cleaning up the big mirror which is hanging on the right side of the wall. “Miss!!” She yells softly and run towards you as you give her a questioning gaze.

                “A prince brought you home! He asked me where is your room as he carrying you bridal style!!” she squeals excitedly and you raise your eyebrows. Myungsoo. You chuckle at her over excitement. “He’s just a friend.” you answer lightly and continue walking again but she’s following you.

                “Miss!! I think he’s the 2nd guy that fit you really well after Prince Luhan.” your heart stops for a moment at the mention of Luhan’s name before you let out a sad chuckle. You slowly shook your head. “They’re just friends of mine.” The maid let out a disappointed sigh as she continues cleaning up the mirror.

                You make your way towards the kitchen and find a pancake inside oven. You take it out and then you take out an ice cream from the refrigerator to be eaten with the pancake. As you’re enjoying the pancake, your phone rings and you hurriedly take it out from your pocket. It’s Hyura.

                “Hello?” Hyura sounds excited and you don’t even know why. “Yes, Hyura, it’s me.” you chuckle. “Hyerim!! Congratulations!!!” she yells so loud that you shut your eyes for a moment. “..For what?” you asked confusedly and Hyerim rolls her eyes.  “Don’t act like nothing happened!! Congrats for you and Myungsoo of course!!”

                You don’t really know what to reply her and an awkward chuckle slip from your lips. “I heard everything from the boys you know? Luhan told me to come over to Chanyeol’s house. I expected to see you and the other boys to having fun there but what I found was the gloomy atmosphere and you were no where to be found.” Hyura stops her long explanation with a sigh. You immediately feel bad again..

                “I really don’t understand why can’t they be happy. I mean you finally have a boyfriend! I don’t care whoever he is, I’m just really happy that you get a boyfriend.” you can hear Hyura’s sincerity and you can’t help but smile. “Thanks.” you can only say the single word as you feel really bad at the moment. I wish I could tell you the truth.




                The sound of loud music thumps Myungsoo’s ears hard. The strong alcohol that he’s drinking doesn’t make his consciousness lesser a bit. The sight of his friends kissing and playing with girls around him also doesn’t bother him as he already used to it.

                Tonight just like most of Saturday nights, he and his friends hanging out in their favorite club. The difference is just that he’s currently too busy thinking about something else.  What is it that making the Club Prince doesn’t even bother to get a girl to hang on with like usual? Hyerim of course.

                “So many y and pretty girls that you can get, but you choose the good girl.” said Himchan with his eyes shut, enjoying the feel as the girl who’s currently sitting on his laps kissing him all over his neck.

                Myungsoo smirks over his statement. He actually doesn’t understand himself too. The smirk that is playing on his lips is a pitiful smirk. He doesn’t understand the feeling. The feeling when the first time he saw her in the music room. How he feels so happy just by seeing her peaceful face when she was playing the piano. How he feels sad and angry when he saw her staring sadly at the jerk being lovey dovey with his girl. Yes, that jerk. Kim ing Luhan.

                He seriously doesn’t understand why that jerk doesn’t even aware about Hyerim liking him when it’s really obvious. He must be really blind. What he feels every time he sees Luhan’s face is hw ants to go to him, punch him on the face, and tell him that he’s a really stupid guy.

                “She’s different.” Myungsoo knows that Himchan is waiting for his answer and so he replies him. “Is our club prince finally experiencing a true love?” Himchan chuckles as he mocking Myungsoo. The other boys let out a light laugh too.

                “I actually don’t have any problem about whoever the girl is. It’s just that, unfortunately the girl is their friend. And so, we get into another problem with them.” Minhyuk joins in as he’s busy playing with his one night friend’s dress zipper. All of them now that Minhyuk is talking about Luhan’s gank.

                Myungsoo actually doesn’t care about whatever problem his friends had with them. His problem is only with that jerk luhan. He doesn’t expect that someday Hyerim will like him back. In fact, he thinks the girl wont ever like anyone other than Luhan. He doesn’t deny his feeling towards Hyerim and he just want to see the girl to be happy.

                “I don’t care what you guys want to do with them. I only have problem with Kim Jerk Luhan. I’m going to knock some sense on him.”  said Myungsoo while he continues on drinking.




new chap~~ hope you guys like the story and thanks for subscribing and commenting, really appreciate it :3

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Chapter 46: Sad-beautiful story I have ever read 😭😭😭💛💛 just love it! The most fav chapter is epilogue when they finally officially together! And the most fav scene is when Luhan is jealous pftt 😂
nanayeolxx #2
Chapter 46: this is so beautiful story i had read. i felt sorry to hyura bc being a jerk for leaving is blind
jessi828 #3
Chapter 46: beautiful.....
autumntears #4
Chapter 46: What a beautiful story!

You make my heart go shalalalala!...XD
livihwang #5
Chapter 46: It was an amazing story author nim!! I spent 2 hours and 30 until 2 am.. Actually i have an exam on tomorrow , but the more i clicked next button , i can't stop reading it.. This story was one of the best story that i have read <3 Good job ^^
haeri0610 #6
Chapter 46: I really love this story so much. I began crying when hyerim decided to take the photos she had taken with Lulu after knowing he would have a surgery. Gawd that was so sad...

But I'm glad they become together at last. Good job,authornim... Daebakkk
Chapter 46: how come I just only came upon this now??!! This is breathtakingly good!
zikyukai59 #8
Chapter 46: Urghhh why I've been noticed this story now...what a great story u have!!! Its such a wonderful yet heartbreaking story...thank u because make this story ^_^ ★★★★★++ I give u!!! Good job!!!