
Spur Winter




4 years later              



            “Regret for the things we did not do is inconsolable.

            Maybe that phrase can describe Luhan’s feeling ever since you left him. Never once he stops thinking about you, never once he stops blaming himself. It was the worst during the days right after you left him. He was suffering so much that even his friends couldn’t approach him. No news, no phone calls,  not a single thing he heard from you, even when he asked his friends.  It’s still stay like that until now though.

            But Luhan learned. He has learned that what he’s currently experiencing now is probably what he deserves for what he did to you. It’s probably some kind of punishments, and he accepts it. He has learned to accept it. Heck, what he’s experiencing now probably doesn’t even reach to the pain you felt all those times. All those times when he was being so stupid. So, day by day Luhan becomes more and more mature because of all what he’s been experiencing until now.

           Luhan takes a deep sigh as his mind wanders to you. The sound of dozens people talking in the cafeteria of his office doesn’t affect him much. In fact, Luhan feels lonely in a crowded place like this. Luhan now is already a fine looking young guy and also the next prospective holders of his father’s company, which is one of the biggest companies in Asia. Behind his early success and his bright future, people around him have one topic that they always talk behind him.

          “Why doesn’t Luhan have a girlfriend?” He’s handsome, young, has wealth, has bright future. Women throw themselves to him, he can just pick anyone. But why he still doesn’t have one? Luhan knows that people talk about it behind him, but he ignores it. They don’t know anything. That’s what’s on his mind whenever he remembers about it.

         Luhan tries to keep his senses back and he starts to become impatient. The girl that asked him to meet up here doesn’t even show up yet. He’s thinking whether to leave the cafeteria or not when the girl suddenly appears and sits in front of him. He knows her as an employee in his office. She’s famous among all the employees because she’s pretty, has a beautiful body, she’s just perfect in everyone’s eyes, except Luhan.

         “Sorry, I’m late.” she gives him a sorry look and he replies with a smile. “It’s okay.” The girl lets out a relieve sigh. “So what do you want to talk about? I’m actually is in a rush, so maybe you can tell me straight to the point.” Luhan isn’t lying. He has to go to a music exhibition plus party with his friends in an hour. The girl nods abruptly before his face turns white because of the nervousness.

        “well, Luhan. I know you’re a busy person, so I already feel thankful that you could leave time for me.” Luhan nods before he smiles and he can see how she sits straight because of the nervousness. The girl takes a deep breath before she starts to speak and stare into Luhan’s eyes. “Luhan.. I love you.” Luhan lets out a deep sigh before he turns his face to the side. He knew it that she would say that. Luhan curses inside. ‘Why do girls would still confess to me when it’s very clear that I don’t like them?” Luhan asks himself. That’s probably the same question that he’s experiencing. Why does he wait when he doesn’t even know when will he sees you again

         Luhan takes a deep breath before he stares at her again, trying to sound as nice as he can because he doesn’t want to hurt girls anymore. He’s traumatized of hurting a girl. That’s why it’s actually really hard for him to reject every of the women that have confessed to him. “I appreciate your feeling towards me. Thank you. But i have another woman that I like. I’m sorry.” Luhan doesn’t lie. He indeed has someone that he loves so much, that he’s willing to wait for an obscurity.

         Luhan gives her a sorry smile, and he notices how the girl bites her lips and trying to hold back her tears. This is the part that Luhan hates the most. Knowing that he has hurt her. “I’m sorry.. And I really have to go now.” Luhan says after he takes a glance of the message on his phone telling him that his friends are at the parking lot waiting for him. The girl bites her lips even more before she nods with such a hurtful face.

        “You better go back home now because it’s getting late.” Luhan says as he stands up from his seat and the girl nods again with head keeps down. Luhan takes a deep breath again before he leaves her there with a heavy feeling.




           “Hyung, have you texted him?” Sehun asks Suho for the 9th time since they’re at the parking lot of Luhan’s office building. “He has, Sehun. And will you shut up.” Instead, Chanyeol answers him with his brows purse and Sehun pouts. Myungsoo chuckles and he still can’t believe that he’s friends with them now. “I’m so excited!! I seriously could tell him right now that she’s back!” Sehun beams happily, he’s being so excited that he didn’t even attack Chanyeol back.

            Everyone in the car gives Sehun a judging and warning stare and the maknae pouts before he leans back on the seat. “Of course I won’t spoil it, you guys don’t need to be so mean.” Suho lets out a heavy sigh and he shakes his head at Sehun. “Some things just never change” Suho thinks, and he chuckles to himself.

            “I can’t believe Luhan really waits. It’s just that.. waiting is not really his thing. But he really has waited for her until now. That’s just wow.” Kai somehow feels proud of Luhan because of that. “He has proved that he really loves her.” a smile appears on Suho’s face. He used to doubt Luhan, but he really has proved it. “And we suffer him even more by not telling him anything about Hyerim when in fact we still in contact with her.” Chanyeol chuckles, and he really feels pity on his friend.

              “At least I know that he deserves her now.” Myungsoo says with a smile on his face. Luhan has proved him that he deserves you, and it’s the most important thing for him.




              Luhan runs lightly towards the car, not wanting to let his friends wait even more. He immediately opens the door in the front passenger seat and gets inside. He turns his head towards his side and smile at Myungsoo who’s sitting in the driver seat. He then turns his head to his back only to find Suho, Sehun, Kai, Chanyeol, Yixing, and Kris inside the same car. Luhan purses his brows because he thought only Suho and Myungsoo are going.

              “You guys are going too?” Luhan asks unsure and they nod. “Yes, we are!!” Sehun is being too excited and Luhan stares at him in disbelief. “What’s wrong? You guys never have any interests in music.” Luhan chuckles amusedly, not realizing that everyone start to becoming nervous. “Ugh, there will be many pretty girls because it’s also a party besides an exhibition, so we’re going.” Kai manages to find a ridiculous answer, but thankfully Luhan only laughs at it and not asking anything further.




           The hall where the music exhibition is being held is already full of people when they reach there. Luhan and his friends walk inside and find out that Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Tao, Xiumin, and Chen are already there. Luhan feels confused that all of his friends are present here, but then he shrugs off the thought.

           Luhan then walks around by himself, looking amazed by the old classical music instruments that are being displayed. He earns looks from women around who stare at him in amazement of how handsome he is, but Luhan doesn’t even care. He’s too busy enjoying the exhibition, he’s too busy enjoying the nostalgic. Yes, music always reminds him of someone. Someone that he loves so much, but she’s so far away from him.

        Luhan suddenly feels nervous without he doesn’t know the reason. Excitement suddenly appears on him and he’s confused over himself being so random. Luhan is still too busy in his own world when people start to gather around something in the center of the hall. People one by one are going there and it’s suddenly almost empty around Luhan, still he doesn’t care.

         He’s too busy staring to an old saxophone in amazement when he listens to the familiar instrument. Luhan feezes on his spot and his chest is thumping hard. His eyes widen and he diverts his eyes to the source of the instrument which apparently is among the crowd in the center. The familiar instrument keeps on going and Luhan is so sure about it no matter how many times he thinks he’s dreaming. It really is… The most beautiful thing he has waited for an eternity to hear..

         Spur Winter

          Without his own will, his body moves towards the crowd. Luhan walks fast with heart beating hard and cold hands. He then squeezes in the crowd, tyring to get into the front as fast as he can. Luhan doesn’t care the pissed off looks that those peoplehe pushes aside throw at him until he finally reaches to the front. Luhan stares at the side face of the women who’s sitting and playing the piano beautifully in the center.

           It feels like his breath stucks on his throat and his heart beats even faster and loud. He can’t believe his eyes, but at the same time he’s sure that it’s real. It’s what he’s been looking for. It’s what he’s been searching for. It’s what he’s been waiting for. It’s you.

            Luhan’s eyes become watery and he manages to hold it back. He stares at you in amazement who’s playing spur winter in a white dress. He can’t stop staring at how beautiful you are and how your face is shining as you’re playing it. ‘You’re still as beautiful as the last time I saw you.’ Luhan speaks on his mind. He’s still in shock and a real happy feeling appears on him for the first time after 4 years.

            Luhan watches how you open your eyes after you finish playing it, and he already misses listening to it again. The loud applause that people give to you doesn’t affect him a bit. He’s still in a state of shock and he can only stare at you with eyes filled with emotions. Luhan watches how you stand and your bright smile is there enjoying the applauses before you bow.

           One by one, people start to leave, and start to explore the exhibition again, except Luhan who’s still standing there unable to move and watches every single movement of yours. Luhan already feels so unexplainably happy by just watching you in such distance. Luhan watches how some young entrepreneurs or important people surround you and he lets out a heavy sigh.

           A hand suddenly is on his shoulder. “You should approach her.” Myungsoo whispers to his ear and he turns around to face him with a beautiful girl beside her linking her hand on Myungsoo’s arm. He always feels happy of the fact that Myungsoo finally gets someone he deserves. His girlfriend is so perfect for him and Myungsoo is also so perfect for her. They’re just fit each other.

          “You should go!!” Sehun appears right beside Myungsoo all of sudden with a bright smile, followed by his friends. Luhan is surprised for a moment before he can finally suspect something. “You all knew she’s here.” It was a statement and Luhan knows he’s right just by judging his friends’ faces. Luhan would have scolded his friends for not ever telling him anything but his mind isn’t really focused this time so he can only roll his eyes at them.

          “You guys really should stop hiding things from me.” a heavy sigh slips out from his lips. “Actually I wanted to tell you from days before, but they kept threatening me if I spilled out everything!!” Sehun starts to blame everyone, and he gets stares from his friends. Luhan chuckles, no matter what he will never can hate his friends. Slowly Luhan turns his attention towards you again who’s now standing alone, and it seems like you’re trying to find someone.

          Luhan spends some seconds just to stare at you, and enjoying how breathtakingly beautiful you are and his heart is beating so fast again. He can’t even express how happy he is after waiting for 4 years, not knowing when will he meet you again, and now you’re just standing not too far away from him, just like that.

          The stage on the center has became a stage where an orchestra is playing and some couples who are attending the event start to dance accompanied by a classic music. Luhan takes a shaky breath and starts walking towards you who’s standing not too far away from the stage. Your back is facing him, and he can feel his heart beats faster by each of his steps.

           Just some steps more and he’ll be able to reach you, when he sees a guy makes his way towards you also. Both of him and Luhan reach you at the same time and Luhan frowns as the guy suddenly taps your shoulder making you turn your body towards both Luhan and the guy. Luhan swears his heart stops beating at the time you make an eye contact with him.

           Your eyes widen and he’s sure for some seconds he can feel there’s only you and him. Luhan sees so many expressions on your eyes and he can tell you do the same on him. Luhan holds his breath for some seconds trying so hard to hold himself back from hugging and kissing you. The guy beside Luhan clears his throat making both of him and you finally snap out to reality. “Will you dance with me?” The handsome guy flashes you with a big smile and Luhan suddenly has the urge to punch him. Sometimes his jealousy is just too much.

          Luhan can see you look surprise for a moment and Luhan knows you won’t reject the guy. He just knows it. Luhan clears his throat before he puts on a cold face. “I’m sorry, but she will dance with me.” A frown appears on the guy’s face. “I’m sorry, but I believe I’ve waited to ask her to dance earlier than you.” The guy starts to feel annoyed, and Luhan just doesn’t want to lose. “I’m sorry but I’ve waited 4 years for her.”

           Luhan hears your laugh and he admits he missed it so much that his eyes widen in surprise for a moment. Luhan dares to do anything just to hear that laugh again. You then give him such a soft smile and a soft stare. “I’m sorry, but he’s right, I’ll go with him.” you give the guy a sorry smile and Luhan swears he has never felt this happy.  The guy’s face fell before he turns his back and walks away.

          Luhan has his eyes on you again and you stare back at him. Right now, both of you don’t need to speak, just by reading  so much emotions in each others’ eyes, that’s already enough. “So, will you dance with me?” Luhan pulls you closer softly and you chuckle. “You don’t even need to ask.” For the first time Luhan smiles so brightly and both of you walk to the stage, joining the other couples who’re dancing.

         Luhan leads you to put your hands on his shoulder and he twines his arms on your tiny waist before he pulls you closer. His chest is thumping hard as your face is so close to him and he can see your blush. He chuckles knowing that you’re still the same. Luhan and you start to dance following the rhythm and Luhan locks his eyes on you. “Only god knows how I missed you so much.” he whispers to your lips and you smile softly. “I missed you so much too.. I didn’t expect that you would wait for me.” He can see your watery eyes and he smiles softly.

         “I would even wait longer.” Luhan meant it, and he can see you’re blushing so hard. “So, I guess my friends never told you about me too?” You shake your head and pout for some seconds and he lets out a heavy sigh. “Seriously, I don’t understand them.” you laugh lightly and he loves to listen to it so much. A comfortable silence is there for a moment before you break it. “I always thought you’re still with Hyura.” Luhan cringes at the mention of Hyura’s name. “From the day you left, I’ve never met her anymore.”

         A desperate sigh slips out from your lips. “i was so worried, I always tried to call her but it always failed.” He can see how your face turns sad and he leans in until his forehead touches yours. “Can we not talking about her now, please?” Luhan doesn’t want anything to ruin his mood now. He can never feel happier than this and what he wants is just you. A silent comfortable is there again, and both of you just dance and enjoying each other’s presence.

        Luhan can’t wait even longer to claim you as his and his heart beats fast again. He’s so nervous to ask you, afraid you won’t accept him that fast. ‘Don’t be such a coward, Luhan. 4 years is no joke.’ Luhan desperately calms himself before he takes a shaky breath. “Hyerim.. I guess I don’t need to tell you how much I love you anymore. But this… I have to ask.. Will you..” He suddenly feels so nervous as you’re staring at him. “Will you.. be mine?” Luhan isn’t sure if that’s the correct words to confess, but heck he’s already out of his mind.

       Luhan diverts his eyes, not daring to stare at you. For a moment you stay in silent and he slowly diverts his eyes back at you and see you smiling softly at him, and his heart flutters. Your smile is always his favorite and he just wants to stare at it forever. ‘God, I’m so madly in love.’ Luhan knows and he doesn’t deny it. “I will, Luhan. I will.” Luhan’s body becomes stiff for a moment before he smiles so brightly and pure. He can never feel happier than this.

       Luhan cups your face and leans his forehead against your again. “God, I love you so much. You will never know how happy am i.” he can see your face is so red now but then you chuckle. “I love you too.” you stare at him lovingly and his heart is beating so fast. Slowly, Luhan leans closer and closer until his lips touches yours and he closes his eyes in happiness. He pours every single emotion he has in the kiss. It’s a soft yet desperate kiss. He has waited 4 years for this and he can’t hold it back.

       Luhan can feel that you’re out of breath and he breaks the kiss and cups your face. “Oh my god, I’m sorry..” he stares at you in worry and ashamed that he couldn’t even hold himself back for you. He can see your face is already as red as tomato before you break into laugh. He starts to laugh too over the silly moment, and he caresses your cheeks.

       Luhan leans in again and kisses you again, but this time it’s a soft kiss and short kiss. You’re blushing so hard that you cant even stare at him. Luhan chuckles because he thinks it’s really cute. “Okay, I think we need to stop now.” Luhan smiles softly and he knows that his friends are watching both of you somewhere. “Or else, my friends will never stop teasing us.” Luhan continues and you laugh. There are some things indeed never change.

       “We still have plenty of times though.” you say while blushing and Luhan raises his brows before he smiles softly. “Yes, you’re right.” you smile back at him and both of you continue dancing, not wanting to let go of each other, thanking god for bringing both of you back together, because honestly Luhan and you never thought that this moment would really come.

         Luhan promises himself that he’ll never let you go again, because it feels like god gave him a 2nd chance, and he would never disappoint him. Luhan smiles realizing that you and him will never be separated again. He smiles thinking that it’s okay to hold it back now. He smiles thinking that he still have so many things he wants to say to you but it can wait. He wants you to play spur winter for him everyday but that also doesn’t matter. Because as what you said, you and him still have plenty of times.


Yes, plenty of times.


a.k.a Forever.




wow omg i finally finished this fic ;~~~; lol sorry for making all of you had to wait for the epilogue. I was realy busy T^T but finally i can finished it ;u; i dont know if the ending satisfied you all enough or not ;~~;


anyway, thank you for all the subrcribers and all of you who kept commenting on this story and also for silent readers lol <33 thanks for all your support and reading your comments always make me happy haha <33


anyway, here's my 3rd fanfic about Sehun and OC ;w; i hope you'll support this one too haha. I will start writing the story soon ^^


once again, thank you guys <33 i love you all <333

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Chapter 46: Sad-beautiful story I have ever read 😭😭😭💛💛 just love it! The most fav chapter is epilogue when they finally officially together! And the most fav scene is when Luhan is jealous pftt 😂
nanayeolxx #2
Chapter 46: this is so beautiful story i had read. i felt sorry to hyura bc being a jerk for leaving luhan..love is blind
jessi828 #3
Chapter 46: beautiful.....
autumntears #4
Chapter 46: What a beautiful story!

You make my heart go shalalalala!...XD
livihwang #5
Chapter 46: It was an amazing story author nim!! I spent 2 hours and 30 until 2 am.. Actually i have an exam on tomorrow , but the more i clicked next button , i can't stop reading it.. This story was one of the best story that i have read <3 Good job ^^
haeri0610 #6
Chapter 46: I really love this story so much. I began crying when hyerim decided to take the photos she had taken with Lulu after knowing he would have a surgery. Gawd that was so sad...

But I'm glad they become together at last. Good job,authornim... Daebakkk
Chapter 46: how come I just only came upon this now??!! This is breathtakingly good!
zikyukai59 #8
Chapter 46: Urghhh why I've been noticed this story now...what a great story u have!!! Its such a wonderful yet heartbreaking story...thank u because make this story ^_^ ★★★★★++ I give u!!! Good job!!!