Chapter 37

Spur Winter


             A sigh escapes from Luhan’s lips as he leans against the back of his car. He raises his hand and rests his chin on it. He feels frustrated. His feeling is in a mess and he doesn’t even know why. What he realizes is that the only thing he wants is just want to see you and hold your hands and say sorry to you. He also doesn’t know why would he wants to say sorry to you when the one who should say is actually you.

                He closes his eyes for a moment, trying to calm his own mind and feelings. “Luhan.” he opens his eyes and feels soft hands of Hyura cupping his face and she stares at him in worry. Her touch feels strange and isn’t calming him at all and Luhan finds himself frowns at the realization. Luhan feels frustrated even more and he needs an impingement.

                Slowly Luhan takes Hyura’s hands on his cheeks and pulls her closer until there’s no distance between them. Luhan grabs her chin and leans closer until their lips touch. The kiss is so rough and full of desperate from Luhan. He pours every single frustrations that he’s feeling on the kiss. His left hand is grabbing Hyura’s arms hard while his right hand slowly making its way inside Hyura’s shirt and he rubs her tummy.

                Luhan breaks the kiss for awhile to take a breath before he continues kissing her roughly. Instead of tranquility that he wants, he gets even more frustrated and restlessness. The kiss becomes more rough and Hyura starts to feel uncomfortable because she can feel that Luhan does it by forced. She’s about to break the kiss when suddenly they got parted roughly and Luhan gets pushed backwards roughly by Myungsoo until his back hit the pavement hard. Hyura stares at Myungsoo in shock and she freezes on spot.

                Luhan can already feel that his back gets some bruises and he looks up. Luhan stares at the angry Myungsoo in shock before anger also roses up from his body. Before he can say anything though, Myungsoo walks forwards and grabs his collar and make him stand up before he punches Luhan’s face so hard that his nose starts to bleed.

                “WHAT THE IS YOUR PROBLEM??!!” Anger takes over Luhan’s body as he shouts at Myungsoo. He steps forward and pushes Myungsoo quite hard that he stumbles backward. “You. You are the biggest jerk that I’ve ever met and you definitely deserve to get a punch!” Myungsoo shouts back dangerously as he stands up and steps closer to Luhan.

                “I don’t ing understand what are you talking about, and I think you’re the one who deserve a punch for stealing my friend!!” They’re facing each other so close and Luhan is so close to punch Myungsoo but he’s still holding it. He doesn’t understand why Myungsoo is asking for a fight. Myungsoo knows that Luhan is talking about you and it only makes him feels angrier. “For godsake I never steal something from you. You don’t own Hyerim, and she can be friends and be in a relation ship with anyone she wants!! And take a note, that she also deserves a happiness!”

                Luhan can feel Myungsoo’s anger and it’s the first time he sees him this angry. Luhan knows that Myungsoo is right and he can’t even say anything. He doesn’t own you and you can choose anyone you like to be friends with. “Stop treating her like !! You don’t even know that she has sacrificed so much for you!! For you who don’t even bother to care about her feelings!” Myungsoo shouts at Luhan’s face. He has gotten enough of him, and he’s so close to spill everything about the truth.

                Luhan stares at Myungsoo’s eyes and he can feel a glimpse of sad gaze between his anger. Luhan feels so lost. He doesn’t understand a single thing of what Myungsoo has said and he feels so desperate like there’s something that he should know but he doesn’t. He grabs Myungsoo’s collar in frustration as a growl comes out from his lips right in front of Myungsoo’s face. “What the are you talking about.”

                A smirk appears on Myungsoo’s face as he can hear how desperate Luhan sounds and it makes Luhan gets even more angrier. “You are seriously the most stupid guy that I’ve ever met. You don’t even know what the deepest part of your heart says. You never deserve to have such a friend like Hyerim.” Luhan punches Myungsoo so hard and he stumbles backward. He doesn’t understand a single thing Myungsoo said, and he hates that feeling. Anger takes over his body. He doesn’t know why his subconscious feels that what Myungsoo said is true.

                Myungsoo gets up slowly. He can feel that he gets some bruises on his face because of Luhan’s punch but it’s not the matter now. The words that he has said is actually to sensitize Luhan. He actually wants to spill out everything right now but he knows that you’ll be angry and disappointed. Aside from that, he wants Luhan himself to find out about everything. He wants Luhan to think right.

                Myungsoo walks closer to Luhan when hands grab his arms and prevent him from walking forward.  “Stop it, Myungsoo.” Hyura begs at him as he scoffs. Myungsoo pulls off Hyura’s  hands of his arms as he stares at her coldly, and she gulps down. “I don’t want to be touched by a fake girl who can only think about her own feeling without even caring about her best friend’s.” Hyura paled at Myungsoo’s words.

                “A loser like you doesn’t deserve to have a bestfriend like Hyerim.” Myungsoo’s words cut Hyura’s heart and she bites her lips. Myungsoo is absolutely feels disgusted by Hyura. You have done so much for her, even sacrificed your own happiness, but still she only think about herself.

                Luhan stares at Myungsoo and  Hyura dumbfounded, and he can’t help but feels so lost. “What the is seriously happening?!?” Luhan’s gaze at them is full of miserable and he rubs his temple desperately trying to process every single thing that Myungsoo said, but he fails.  There’s definitely something happened and he doesn’t know what is it.

                Luhan is holding the urge to punch Myungsoo until he explains everything clearly but he can’t even move. He feels so sick at everything. His feeling is in a mess. Myungsoo turns his head at Luhan, and gives him a cold stare. “I’m telling you to stop hurting Hyerim before you regret everything.” with those last words, Myungsoo leaves Hyura and Luhan who’s still doesn’t understand a single thing.



new chap~ i will try to update 2 chaps tomorrow :3


anyway thanks for the comments <33 

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Chapter 46: Sad-beautiful story I have ever read 😭😭😭💛💛 just love it! The most fav chapter is epilogue when they finally officially together! And the most fav scene is when Luhan is jealous pftt 😂
nanayeolxx #2
Chapter 46: this is so beautiful story i had read. i felt sorry to hyura bc being a jerk for leaving is blind
jessi828 #3
Chapter 46: beautiful.....
autumntears #4
Chapter 46: What a beautiful story!

You make my heart go shalalalala!...XD
livihwang #5
Chapter 46: It was an amazing story author nim!! I spent 2 hours and 30 until 2 am.. Actually i have an exam on tomorrow , but the more i clicked next button , i can't stop reading it.. This story was one of the best story that i have read <3 Good job ^^
haeri0610 #6
Chapter 46: I really love this story so much. I began crying when hyerim decided to take the photos she had taken with Lulu after knowing he would have a surgery. Gawd that was so sad...

But I'm glad they become together at last. Good job,authornim... Daebakkk
Chapter 46: how come I just only came upon this now??!! This is breathtakingly good!
zikyukai59 #8
Chapter 46: Urghhh why I've been noticed this story now...what a great story u have!!! Its such a wonderful yet heartbreaking story...thank u because make this story ^_^ ★★★★★++ I give u!!! Good job!!!