Say no.

I planned my own love story



  A few days passed and L would call Sunmi almost every hour and she didn't pick up, he would send apology text, and she would feel all the pain again. Just seeing his name,brings Sunmi to tears. She always thought when she first got a boyfriend, it would be sweet and timid. But with L, it was fast and risky. All her fantasies of the perfect boyfriend got crushed and she had no hope anymore. *So this is what heartbreak .* Sunmi resisted the urge to not cry since she was just arriving at school. She made sure that L wasn't around before she went to her locker. She wanted to avoid him as much as possible, or she'll definitely lose it. But another part of her knew, that they had to settle things out. She didn't know if she should take him back or throw him away. *First love, sure is difficult.* Sunmi sighed and walked to her class with a plain expression on. She stopped at the door. *He will be in there.* Sunmi didn't want to go in, she wanted to ditch. Something she had picked up from L. She hated how some of his habits stuck on her. She bit her lip and walked in, she didn't look anywhere, just at the floor, and made it to her seat without any problem.

"Good morning." Chanyeol tried to look at Sunmi, but she was covering her face. She was pale and her eyes were red. She didn't want anyone to see her. She wanted to hide, where no one can hurt her or see her.Sunmi felt bad, Chanyeol was trying so hard to get her to like him, but Sunmi wasn't ready yet. She still had feelings for L. And she hated it.

"Hi." Sunmi said very quietly. Chanyeol sensed Sunmi was deep in thought so he just remained quiet the whole period.


Sunmi walked through the rest of the day like a zombie, she would only give short replies and her body felt like they would give out any second.

At lunch Hoya stared at Sunmi concerned. *Sunmi doesn't deserve this.* Hoya sighed and ate his food. Sunmi saw Eunmi walking past her table, laughing merrily with her friends. Then and there, Sunmi couldn't take it.

Sunmi pulled Eunmi out the lunchroom doors and into the side of the buildings.

"Why Eunmi? Why? What did I ever do to make you despise me so much?" Sunmi knitted her eyebrows together. Eunmi stood there with her arms crossed.

"You took Chanyeol oppa away from me!" Eunmi cried.

"I didn't do it on purpose! I never asked for him to like me! Besides, it's your fault he's gone. Don't blame me for your doings." Sunmi narrowed her eyes at the shrunk Eunmi.

"Whatever. That's right. I took L away from you. But I knew him before you anyways." Eunmi bragged.

"That doesn't matter. He was mine. Are you happy now? Does me being sad make you happy? How does it feel being a cold hearted who cares nothing about nothing but herself?" Sunmi's eyes started to get watery. Chanyeol,Hoya,Myungsoo and a few other students came to watch.

"Shut up." Eunmi had nothing else to say,she was done. Sunmi had embarassed her to the max. Eunmi ran away and some students laughed and cheered. Sunmi looked around and met eyes with L. He caught her eyes. He went up to her and took her to an empty classroom and locked the door. Chanyeol ran after and banged on the door.

"Open the door!" Chanyeol screamed. Hoya knocked too.


Sunmi stared at L, he stood infront of the door with his eyes locked on Sunmi's.

"Let me out." Sunmi glared at him with one tear sliding down her cheek. Nothing but thoughts of him and Eunmi appeared in her head.

"Sunmi!!" Chanyeol and Hoya called.


Sunmi shook her head and covered her ears with her eyes shut tight.

"No. I don't want to hear you. Or look at you. I don't want to have anything to do with you." Sunmi cried. L's knees went weak when Sunmi said that. He went infront of Sunmi and unblocked her ears. Sunmi struggled but his grip was tight. "Let go!" Sunmi yelled. L's eyes trembled as he stared at her.

"Open your eyes." L said quietly. Sunmi shook her head.

"No." She spoke in a small voice.

"Sunmi.Please." L's words were just strangling her. She slowly opened her eyes and they met with L's once again. His intense stare still gave her butterflies. *Kill me.* Sunmi thought staring at L.

"I know you're mad. And I understand that. But please talk to me." L begged. His eyes looked so sad and his lips quivered. Sunmi shook her head.

"No. You told me to trust you. I did. And I got hurt. I believed in you. I believed in all your lies. I thought you were special, I thought that only we had something. But I was wrong." Sunmispoke boldly and she snatched herself away from L.

"Sunmi, I was scared that I was gonna lose you. I just didn't know what to do." L was hopeless now.

"I gave my all for you. I fell for your temptations. I was stupid to have. Did you really love me?" Sunmi couldn't take it, her tears fell freely. L's heart hurt even more.

"Of course I did. That's why I wanted to be with you every single day." L said going closer to Sunmi. *Lies. Lies. All lies.*


"Then is it me or her?" Sunmi asked. L shut his eyes.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't make me choose." L told her. Sunmi furrowed her eyebrows.

"If you loved me, there wouldn't even be a choice." Sunmi wiped her tears and was about to leave the classroom.

"Please Sunmi. Please. Give me another chance." L begged holding onto Sunmi's hand. His hand was warm, like it always is. A warmth Sunmi enjoyed and missed. Chanyeol and Hoya heard all of the arguement and both were wondering why it got so quiet. *Say no.* Both prayed anxiously.

"I'll think about it." Sunmi slipped her hand away from L's slowly. *Yes.* L's expression lightened. Sunmi walked out of the classroom with a poker face. Chanyeol and Hoya stared at her and followed behind closely.


Hoya and Chanyeol nudged eachother.

"You talk to her." Chanyeol pushed Hoya forward. Sunmi breathed out a sigh and turned around with an annoyed expression.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me to stay away from L? Was it funny to watch me fall for your friend? Why were you so quiet about it? You could've stopped me and saved me from all this drama. WHY HOYA?" Sunmi asked with watery eyes. Hoya stared awe-struck.

"Are you getting mad at me for not telling you?" Hoya pointed to himself. Sunmi nodded squinting at him. "I wanted to Sunmi, I did, but you really liked him, I didn't want to get in your way." Hoya told her. He was getting riled up now, and that hardly ever happens. *I've always been nice to her and listening to her troubles and now SHE"S getting mad at me?* Hoya thought. Chanyeol puffed out his cheeks to avoid awkwardness.

"You could've stopped me though. You could've tried to." Sunmi said and walked off. Hoya was frozen.

"Why is she mad at me for?It's not like I did something really wrong!" Hoya furrowed his eyebrows and asked Chanyeol. Chanyeol blinked.

"Look, she's feeling many emotions right now, I don't think she really meant to Hoya." Chanyeol told his friend and went after Sunmi.


They were walking to thier next class together.

"What happened? Back there?" Chanyeol said trying to get Sunmi to talk. Sunmi dragged her feet on the floor and had a blank stare ahead of her.

"Nothing." She said blinking back tears. *This is so confusing.* Sunmi was frustrated and torn on the inside. They were already late to class and the only ones in the hallways. Chanyeol watched as Sunmi slowly walked with a sad face. Chanyeol sighed and held onto her face, so she could look him in the eye. Sunmi blinked and looked at him with a straight face.

"Say no." Chanyeol whispered.



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Doojoon_Sunggyu #1
Chapter 3: Omg. "Dont eat aby apples then" omg. This line got me so crack up.
Chapter 8: Oh my god. My name is Sunmee Park and I'm korean. This just made my day
Chapter 41: I guess the moral of the story is sometimes the pretty apples can be rotten on the inside lol.
Hoya turned out to be like a fairy godmother in this story and I guess Chanyeol is prince charming :)
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 41: ASDFGHJKL$$$$$$$$$$
That was so sweet you know!!XD the ending of this story is perfect!!! I love it!!!XD i really really truly do!!
Thanks for making such a cute and sweet fic of Chanyeol.. It's one of my most fav Chanyeol's fic!! You are jjang!! I love you!!:*
Chapter 39: Please update@!!@#$!@@!@
Chapter 1: Good grammar. Bonus.
Chapter 13: Aigoo, Chanyeol, you shouldn't easily dismiss the "frog princes". They are the "F4" of the school after all :) But I agree with you, you're just as handsome as them :D
I'm surprised he actually doesn't have a lot of girls swarming around him, haha. But that makes it easier for Sunmi if/when she realizes she has feelings for him too lol ^_^
Chapter 12: Her attraction to L seems only for physical reasons (the pretty apple). Hoya on the other hand has interacted with her and been very hospitable towards her (the tasty apple).
And then there's Chanyeol, playing the lazy slacker who likes teasing her so much. I guess he's the sour apple then lol?
But I like sour apples too! Especially with caramel dip XD
Chapter 11: I thought her mother had something to do with her boy-craziness LOL!
But when Sunmi described her ideal guy, Hoya came to mind for me from the way you've described the three possible contenders so far. Guess Yura and I have different perceptions of the same guys haha.