The prince and princesses

I planned my own love story

Saturday ~ 11:am


The movies was good but it was more fun just being with friends. Chanyeol couldn't make it so it was only Yura, Hoya and Sunmi. Which only made Sunmi a little curious about him. *He's being strange, stranger than usual.* Sunmi sighed and got out of bed. Her dad had gone to work super early and she already knew he wasn't going to be home early. So she was going to bored all day. Sunmi was feeling lazy but when she saw Choco, she suddenly smiled.

"Hi Choco-yah!" Sunmi waved and kneeled to pick her up. *Well, I'm not completely alone now.* Sunmi thought and brought Choco down with her to eat breakfast. Sunmi settled her and Choco on the couch, and had a bowl of cereal in one hand. She began eating when she thought of someone. "I'm gonna call your daddy, I wonder if he's busy today..I wish he was here." Sunmi said as she waited for L to pick up or the voicemail lady to talk.

"What's up babe?" L answered calmly. Sunmi felt her stomach flip flop when she heard his voice.

"Uh, hey. I was just wondering, what are you up to?" Sunmi asked putting down her bowl of cereal.

"Me? I'm hanging out with a friend." L said, and Sunmi felt a pang in her heart. First he totally ignored her on her birthday, didn't arrange any special kind of suprise party for her like she always hoped for, and now he was just hanging with his frinds without a care in the world not knowing how much she wanted to be next to him. Sunmi forgot all the bad thoughts and looked at Choco.

"Thanks for the present. I love it." Sunmi smiled Choco's small body.

"Huh?" L asked confused.

"The..puppy.." Sunmi said her voice fading.

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about. What present?" L asked with his eye brows furrowed, he too was trying to solve this puzzle.

"You mean to tell me, you didn't give me this puppy as a birthday present?" Sunmi asked shocked. *So he never knew it was my birthday at all. Then who was this..* Sunmi's thoughts were interrupted when she heard another voice on the line.

"L oppa! Stop wasting your time on her! Let's go!" A females voice spoke. Sunmi's mouth dropped and she blinked.

"Who are you--"

"Sorry I didn't know about your birthday. Gotta go now. Bye."

"Wait I--"

He hung up and Sunmi just sat there with the phone still near her ear. *Eunmi was the "friend" he was with. Sunmi felt a mix of emotions run through her. She was feeling dissapinted,sad,jealous, and foolish. She assumed since L was always doing sweet things for her and saying sweet things, that he was the one to give her a wonderful present like Choco. She was wrong. Sunmi wanted to yell at Eunmi.

Leave my boyfriend alone.

Stop messing with our relationship.

Get out of our school.

What's going on between you and my boyfriend?

Sunmi curled her legs to her chest and began to lose all the trust she had for L.

*Trust me Sunmi.*

That day when he told Sunmi that, his voice was soothing as ever and his eyes were the cutest orbs to just melt her.


Later ~~~~ 6:45pm

Sunmi lazed around all day feeling sad. She tried calling L a few times, but he wouldn't pick up. She texted him but he wouldn't reply. Sunmi felt that she was over-reacting but a part of her was saying, he's your boyfriend, you have the right to be mad.

She laid on her bed and Choco on her stomach.

ring ring ring C:

"Hello?" Sunmi answered almost too fast.

"Uh,hey Sunmi." Sunmi heard Hoya's friendly voice and was slightly disappointed.

"Oh hey Hoya!" Sunmi said happily.

"So~ have you made up your mind yet?" Hoya asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that, I had something else on my mind." Sunmi slapped her cheeks.

"Hehe. It's okay. So you want to or..~" Hoya asked patiently.

*Well this could be fun, I can get my mind off of L and I won't have to stay home and mope all day..* Sunmi thought. "Yeah, I'll be ready in 30 minutes. Is that okay?" Sunmi asked biting her lip.

"Yes, that's perfect.Later." Hoya said and Sunmi hung up. *Gotta get ready Choco.* Sunmi lifted Chco off her stomach and layed her on her bed.

Sunmi put on the white mini dress that Hoya had bought her and then went into the bathroom to do her makeup and hair. Sunmi always felt excited getting ready for special occasions. She put on light cover up, small winged eyeliner,cherry lipgloss,and mascara to finish the look. Sunmi felt satisfied with her face and moved onto her hair. She looked at it and combed through it. After deciding what to do with it, she finally started curling it and clipped it to one side, so that her curls were on the same side as he bangs.

She saw that she had 7 minutes left and rushed out of the bathroom. *What else is there?* Sunmi stood blankly in the middle of her room. "Shoes! Jacket!" She shouted and Choco stared at her. Sunmi wore black flats with bows on them that matched the belt on her dress perfectly.

"Okay.Bye Choco!" Sunmi smiled. She saw her phone go off and assumed it was Hoya, so she grabbed her black blazer and ran out of the door with her red purse swinging over her shoulder.


Later ~

Hoya and Sunmi arrived at a bid house, big enough to be called a mansion. Sunmi gulped down her courage and frowned.

"What if they don't like me?" She asked not wanting to get out of the car.

"They'll love you!" Hoya,who was wearing a white collared shirt with a tie and skinnes smiled.

"What if... I don't fit in? I mean this looks like a really fancy place." Sunmi twirled her hair in her fingers nervously.

"Don't worry Sunmi. You look amazing." Hoya chuckled. Sunmi released a deep sigh and they both got out of the car.


 Once they entered the house, Sunmi felt nervous again. The house was so big Sunmi needed a map. She was too scared to take a step on the marble floor. Hoya gestured her to come in and she sighed and dragged her flats on the floor.

"I'll take your jacket." A man came up to Sunmi.

"What? Why?" Sunmi jumped and hid behind Hoya. Hoya laughed at Sunmi's nervousness.

"He's going to hang it up for you." Hoya said helping Sunmi take off her jacket. *Oh.* Sunmi's cheeks turned red and she swept her bangs to the side.

"All the guest are down the hall,open the door and you'll enter in the main living room." The man spoke politely. Sunmi was still wide eyed and cautious of her surroundings. Hoya took Sunmi's hand and led the way. Sunmi followed as she admired the beautiful paintings on the walls. *Now that's art.* Sunmi stared amazed.

"Ready to go in?" Hoya asked squeezing on her hands. Sunmi shook her head no. Hoya smirked and opened the door. There were many sophisticated people drinking wince and smiling politley with thier fancy dresses and neat suits. Sunmi felt out of place again. "Relax." Hoya said with a smile and Sunmi did so.

"Howon-ah!" A voice called from afar. Sunmi stared ahead and saw a handsome guy approaching. She stared and felt like he just came out of a manga book. His hair was dirty blonde and tousseled yet it looked hot. He had almond shaped eyes and his eye smile was no joke. And he gave off a gentle,fun price feeling. Sunmi felt attracted to him, she had totally forgotten about L and gave in to this fellow.

"Daehyun ah! Happy Birthday!" (JUNG DAEHYUN<3) Hoya let go of Sunmi's hand and hugged the guy named Daehyun. *Daehyun. Cute name.* Sunmi put her hands together and kept them lowered.

"Well well well, who is this?" Daehyun smiled at Sunmi, Sunmi blinked and smiled shyly.

"It's not what you think, Sunmi's my friend. She's just here as my date." Hoya said. Sunmi noded.

Daehyun nodded and looked at Sunmi, his eyes twinkled. "Hi Sunmi, I'm Jung Daehyun, Hoya's bestfriend." Daehyun held out his hand.

"Hello." Sunmi gave him a small smile and shook his hand. Somewhere during their hands touching and making eye contact with him, Sunmi felt a spark. *No. This is wrong.* Sunmi quickly took her hand away and looked away.

"Aww, don't be shy. We're friends. So feel free to be comfortable okay?" Daehyun's eye smile flashed and he walked away, leaving Sunmi speechless.

"Are you okay?" Hoya asked with a confused smile. Sunmi fixed her hair and nodded. "Well let's go meet more people." Hoya said and took Sunmi's hand again. After being introduced and complimented Sunmi felt shy and comfortable at the same time. The people here were nice and gentle like. The girls were sweet and cheerful,the guys spoke politely and had good manners, but none compared to Daehyun. The room was getting crowded so Sunmi went to where the food was, it was probably deserted cause the girls didn't want to gain weight. But Sunmi had already began getting alot of food to eat, she piled it up on her plate and her stomach growled.

"Hungry?" A voice popped up. Sunmi turned around with her cheeks full of food and blushed. *Daehyun!Aish.* Sunmi swallowed her food and nodded embarrased.

"Yeah, I am." Sunmi meekly smiled. Daehyun burst out into laughter. Sunmi stared at him wide eyed. "Is there something on my face?" Sunmi mumbled wiping . Daehyun shook his head and wiped an invisable tear.

"No, you're just so cute it makes me laugh." Daehyun chuckled.

"Oh. Glad I amuse you..?" Sunmi tilted her head with a confused look.

"After you're done eating, how about you join me and Hoya, we're going up to the roof." Daehyun pointed upwards. Sunmi looked at the cieling and blinked.

"Why?" She asked plainly.

"Just meet us up there okay?" Daehyun patted Sunmi's head and walked off into the crowd. Sunmi puffed out her cheeks and went to enjoy her food.


After finishing her food she took a mint so her breath wouldnt smell bad. Sunmi got called over by a few guys but she declined politely, she knew they didn't have bad intentions but she wanted to find the roof, where Hoya and Daehyun were. Sunmi exited the main hall where everyone else was and she ended up in the marble hallway. She looked around and saw the familiar man.

"Excuse me." Sunmi poked his shoulder, he looked at her and smiled kindly. "Where is the roof?" Sunmi asked.

"Go up those stairs and there will be a door on your left,open it and walk up those stairs,then you'll see the glass door." He said. Sunmi blinked. "Or I can show you." He said and Sunmi smiled with a nod.


"Here it is." The man stopped at the glass door and Sunmi could already see Hoya and Daehyun.

"Thank you." Sunmi smiled and opened the door.


A/N: this was long, hope it didn't bore you. Next chapter is where the drama happens, so read on ~ :)


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Doojoon_Sunggyu #1
Chapter 3: Omg. "Dont eat aby apples then" omg. This line got me so crack up.
Chapter 8: Oh my god. My name is Sunmee Park and I'm korean. This just made my day
Chapter 41: I guess the moral of the story is sometimes the pretty apples can be rotten on the inside lol.
Hoya turned out to be like a fairy godmother in this story and I guess Chanyeol is prince charming :)
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 41: ASDFGHJKL$$$$$$$$$$
That was so sweet you know!!XD the ending of this story is perfect!!! I love it!!!XD i really really truly do!!
Thanks for making such a cute and sweet fic of Chanyeol.. It's one of my most fav Chanyeol's fic!! You are jjang!! I love you!!:*
Chapter 39: Please update@!!@#$!@@!@
Chapter 1: Good grammar. Bonus.
Chapter 13: Aigoo, Chanyeol, you shouldn't easily dismiss the "frog princes". They are the "F4" of the school after all :) But I agree with you, you're just as handsome as them :D
I'm surprised he actually doesn't have a lot of girls swarming around him, haha. But that makes it easier for Sunmi if/when she realizes she has feelings for him too lol ^_^
Chapter 12: Her attraction to L seems only for physical reasons (the pretty apple). Hoya on the other hand has interacted with her and been very hospitable towards her (the tasty apple).
And then there's Chanyeol, playing the lazy slacker who likes teasing her so much. I guess he's the sour apple then lol?
But I like sour apples too! Especially with caramel dip XD
Chapter 11: I thought her mother had something to do with her boy-craziness LOL!
But when Sunmi described her ideal guy, Hoya came to mind for me from the way you've described the three possible contenders so far. Guess Yura and I have different perceptions of the same guys haha.