You're an idiot

I planned my own love story



Chanyeol smirked at as he stepped further into her home.

"Nice place. Mind if I crash here?" Chanyeol asked casually. Sunmi still shocked stared at him in disbelief.

"No! Do you want..oh I don't know, a towel maybe?" Sunmi asked staring at how soaked Chanyeol's clothes were. And his hair dripped over his face.

"I guess." Chanyeol said taking off his jacket and shirt without hesitation. Sunmi gasped and she covered her face.

"Oii, I'll be back wait here okay. And leave your pants on okay.." Sunmi mumbled through her hands and Chanyeol smiled at her shyness.

"Understood." Chanyeol stood in place watching Sunmi blindfoldedly go upstairs. *Tch.How cute.*

*Jesus! Why did he have to take off his shirt like that. Just right in front of me. Aiyoo.* Sunmi shook her head trying to forget Chanyeol's lean body and smirk. She grabbed a random towel and went into her dad's room for a t-shirt and sweatpants. Her dad was pretty tall but he wasn't as tall as Chanyeol. *Eh,guess he'll have to wear it for now.* Sunmi shrugged as she walked down the stairs.

"I have some change of clothes for you but..." Sunmi went silent when she remembered Chnayeol was shirtless. He stood there with a questioning look at her and she gulped down her words. "Here. It may not fit." Sunmi said as she threw the clothes from across the room onto Chanyeol's face.

"Thanks." Chanyeol said sarcastically and began wiping himself off with the dry towel. Sunmi squinted at him wondering how he's so calm. "Are gonna keep staring at me?" Chanyeol asked smirking once again. Sunmi turned red.

"I have a bathroom. Maybe you should use it." Sunmi suggested looking away.

"I don't have to go though." Chanyeol said ruffling his hair.

Sunmi facepalmed her self. "You're an idiot." She said and walked to the couch. Chanyeol walked to the bathroom with a playful smile on his face.

I'll call you later okay? Love you. <3

Sunmi recieved that text from L. She sighed and set her phone on the table and the tv. She relaxed while watching the romance drama. *Aww,now that's the kind of relationship I want.* Sunmi melted when she saw the guy giving his girlfriend a piggy back ride around the park.

"Um,Miss Park." Chanyeol's voice was heard from afar and Sunmi turned around.

Sunmi tried to hold in her laughter but failed. "Wow." She smiled.

Chanyeol had a serious expression on as he walked closer. He stood infront of the tv with his hands on his sides. The sweat pants suprisingly fit just right for Chanyeol considering they were baggy. But the black shirt was just too tight on Chanyeol,it was choking his neck and when he made an arm movement you could see his bare sides.

"You did this on purpose didn't you?" Chanyeol asked. Sunmi smirked.

"As if. It's not my fault you're super sized." She sat crossed leg on the couch. "Now move,I'm watching something."

Chanyeol turned his head to see the piggy back scene. "No." He said smiling proudly as he stood infront of the tv.

"Move." Sunmi commanded. Chanyeol stood his ground and began to do a little dance. Sunmi thought it was cute but she frowned.

"Do something about this." Chanyeol pointed to the t-shirt.

"Aish." Sunmi stood up and grabbed Chanyeol's collar. Chanyeol became bug eyed and watched her every move. Sunmi ripped the top of the shirt so it became a v-neck. "There. It's looser now right? Good. Now move." She pushed Chanyeol and he landed on the couch.

"You're really something unusual Park Sunmi." Chanyeol muttered. Sunmi smiled innocently and resumed watching tv. Chanyeol also watched with her and had a bored expression on.

Sunmi smiled when the couple rode a hot air balloon together and he suprised her with a necklace. "Wah." She swooned.

Chanyeol glanced at her. "I know what you're thinking." Chanyeol said. Sunmi turned to look at him. "You're thinking, "Aww,those no guy like that in this world we live in. It's all a fairytale." Sunmi pouted.

"Nuh-uh. I do believe there are guys like that. They just don't go to our school. But I think I have met one already." Sunmi's eyes sparkled. Chanyeol began to fall harder for Sunmi's genuine smile.

"Who...?" Chanyeol asked suspicious. *Hoya? He's a real charming guy and alot of girls like him,he's a good listener and he has no flaws. Is it him?* Chanyeol began thinking.

"Well,he's not all that perfect but i believe he's my prince." Sunmi looked down and smiled.


*Who? Don't tell me.* Chanyeol's face fell.

"Hi L." Sunmi answered her phone. Chanyeol saw that Sunmi had began twirling her hair in her finger.

*I'm just a friend to her. I don't think I could ever be more than that.* Chanyeol averted his attention to somewhere else.

"What? L, I can't hear you. Huh?" Sunmi's eyebrows furrowed. Chanyeol saw that at the corner of his eye,she was frowning.

(L and Sunmi's conversation.)

"Where are you??" L shouted.

"Me? I'm at home. L,why are you shouting?" Sunmi asked worried. Chanyeol pretended he wasn't listening.

"I thought you said to meet at my house. Hurry and comeeee now!" L shouted once again merrily.

Afterthat he hung up leaving Sunmi confused. "What was that?" Sunmi said under her breath. She was now in a state of confusion.

"Are you okay..?" Chanyeol asked carefully. Sunmi blinked then looked at Chanyeol.

"He asked me where I was,andhe said we planned to meet at his house,and to hurry to his house." Sunmi blinked once again.

"Oh. So go then." Chanyeol stood up.

"But we've never planned to meet at his house. And he was shouting,I think...he was drunk.." Sunmi stood up with wide wandering eyes. Chanyeol shut his eyes while gritting his teeth.

*Aish. Since Sunmi likes this guy,I'll help her out. But it's only for Sunmi's happiness.* "Hold on." Chanyeol dug his phone out of his wet jacket and dialed a number.

"Hello?-Where are you?-Just tell me.-Huh?Seriously.-You better not hang--" Chanyeol blew out air and put his phone away.

"Don't worry about it Sunmi. I'll handle it for you okay." Chanyeol smiled.

"But,who did you just call...?" She asked.

"Don't.Worry.About.It." Chanyeol gripped onto Sunmi's shoulders and chanted. Sunmi could tell Chanyeol actually wanted her to forget about it so she pursed her lips and nodded.

"Since you're staying here,help me cook dinner." Sunmi smiled and walked to the kitchen,followed by Chanyeol.

"But doesn't the guest usually sit back and relax?" He asked leaning over the counter infront of the fridge.

"Who said you were a guest? You're just an intruder I have to put up with." Sunmi looked through her fridge for something to eat.

"Hey you never know I can be your protector if someone tries to break in." Chanyeol shrugged. Sunmi snorted while looked through the cabinets this time. "What? I can. Have you seen me in action. I'm good at punches."

"Alright idiot. Let's make some spaghetti." She got out a strainer,tomato sauce,the uncooked noodles and pot. "What else do I need..?" Sunmi wandered the kitchen confused and unsure. *Aigoo. Now I'll show you my cookin skills Sunmi.* Chanyeol pushed himself off the counter and walked into the kitchen area.

"Step aside little one." Chanyeol said and pat Sunmi's head. Sunmi gave him a look as she stepped aside. "First we gotta cook the noodes.And since that's an easy task,I'm gonna put you in charge of it,okay?" Chanyeol began speaking in a baby tone. Sunmi wasn't amused though.

"You're an idiot." Sunmi blinked and Chanyeol smiled. 4

"Listen closely now. First you get this small pot,pour water half way into it,put it over the stove and set the stove to medium and wait a little while for the water to boil,open the spaghetti box,hold the noodles over the pot with both hands and let go. Then wait a few minutes for it to cook. Okay?" Chanyeol tilted his head. Sunmi was looking straight into his eyes and listening,but she was slightly lost.

"Seems easy.." Sunmi mumbled and grabbed her equipment.

"I'm gonna make the sauce then." Chanyeol clapped his hands and went right away to making his dish.

Sunmi's Pov:

So I followed Chanyeol's first instruction and now there's water boiling.

"Chanyeol the waters boiling." I told him so he could check up on me. He looked over from the cutting board and at me. He smiled without a word and continued cutting mushrooms. "Chanyeol I don't like mushrooms." I told him looking at the sliced mushrooms.

"Just keep watching the water." He said shaking his head.

"Look it's bubbling!" I said excitedly and pointed to it while slapping Chanyeol's arm.

"Oww,okay. Calm down. Count to sixty and then put the noodles in." He chuckled at me while cutting.

I finished counting to sixty and was holding the spaghetti over the pot. "I'm gonna put them in Chanyeol." I told him my next action. He put his knife down and came next to me.

"Be careful. You have to do it the right way or the noodles wont fit. Chanyeol said suddenly grasping my hands with his. It's normal for friends to touch. I'm fine. Chanyeol then seperated my two hands with his causing the uncooked noodles to fall perfectly and fan out.

"Wah. They're cooking now." I smiled widely and felt like I accomplished something.

End of Pov

Chanyeol still held onto Sunmi's hands as she spoke and smiled like a child. He gazed at her smiling eyes and cute cheeks and let out a sigh. *Too bad you aren't mine yet.* Chanyeol clapped his hands with Sunmi's and went to his work.

"Are you almost done with the sauce?" Sunmi asked on her tiptoes and looking over Chanyeol's shoulder. The sauce was just starting to burn and he began adding the spices. 

"Almost." Chanyeol mumbled cause he was too busy focusing on the flame.

*Looking at Chanyeol now,he actually looks reliable.* Sunmi watched amazed and curious how someone like Chanyeol knows how to cook.

Minutes later ~

"Yay. I think I made the noodles just perfect." Sunmi beamed when Chanyeol began serving her a plate. He spread the tomato sauce like a pro and placed the plate infront of her.

"Yeah,good job Sunmi." Chanyeol smirked and also sat down across from Sunmi with his dish. "Well,what are you waiting for?Eat." Chanyeol smiled. She nodded and took a bite. Chanyeol was still watching her as she chewed.

"It's good." Sunmi's face lit up. Chanyeol smirked.

"Of course it is." He said full of confidence and began eating too.

"How did you learn how to cook anyways?" Sunmi asked so there wouldn't be an awkward silence.

"I was really interested in cooking when I was dating.. yeah.I liked cooking for my friends and her alot." Chanyeol replied. Sunmi nodded getting the memo.

"At first glance you like the kind of girl who knows what she's doing but, in reality,you don't. You're lost and spaced out." Chanyeol smirked. Sunmi just stared at him with ._. this face. "It's cute." He shortly said and ate more spaghetti. Sunmi got shocked at the sudden compliment Chanyeol gave her. "You're turning red again. Strawberry." Chanyeol brought up her nickname and made her even more red.

"Aish,stop teasing me.It's not funny." Sunmi blew on her bangs and stabbed her fork into the plate.

"You're right. It's not funny." Chanyeol looked up at Sunmi. "It's cute."

"You're an idiot Chanyeol." Sunmi said under her breath.


"Are you sure you want me to go?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah,my dad will probably be home in a few minutes,or in an hour..or two.." Sunmi said while holding onto the door knob. Chanyeol stood infront of her uneasy.

"Okayyy. Thanks Sunmi." Chanyeol said awkwardly.

"Oh and you can just come over again to drop the clothes off." Sunmi said then looked at the torn shirt. "Or you can keep the shirt.." Chanyeol looked down at his chest and smiled. "Okay,bye Chanyeol,be safe." Sunmi awkwardly said while shutting the door slowly. The door had almost shut all the way but it came to a halt. "Huh?" Sunmi opened the door to see Chanyeol still standing there with his arm extended to the door. "Did you leave--"

"Remember when you said you would give me a hug on Monday because I told you the story..?" Chanyeol asked while rubbing his neck.

Sunmi felt a lump in . "Yeah.." She said quietly.

"Can I have it now?" Chanyeol asked with his eyes shut. *This is just pathetic Park Chanyeol. She doesn't like you like th--* Chanyeol's thoughts were interrupted when he felt arms around his back. He was quick to respond and wrapped his arms around Sunmi's waist. *She smells like coconut and lime. It's addicting. No,she's addicting.*

*It's the least I can do for him. He's really been a good friend lately.* Sunmi said and released him. "See ya at school." She gave him one last smile and shut the door. Chanyeol felt like exploding and jumping in the air. But instead he pumped his fist in the air and walked off with his hands in his pocket. Sunmi saw everything through the window and smiled while shaking her head.

*Goodnight stupid.*


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Doojoon_Sunggyu #1
Chapter 3: Omg. "Dont eat aby apples then" omg. This line got me so crack up.
Chapter 8: Oh my god. My name is Sunmee Park and I'm korean. This just made my day
Chapter 41: I guess the moral of the story is sometimes the pretty apples can be rotten on the inside lol.
Hoya turned out to be like a fairy godmother in this story and I guess Chanyeol is prince charming :)
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 41: ASDFGHJKL$$$$$$$$$$
That was so sweet you know!!XD the ending of this story is perfect!!! I love it!!!XD i really really truly do!!
Thanks for making such a cute and sweet fic of Chanyeol.. It's one of my most fav Chanyeol's fic!! You are jjang!! I love you!!:*
Chapter 39: Please update@!!@#$!@@!@
Chapter 1: Good grammar. Bonus.
Chapter 13: Aigoo, Chanyeol, you shouldn't easily dismiss the "frog princes". They are the "F4" of the school after all :) But I agree with you, you're just as handsome as them :D
I'm surprised he actually doesn't have a lot of girls swarming around him, haha. But that makes it easier for Sunmi if/when she realizes she has feelings for him too lol ^_^
Chapter 12: Her attraction to L seems only for physical reasons (the pretty apple). Hoya on the other hand has interacted with her and been very hospitable towards her (the tasty apple).
And then there's Chanyeol, playing the lazy slacker who likes teasing her so much. I guess he's the sour apple then lol?
But I like sour apples too! Especially with caramel dip XD
Chapter 11: I thought her mother had something to do with her boy-craziness LOL!
But when Sunmi described her ideal guy, Hoya came to mind for me from the way you've described the three possible contenders so far. Guess Yura and I have different perceptions of the same guys haha.