Party time!

I planned my own love story




 L and Sunmi stepped up to a house that looked like no one was home.

"Is this your house?" Sunmi asked peering over his shoulder as L looked through the windows.

"Nope." L shook his head and whipped out his phone. "Are you guys home yet?I brought her over."

Sunmi blinked as L smiled at her. Sunmi and L waited a few seconds before hearing footsteps and a light turn on.


The three girls from before all waved cheerfully and smiled widely at both L and Sunmi.

*Hmm.Wonder why we're here.* Sunmi followed L and the three girls inside the house.

"Okay,so while L goes somewhere,Sunmi you come with us..!" The thick one giggled while grabbing Sunmi close to her side.

"I trust you guys with her." L winked and walked out the door.

*What the??* Sunmi looked at the girls and had a puzzled look. "What's going on?" She asked.

"We'll have to put on a real dazzling dress for her." Eunmi looked Sunmi up and down and scanned her face.

*Dress?* Sunmi blinked.

"She's pretty enough!Sunmi will look good in anything!" The one with loads of make up smirked.

They took Sunmi up to a room,which Sunmi assumed was one of thiers,and they sat her on a chair while Eunmi brushed Sunmi's hair,the thick one picked out a dress for her and the last did her makeup. Which Sunmi wasn't at ease for.

"So,what are your names?And ages?" Sunmi asked while she was getting her hair done by Eunmi.

"Well,I'm 17 and the names Byun Eunmi." Eunmi introduced. Sunmi nodded. *I'm older than her.*

"I'm Kim Amy and also 17." The thick one said while holding up a dress to Sunmi's face. *Than her too.*

"And lastly I am Jung Sohee,18. We're can be friends right?" Sohee asked Sunmi. Sunmi nodded at Sohee and smiled.

"So where are we going anyways?" Sunmi asked another question.

"Party." Sohee replied while fixing her own white skin tight dress.

*That's the last part of our first date?Hm.I thought it would be a different ending.* Sunmi shrugged.

"Okay!Done." Eunmi breathed and handed Eunmi a mirror. "YAH. Amy where is her dress?!" Eunmi shouted.

While Amy searched frantically for Sumi's dress,Sunmi lifted the mirror and gasped.

*Wah.Eunmi did this?* Sunmi's hair was wavy with some curls and one side was clipped back,with her bangs to the side. *Wonder what L would say..* Sunmi blushed.

" then,I'll begin doing your makeup!" Sohee smiled. Sunmi nodded nervously.


Amy finally found a dress suitable for Sunmi. It was a strapless red dress that went up to her knees. (Just imagine..) And her makeup was light and neat,matching with her black flats.

"There!Aw look at you~!" Sohee pinched Sunmi's cheek while looking in the mirror.

"You guys look pretty too." Sunmi complimented. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom first." Sunmi said and disappeared.

"Is L here yet?Wait til he sees her!Ah,such a cute couple." Amy cringed with Sohee.

Eunmi smiled along and waited for Sunmi to come out.She heard a vibrate on the near dresser and looked over that direction. *Oh,is that Sunmi's phone?* Eunmi saw on the screen said 2 unread messgaes. Curious who it was from Eunmi picked up the phone and clicked open text.

Eunmi's heart beated loudly when she saw who the text was from. *CHANYEOL OPPA?Why is he texting her?* Eunmi grew furious because she never gets text from Chanyeol,let alone two.

Eunmi looked around and read the text first text that was from ealier morning.

Did you dream of me?^^ I know that I may be bothering you,but I like you too much to let you go. Sorry if this is burdening you,but just continue being yourself around me. Have a good day!<3

Eunmi felt herself boiling. *Chanyeol likes her too?Just what is going between these two?* Eunmi read the recent text.

Sunmi-ah,what are you doing?I was wondering if we could go out to eat together..i guess if that's okay with L.I mean it's just going together as friends right? Answer me~ (o.o) ..

Eunmi balled her hand in a fist but smiled. She started to type a reply into Sunmi's phone.


I'm going to a party with L. Don't bother me.

Eunmi smirked as she sent the text.


"Girls let's go!They're here." Sohee called from downstairs. Eunmi quickly deleted the messages then ran downstairs.

"Unnie! Here's your phone,you left it upstairs." Eunmi handed Sunmi her phone with an innocent gaze.

"Ah,thanks Eunmi." Sunmi smiled and took it from Eunmi.

"Where's my girl?" L said leaning on a car door. Sunmi heard my girl and blushed while walking towards L.

"Do I look okay?" Sunmi asked standing before L.

L squinted. "No." L shook his head.Sunmi's face fell. "You look perfect." L said taking Sunmi's hand and kissed it.

Eunmi glared at them being all lovey dovey.

"Okay!Let's go party!!" Dongwoo,who was driving,shouted. Everyone shouted while the car drove off.


"Wahh.Big house." Sohee looked at Sunmi with wide eyes. Sunmi gasped getting off the car.

L smiled widely and fixed his jacket. "Let's go in." L wrapped his arm around Sunmi's waist and lead her inside the big house.

*This is seriously big.And my dad doesn't know I'm here.Oh well.* Sunmi threw all away her worries as L held her tighter.

All the boys greeted some guy with sunglasses on,which the Sunmi and Sohee found absurd since they were indoors and it was night time.

The house was full of pretty girls and hot looking guys.Some were drinking wine and some were holding beer cans.

*They're this not a high school party..?* Sunmi gupled as she stayed near L. He was greeting guys with high fives and winks.

"What do you want to drink?" L asked close to Sunmi's face,cause the music was loud.

"Uh,just punch is fine.." Sunmi answered. L smirked then pet Sunmi's head.

"I'll be back." L said and walked off into the crowd. Sunmi stood against a wall with Sohee and Amy. Eunmi was with a crowd of boys and girls giggling. *She seems well known here.*



Chanyeol's Pov: 

I was watching tv alone in my apartment,when I heard my phone go off. Aigoo. She finally texted back.

I smiled while opening the text.

From: Sunmi(:

I'm going to a party with L. Don't bother me.

I suddenly felt a small pain in my heart. Sunmi's going to a party?That L guy better take care of her there. If something happens to Sunmi..Aish.Once again I am worrying too much.

Sunmi's a nice girl.I hope she isn't at a party where bad things happen. People better not take advantage of her,or pressure her into drinking or doing drugs..I can't just sit here,knowing Sunmi's at a party I don't know of.Even if she's with L,I can't trust him.

 Ah. I know who to call. This girl always know where parties are.

I dialed her number and if she doesnt pick up I swear I won't even bother talking to her.


"I knew you'd call me." Eunmi answered. Knew?

"What do you mean?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Your precious Sunmi.She's with me.Who knew,she can actually become one of us anytime soon.You know,if she threw away her innocent crap." I could tell Eunmi was rolling her eyes.

"Where is she right now?" I asked in a hurry.

"Sunmi unnie?Ah,she's standing near a wall,with my groupies,and looks like boys will be talking to her soon,L isn't by her side to protect her." Eunmi mocked me. I have to go get Sunmi.

End of Pov

"Eunmi!Where is this party you're at?!" Chanyeol asked in a calm tone.

Eunmi hesitated to answer. "I'll tell you.Under one condition.."




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Doojoon_Sunggyu #1
Chapter 3: Omg. "Dont eat aby apples then" omg. This line got me so crack up.
Chapter 8: Oh my god. My name is Sunmee Park and I'm korean. This just made my day
Chapter 41: I guess the moral of the story is sometimes the pretty apples can be rotten on the inside lol.
Hoya turned out to be like a fairy godmother in this story and I guess Chanyeol is prince charming :)
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 41: ASDFGHJKL$$$$$$$$$$
That was so sweet you know!!XD the ending of this story is perfect!!! I love it!!!XD i really really truly do!!
Thanks for making such a cute and sweet fic of Chanyeol.. It's one of my most fav Chanyeol's fic!! You are jjang!! I love you!!:*
Chapter 39: Please update@!!@#$!@@!@
Chapter 1: Good grammar. Bonus.
Chapter 13: Aigoo, Chanyeol, you shouldn't easily dismiss the "frog princes". They are the "F4" of the school after all :) But I agree with you, you're just as handsome as them :D
I'm surprised he actually doesn't have a lot of girls swarming around him, haha. But that makes it easier for Sunmi if/when she realizes she has feelings for him too lol ^_^
Chapter 12: Her attraction to L seems only for physical reasons (the pretty apple). Hoya on the other hand has interacted with her and been very hospitable towards her (the tasty apple).
And then there's Chanyeol, playing the lazy slacker who likes teasing her so much. I guess he's the sour apple then lol?
But I like sour apples too! Especially with caramel dip XD
Chapter 11: I thought her mother had something to do with her boy-craziness LOL!
But when Sunmi described her ideal guy, Hoya came to mind for me from the way you've described the three possible contenders so far. Guess Yura and I have different perceptions of the same guys haha.