Our actual first date.

I planned my own love story

Sunday 12 pm

"Sunmi,wake up and come eat." Mr.Park stuck his head in Sunmi's room.

"No." Sunmi's voice got muffled by the pillow.

"Fine,I'm going to work now,so find your own dinner to eat,okay?" He said and left in a hurry.

Sunmi opened her eyes and blinked tiredly,looking at the clock.

*That was such a weird dream.I got stood up by L,and Chanyeol took me to my fantasy date,it was so beautiful. And after that...why did I end up kissing Chanyeol though?Hm. Crazy dream.*

Sunmi yawned and got up slowly. "It's quiet." Sunmi suddenly said while squinting around her room. She got up and walked to her dresser. She blinked at the mirror then snagged her phone and ran to the warmth of her bed.

"Hm?" Sunmi said leaning back on her bed.

3 missed calls (From L)

1 new voice message

2 new text messages

Sunmi's eyebrows pinched together as she opened up the voice message. It was L's voice,she knew right away.

Hey,Sunmi,I'm really sorry I didn't make it to our date. I really wanted to see you. I had something important come up so I hope you'll understand. I really like you alot,so please forgive me.Okay?Call me when you get this message.

She finished listening then read other text from L.

Sunmi sat up slowly and came to a realization. *He really did stand me up..and I really did go on that date with Chanyeol. And,Chanyeol did confess to me,and took my f-f-first k-kiss. Aiya.*

Sunmi facepalmed her forehead as she lay back down again. *Now that I think about,Chanyeol is kinda cute--woah!What am I saying?!I mean--*

Ring ring ring

Sunmi's phone began to ring. She searched her whole bed for it then found it on her side dresser.

L! Sunmi answered calmly. "Hey L."

"Why didn't you answer last night?I called about three times,were you sleeping?" L asked

Sunmi suddenly had a flashback of when Chanyeol's face was close to hers.

"I was..uhh no. Not sleeping. I just didn't hear it." Sunmi lied. *I just lied to L!* Sunmi began burning up.

"Really?Oh. Hey,why don't we have a re-do date? This time,officially as boyfriend and girlfriend?" L asked while smiling,ofcourse Sunmi couldn't see it.

Sunmi nearly squealed but held her breath. "I would like that." Sunmi said with a love sick gaze at nothing.

"Good,I'll come by at your house by two. So see ya til then." L hung up first like he normally does.

Sunmi smiled widely and frailed her arms in the air. "Assa!" She cheered and realized it was already 1pm.

"And now another day of getting ready for a date!" Sunmi skipped to the bathroom and once again applied the same makeup routine. And did her hair in a braided side ponytail.

She walked out of the bathroom energized and dolled up and strut to her closet.

*What was L's style again.Black?* Sunmi looked through her closet for anything black and similar to yesterdays.

Sunmi chose gray skinnies,a purple v-neck and a black leather jacket. As she put on her jacket Sunmi began humming merrily to herself.


After 45 minutes of prettying herself up,Sunmi walked down the stairs with a fresh smile.

Sunmi went to the fridge and got a glass of milk. *I need to grow taller!* Sunmi thought as she gulped down the cold milk.

Wah,Seriously,your legs are no joke Chanyeol.

I know

Sunmi almost spat out her milk when she remembered last night.

Ding dong ding dong

Sunmi set down her glass in the sink and walked to the door. She exhaled silently then opened the door slowly.

She saw L standing there with his hands behind his back and he had on a cute smile.

"For my girlfriend." L smiled then held out a bunch of flowers tied in a silk ribbon towards Sunmi.

Sunmi's eyes lit up when she heard L call her his girlfriend and suprised her with frlowers.

"Wah.Pretty." Sunmi smiled looking at the flowers and stepping back so L could enter.

"Yes you are." L said looking at Sunmi up and down. Sunmi blushed and turned red or as Chanyeol would like to say she turned into a strawberry.

"I meant the flowers,Thanks though." She put the flowers down and stepped in front of him.

"Where are we going for our 'first' date?" Sunmi asked curious. She was thinking of many romantic and cute dates that would be just perfect for her and L. But L just had to go all secrecy on her.

"You'll find out when we get there." L winked. Sunmi blushed. "Okay,get your shoes on,let's go!" L clapped his hands together.

Sunmi couldn't stop day dreaming at L. She never expected for him to be this kind of guy.He was sweet and a gentleman.

She grabbed her black converse and L took them from her.Sunmi had taken a seat on the floor while L tied her shoelaces. Once again Sunmi had a flashback.

Here,let me tie your shoe laces for you,so you don't fall for anyone else.

Hoya's smiling face appeared,making Sunmi daze out.

"Yah,Sunmi-ah. Come on." Sunmi looked up and saw L holding out his hand towards her. Sunmi placed her hands into his and they walked out the door. *My boyfriend is L,the mysterious prince that all girls desire for.Hehe.* Sunmi glanced at L and smiled.

All her thoughts were interupted when she saw a red motorcycle infront of her. Sunmi's eyes took focus and opened. "This is yours?" She asked L. He nodded while squeezing her hand.

"Get on." L said while handing her a white helmet that fit perfectly on her head. L put on his red helmet and hopped infront of Sunmi. "Hold on to me tight okay.Don't ever let go." L voice soothed Sunmi. And she suddenly felt she could trust him.

"Okay." Sunmi said hugging L's built torso. With that sign,L started his engine and sped off into the streets.

*This is so thrilling.Don't ever let go.Wah,my boyfriend is so cool.* Sunmi layed her head on L's back and enjoyed the ride.


A few minutes later,L was driving into an alley. Sunmi saw dark around her and looked around curious and nervous. There were tall buildings around them and seemed like the alley was never coming to an end.

"Don't be scared.Just hold on to me. Trust me Sunmi." L reassured Sunmi making her feel secured again. So Sunmi did what she was told and held on tighter with a smile.

"Okay,get off. We're here." L said panting as he took of his helmet,flipping his dark hair while doing so. Sunmi looked up while taking off her helmet.

"Holes?" Sunmi read a sign lighting up and flickering off every 5 seconds.

"Yeah." L smiled and held onto Sunmi's hand and lead her up to their first date location.

Sunmi looked ahead of L anxiously with a pounding heart. Afterall this was the first time she was with L outside of school and the place was kinda creepy. L pushed the entrance door and yelled.

"I'm here!" L smiled widely while holding up his hand,which was intertwined with Sunmi's.

Sunmi shyly smiled when she saw what was around her.

Pool tables,some guys were smoking in a corner,girls were texting and giggling and there were bright lights that shined upon the billards.

"So this is 'Holes.'" Sunmi looked around while not letting go of L's hands.

"Yah,L-ah.This is your girl huh?" A guy with that looked in his early twenties said while walking towards Sunmi with a giant smile. Sunmi slightly hid behind L feeling embarrassed and nervous. The girls stopped giggling and whipped thier heads to see Sunmi and L.

Other guys gathered with smug smiled and eyes on Sunmi.

"Hmm,not bad. But she doesn't look like your style,did you steal her from Hoya?" A guy asked.

At the mention of Hoya, Sunmi's ears perked up. *Steal.me.from.Hoya?* Sunmi tilted her head and looked at L. L smiled at her and glared at the guy.

"Watch what you say!She's a nice girl,so if one of you touch her.Hwak!" L raised his forearm and fist at them. Too which they all backed up and snorted.

"I'm Sunggyu,call me oppa if you want." The guy smoking waved and blew out his smoke at L.

"I'm Dongwoo,me too! Oppa for me too!" The jumpy guy with a big smile came close to Sunmi and winked.

Sunmi nodded and blinked at him. "Back away." L coughed and smiled innocently at Sunmi.

"Yeah,this is Sungjong and there's Woohyun." L pointed his fingers to the remaining guys.

Sunmi was suprised to see cutie Woohyun in a place like this. Sunmi waved shortly to Woohyun. He gave a short smile and turned away.

*Hm. That's Woohyun huh?* Sunmi pursed her lips and noticed the guys were still staring at her.

"Oh,Hi,I'm Park Sunmi.L's girlfriend.." Sunmi became red after introducing herself.

"Let's have some fun!" L nodded to the guys. "I'll go get drinks okay. Wait over there." L let go of Sunmi's hand and vanished.

Sunmi looked around the walls and saw trophies.

"Yah,you,Sunmi." Sunmi heard the girls in the corner calling her. Sunmi blinked at them and went over to them. Theere was exactly four of them. A short girl with a lollipop in ,a round girl with red thick lipstick,and tall model like girl,and a medium height girl but too much makeup on,which is the one who called her.

"You dating L,i heard?" She smirked like she knew something.

Sunmi smiled. "Yeah,started today.And now this is our date." Sunmi spoke softly.

"Woo. Lucky you. L's one hot boy." The round girl winked at Sunmi. She giggled and nodded.

"Well,we should enjoy ourselves then shouldn't we?" The short girl spoke,causing Sunmi to look at her.

Sunmi gasped when she saw that it was Eunmi. "Eunmi??What are you doing here??" Sunmi stuttered and wondered why an innocent girl like her was her too.

"Unni,don't freak.keke. I come here often,the boys and us hang out here and just chill ya know." Eunmi shrugged and flung her lollipop in the trash can. Sunmi was still shocked but nodded.

"I'm back." L said appearing with two bubble teas. "Here.I didn't know what flavor to get so i got my favorite.Strawberry." L smiled and handed it to Sunmi. Sunmi looked at the pink cold drink and took a sip.

"Thanks." She smiled at him making direct eye contact. The girls all sqealed and pushed Sunmi playfully.

L rolled his eyes at the girl and took Sunmi away from them

"Have fun~!" They all winked and waved. Sunmi giggled and walked alongside L.

"Were they nice to you?" L asked. Sunmi shook her head yes and drank more of her beverage.

L lead Sunmi to sit down at a couch infront of where the boys were playing. He sat close to her,Sunmi could even smell his scent.

"Did you wait long yesterday?I was truly sorry." L whispered in Sunmi's ear.

Sunmi's heart skipped a beat. But she didn't want to think sbout yesterday anymore. "Yeah,you don't need to apologize anymore. I'm really okay." Sunmi turned to look at L. He was just killing her with his gaze.

"Good. I'm glad you forgive me." L smiled and put his arm around Sunmi's shoulder.

"L!Wanna go for a round?" Dongwoo suddenly interrupted. L sighed and looked at Sunmi.

"Go.I wanna watch you play." Sunmi told him.

"Okay,don't take your eyes off me. Not even for one second." L whispered once again in Sunmi's ear and left the couch.

"OOH. L's playing." The girl with too much make up shouted. Sunmi smiled but kept focus on her boyfriend.

*He's perfect.* Sunmi grinned when she saw L hit the cue ball hard. L winked at her and high fived Woohyun,who was on his team.


After continious playing,L and Woohyun were winning. Woohyun had just made a shot and once again L and him highfived eachother.

Sunggyu was closed one eye and aimed for an easy ball,but failed.

"Aww,hyung,why do you at this?" Dongwoo shook his head and watched L play.

Sunmi couldn't help but notice Woohyun besides her.

"Woohyun-ah!" Sunmi clapped infront of his face. Woohyun blinked and looked at Sunmi.

"Oh,look L made a shot!Woo." Woohyun muttered quickly and dashed off to high five L.

*Did I do something wrong?* Sunmi blinked.


Later~5 pm

Sunmi and L were walking together in a neighborhood park. It would have been scary,there was a few light post and bugs flying around,and the water fountain only had one light shining inside it,but since Sunmi was with L she didn't notice those things.

"Sorry,I got carried away with the boys." L said apologizing once again, with his hands in his pocket.

"Aiii,It's okay.It was interesting watching you play. Next time I want to try playing too." Sunmi smiled while looking at L. "

"Okay,next time." L said taking Sunmi's hands into his hands as they walk in the dark together.

"I don't want you to go home just yet,it's not even dark yet." L tugged onto Sunmi's hand.

"Then where can we go now?" Sunmi asked her boyfriend.

"You'll see." L teased.

"Again?" Sunmi smiled while shaking her head.

"Mm,first we're gonna get you changed." L said looking deeply into Sunmi's eyes then dragging her to his motorcycle.

"Eh??" Sunmi's eyes widend with wonder.L smirked and drove off with Sunmi's arm wrapped tightly around him.

*Sigh.I guess I'd go anywhere with this guy.*



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Doojoon_Sunggyu #1
Chapter 3: Omg. "Dont eat aby apples then" omg. This line got me so crack up.
Chapter 8: Oh my god. My name is Sunmee Park and I'm korean. This just made my day
Chapter 41: I guess the moral of the story is sometimes the pretty apples can be rotten on the inside lol.
Hoya turned out to be like a fairy godmother in this story and I guess Chanyeol is prince charming :)
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 41: ASDFGHJKL$$$$$$$$$$
That was so sweet you know!!XD the ending of this story is perfect!!! I love it!!!XD i really really truly do!!
Thanks for making such a cute and sweet fic of Chanyeol.. It's one of my most fav Chanyeol's fic!! You are jjang!! I love you!!:*
Chapter 39: Please update@!!@#$!@@!@
Chapter 1: Good grammar. Bonus.
Chapter 13: Aigoo, Chanyeol, you shouldn't easily dismiss the "frog princes". They are the "F4" of the school after all :) But I agree with you, you're just as handsome as them :D
I'm surprised he actually doesn't have a lot of girls swarming around him, haha. But that makes it easier for Sunmi if/when she realizes she has feelings for him too lol ^_^
Chapter 12: Her attraction to L seems only for physical reasons (the pretty apple). Hoya on the other hand has interacted with her and been very hospitable towards her (the tasty apple).
And then there's Chanyeol, playing the lazy slacker who likes teasing her so much. I guess he's the sour apple then lol?
But I like sour apples too! Especially with caramel dip XD
Chapter 11: I thought her mother had something to do with her boy-craziness LOL!
But when Sunmi described her ideal guy, Hoya came to mind for me from the way you've described the three possible contenders so far. Guess Yura and I have different perceptions of the same guys haha.