What a day!

I planned my own love story

A/N: I am on a role,all the ideas for this story just keeps coming ! K bye! :J

"Eeeyahh." Sunmi made a starnge sound as she stretched. She rubbed her tired eyes and searched for her phone. *8:26?!I missed the bus!* Sunmi zoomed to her bathroom and bgan brushing her teeth at fast speed, she quickly rinsed and brushed her bangs and hair. After that she tried to find her uniform but she couldn't find it. *Where's my uniform??* Sunmi searched everywhere for it.

"Dad? DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY UNIFOR--Oh snap." Sunmi slapped her face and groaned. *It's in L's car.* Sunmi bit her lip and wondered what she should do.

"Sunmi? Why are you yelling? And I found your uniform on the front porch. Why--"

"Thanks dad." Sunmi said quickly and shut the door to change. Everything she did was rushed. She didn't even pick out the same colored socks. She ran downstairs and looked frantically for her black converse. She finally found it in a corner and shoved them on.

"Dad, can you give me a ride to school?" Sunmi asked panting.

"Yeah." Her dad said calmly. He was used to his daughter's clumsiness,so this was no suprise to him.


"Next time, wake up early!" Her dad shouted and Sunmi waved.

*Aish.* Sunmi straightened her uniform before entering the school. She went to the office to get a slip.

"Name?" The office lady asked.

"Park Sunmi." Sunmi stared at the floor dazed.


"I-i woke up late." Sunmi said honestly. She felt so tired and dizzy for some reason. Like her body was about to fall any minute.

"One more time, and you get detention for a week, okay? Now get to class." The lady told her and Sunmi bowed. She walked to her locker and heard someone calling her name.She turned around to scan the hallways and saw L. She gave him a small smile and turned back to her locker. But that didn't stop L from going near her.

"Sunmi." L whispered and poked her sides. Sunmi flinched and turned around. L hugged her with one arm and lifted her chin with his free hand.

"You tired?" He asked with a smirk. Sunmi pouted and nodded.

"How about we ditch again?We can go relax at my house." L said with a cute smile. Sunmi thought about it and shook her head. *That probably won't be the best idea..*

"No,I feel guilty about ditching yesterday. So, maybe next time." Sunmi smiled and he pulled her closer. Sunmi's eyes widened.

"Are you sure?" L said looking into her eyes. Sunmi almost felt like she was being hypnotized.

*No no no SUNMI! NO.* Sunmi's head was yelling at her. "Y-yeah." Sunmi kissed L's cheek and slammed her locker. "Come on, let's get to cla--" L smirked as he walked the other direction. Sunmi stopped and stared at him. "You're ditching again?" She asked with concerned eyes. L waved with a smirk and he disappeared.

*He's too irresistable.* Sunmi calmed herself down and walked into her first class, the teacher already began teaching and Sunmi hesitated to enter. She walked in like nothing happend and dashed to her seat. Chanyeol smirked at her timidness and cautious face. Unfortunately the teacher called her out.

"Do you have a slip, Park Sunmi?" The teacher walked to her table. All the students stared expectedly at her. Sunmi felt like she had shrunked. She pulled the slip out of her pocket and placed it into the teachers hands. "Pay attention." The teacher growled. This was the teacher that hated Sunmi's guts. And she didn't know why. Chanyeol felt bad for her, since her waking up late wasn't all entire fault.


Lunch ~

"You feeling okay?" Chanyeol asked as he watched Sunmi dig her head into her arms.

"Are you sick Sunmi?" Yura asked rubbing Sunmi's back.

"I'm fine." Sunmi got up feeling groggy. She smacked her face to wake up and she hit her head to awaken her brain.

Yura, Hoya and Chanyeol all stared at her strangely.

"Maybe you should sleep or something." Yura said.

"In school? No, I need to pay attention, I'm sorta failing now." Sunmi mumbled.

"Oh yeah, what happened to you yesterday? Both, you and L disappeared.Did you guys ditch together?" Yura asked curiously. Hoya and Chanyeol both stared at Sunmi. Her eyes were averted at the table and her face was rested on her cheek.

"Yeah, I'll tell you all what happened some other time." Sunmi looked at Chanyeol. Chanyeol stopped staring at her and began eating.

"Sunmi, are we still on for today?" Hoya asked with a small smile. "It's okay if you're too tired. We could always go another day." Hoya said being reasonable and kind. Sunmi admired it and shook her head.

"No, we're still on. I'll probably be more awake by noon." Sunmi said quietly. They all stared at Sunmi's tired state and wondered. All except Chanyeol, who knew everything well.


Sunmi was kinda bored since L wasn't in class to keep her company and Chanyeol wasn't talking much. So she wasn't in all that of a good mood. She shut her locker slowly and turned around. Hoya was there smiling at her. Sunmi backed into the lockers and held her chest.

"You scared me." Sunmi walked with Hoya out the school doors. Hoya chuckled.

"Sorry." Hoya apologized. "Is something on your mind? Don't even say no. I know there is." Hoya insisted. Sunmi puffed out her cheeks.

"I don't know, I think something happened when me and L were at that one resturant. All I remember is we ate and.. Chanyeol!" Sunmi exclaimed. Hoya furrowed his eyebrows because he was lost.

"What about him?" Hoya asked. Sunmi shook her head.

*Something probably did happen, that explains why Chanyeol is so quiet today.* Sunmi looked down at her feet and they walked together in comfortable silence.


At the mall ~

"So have you thought of what you want yet?" Hoya asked while looking around the mall.

"Um, not yet." Sunmi said with her lips pursed and her head into gear.

"Okay, well cheer up so we can have a fun date." Hoya grinned and nudged Sunmi's arm. She blinked and forced a smile.

"I'm totally fine Hoya." Sunmi said. Hoya shook his head and Sunmi gave him a weird look.

"Wow, what about going there? Don't girls like jewelery?" Hoya asked pointing to a certain jewelery store. Sunmi's eyes sparkled when she saw all the necklaces and bracelets from afar. "I'll take that as a yes." Hoya said and dragged Sunmi into the shiny place.

"Wah, that one's so pretty!" Sunmi couldn't take her eyes off of a certain necklace. It was a sliver small heart with gold wings.

"Want it?" Hoya smirked. Sunmi snapped out of her daze and shook her head.

"Too expensive." Sunmi whispered to Hoya. He chuckled and they went to look at other jewelery.*I do want it, but since Hoys is my friend, I can't just accept it.* Sunmi and Hoya then exited the store and they walked into a clothing store.

"Hey, go try these on for me." Hoya said handing Sunmi a few dresses. Sunmi stared at how beautiful they were.

"Why?" Sunmi said holding them to her body. Hoya smiled and pushed her in a dressing room. *He's so strange.* Sunmi thought and picked up the first dress out of four. It was a red,sleeveless,mini-dress with lace on the bottom. (I at imagery.) Sunmi put it on and walked out nervously. "Now what?" Sunmi asked Hoya. He was just staring at her up and down without an expresion. Basically checking her out.

"Eh. Next dress!" Hoya clapped his hands. Sunmi put her hands on her hips and marched back into the dressing room. This time this dress was black with sheer sleeves and the bottom half of it was gray with small ruffles. Sunmi didn't like the ruffles they made her thighs itchy.

"This one's itchy." Sunmi said with a frown. Hoya nodded and pointed back to the dressing room.The next dress was too long and Sunmi almost tripped every step she took. And finally the last dress, it was a tight,white,no sleeved dress that went up to the middle of her thighs and the best part was there was a thin black belt around the waist and a small bow attatched to it.

"Um, this one is comfortable, but kinda too revealing. Where am I gonna wear this anyways?" Sunmi asked curling a strand of her hair behind her ear. Hoya had a wide grin on his face.

"I want you to be my date to one of my friend's party." Hoya said. Sunmi's eyes went wide. *HUH?*

"But.. I'm L's girlfriend..." Sunmi cocked her head to the side wondering if this is wrong or okay.

"It's okay. It's not like we're an actual couple. Just be there to keep me company." Hoya stood up and faced Sunmi. She was still unsure. "Think about it. It's on Saturday. The day after your birthday, so, you have 2 days to think about it." Hoya said. Sunmi nodded.


Sunmi got home and shut the door with a plain expression. Her dad saw her and waved.

"What'cha got there?" Mr. Park asked. Sunmi looked down at the bag.

Even if you don't want to go, just keep this dress for any other special day. You look fantastic in it.

Hoya's words drifted into Sunmi's brain. "Oh, it's just an early birthday present from a friend." Sunmi smiled and went to her room.

*Should I go.. or not?*


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Doojoon_Sunggyu #1
Chapter 3: Omg. "Dont eat aby apples then" omg. This line got me so crack up.
Chapter 8: Oh my god. My name is Sunmee Park and I'm korean. This just made my day
Chapter 41: I guess the moral of the story is sometimes the pretty apples can be rotten on the inside lol.
Hoya turned out to be like a fairy godmother in this story and I guess Chanyeol is prince charming :)
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 41: ASDFGHJKL$$$$$$$$$$
That was so sweet you know!!XD the ending of this story is perfect!!! I love it!!!XD i really really truly do!!
Thanks for making such a cute and sweet fic of Chanyeol.. It's one of my most fav Chanyeol's fic!! You are jjang!! I love you!!:*
Chapter 39: Please update@!!@#$!@@!@
Chapter 1: Good grammar. Bonus.
Chapter 13: Aigoo, Chanyeol, you shouldn't easily dismiss the "frog princes". They are the "F4" of the school after all :) But I agree with you, you're just as handsome as them :D
I'm surprised he actually doesn't have a lot of girls swarming around him, haha. But that makes it easier for Sunmi if/when she realizes she has feelings for him too lol ^_^
Chapter 12: Her attraction to L seems only for physical reasons (the pretty apple). Hoya on the other hand has interacted with her and been very hospitable towards her (the tasty apple).
And then there's Chanyeol, playing the lazy slacker who likes teasing her so much. I guess he's the sour apple then lol?
But I like sour apples too! Especially with caramel dip XD
Chapter 11: I thought her mother had something to do with her boy-craziness LOL!
But when Sunmi described her ideal guy, Hoya came to mind for me from the way you've described the three possible contenders so far. Guess Yura and I have different perceptions of the same guys haha.