You're a special girl ~

I planned my own love story

"Happy birthday my precious daughter." Sunmi read. Mr. Park had made a special breakfast for Sunmi and left a note.

Finally, your 19! I can't belive it. You're so grown up now. I'm glad that you were able to live even though your mom isn't with us, you have still managed to grow up and become a beautiful, wonderful young girl. Happy birthday Sunmi-ah! Daddy loves you alot!

Sunmi smiled when she read the note. She ate her breakfast alone and already put on her shoes.

"Let's hope today is a good day." Sunmi pressed her lips into a thin line and walked out. She had done her hair differently than usual, since her bangs were getting long, she swept them to the right side of her face and her light brown hair was wavy and flowed down her back. She only felt a little different. But other than that, everything was still the same. Her name, her face, her day, just everything but her age. *Nineteen.* Sunmi smiled. Hoya was standing in front of his house with a small smile. He waved to Sunmi and she waved back. When they got closer they began to converse with eachother.

"So, you still don't have any plans for tonight? I mean, it's Friday? You and your parents don't have like a tradition or something?" Hoya mused with a goofy smile. Sunmi shook her head.

"We use to. But dad's always busy now since my mom died a few years ago." Sunmi said with her eyes to somewhere else so Hoya couldn't see her sad expression.

"Oh. Sorry to hear." HOya grew quiet and he rubbed his neck.

"Ahaha. You don't have to feel bad. I'm use to it." Sunmi broke out an awkward laugh. Hoya loosened up and smiled.

They got to get on the bus and sat in the way back, like they usually do.

"What about Myungsoo?" Hoya asked timidly. Sunmi's ears perked up and she sighed.

"He already has his own plans. He said they were kinda important. So yeah." Sunmi shrugged.

"What? He doesn't want to spend a special evening with you? What's more important than you?-" Hoya was going to stop but he was to late, Sunmi heard him.

"It can't be helped.I should've told him before-hand that my birthday was coming up." Sunmi said. Hoya furrowed his brows and frowned. *What the hell Myungsoo. I thought she meant something to you. You don't even know her birthday? Tch.* Hoya shook his head, being disappointed for Sunmi.

"Oh yeah. I think I have something to cheer you up." Hoya said with an excited smile. Sunmi stared at him with curious eyes. Hoya dug something out of his pocket and handed it to Sunmi. Sunmi went quiet as she opened the red box.

*The necklace.* Sunmi beamed inside but she looked at Hoya with sorry eyes. "I told you it was too expensive. Why--"

"You're a special girl Sunmi." Hoya's smile was honest as ever and his eyes showed kindness. *A guy-friend like him should be cherished.* Sunmi gave him a small hug and Hoya helped her put it on. Sunmi stared at the shiny silver heart and sparkling gold wings. *It's so beautiful.* Sunmi was very thankful towards Hoya.

"Wah, seriously. Thank you Hoya. This is the first time I've recieved a necklace from a someone." Sunmi told him. Hoya then felt special too. (Special, special,special, special girlll ~lol. K.)

"Glad to know." Hoya smiled and they chatted about random things til they arivved at school.


Sunmi saw her locker was decorated with small balloons and a big card. Her eyes sparkled and she took the card off her locker.

Happy Birthday Bestie~! I hope you have a wonderful day! Don't let anything get in the way of your happiness! P.S You're getting old ! kekeke. Love yaaa girl.

-Yura ^-^

Sunmi giggled at the card and she felt more special. *As long as your surrounded by people you love, your birthday will be filled with happiness.* Sunmi suddenly remembered what her mom had told her when she was five years old. She took her books and skipped to class. She looked over at L's table and saw that he was listening to music. *Does he still not know?* Sunmi frowned and shrugged it off. *It's okay, I wouldn't want to burden him into buying me a present.* Sunmi thought and sat at her seat.

"Hi Chanyeol." Sunmi said to be nice. Chanyeol's head was buried in his arms and his body was leaned over the desk. He just sighed and Sunmi took it that he was still not going to talk to her. "Chanyeol." Sunmi poked him. She wanted to figure out what happened that night.

"What?" Chanyeol muttered peeking out one eye to look at Sunmi. She was stunning, he was glad she had her cheerful mood back.

"Do you perhaps know what hap--"

"Quiet now!" The teacher scolded coming in with an angry force.


Sunmi didn't get to ask her question at all and the class had already ended. She sighed when she saw Chanyeol walking away. *Maybe he's trying to get over me...* Sunmi assumed. *Maybe I shouldn't bother him then.* Sunmi's thougthts always brought her deeper and deeper into conclusions.

Lunch Time ~

Sunmi was walking calmly to the lunchroom with a smile. She entered and saw that the F-4 boys were already at thier table. She was about to go greet them, but Eunmi appeared next to L.

*Why the hell is she over there?* Sunmi pouted and walked to her table feeling glum.

"Hey!" Yura waved with a cheesy smile.

"Hi." Sunmi said quietly.

"Hm? Are you sad again?" Hoya asked with his arms crossed. Chanyeol glanced up at Sunmi then buried his face back in his arms.

"I'm not." Sunmi laughed.

"Yeah, both of you are. What happened?" Hoya asked. Chanyeol sat up lazily and stared blankly at Sunmi. Sunmi stared back.

"Nothing's wrong I'm always like this." He said mono-toned. Sunmi blinked and saw that he had bags. *What's up with him?* Sunmi thought and looked away.

"Whatever you say Channie." Yura teased. Chanyeol narrowed his eyes at her but he was too lazy to argue so he went back to his cave.

"I'll buy you lunch Sunmi. Since I'm in student coucil, I'll see what I can do." Yura winked. Hoya and her left to go get lunch.Sunmi stared at Chanyeol since he was lying his head into his arms still. She tilted her head sideways and made faces. Chanyeol poked his head out like a turtle (OMG) and squinted at her.

"Do you have something to say?" Chanyeol asked bluntly.Sunmi straightened up and faked a cough.

"Uhh, aren't you gonna eat?" She asked.

"Nah." Chanyeol said and rested his cheek on his palm.

"Okay then." Sunmi's eyes roamed everywhere then she remembered something."Ah, um, I was at this one resturant with L, I feel like you were there.." Sunmi squinted also.

"What are you trying to say?" Chanyeol's voice was all husky and deep.

"Well, did something happen?" Sunmi asked. Chanyeol looked at her and she blinked.

"I'm just gonna tell you the easy part,to spare your feelings. You were drunk and I took you home." Chanyeol told her. Sunmi blinked numerous times.

"M-me? Drunk?" Sunmi tilted her head and pointed to her face. Chanyeol let out a deep sigh and nodded while his eyes were fighting to stay open.

"Hm. That's weird." Sunmi said. "Oh, and thanks then." Sunmi smiled at Chanyeol. He smirked and resumed spacing out. *I'm just that good of a friend that's why. And you're just a special girl to me that's why.* Chanyeol thought and stared as Sunmi talked to Yura. He was in deep thought about her.

*Why is such a nice girl like her dating a jerk like L?*

*How does she not see what kind of guy he really is?*

*Does she have any feelings for me?*

*What would happen if I just kissed her right now?*

*Why am I so addicted to this girl?*

*What's wrong with my head?* Chanyeol covered his face with his hands and yawned.

"Hey, since you don't have plans, why don't we go watch a movie?" Hoya asked. Sunmi looked at L and then Hoya.

"I guess that seems good." Sunmi smiled.

"Great, us four at the movies chilling!!" Yura clapped.Hoya, Chanyeol and Sunmi stared at her as if saying please don't ever do that again.


Later that night ~ 6:00pm

Sunmi texted her dad that she would be out with friends. She put on normal clothes. A plain black baggy sweater and faded gray jeans with black flats. Sunmi was told to meet at Hoya's house so she walked down stairs with her red bag and opened the door. But then, came to a halt. Before her eyes was box with a red ribbon on it and holes. Before she opened the box she saw a letter that was taped on it.

Happy Birthday Beautiful.

Sorry my present is later than most. But I'm sure you will like my present the best. I hope that it can make you smile so I don't have to see you frown. You really are an amzing girl who deserves the best.I love you Park Sunmi. C:

*Hmm.* Sunmi smiled at the cute letter and then blushed. She opened the box and couldn't believe her eyes. It was a toy poodle that was the size of her fist.

"Oh my gosh." Sunmi stared at it and picked it up. *L is the best boyfriend ever.* Sunmi kissed it and brought it to her room. She only had a few minutes so she hurriedly put a small bed next to hers and brought a bowl of water and luckily there was even food in there. She watched as the puppy the water with it's small tongue. "Aigoo, how cute." Sunmi squealed. *Oh, I have to give you a name.* Sunmi stared at the puppy. *Choco. Since your brown and I just wanna eat you. But I won't.* Sunmi chuckled and kissed the puppy.

"Bye Choco."

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Doojoon_Sunggyu #1
Chapter 3: Omg. "Dont eat aby apples then" omg. This line got me so crack up.
Chapter 8: Oh my god. My name is Sunmee Park and I'm korean. This just made my day
Chapter 41: I guess the moral of the story is sometimes the pretty apples can be rotten on the inside lol.
Hoya turned out to be like a fairy godmother in this story and I guess Chanyeol is prince charming :)
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 41: ASDFGHJKL$$$$$$$$$$
That was so sweet you know!!XD the ending of this story is perfect!!! I love it!!!XD i really really truly do!!
Thanks for making such a cute and sweet fic of Chanyeol.. It's one of my most fav Chanyeol's fic!! You are jjang!! I love you!!:*
Chapter 39: Please update@!!@#$!@@!@
Chapter 1: Good grammar. Bonus.
Chapter 13: Aigoo, Chanyeol, you shouldn't easily dismiss the "frog princes". They are the "F4" of the school after all :) But I agree with you, you're just as handsome as them :D
I'm surprised he actually doesn't have a lot of girls swarming around him, haha. But that makes it easier for Sunmi if/when she realizes she has feelings for him too lol ^_^
Chapter 12: Her attraction to L seems only for physical reasons (the pretty apple). Hoya on the other hand has interacted with her and been very hospitable towards her (the tasty apple).
And then there's Chanyeol, playing the lazy slacker who likes teasing her so much. I guess he's the sour apple then lol?
But I like sour apples too! Especially with caramel dip XD
Chapter 11: I thought her mother had something to do with her boy-craziness LOL!
But when Sunmi described her ideal guy, Hoya came to mind for me from the way you've described the three possible contenders so far. Guess Yura and I have different perceptions of the same guys haha.