Treat her better.

I planned my own love story



 "I told you already, Miyeon isn't a toy you can play with,nor break. If you continue playing around then I will take her away from you." Chanyeol was talking in his deep voice and grabbing L's collar behind the school. L looked at Chanyeol blankly.

"Whatever, we all know it's me she loves. Just stay out of our relationship sheesh." L rolled his eyes and looked away from Chanyeol's angry face.

*This guy makes me so mad.* "You don't deserve Sunmi.Treat her better." Chanyeol narrowed his eyes and released L's collar, causing him to stumble backwards. *I know.* L sighed and walked away. *I'm trying to.* L looked up to the sky to think. Since it was finally Friday, he was thinking if he should take Sunmi on another date, or go to this night club that Eunmi invited him to. L loved partying, but he also loved Sunmi dearly too. He wanted to run away where no one knows him and start a new life, but that would be too complicated. When he got home, his phone rang. "Hello?" He answered tiredly.

"Tired?" Sunmi giggled through the phone. L's face brightened and he walked absent-mindedly to his room.

"No, I was just thinking." He replied with a small smile on his face.

"Ah, i see. I was just bored of studying so I called you." Sunmi's voice had slight aegyo in it. L was melted by it though.

"Hm? I don't want to be the reason your failing your test." L smirked and layed on his bed and stared at the white cieling.

"It's fine with me. It's just one test anyways." Sunmi made excuses so she can talk to him longer.

"Well, it's not fine with me. So keep studying and I'll call you tomorrow. Okay? I'm tired right now. So ~" L faked a yawn. Sunmi pouted.

"I see,you don't want to talk to me. So I'll hang up first then." Sunmi said then hung up. L thought she would atleast say "Goodnight L." or "I understand. Goodnight." But Sunmi being the girl stubborn girl she is just hung up like that. He smiled and shook his head.

He threw his phone aside and shut his eyes. But his peace was interupted when his phone began to rind again. He groaned and checked the caller ID.

"Oppa!" A girl screamed, which L recgonized as Eunmi. L rubbed his eyes.

"What Eunmi?" L mumbled.

"So are you going with us tomorrow or what? I need to know so I can tell the others." Eunmi said excitedly. L sat up and ruffled his hair. He thought about Sunmi's sad face,and pouting voice,then her happy voice and cute smiles.

"No. I have other plans tomorrow. Sorry Eunmi." L rejected and hung up so she couldn't say another word to him. Eunmi was annoying, anyone can see that, but L needed her around incase things with Sunmi go wrong.Eunmi of course,was the one who thought of this just for the heck of it. And L being the confused guy he is, went along with her plans.


L shivered when he woke up. It was already 12pm. He snuggled in his bed not wanting to get up. Before everyone knew it was already March, L still counted it as winter though.

He sat up with one eye open.

"MYUNGSOO-AHH! Wake up now and come eat!" L heard his mom calling him. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked lazily downstairs with a frown.

"Aish, you already missed breakfast, do you plan on missing lunch too?" His mom scolded him and slapped his head. He shooed her hand away and sat down without an excuse and began eating the lunch his mom made him. "What are you doing today? Going out with that Eunmi girl again? I don't like her one bit. Then again, I don't like any of your friends,except for those guys... Hoya, Sung...yeol? and Wooyoung." His mom smiled brightly. L squinted his eyes at her.

"No and it's Woohyun mom." L quietly answered and ate faster.

"Well then. I haven't seen them around much. You should treat your friends better." Mrs.Kim said while cleaning out her fridge. *Treat her better.* Chanyeol's voice popped into L's head and he stopped eating. "You should invite them over!!" His mom excalaimed. L blanked her out a few seconds ago so he didn't hear. "Young man did you hear me?" His mom threw a roll of napkins at him. L jumped and turned around.

"Aish. Mom, calm down. This is why I don't invite them. You're weird." L finished eating and ran to his room.

"And this is why you don't have a girlfriend." His mom muttered.


It was already 3pm and L just finished taking a shower. He walked to his room with a towel around his waist and ruffled his wet hair. He was about to dress into his sweats when his phone rang.

"YAHH! Myungsoo ahh!" L heard a man's voice,but it was using aegyo.

"What do you want Sungyeol?" L checked himself out in the mirror.

"We're going to the carnival later. Wanna go?" Sungyeol asked cheerfully.

"Carnival? Why would I--" L began but thought of something. "Sure, why not." He smirked.

"YAY! Okay,we're all going to meet at my house at 5 then we'll leave okay?" Dongwoo asked.

"Got it. I'll bring my own car. So don't worry about me."

"You can drive? Since when?" Sungyeol asked.

"I told you.Don't worry about me." L said full of cockiness and smirked. After hanging up with Sungyeol he called Sunmi.

"Hello!" Sunmi answered.

"Be ready okay. I'm going to pick you up in 30 minutes." L told her.

"What--? Where are we going?" Sunmi asked curiously. "Wait, let me guess. Secret?" She smirked knowing he won't tell her anyways.

"Bingo. Just dress casually. I'll still think you're beautiful no matter what." L said with a wide smile.

Sunmi blushed. "Okay. See you in 30 then. Bye." Sunmi's eyes went into slits as her smile rose to her ears. *Now this is what dating is like.* She sighed and rushed to her closet. She picked out her casually yet nice clothes ; A gray sweater that had 'Love' on it and blank ripped skinny jeans.

"Maybe this isn't good enough.." Sunmi made a frown as she twisted and turned in front of the mirror. *I'll still think you're beautiful no matter what.* Sunmi thought of L's words. "I still don't think this is okay though." She pouted but shrugged off the negative thought. Sunmi checked the clock and saw she had 20 minutes left. She then ran to the bathroom and sighed at her face. "This is not gonna do." She smacked her face and grabbed her makeup bag. Sunmi put on some intense mascara and peach lipgloss. She then powdered her face, covering up her dark circles. After she finished her face, she began curling her long brown hair with a quick pace. *Lucky I didn't burn myself.* Sunmi smiled at her complete look.

She walked out of her room smelling like strawberries and vanilla. Her dad saw her coming down the stairs with a smile on her face and all dolled up.

"Going somewhere?" He raised his eyebrow. Sunmi bit her lip as she slipped on gray flats with bows on them.

"Yeah,out." She smiled. Her dad nodded and proceded working on his laptop and sitting on the couch.

It was only a matter of time before L rang her doorbell. She waited at the kitchen table with her hands folded together.

DING DONG (just pretend..)

Sunmi jumped and screamed. "I got it." Her dad didn't looked back and saw his daughter running to the door "Hi." Sunmi panted as L stood at her doorway. L also always looks good no matter what he wears. He wore a red v-neck and black hoodie with gray jeans and red sneakers.

"Hey." L smiled and pulled Sunmi into his arms. Sunmi hugged him tightly and breathed in L's usual scent.


Sunmi's eyes widened. At the sight of L, she forgot her dad was home. L immediatley removed his hands from Sunmi's waist and stood next to her with a flustered look.

"Hello. Mr.Park. I'm Kim Myungsoo, and Sunmi's boyfriend." He spoke while his eyes trembled slightly. He has never had to introduce himself to his girlfriend's dad before.

"Haha, why are you so nervous. Loosen up. I'm not those over protective scary dads." Sunmi's dad chuckled and pat L's head. L cracked a smile and Sunmi also smiled.

"Well dad, we're on our way then." Sunmi quickly mumbled but her dad stopped her.

"Go get your purse silly."

Sunmi hit her head and zoomed upstairs to get her red purse.

"Don't stay out to late okay. And watch out for her,my daughter is a clumsy girl sometimes.You two have fun okay. But not too much fun." Sunmi's dad whispered. L nodded with an eye smile. Sunmi slung the purse strap over her shoulder and walked down the stairs.

"Bye dad." Sunmi said and slammed the door. L and her were face to face.

"Ready?" Sunmi felt his minty breath on her lips. She bit her lips and nodded.

"Yeah." She said and he took her hand into his. Sunmi's eyes rounded when she saw a black sports car infront of her house. "Is this yours? How--" L put his finger to his lips and Sunmi silenced. L wasn't going to tell her that either. "You and your secrets." Sunmi scoffed and he opened the door for her. Sunmi smiled as she sat on the leather seat. L came in and started the engine. He looked at Sunmi and they stared at eachother for awhile.

"Let's go." He smiled and they drove off.


They were calmly listening to music and looking at the road ahead.

"Oh, your phone is ringing." Sumi said as she looked at the cup holder,which had L's vibrating phone in it's place.

"Ah,it's Sungyeol,can you answer it?" L asked. Sunmi nodded and answered the phone.

"Hello?" She said.

"Sunmi?" Sungyeol questioned.

Sunmi smiled. "Yeah,hi Sungyeol."

"Hi! So are you guys on your way?" He asked. You looked at L with a smile.

"Mmm." Sunmi answered.

"We're almost there! Don't worry you giraffe." L grinned. Sunmi covered to hide her laughter.

"Whatever L. I'll get my pay back later." Sungyeol evilly laughed. "See you two later." Sungyeol said and hung up.

"So ~ we're going to Sungyel's house?" Sunmi asked putting his phone back in the cup holder. L shrugged.

"Maybe." He teased and acted like he didn't know. Sunmi took her eyes off her boyfriend and looked out the window.


"Finally! We've been waiting since yesterday!" Woohyun answered the door. Sunmi and L stood at the door together. It was already a little but pass 5.

"We're only a little late. Calm down." L said putting his arm around Sunmi's shoulder. Sunmi nodded in agreement even though she had no idea where they were going.

"I guess you two are taking L's car alone." Yura appeared at the door and winked. *Yura!* Sunmi waved and Yura waved back.

"NO TIME FOR CHIT CHAT. Let's go now guise!" Sungyeol pushed pass everyone and got into the car.

"Hoya's driving." Woohyun said because he was too lazy to drive. *Hoya?* Sunmi averted her eyes and saw Hoya come out of the house.

"Fine." He sighed with small smile and boarded the car.

"See you later Sunmi." Yura waved and went to sit in the back with Sungyeol.

Sunmi waved and felt her body being dragged into the car by L.

"Are we going with them?" She asked as L started the engine. He nodded. "Cool." She smiled and leaned back in her seat.


After the 10 minute car drive the group finally arrived at the carnival. Sunmi's eyes lit up as she saw the bright lights and many rides. "Wah." She gasped and L looked at her with a smirk as he stepped out of the car.

"Good place for a second date huh?" He asked as he walked around the car and took Sunmi's hand into his. Sunmi looked at him then the carnival.

"Yes." She answered and squeezed his hands.

"Then let's go have fun." L said kissing her cheek and walking towards the carnival.

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Doojoon_Sunggyu #1
Chapter 3: Omg. "Dont eat aby apples then" omg. This line got me so crack up.
Chapter 8: Oh my god. My name is Sunmee Park and I'm korean. This just made my day
Chapter 41: I guess the moral of the story is sometimes the pretty apples can be rotten on the inside lol.
Hoya turned out to be like a fairy godmother in this story and I guess Chanyeol is prince charming :)
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 41: ASDFGHJKL$$$$$$$$$$
That was so sweet you know!!XD the ending of this story is perfect!!! I love it!!!XD i really really truly do!!
Thanks for making such a cute and sweet fic of Chanyeol.. It's one of my most fav Chanyeol's fic!! You are jjang!! I love you!!:*
Chapter 39: Please update@!!@#$!@@!@
Chapter 1: Good grammar. Bonus.
Chapter 13: Aigoo, Chanyeol, you shouldn't easily dismiss the "frog princes". They are the "F4" of the school after all :) But I agree with you, you're just as handsome as them :D
I'm surprised he actually doesn't have a lot of girls swarming around him, haha. But that makes it easier for Sunmi if/when she realizes she has feelings for him too lol ^_^
Chapter 12: Her attraction to L seems only for physical reasons (the pretty apple). Hoya on the other hand has interacted with her and been very hospitable towards her (the tasty apple).
And then there's Chanyeol, playing the lazy slacker who likes teasing her so much. I guess he's the sour apple then lol?
But I like sour apples too! Especially with caramel dip XD
Chapter 11: I thought her mother had something to do with her boy-craziness LOL!
But when Sunmi described her ideal guy, Hoya came to mind for me from the way you've described the three possible contenders so far. Guess Yura and I have different perceptions of the same guys haha.