
I planned my own love story

Monday Morning ~

 "Hiya Hoya!" Sunmi waved happily to Hoya as she approached the bus stop.

"Why are you so happy?" Hoya mused as they both acted oblivious to the reason,when the answer was clearly L. Sunmi swayed side to side with a shy smile on her face.

"What? I can't be happy?" Sunmi asked. Hoya chuckled.

"No, I'm glad you're happy." Hoya gave her a nudge. "Oh hey, isn't your birthday in a few days?" He asked. Sunmi's eyes widened in realization.

"It is!" dropped open and she began smacking her head. Hoya chuckled and patted her head.

"Aigoo Sunmi. Is there anything particular that you want..?" He asked curiously looking at Sunmi's thinking face.

"Mmh. You don't really have to get me anything Hoya." Sunmi shook her head side side cutely. Hoya narrowed his eyes at her. "Really." Sunmi said when she saw his look.

"But I want to get you something." Hoya smiled. Sunmi sighed.

"I'm not really sure though.." Sunmi said. Mostly because she didn't want him to get her a present. Hoya was still not gonna give up.

"How about we go to the mall tomorrow? Then you can pick out something and I'll pay." Hoya said confidently. Sunmi thought it over.

"I guess that would be fine." Sunmi agreed and Hoya beamed on the inside. *A day with just the two of us. Finally.* Hoya smiled widely as they got on the bus.


"Okay, see you later." Hoya waved as Sunmi went to her locker.

She opened it without any troouble and took off her backpack. *Why is Hoya such a sweet guy?Yura and him don't go that well together.. Oh well. You don't really choose who you fall for... it just happens naturally.* Sunmi smiled thinking about L.

"Park Sunmi."

Sunmi turned her head slightly and saw Chanyeol's long body leaning against the locker next to hers with his arms crossed and a smirk.

"Yes." Sunmi said politely as she went back to searching for her books. Chanyeol was just gazing at her as she was in her own world. "May I help you?" Sunmi asked again not looking at the dazed Chanyeol.

"Hi." Chanyeol finally spoke.

"Hey Chanyeol." Sunmi said with a confused smile. Chanyeol let out a silent sigh and stared at her more. Sunmi shut her locker and faced Chanyeol. "Are you going to walk to class with me..?" Sunmi tilted her head. Chanyeol got off the lockers and nodded. They walked side by side without awkwardness.

"So how was your weekend?" Chanyeol asked looking down at her. Sunmi suddenly looked at the floor and smiled. She began remembering the whole date with L. She turned red and couldn't make eye contact with Chanyeol.

"I um, had a fun weekend.How about yours?" Sunmi said quietly with a huge grin. Chanyeol's face expression wasn't all that great though. He got the feeling that Sunmi and L's relationship is getting better. But he forced a smile.

"That's good to hear. And mine was okay. Nothing special really." Chanyeol shrugged and finally Sunmi looked at him. He saw that her cheeks were a rosy red and her eyes were sparkling. Love has that effect. It makes everything more better and it's like you see things differently. Things you've never seen before.

"I see. You didn't have any plans?" Sunmi questioned. Chanyeol's lips went into a thin line and he shook his head glumly.

"Um, maybe next weekend, you and I could ---" Chanyeol was interrupted when they entered the room. Sunmi's attention went to L right away. L was waving for her to come over.

"Sorry Chanyeol, we'll talk later." Sunmi said without looking at him. Chanyeol watched as Sunmi disappeared from his side and into L's arms. He jutted his chin forward and walked to his seat.


"It seems like an interesting place. Wanna go sometime?" L asked Sunmi as they walked out of the classroom together. Sunmi nodded with a smile. "Then let's go." L said with a smirk and dragged Sunmi out through the school's back doors. Some students saw and whispered and some just ignored them.

"What are you doing L??" Sunmi asked trying to get out of L's grip. L held on tighter as they got off the school's ground and into the streets.

"We're ditching." He smirked staring at Sunmi. Sunmi's stomach churned again and lost her mind when he did that. So she forgot the fact that they were doing something wrong. The two ended up in an alley.

"So are we actually going to go to that water fountain place you talked about?" Sunmi beamed as L and her went into a building.

"Well I heard it's most pretty at night, so since it's only noon. I guess we gotta kill some time." L said as they went further into the familiar building.

"Hey..." Sunmi snapped out of her daze and remembered the familiar glass door. "Isn't this the place you took me on our first date?" Sunmi asked. L nodded with a sly smile. Something in Sunmi's head was telling her not to go, but the other half of her was trusting L and going forward.

"Hey guys! I brought my girlfriend again!" L said raising up their hands that were tightly held together. Sunmi saw the familiar guys again. *Dongwoo, Sunggyu, and Sungjong.* But there were some other guys too. Sunmi grew scared when they were giving her looks. She hid looked to the floor and didn't want to let go of L's hand.

"Um, L... are those guys over there dangerous?" Sunmi whispered over L's shoulder. L smirked and pat her head.

"Well sorta. But they won't hurt you babe, okay?" L said. *Babe.* Sunmi's cheeks grew red at the sudden name he called her.

"Hey Sunmi." Sungjong, who was Sunmi's age waved. Sunmi waved with a timid expression.

"Want anything to drink?"L asked. Sunmi was going to say a certain drink, but then that would mean L would have to disappear and go get her drink while she waited with these boys.

"No, I'm good." Sunmi said,she felt L let go of her hand as he went to shake hands with the scary guys playing pool and smoking cigarettes. *Scary.* Sunmi pouted as she stood frozen while L was far away. Sunmi found it kinda weird how L got along nicely with these creepy guys, but he couldn't get along with Chanyeol, who wasn't all that scary compared to them.

"Come over here Sunmi." Sungjong who was sitting on the couch gestured. He was the least scary one. Sunmi rushed over to him and sat down.

"Hey Sungjong." Sunmi said while looking at L talking to those guys.

"Are you okay..?" Sungjong asked. Sunmi blinked and smiled.

"What? Yeah.. good." She mumbled.


4 hours later ~

After loosening up, Sunmi found out that the guys weren't all that bad. But they did argue with eachother alot. While they were betting at another pool table, L called Sunmi to another one.

"What?" Sunmi asked running her hands through bangs. L held out a pool stick. Sunmi took it with a confused expression.

"Remember, I promised that I would teach you the last time we came here." L said grinning. Sunmi bit her lip trying to hide her happiness. *This is the first promise that we are fulfilling.* Sunmi breathed out and went next to L. L explained how to play for the next five minutes and then set up the balls on the billard table. Sunmi waited as L came to stand beside her again. He put down the cue ball and stepped back.

"Hit it." He said plainly. Sunmi blinked and stared at the ball. She leaned down and aimed the pool stick at the white ball.

"Like this?" She asked. L nodded while admiring his girlfriend. She hit the ball but it went else where. It flew off the billard table and onto the floor. "Um...it fell." Sunmi scratched her head. L couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Here,I'll help you." L said picking up the cue ball and placing it on the dot. "Okay, so you aim for the ball.." L's armr went naturally around Sunmi's and he touched her hands. Sunmi focused on the ball but L, who was suppose to be teaching her was looking straight at Sunmi. He stared at her face which was next to his. Sunmi waited for L to give out the next step but he didn't.

"Um, L?" Sunmi asked, blushing.

"Oh yeah." L also blushed. "Now you just... hit the ball." L said simplely, and he pushed his and Sunmi's hand towards the cue ball. It hit all the gathered balls and spreaded all around the billard. Sunmi and L were still in thier position. Sunmi smiled and cheered.

"I did it~!" She said.

"Good job." L said as he smooched her cheek. Sunmi froze and got out of L's grip. L smiled at her and she blushed. "We should get going now, it'll probably take us an hour to get there." L said holding out his hand. Sunmi stared at it, he shook it. She laughed and held onto it.


As they drove in the car that Myungsoo mysteriously got, Sunmi fell asleep. L grinned when he saw her sleeping peacefully next to him. *I could tell it was your first time ditching class.* L thought and shook his head. Eventually they arrived at thier destination and L parked the car in a deserted area. He looked over at Sunmi and shook her.

"Sunmi-ah. Wake up. We're here." L said softly admiring how her face shined even in the darkness. Sunmi mumbled something but L couldn't understand it. L poked her cheeks and squeezed them. She slowly opened her eyes when she felt the pain coming.

"Ow." Sunmi mumbled while rubbing her cheeks. She sat up quickly when she realized she fell asleep.

"Awake?" L asked unbuckling his seatbelt. Sunmi rubbed her eyes and nodded. She looked out in the car and saw nothing but black and one street light on.

"Where are we?" Sunmi asked getting out of the car. L grabbed her hands and they walked onto a platform. It was still dark and Sunmi felt cold.

"Wait here." L whispered and vanished from Sunmi's reach. Sunmi felt lost and scared when she heard noises. Then out of nowhere, a fountain in front of her began to glow with amazing colors. The water streamed in the air and all sorts of direction. Sunmi's eyes lit up and fell open.

"It's pretty!" Sunmi beamed and stared at the colors. L came by her side and smiled.

"Cool huh?" L said. Sunmi nodded. They went closer to the fountain and gazed at th scenery. "Want to go in?" L asked suddenly. Sunmi stared at him in disbelief.

"Huh?" Sunmi was about to ask, but it was too late, because L had picked her up, and they both ran into the water fountain. Thier school uniforms getting wet and hair getting soaked.

"I can't believe you did that!" Sunmi said as L ran to the other side of the fountain. Sunmi tried to run through the water but it only pulled her down. The water was up to her knees and she had trouble keeping her balance. L came up and backhugged her to keep her stable. Sunmi laughed and tried gettign out of his grip. They moved all about in the water splashing it all over eachother. L couldn't keep his balance and brought Sunmi down with him. They both laughed and stared at eachother's wet face.

"Hahaa, you fell." Sunmi teased pointing to L.

"You fell too! Pabo!" L knocked her head lightly with his knuckles and grinned. Sunmi splashed the water one last time onto her boyfriend's face. "Yah." He said in a serious tone. Sunmi's face was like a deer caught infront of headlights. Sunmi was just about to get up when L pulled her down with him once again. Sunmi blushed when L was gazing at her,she shut her eyes scared of what was gonna happen. *Another.. kiss.?..* Sunmi thought as she felt L getting closer to her face. Her heart raced when she felt L's breath now on her lips. *This is so awkward.* Sunmi opened her eyes slightly and saw that L was smirking.

"What are you---" L shut Sunmi up with a small kiss. L got up and left her in the water. Sunmi was still recovering from what just happend.

"Are you coming or what?" L asked. Sunmi shook her head and ran out of the fountain.

"What do we do? Our uniforms are completely wet." Sunmi said staring at her dripping skirt and blazer. L then began stripping his tie and blazer,until his white tee was left. "What are you doing?! We're in public!" Sunmi said picking up his clothes and pushing it onto his body. L smirked and held onto the clothes.

"It's like 6:30 right now. I don't think anyone would notice." L said non-chalantly. Sunmi blinked and turned away. "Hehe, don't worry I have my clothes on. Let's go get something dry to wear and go get something to eat." L chuckled and they walked into the streets. Only some people saw them and gasped. L noticed Sunmi was getting shy and put his arm around her shoulder. "Come on." He said trying to let her know she wasn't alone. Sunmi relaxed and walked calmly with him.


They eventually found a shop and got dry clothes. And Sunmi being the person she is, made L get couple wear. Sunmi had a gray sweater with minnie mouse on it with black pants and L got a black sweater with mickey mouse on it and wore gray pants.

"Is this what you've always wanted to do?" L asked amused. Sunmi nodded with a smile oh so wide and proud. L smiled and took her hand. The couple went to a small resturant that served Italian food.

"Wah, I really love Italian food." Sunmi smiled as the waiter brought them to a table. The table had a candle and it was deserted from the other tables.

"That's good to hear." L said across the table. "Now where can we get our menus?" L said looking around.

"They"ll probably come soon, this resturant is kind of pa---"

"Hello, I'll be your waiter tonight."

Sunmi's eyes widened when she heard the recgonizable voice. She saw the waiter put down two glasses of water down.

*Chanyeol?* Sunmi's stared up at him.

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Doojoon_Sunggyu #1
Chapter 3: Omg. "Dont eat aby apples then" omg. This line got me so crack up.
Chapter 8: Oh my god. My name is Sunmee Park and I'm korean. This just made my day
Chapter 41: I guess the moral of the story is sometimes the pretty apples can be rotten on the inside lol.
Hoya turned out to be like a fairy godmother in this story and I guess Chanyeol is prince charming :)
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 41: ASDFGHJKL$$$$$$$$$$
That was so sweet you know!!XD the ending of this story is perfect!!! I love it!!!XD i really really truly do!!
Thanks for making such a cute and sweet fic of Chanyeol.. It's one of my most fav Chanyeol's fic!! You are jjang!! I love you!!:*
Chapter 39: Please update@!!@#$!@@!@
Chapter 1: Good grammar. Bonus.
Chapter 13: Aigoo, Chanyeol, you shouldn't easily dismiss the "frog princes". They are the "F4" of the school after all :) But I agree with you, you're just as handsome as them :D
I'm surprised he actually doesn't have a lot of girls swarming around him, haha. But that makes it easier for Sunmi if/when she realizes she has feelings for him too lol ^_^
Chapter 12: Her attraction to L seems only for physical reasons (the pretty apple). Hoya on the other hand has interacted with her and been very hospitable towards her (the tasty apple).
And then there's Chanyeol, playing the lazy slacker who likes teasing her so much. I guess he's the sour apple then lol?
But I like sour apples too! Especially with caramel dip XD
Chapter 11: I thought her mother had something to do with her boy-craziness LOL!
But when Sunmi described her ideal guy, Hoya came to mind for me from the way you've described the three possible contenders so far. Guess Yura and I have different perceptions of the same guys haha.