Watch your back missy.

I planned my own love story



   *Okay,I'll just enjoy time with L now.I may not know what happend that night,but I don't care now.* Sunmi convinced herself as she walked into the school doors. She saw Hoya walking infront of her and she poked his shoulder. "Hey." Sunmi smiled.

"Hey you.Are you still down?" Hoya asked looking at Sunmi's bright expression.

"Nope.I'm fine as ever.Oh,I'll see you at lunch then.Bye Hoya!" Sunmi waved and ran off to her locker.

*Keep telling yourself that.* Hoya sighed watching Sunmi put her belongings in her locker. He then saw L snaeking up from behind her. L was crouching and smiling behind her,while Sunmi hummed her own tune. L then attacked her by putting his hands on her shoulders and his chest against her back. Sunmi turned around and smiled up at her cute boyfriend. He hugged her and they walked off to class together merrily.

*That should be me.* Hoya and Chanyeol pouted. Chanyeol was also watching from afar and sighed. Hoya noticed Chanyeol and waved. Chanyeol gave him a nod before heading to class.

Chanyeol walked into class and saw that Sunmi wasn't in her seat,he instead saw a tall guy who was reading a comic book. He furrowed his eyebrows and searched the room for Sunmi,of course. He knew. Chanyeol took his eyes off Sunmi and L seated next to eachother and dragged his feet to his seat.

Chanyeol arrived at his seat and plopped his large body on the seat. He breathed heavily and yawned.

"Hi." Chanyeol heard beside him. He looked at the guy next to him and blinked. *Oh,it's another guy from the F-4 table.* Chanyeol sighed. *I don't think I'd get along with him though.*



L and Sunmi payed no attention to what the teacher was saying. L kept cracking jokes and said cheesy pickm up lines that made Sunmi blush and laugh. Some girls would look their way and glare.

They all wanted L. Sunmi felt slightly uncomfortale,but soon learned to ignore it.


OFF TO GYM~! (Which Sunmi has with,Yura,Hoya,Eunmi,Sohee,Amy,and Chanyeol)

Sunmi and Yura were talking about a show Yura watched last night when a girl slammed her locker hard.

Sunmi flinched then turned around. She saw Eunmi and a few other girls glaring at her. She blinked shocked then turned to Yura. They both tried not to laugh,Sunmi and Yura found it funny and cute for some reason.

"Better not be late shorties." Yura said pulling Sunmi along with her into the gymnasium.

"What the heck is her problem?At first she was nice and sweet to me.Now she's strangling me with her eyes." Sunmi whispered to Yura. Yura shrugged and saw the group of girls strut out of the girls locker room.

"Maybe she's jealous of you.I mean look at how she walks." Yura snorted. Sunmi hit Yura lightly and cracked a small smile.


From afar Hoya saw Sunmi and Yura whispering to eachother and couldn't help but feel curious.

"Whatcha doin?" Chanyeol appeared besides Hoya with his arms crossed. Chanyoeol squinted and saw that Sunmi was across from him smiling.

*You're finally happy you get to be with him huh?Tch.* Chanyeol was trying to hate on Sunmi but he couldn't when she was looking cute in her gym uniform.

"Do you know if anything bad happend between her and L recently?I could tell it's bothering her,but I'm not sure what exactly." Hoya twisted his lips around and looked at Chanyeol.

"She didn't tell you what happend that night?" Chanyeol asked averting just his eyes over at Hoya. He saw Hoya shake his head.

"No,Sunmi's always like that,she doesn't really tell what's really bothering her.I can see it though.I just wish she would tell me everything." Hoya frowned.

*Hm.I never noticed that much about Sunmi.* Chanyeol admired how Hoya read Sunmi so well.

"Lucky for you my friend,I was there." Chanyeol smirked not taking his eyes off Sunmi.


"Okay,boys outside,we're running,girls inside,you're doing volleyball." One of the gym teachers announced.

Some boys groaned and some cheered. All the girls cheered. While Sunmi and Yura stand dazed.

Chanyeol walked out non-chalantly,while Hoya tailed behind.Hoya then waved to Sunmi and Yura with a big smile. Sunmi and Yura waved back and giggled. "Silly Hoya." Sunmi shook her head.

"Okay now get into teams of four and grab a ball." The female gym teacher instructed and began writing stuff on her clipboard.

"Sunmi-ahh~!" Sunmi and Yura turned around and saw a girl standing from afar smiling at them.

"Omg.Sohee!" Sunmi beamed. "Come on Yura.I'll introduce you." Sunmi grabbed Yura's arm and walked her to Sohee and Amy.

"Gosh,Sohee,the only reason I didn't recgonaized you,was because you aren't wearing any makeup!" Sunmi pointed to Sohee's clean face. She looked wayy better without 15 pounds of makeup anyways.

"Guys,this is my friend,Yura. Yura,this is Amy,she's a year younger than us,and this is my friend,Sohee." Sunmi clapped her hands with a big smile.

"Alright then,let's play some volleyball." Yura shrugged and Amy went to get the ball.

"Hey.Sohee,I think Eunmi is mad at me or something..." Sunmi glanced at Eunmi,who was on the other side of the volleyball court.

"Oh sweetie she is.Eunmi gets really possesive over guys she likes,and she found out that they like you so she got pissed and went wacko." Sohee said it as if it was no big deal. But hey who knows it might not be. (LOl.SIKE.)

"Ehh?Has this happen before?" Sunmi's eyes enlarged and she looked at Eunmi slightly frightened.

"You just watch your back,missy." Sohee nudged Sunmi. Sunmi gasped and held onto Yura.

"Are you in with her?What ya gonna do to my Sunmi?" Yura squinted and rubbed Sunmi's arm.

"Nah,don't worry,me and Amy quit them a few days ago." Sohee sighed.

"Quit them?" Yura asked.

"Yeah,their was just too much to handle and I didn't want to end up all messed up.So~I quit when they told me I had to do something bad to you." Sohee  said,Amy came up and nodded.

"Oh...well thanks then guys." Sunmi blinked. *You mean to tell me,Eunmi is part of a gang?And I'm on her bad side.Great~* Sunmi facepalmed herself and shook her head. *Not gonna let that ruin my day.* Sunmi breathed and smiled.

"Come on,start the game already." Amy served the ball to the opposing team and they hit it back. The ball kept going back and forth risky now and then. Then Eunmi jumped up and spiked the ball. Luckily Sunmi didn't dive for it because the ball would've broke her hand.

Eunmi smirked and high fived her team mates. They all cheered and gave Sunmi's team smirks.

"Bitc* please,that's just one point,getting all cocky and crap.I got this." Yura waited for the ball to come her way until finally she got to spike it also,she used up all her arm strength and hit the ball.

"OWWW." A girl whined. Eunmi's team mate began whining on the floor and held onto her nose.

"Ah,I think it's bleeding.." Sunmi went close to Sohee.

"This is ALL YOUR FAULT!" Eunmi yelled at Yura.

"It was just an accident.I didn't intend on hitting her nose." Yura crossed her arms,she was now standing infront of Eunmi and they were having a galre off.

*Yura! Remeber?She belongs in a gang!!Don't!* Sunmi pleaded in her head.

"Well,you didn't have to do that,look at her now,she's bleeding!"

Just the the boys came in but the girls were preoccupied with the arguement no one noticed.

"Aish.You brat.I take responsiblity then.My bad,I hurt your precious nose." Yura looked down at the girl,she was still having a fit on the floor about her bleeding nose,and no one bothered to help they were too into the talking battle.

"What did you just call me?! A BRAT??" Eunmi screamed and stepped closer to Yura.

Chanyeol heard Eunmi's voice and panicked. *What if she's yelling at Sunmi?* Chanyeol didn't have to push throught he crowd,he just towered over the few girls and saw that Yura and Eunmi were face to face.


Yura rolled her eyes.

"You both need to calm down,I dont want to deal with this dramatic crap.I'm out." Yura raised her hands and turned around.

Eunmi fumed and pulled Yura's hair back,Yura yelped and held her head.

*YURA!* Sunmi rushed to the center and grabbed onto Eunmi's hand. "That's enough,Eunmi." *I won't fear you.You just messed with my friend.* Sunmi boldly threw Eunmi's hand down and glared at her.

"What?Aww,little Sunmi.You don't know who I am or what I'm capable of do you?" Eunmi sneered with an angry expression.

"FIGHT!FIGHT!" Boys from behind were chanting.

*Byun Eunmi.Don't do it.I'm warning you.*

Eunmi smirked. Sunmi gasped. Eunmi then threw a punch to Sunmi's face. Sunmi winced in pain and anger boiled inside of her.She slapped Eunmi and pushed her to the floor. *Woah now.* Chanyeol didn't want to stop the fight,afterall Sunmi was winning.

"Sunmi!" Yura called. But she was too late.

Eunmi pulled onto Sunmi leg causing Sunmi to fall on the hard floor. Eunmi stood before Sunmi holding up a fist,she then slowly dropped her fist when she saw Chanyeol was standing tall above her.

He was giving her a disappointed mad look.

"What did I tell you?" Chanyeol said with his deep voice calmly. Eunmi moved aside while Chanyeol picked up Sunmi bridal style.

"C-Chanyeol!What are you doing?" Sunmi squirmed in his arms,which was no use,he wasn't letting go at all.

"Shh.Don't talk Sunmi." Chanyeol smiled and carried Sunmi to the nurses office.

*My heart is beating quickly* Sunmi held onto Chanyeol's neck and kept blinking. *I haven't felt this way since L took me out on his motorcycle.*

"Omo.What happend here?" The old nurse lady stared at Sunmi's bruised face.

Sunmi tried to smile,but it hurt when she did.

"She just got into something in gym.Yeah,clumsy her." Chanyeol said while placing Sunmi on the nurse bed.

"Aigoo.I'll go get the aid,you wait here,drink some water,you look pale dear." The lady scampered out of the room.

Chanyeol smirked and knelt on the floor next to Sunmi,who was laying down with an ice pack on her face.

"That was some fight back there." Chanyeol grinned.

"Mmmm,I don't know what came over me,I just..I don't know." Sunmi pouted. "I feel like a bully."

Chanyeol could see Sunmi's pouting lips and he smiled. "Don't.Eunmi deserved it.Considering all the things she's done,somebody needed to teach her a lesson." Chanyeol spoke. Sunmi just gaped on his words and sat up,Chanyeol's eyes following her every move.

"Good job." Chanyeol stretched out his arm and pet Sunmi's bangs with a small smirk.

Sunmi shook her head. "Stop." She pouted.

"Aiyoo,stop pouting and smile." Chanyeol really meant it though,as much as he liked seeing Sunmi pout he wanted her to not feel bad and just smile.

Sunmi tried smiling,but the smile turned out to be awkward. Chanyeol snorted.

"Hmph.It hurts to smile." Sunmi once again pouted.

"I got the stuff young lady!Let's get you treated,or would you rather have your boyfriend do it for you?" The nurse smiled holding up the first aid kit.

"He's not--"

"I'll do it!" Chanyeol jumped out with a raised hand. The nurse smiled and handed him the first aid kit,she then left to her office next door.

*Stupid.* Sunmi watched as Chanyeol applied medicine to her swollen left knee. "AHHHHHH!OWW.OWWW." Sunmi yelled.

Chanyeol's eyes widend with shock. "Did I hurt you?!?!" Chanyeol stopped and panicked.

"Kidding." Sunmi joked and smiled innocently.

"Aish." Chanyeol grinned and put a band-aid on her knee,then kissed it. "There."

Sunmi began blushing again. Chanyeol then applied more medicine to her right cheek and the side of her lip.

Chanyeol sat next to Sunmi as he put the band aid on her cheek,he then kissed her cheek. Sunmi felt her heart beating fast again. She knew what was next.

Chanyeol placed a small band-aid on her bottom lip...Chanyeol went closer and Sunmi shut her eyes.

"Thanks." She said leaning back.

Chanyeol pursed his lips in a thin line and backed away. "As I always say,no problem." He sighed.

"Sunmi-ah!" L barged in with a worried expression.





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Doojoon_Sunggyu #1
Chapter 3: Omg. "Dont eat aby apples then" omg. This line got me so crack up.
Chapter 8: Oh my god. My name is Sunmee Park and I'm korean. This just made my day
Chapter 41: I guess the moral of the story is sometimes the pretty apples can be rotten on the inside lol.
Hoya turned out to be like a fairy godmother in this story and I guess Chanyeol is prince charming :)
minka_ichigo911211 #4
Chapter 41: ASDFGHJKL$$$$$$$$$$
That was so sweet you know!!XD the ending of this story is perfect!!! I love it!!!XD i really really truly do!!
Thanks for making such a cute and sweet fic of Chanyeol.. It's one of my most fav Chanyeol's fic!! You are jjang!! I love you!!:*
Chapter 39: Please update@!!@#$!@@!@
Chapter 1: Good grammar. Bonus.
Chapter 13: Aigoo, Chanyeol, you shouldn't easily dismiss the "frog princes". They are the "F4" of the school after all :) But I agree with you, you're just as handsome as them :D
I'm surprised he actually doesn't have a lot of girls swarming around him, haha. But that makes it easier for Sunmi if/when she realizes she has feelings for him too lol ^_^
Chapter 12: Her attraction to L seems only for physical reasons (the pretty apple). Hoya on the other hand has interacted with her and been very hospitable towards her (the tasty apple).
And then there's Chanyeol, playing the lazy slacker who likes teasing her so much. I guess he's the sour apple then lol?
But I like sour apples too! Especially with caramel dip XD
Chapter 11: I thought her mother had something to do with her boy-craziness LOL!
But when Sunmi described her ideal guy, Hoya came to mind for me from the way you've described the three possible contenders so far. Guess Yura and I have different perceptions of the same guys haha.