A T-shirt in the Snow Can Bring Happiness!

The Dark Is Dangerous, Leave and Keep Shining


Monday came, time to go to work. I dressed in my usual work uniform, a big white t-shirt and my black leather-like tights. I looked outside…it’s still snowing…summer hurry up!! I pulled my bag over my shoulder and headed out. I hope it isn’t as crowded today; I can’t be late for work.

As I was on my way, a voice called out to me. I turned to see Myungsoo and 6 other guys.

“Min-ah are you going to work? We are.”

“Uh yeah.” Although I was happy to see him again so soon, I was freezing in my t-shirt. He looked at me a quick second and yelled, “Aren’t you cold in that!?” with wide eyes. 

Before I could even respond he wrapped his own jacket around me.

“Whaa It’s not a big deal Myungsoo; you’ll get cold, take this back.” I tried taking off the jacket, but grabbed my shoulders preventing me from removing it.

“Just looking at you in that t-shirt would make me cold, with a jacket or not!” I accepted it, I was really freezing and his soft jacket was just so warm to my goose bumped arms. “How can you even wear that in this weather!?”

“It’s my work uniform.”

“Are you crazy!?! You can still wear a jacket over it!”

I heard his friends whispering in the background, I pulled away, “I have to get to work, thanks for the jacket Myungsoo.” I said as I ran away.

I pulled his jacket on tighter. "So a t-shirt in the snow can bring happiness!"


Myungsoo POV

Monday’s here again. Infinite’s comeback training is starting today. I wonder what song the company will give us. Hopefully something up beat. “Let’s go guys, we got to practice!”

Sunggyu hyung came out the door first, “Yah! That’s my line as leader!” Everyone came out and we left. As we walked to work, I saw someone in front of us, Ahh it’s Min-ah. “Min-ah!” She saw me, it was her.

“Min-ah are you going to work?” The guys must be so jealous right now!! They thought I made her up when I told them about the other day.

I looked at her, she was wearing only a t-shirt! “Aren’t you cold in that!?” I threw my jacket around her. She tried returning it, of course. I kept her still by grabbing her shoulders. Once she gave in she looked really warm and her face lit up.

She said it was her uniform, but is she stupid, who wears just a t-shirt in this weather. She quickly pulled away, making me realize I was still holding onto her shoulders.

“I have to get to work, thanks for the jacket Myungsoo.” She ran away.

I turned back to the guys, who all had creepy smirks on their faces. “What?”

“So she’s the one who stole our L’s heart?” Sungyeol joked.

“Wha-what are you talking about!....Let’s get to practice, we get the new song today right, let’s hurry!” I pulled Woohyun along.



So what'd you guys think?? Isn't Myungsoo a sweetheart? The next chapter will have a bit more of a twist in comparison to this light hearted chapter and hopefully the other members of Infinite will come in the story more.

Any suggestions or even complaints?

Please comment, it motivates me to write faster, more, and better! And it really makes my day too! ^___^

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DaebakFinite #1
Chapter 45: Such a good story!
bu2tyinspritdalmate #2
aww you forgot sungyeol D: but its ok it was an amazing story :D
@Kpop_Hyuna Thank you so much!! After you finish this one I hope you read the one I'm working on right now~ ^___^ It's also cute!
@HyukRen Thanks for reading, glad you liked it!! I hope you read my second story!! ^__^
Yay finaly.! just finished reading your story ^O^
Like it, when FBI come to the company xDD
Thanks author-nim ^^ *confetti*
@myungsoogirl haha thank you, I hope you enjoy or enjoyed the story!
Yay thanks author-nim.!! ^o^
waiting for me okay, im about reading this fic xDD
cute cute love the story >///<