100 Points, What!?!

The Dark Is Dangerous, Leave and Keep Shining

Sunggyu POV

Another day…more filming… I thought as went up to the practice room. “Morning!” Min said smiling.

“Hyung did you get hurt again!?!” Woohyun asked. There was a big band aid on the side of her forehead.

“This time it was my fault, I walked into a wall on accident.”

“You should be more careful, you seem very accident prone.” Hoya said. I won’t believe she actually got that from hitting a wall, I’ll ask her later. We finished shooting another quarter of the video.

“Ok that’s good for today! You guys can go home now.” The guys started leaving, but I stayed.

“Did you really get that from a wall?” I pointed to her band aid.

“Actually, my house isn’t in the best condition and I got hit by a piece of wood falling from the ceiling.”

“What!? What kind of house do you live in!?”

“It’s just a little old in some areas.” It’s probably completely broken if she says that.



“Well can I come over today?”

“What, no!”


“You’ll just say, how can you live in a place like this, or something like that!” At this time my phone vibrated. It was Myungsoo.

“Hello?” I picked up.

“Min-ah we haven’t seen each other in a while. I wanted to know how you’re doing.”

“Ah I’m fine, I’ve just been busy lately.”

“Really, well since tomorrow’s Friday, can you come over? Everyone wants to see you! YAH!!”


“Min-ah! You better come tomorrow!!” Dongwoo must have taken the phone from Myungsoo.

“I think I can come.”

“You better or we’ll come kidnap you!” He hung up.

“Who was it?” Sunggyu asked.

“Myungsoo and Dongwoo, they want me to come see everyone tomorrow.”

“Can you do that? Won’t you get in trouble?”

“I think it’ll be fine, since it’s not at work.”


Work had finished and it was Friday. Oh yeah Myungsoo wanted me to come over! I changed and left the company.


Myungsoo POV

“You’re here!” I opened the door to see Min. Then I was hastily pushed out of the way by Dongwoo.

“Min-ah!!” He grabbed her into a hug. “I haven’t seen you in forever!”

“I know! I missed you!!” She hugged him back. Before I could get a word in, Sungyeol and Sungjong ran in past me.

“Min-ah!!” The said together hugging her too. And then Hoya did the same! What is happening here!? Why are they all so close!?!

“Ok now, let’s not suffocate her.” I said.

“Aw L’s jealous that we’re all such good friends~” Sungjong taunted. How did he know exactly what it was…

“Min-ah we should all go out and have fun!” Sungyeol suggested. We all went that arcade from the time they went with Hyun Su.



“Min-ah come play this with me!” Sungjong pulled me to a dancing game where two people go against each other.

“Aw don’t make her play that one, you’ll just win as usual.” Sungyeol said.

“Are you really good at dancing?” I asked, even though I knew he was great.

“Well I’m not that good at the girl group songs, so we’ll do one of those!” Haha Sungjong this little liar, I already know he’s one of the best when it comes to girl group dances. I won’t go down like that Sungjong, I probably created the dance you’ll pick!

“Let’s choose a complex one; those are more fun to play!” He chose HyunA’s Bubble Pop. Oh you would choose that Sungjong.

The music started and we both started to dance. The game score is based on your movement out of 100. We kept going and the rest of the guys were cheering for me. The scores appeared on the screen. Sungjong got a 98.

“Sorry Noona, maybe next time!” He taunted until he saw my score was a perfect 100. The guys all just ‘ooo-ed’ in the background. “What! You actually beat me!”

“Sorry Sungjongie~” The guys all cheered.

“Rematch! This time I’ll choose a hard boy group dance!” Oh Sungjong you can’t win, but ok. He chose EXO’s Mama. 

We started dancing. I thought I was doing pretty well. The scores came up again. Sungjong got a 99!

“It’s over now Noona!” My score was 100 again. “WHAT!?!” He was totally freaking out! Maybe he’s never lost to anyone at this game. “One last game to show the real winner! I’ve never gotten over 95 at this song, but let’s do it!” He chose SHINee’s Lucifer. I love that song, but I haven’t danced it in ages!

We started and the steps started coming back to me. Sungjong looked over, he was struggling, he did say he never got above a 95. The scores started coming up. Sungjong got a 98!!

“A 98 on Lucifer, that’s insane! He beat his own record too!” Sungyeol yelled. Sungjong smirked at me. My score remained a 100.

“Oh my God!! She got a perfect!!!” Woohyun yelled.

“How is that even possible!?!” Sungjong was in denial.

“It’s ok Sungjong, everyone loses to someone.” He pouted.

“Next time we come, we’ll play again ok!” We played on other games for a while, when I noticed Myungsoo with a confused face. I went over.


Myungsoo POV

How can they ALL be so close to her!?! Was I never around at these times!?

“Is something wrong?” Min asked me.

“Ah no, I was just thinking about something.”

“What is it? Maybe I can help.” Before I could say anything, Sunggyu came over.

“Don’t worry about him Min, he’s just jealous of all the friendship around here.”

“No, what are you talking about…” It is true, but I don’t want to say that to Min!

“Let’s go Min.” He pulled her away.

Tch that Sunggyu, even he’s started sticking to Min. At least it makes some sense that they would be close. Wait. Did Sunggyu just call Min by her name? No, I probably just misheard in my frustration. We left the arcade.



 “Min-ah, do you wanna come drinking with us today? It’ll be really fun~” Dongwoo tried to tempt me.

 “How can you guys even legally drink!?”

“Oh you know everyone at least tries it before their 21.” These guys... I’ve never drunk before; I don’t know what kind of habits I could have. What if I’m the type who reveals everything, that would be bad!

“You guys can go without me.”

“Come on, it’s the weekend, you don’t have to go to work tomorrow anyway!”

“If she doesn’t want to, don’t make her.” Sunggyu said.

“Yeah, Hyung’s right. She doesn’t have to come.” Woohyun backed him up. Thank you Woohyun!!

“Let’s just take her!” Sungyeol and Dongwoo grabbed my arms and forcefully pulled me along running. Why are they so strong!!


What will Min do if drunk?? Will Myungsoo notice Min and Sunggyu's closeness?? Anything can happen. (especially becuase I haven't written the next chapter yet...)

Sorry this chapter is so long, but don't think it was just a filler or something. Everything has a point in some way.

Please continue subscribing, commenting, and reading!

AND is it just me or is anyone else excited for C-Clown's debut!? Have you heard the teaser, the song sounds so good!! Baby I'm Solo~ Can't wait for it! ^___^

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DaebakFinite #1
Chapter 45: Such a good story!
bu2tyinspritdalmate #2
aww you forgot sungyeol D: but its ok it was an amazing story :D
@Kpop_Hyuna Thank you so much!! After you finish this one I hope you read the one I'm working on right now~ ^___^ It's also cute!
@HyukRen Thanks for reading, glad you liked it!! I hope you read my second story!! ^__^
Yay finaly.! just finished reading your story ^O^
Like it, when FBI come to the company xDD
Thanks author-nim ^^ *confetti*
@myungsoogirl haha thank you, I hope you enjoy or enjoyed the story!
Yay thanks author-nim.!! ^o^
waiting for me okay, im about reading this fic xDD
cute cute love the story >///<