Can I Shoot You?

The Dark Is Dangerous, Leave and Keep Shining

Woohyun POV

“Who’s that?” She probably doesn’t know it’s me since I kept all my feelings inside. I should take this chance right? I looked at her.

“Me.” She looked back at me.

“R-Really.”  She awkwardly looked away.


“I’m sorry, but--”

“I know that you don’t have any feelings for me.” She looked back at me. “I confessed to get my feelings out to you, so you at least knew how I felt.”


“I could still try to build our relationship and confess again in the future. But I can already tell I will fail. You like someone else.”

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s ok. I won't give up still.”

We silently walked back home. Although I know Min has no interest in me, it felt great to tell her these secret feelings. We went in the house.



“Here’s Sunggyu.” I held my arm out to Woohyun. He smiled and laughed. “What’s so funny?”

“You obviously like Hyung.”


“You started calling him just Sunggyu and he says Min. I noticed.” He pulled Sunggyu off my arm.

“That doesn’t mean I like him…”

“Whatever you say~ Goodnight Min-ah.” I left.

Calling Sunggyu by his name doesn’t mean I like him. Does it? No, he’s just a good friend. It’s not like that… But sometimes when he does certain things it does start to feel warm… no it must just be the temperature outside since it’s getting warmer lately!


Sunggyu POV

I woke up with a headache. “Ah Hyung you’re awake!” Woohyun came into my room.

“Yeah, did I drink yesterday? My head hurts.”

“You don’t remember being Min-ah’s black knight with Myungsoo?”

“Ah…I remember now. What else happened?”

“You just strapped yourself to Min-ah’s arm like last time.”

“Again!? I didn’t run around the city this time though right!?!” I hope I didn’t trouble Min again.

“No, you just stayed with her all night, you didn’t even say THAT much.” He left smiling.

“Wait! What did I say?!” Myungsoo came in.

“Hyung does your head hurt too?” He said rubbing his head.

“Yeah, being a knight is hard work.” He sat down next to me.

“I know… I wonder if she appreciated it.”

“I’m sure she did.” There was a knock on the front door.

“I’ll get it~” Sungjong opened the door. “Noona!” Min?

Myungsoo and I went to see. What’s she doing here so early?

“Why’s Min here?” I asked Sungjong.

“Can’t I invite my friend? It is Saturday.”

“But it’s still morning.” He laughed.

“Hyung it’s already 4 in the afternoon.”

“What!? We slept the whole day!”



“Min-ah what do you want to do today? We could go out again.” Sungjong suggested.

“Not if it ends like yesterday.”

“Don’t worry we don’t drink two days in a row.” Dongwoo assured me.

“We could just go around town, buy some food and stuff.” Hoya offered.

“We should play laser tag!!” Sungyeol proposed.

“Let’s go then!” We went to a laser tagging place. The worker there said we had to split in teams.

“I wanna be on Min-ah’s team.” Myungsoo said.

“So do I!” yelled Sungyeol.

“Let’s just play rock, paper, scissors to pick teams.” Hoya decided.


It ended up being me, Sungjong, Dongwoo, and Hoya against Woohyun, Sunggyu, Myungsoo, and Sungyeol. We went inside, to opposite sides of the rooms. There were tons of walls and weird things sticking out of the ground and celling to get in the way and use for strategy. The lights turned off. A buzzer went off, ‘You may begin’ a deep voice said.

It was so dark inside; I could barely tell if someone ran by. I heard a noise swish by. I turned, but there was no one there. It felt like a horror movie. My eyes started getting used to the dark. I saw Sungyeol hiding nearby; he didn’t seem to see me. I shot him. “DEAD!!” The deep intercom spoke.

“AHH!!” Me and Sungyeol both screamed! We didn’t expect that deep voice to say anything. When someone gets shot, their gun immediately turns off for 5 minutes and it doesn’t count if you shoot them. It doesn't matter if you shoot your own team member, nothing happens. I ran away, trying to find others to shoot.

I crouched behind a wall seeing a figure hiding across from me, he was trying to silently shoot Hoya. I was about to shoot him, when someone grabbed me from behind, throwing me to the ground. He pointed his gun right at me. I closed my eyes feeling like I would actually die. “DEAD!!” Before I could move, he bent down, covered my eyes, and kissed my cheek. I didn’t see who it was as he ran away fast. I could feel my face getting hot.


Who is this mysterious shooter? It can only be Myungsoo, Sunggyu, or Woohyun, which one is it??

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DaebakFinite #1
Chapter 45: Such a good story!
bu2tyinspritdalmate #2
aww you forgot sungyeol D: but its ok it was an amazing story :D
@Kpop_Hyuna Thank you so much!! After you finish this one I hope you read the one I'm working on right now~ ^___^ It's also cute!
@HyukRen Thanks for reading, glad you liked it!! I hope you read my second story!! ^__^
Yay finaly.! just finished reading your story ^O^
Like it, when FBI come to the company xDD
Thanks author-nim ^^ *confetti*
@myungsoogirl haha thank you, I hope you enjoy or enjoyed the story!
Yay thanks author-nim.!! ^o^
waiting for me okay, im about reading this fic xDD
cute cute love the story >///<