Only 3 Days!?!

The Dark Is Dangerous, Leave and Keep Shining


Hmm…the cuts are still there and have scabbed over on my face. This is so obvious that I was hit; I should hurry and get to work before I see Infinite. If they see, they’ll ask me why and worse they’ll see Hyun Su with the same cuts. Anyone could connect the dots from that!! I ran out the door, hoping to not run into them.

“Min-ah!” Oh dear God, it’s them. I didn’t dare look back and ran. “Ah Min-ah!” Whoever it was they kept running after me.

“Sorry! I’m late, see you later!!” They stopped behind. That was close.

I got up to the practice room with my usual wig and boy clothes on, I made extra sure to pin my wig on well today. “Hey guys let’s perfect the dance a little more today!” They all stared at me.

“Hyung! What happened to your face!?” Woohyun asked.

“Oh this?” I pointed to my cuts. “It’s kind of embarrassing, but I was feeding a stray cat that comes by my house, when it got scarred and scratched me.”

“Ooo that must have hurt.” Dongwoo said.

“That’s why you shouldn’t trust strays.” Said Sunggyu.

“Why, they are just like normal animals, they just need some extra love to open their hearts.” I said.

“I guess so, but as idols, we probably shouldn’t take that chance.” Sungyeol joked.

“Ok let’s get to work!”

Once we finished, they went home as always and I changed and left too. I walked home in the cold snow. It’s starting to get cold again outside. Why?! The weather just hates me and my stupid t-shirt. Maybe I should start saving up for a jacket…

As I was thinking, someone put their arm around my shoulder. I turned my face to see Sunggyu. He looked shocked.

“Oh my God! What happened to your face!?” Why’s he here!?! I thought they would have been home by now! I glanced to the side, but no one was there. It was only Sunggyu. Think fast Min!!

“Well I was trying to get something off a shelf at work, but I wasn’t tall enough and struggled. In the end everything on top of the shelf fell on me. And I got these cuts.” Please believe that!

“You should have treated them at least, or put on a bandage!!” Why does he always get so angry at me for such small things!! He pulled me towards the left road.

“What are you doing!?” Let go!” It doesn’t look like he figured out that Hyun Su has the same marks yet. I better leave quick.

“Those could get infected if you leave them, you know!?” I pulled my arm from him.

“No thank you.” I started walking away.

“Why do you always reject kindness and care!?!” I stopped.

“That’s just the way I was raised.” I said coldly as I left. He didn’t follow me.


Sunggyu POV

What’s with that girl!?! Can’t she just accept a kind gesture!? Ahh…whatever, why am I getting worked up over her? I walked home. “Here’s the food you guys wanted me to buy.” I handed Hoya the bag I had and went into my room. I lay on the bed. The way she said that… that she was raised like that…it didn’t sound like a good thing. I stared at the ceiling unable to sleep. Why is she always on my mind? I hope she takes care of herself, those cuts must have hurt… she said she got them from work. I still think she works at a bad place…



I better cover these cuts up today, but it’ll look so noticeable if I wear bandages. I looked around my house. Oh! Perfect, Myungsoo’s scarf he let me have, I can pull it over my cheeks covering the scratches and it’ll look natural since it’s cold outside. I’m such a genius! I walked to work.

“Min-ah!” Just as I expected, it was Myungsoo. I turned, with the scarf hiding my cheeks. “You look cold.”

“Well it is still snowy outside.”

“By the way Min-ah, I’ve been meaning to ask you, when’s your birthday?”

“Oh it’s January 20th.”

“WHAT!?! It’s already the 17th!! That means it’s on Sunday, you should have told me earlier!!”

“You never asked~” I teased. “See you guys later!” Good they didn’t notice. Sunggyu better keep his mouth shut.


Myungsoo POV

“Her birthday is only in 3 days!!”

“So?” Sungyeol said.

“What do you mean so, that means I barely have any time to get her a gift!”

“It’s on Sunday, we can all go buy her presents on Saturday, calm down L.” said Dongwoo.

“Yeah L, don’t be a drama queen~” Sungjong mocked.


Sunggyu POV

We got to the practice room, Hyun Su was already there. He still had those scratches. They look a lot like Min’s. Now that I think about it they both got them near the same time.

“Ok let’s just go get every body’s hair done today!” All the guys cheered, it meant a day off. My hair was just about the same, but big changes came for Dongwoo whose hair was dyed blue. It actually looked really good.

Hyun Su was running around, making sure everyone’s hair was just right. For the first time I saw how small of a figure he had. He was like a girl, thin and bubbly.

“So Sunggyu-shi, do you like your haircut?” He came over.

“Yeah I guess I still like it, not much changed.”

“Why fix something that’s not broken?”

“So Hyun Su, what do girls like?”

“What’s with that randomness??”

“My friend’s birthday is coming up and I don’t know what to buy.” He liked that raccoon plushie from last time, so he has a bit girlier tastes. He should be able to give me some suggestions for Min’s present.

“Umm, well girls like cute things.”

“Yeah, but everyone’s gonna buy something cute.”

“Personally, I would like something of actual use to me, function wise. But some girls might be upset if you bought them something like that.” He walked away.

Hmm, something Min needs… Let’s see, she needs bandages a lot. Who would buy that for a birthday!? What else does she need…… AH! I know exactly what she wants!!


Will Sunggyu connect the dots about Min's identity? Just what is he planning to buy for her?

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DaebakFinite #1
Chapter 45: Such a good story!
bu2tyinspritdalmate #2
aww you forgot sungyeol D: but its ok it was an amazing story :D
@Kpop_Hyuna Thank you so much!! After you finish this one I hope you read the one I'm working on right now~ ^___^ It's also cute!
@HyukRen Thanks for reading, glad you liked it!! I hope you read my second story!! ^__^
Yay finaly.! just finished reading your story ^O^
Like it, when FBI come to the company xDD
Thanks author-nim ^^ *confetti*
@myungsoogirl haha thank you, I hope you enjoy or enjoyed the story!
Yay thanks author-nim.!! ^o^
waiting for me okay, im about reading this fic xDD
cute cute love the story >///<