These Idiots!

The Dark Is Dangerous, Leave and Keep Shining


Sungyeol and Dongwoo pulled me to go drinking with all of them to some place. They got some bottles and shot glasses.

“Try some Min-ah.” Sungyeol sat down, pouring me a drink.

“I have no intention of drinking.” I said.

“This is your first drink isn’t it?” I could never buy any since I didn’t have much money, and why even buy it if I don’t need it.

“She doesn’t have to drink, you know?” Sunggyu sat next to me.

“Then you drink it for her, be her black knight.” Dongwoo pushed the glass towards him. He was about to pick it up, when Myungsoo snatched it, drinking it in one shot.

“I’ll be your black knight.” He smiled at me.

“Good… I don’t want Sunggyu drinking again after what happened last time.” I said with an annoyed tone. Myungsoo’s face lost a little light.


Myungsoo POV

Is that all you can say!?! Just thinking about Sunggyu!?!

They handed her another drink. I quickly grabbed that too, drinking it. Then another.

“Myungsoo take it easy.” She told me.

“Why aren’t you happy? Hyung’s not drunk and you’re not drinking, you should be happy!” I started swaying a little.

“Myungsoo’s a weak black knight, already falling in battle.” Sungyeol laughed.



“Maybe you should stop.” I told Myungsoo. He drank another shot.

“No! The knight shall battle until the war is over~!” He laid his head on the table. He’s already drunk…

“Now that your knight has fallen, have a drink Min-ah.” Dongwoo passed me a drink. Sunggyu grabbed and drank it.

“There can be more than one knight.” Sunggyu said. They handed him another and another after that. I took the glass.

“Stop it! Don’t make him drunk, I’m the one who’ll have to chase him around town!” I yelled.

“Then I guess you’ll have to drink it~” Sungyeol smiled. That was your goal, to get me to drink… I drank it in one go. It burned down my throat.

“Ew! Why do you guys drink this stuff!?” I said. It was so gross!!

“It takes stress off of the average day; you’ll start to like the taste.” Sungyeol poured me another glass.

“I don’t want anymore, no thank you!”

“Sorry Min-ah, but now you have to drink Hyung’s share because you don’t want him drunk.” Dongwoo teased. These two, why do they want me to drink so badly anyway!?

“Don’t make her, I’ll drink it.” Sunggyu drank another shot. He was handed another, when Myungsoo sprung up and grabbed it first. They started arguing over who gets to drink it. Why are these two so stupid…

By the time the alcohol was finished, Sunggyu and Myungsoo were both drunk, but at least I escaped with just one drink.

“See wasn’t that fun?” Dongwoo smiled.

“You just got them drunk, what’s so fun about that!?”

“The after effects, of course.” After effects? All of a sudden, Sunggyu yanked my arm to him.

“Min~ Saranghae~” He hugged me tight. These are the fun after effects… Just then Myungsoo came to the other side of me.

“YAH!! Hyung, stop touching Min-ah!” He pulled me the other way. It’s like they were having a tug-of-war. These two…I can’t even hit them because they’re drunk! I saw Sungyeol and Dongwoo giggling. I just glared at them.

“Min-ah do you like Hyung or me?” Myungsoo asked.

“I like both of you.”

“NO. I meant as a guy, which one do you like better?” This will end badly no matter what answer I give, won’t it?

“I like you both the same.” He got a sad look on his face, then a really happy one.

“That means I still have a chance to Hyung!” He smiled. I noticed that everyone except Woohyun had already left. Those jerks, get these two drunk and leave like that!?! Woohyun came over.

“It looks like you’re stuck, do you need some help.” Sunggyu was locked to my left arm and Myungsoo to my right.

“Yeah.” He detached Myungsoo who was just about passed out. He picked him up on his back. “Let’s go then.” I got up, Sunggyu still attached to my arm.

We walked home. Woohyun must be pretty strong, it looks like Myungsoo weighs nothing. Now that I notice, Woohyun has big muscles.

We walked along the streets. We were getting a lot of stares; all of them were because Sunggyu was glued to my arm. He wasn’t even very awake, his legs kept walking though.

“Looks like Sunggyu is quite the attention grabber.”

“Yeah, but it’s not his fault, he was only helping me from getting drunk. He’s a nice guy.”

“He seems to really like you.”

“Haha really?”

“...He’s not the only one though.”

“Oh yeah Myungsoo.”

“No…there’s another one too.”

“Who’s that?” He smiled.



What's Min going to say to Woohyun's sudden confession??

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PS: Still totally excited for C-Clown's debut!! Can't wait anymore! >__< 

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DaebakFinite #1
Chapter 45: Such a good story!
bu2tyinspritdalmate #2
aww you forgot sungyeol D: but its ok it was an amazing story :D
@Kpop_Hyuna Thank you so much!! After you finish this one I hope you read the one I'm working on right now~ ^___^ It's also cute!
@HyukRen Thanks for reading, glad you liked it!! I hope you read my second story!! ^__^
Yay finaly.! just finished reading your story ^O^
Like it, when FBI come to the company xDD
Thanks author-nim ^^ *confetti*
@myungsoogirl haha thank you, I hope you enjoy or enjoyed the story!
Yay thanks author-nim.!! ^o^
waiting for me okay, im about reading this fic xDD
cute cute love the story >///<