Chapter 7: Minhyuk

We Got "Engaged"

C.N.Blue - I'll Forget You


A week had passed by later, and you spent the whole week being lectured by Chunji about remembering his dumb rules and completing your tasks. He occasionally took you out to dinner whenever your father suggested it, though you have no idea how that would help in any situation, as most of the time you both barely spoke to each other.

On some days, he would be willing to let you go out with your friends from your old school but other than that, he kept you stuck at home practicing your “wife duties”.

The next day, you finally had the day off (but still stuck in the house)—or so you thought.

You spent your day watching television or reading your books, and now on the internet browsing around out of boredom when Chunji knocked on the door.

“Hey, you’re in there, right?”

 “Mmmhmm,” you murmured lazily from inside the room.

“Well, get ready, we’ll be going to a dinner party celebration for one of the companies’ anniversary right now.”

“Mwoh?!” you uncovered your face from your stuffed doll. “Why didn’t you tell me this ahead of time?!

“What? Don’t tell me you didn’t check everything on that planner. I wrote every event on there that we’re supposed to attend.”

“You and your stupid planner—!”

Chunji ignored your comment. “I already got a dress for you, by the way. The maids are bringing it in right now.”

“And how will I know that the dress will fit me this time?” you mocked.

“I checked your profile, I know your size.”


Chunji rolled his eyes. “As your fiancé, I’ll need to know everything about you.  Now you’ll have plenty of time to get ready. Meet me downstairs in about an hour, understand?”

You grumbled. “Alright. Now go away.”

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

An hour later, Chunji was downstairs impatiently tapping his foot. He checked his watch from time to time.

“Aish, what is taking that girl so long…”

But as soon as he said that, you appeared from the upstairs hallway. Chunji looked up at you and he was surprised at how stunning you looked. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you.

Your hair was done in loose curly locks with a diamond flower pin on the side. You had light makeup on that brightened your appearance more. The dress you were wearing was a pure snow white off shoulder that flowed gently down to your ankles:

(Just imagine it’s white)

Chunji kept staring in awe, but he quickly snapped out of it and pretended to give a blank look.

“Looks nice. Now let’s go.”

You glowered at him. He didn’t even seem like he meant it.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

When you guys arrived at the party, Chunji got out of the car first and didn’t bother to open the door for you like a gentlemen should, for there was no one around to possibly witness his action.

You just shook it off, expecting it from Mr. Selfish.

You walked behind him and entered through the glass doors of the large white building.

The people there greeted you two as you both walked in. You and Chunji respectfully bowed and greeted them back.

“Ah, so glad you guys could make it,” your father came through the crowd and stood in front of you.

You pursed your lips. “Hi, Dad.” The dreadful tone in your voice was obvious; but it's not like you didn't want it to be obvious. Your father noticed it but shook it away for he knew you were stubborn enough to still be acting like this towards him.

Chunji greeted your father and bowed. “Hello, Mr. Jin.”

Your dad smiled at you two. “Are you guys getting closer yet?”

“Yes, Mr. Jin,” Chunji smiled back. You threw a disgusted look at him for how he was kissing your dad’s .

“Good, good. I hope you two enjoy the party. Now I’ll be busy; I’m off to talk with the other corporations,” your dad waved and quickly left. It was foolish of you to even think that he would make extended conversations with his daughter and future son-in-law.

Chunji went back to his expressionless face and yawned. “Well, I’m going to go ahead and meet with the others. Don’t bother to look for me.”

You shot him a look. “I won’t.”

He ignored your glare. “Meet me back here in two hours or so. It cannot be later than that, got it?”

You barely nodded your head. And with that, Chunji walked off towards the crowd of people, leaving you standing around by yourself.

You sighed and walked around to look for a peaceful place to sit, not bothering to socialize with anyone for you were too irritated and glum. It's not like you wanted to be here anyways.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Meanwhile, a teenage boy was wandering around the large ballroom, smiling and striking short conversations with the people who were congratulating him and his parents.

“Congratulations! Your father did well!”

“Happy 25th anniversary to your father’s company!”

“You’re going to grow up to be just as successful as your father!”

The boy just smiled and thanked them, but when he finally got away from the mob of people, he sighed in relief. Finally, a moment of peace and quiet.

Kang Minhyuk was occasionally a quiet and obedient child; never one to disobey his parents much or let alone argue with them. But in times when he has to be present at his father's meetings or a party such as this one, he has to swallow his need to fight back to say he doesn't want to be there, and pretend he enjoys attending to these events.

He continued to walk to the back of the building towards the patio, when he spotted a girl in a beautiful dress sitting at the place on a concrete bench.
She looked peaceful just sitting there, and elegant by the way her appearance allows her to be.

It was in fact you, who was solemnly looking at the water fountain statue as if it had disappointed your mood, but your mind was on something else.

As he got a closer look, he could tell you were genuinely pretty. You looked especially gorgeous in your long, flowing dress while wind softly blew on your hair curls. Your pale white skin lightly glowed in the moonlight, showing more of your natural beauty.  He thought you looked like an angel.

But the boy wondered why this petite girl was sitting there alone. He had the sudden urge to talk to this girl.

Being the gentlemen he was, he decided to gather up the courage to walk up to you.

“Excuse me, miss.”

You looked up to see a handsome and gentle face peering at you, his smile shining in radiance.

“May I ask why you are sitting here by yourself?”

“O-oh,” you became somewhat shy. “I just wanted to get some fresh air.” You weren’t lying but you weren’t telling the truth either.

“You’re not here with anybody?”

“No, I am. It’s just that they’re…busy,” you managed to say.

“Ah, I see,” he said. “Still, they shouldn’t leave a pretty girl like you all alone, you know.”

You started to blush a little. “Thanks, but I guess they can’t help it…” Yeah, right.

He gently smiled at you. “Well, if you want, I could accompany you. Besides, I wanted to get some fresh air, too. It’s too noisy inside.”

You smiled back at him. “Thank you, I appreciate it.”

Funny, I just met him but I feel so warm and at ease around him.

“What’s your name?” you asked, just to ease the tension as he sat down on the bench next to you.

“Kang Minhyuk,” he replied, happy that you took the initiative to create a simple conversation. “Yours?”

“Jin ____, nice to meet you,” you shook his hand. It felt warm and comforting.

Jin _____? Why does it sound so familiar… Minhyuk wondered, but he waved the thought away.

“Nice to meet you too. So did you come here to celebrate my father’s business anniversary too?” Minhyuk asked.

Oh, so he’s the one whose father’s company is throwing the party.

“Honestly, I only came because I got dragged here,” you said guiltily.

He chuckled. “Don’t worry; I didn’t want to be here either. I’m not really the type to socialize.”

You raised your eyebrow. “You’re socializing with me right now.”

“You’re an exception,” he remarked. His eyes seemed to sparkle towards you, even though his dark burgundy hair was half covering one of his eyes.

You turned slightly pink. “I see.”

Before you knew it, the two of you started to chat with each other comfortably, mainly talking about common interests and random things while skipping the parts of talking about personal life.

As Minhyuk kept talking to you, he felt a tingly feeling in his heart. He didn’t know what it was, but he suspected that it was probably because he was starting to like you. 
Your warm smile and bright, big brown eyes set his heart melting. 
Usually Minhyuk wasn’t the type of guy to easily fall for girls, but for some reason he was drawn to you.

This girl seems so unique, Minhyuk admiringly thought.

Time quickly flew by; but you didn’t realize it until the thought suddenly hit you.

“What time is it?” you asked anxiously. Minhyuk glanced at his watch. “It’s 10 o’ clock.”

Shoot! I’m already late. He’s probably mad at me right now.

“Sorry, but I really have to go. My people are probably waiting for me.”

Minhyuk felt disappointed. “Ah, jinjja? I’ll walk you over there then.”

“No, it’s ok,” you quickly said. You didn’t want Chunji to see Minhyuk or else he’d angrily think you blew the cover off of both of you being a couple.

“It was really nice talking to you, but I have to say goodbye now,” you quickly walked off.

“Wait!” Minhyuk jogged after you. He looked at you with sad eyes. “Will I ever see you again?”

You bite your lower lip, not knowing what to say. “I’m not sure, but I think we will somehow.”

And with that, you walked away leaving Minhyuk staring glumly after you.

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real