Chapter 24: Lunch

We Got "Engaged"

LOL at CAP's expression in the first photo ^^^^^^^^
Electroboyz - Ma Boy feat. Hyorin

The next morning, you got up from the bed and got ready for school. As you smoothed down your uniform neatly, you opened the door to come out.
At the same time, Chunji came out of his room with his uniform also, making eye contact with you.
You both stared at each other for a moment then looked away and blushed.

"Um..Good morning," you finally said. You turned shy when you thought back to the incident yesterday. But also, you were nervous to see if Chunji would really agree to changing his attitude towards you.

Chunji scratched the back of his head nervously. "Yeah..Morning."
He immediately felt embarassed once he remembered what had happened yesterday.
Crap...I don't even know how to face her ever since I became so...mushy towards her.

"Um..Let's go down to eat breakfast," Chunji blurted.
You nodded and the two of you went downstairs.

You pressed your hand against your chest in relief. He really did think about it. He's not ignoring me anymore.


As you both arrived to school, you and Chunji parted ways to your classes.
"Well, see ya," he awkwardly said.
"Yeah," you nodded and started to walk away.

"..Wait," Chunji called out.
You stopped and turned around, looking at him with curious eyes.

"You should eat lunch with me," He said. "..since we're supposed to be a couple and all."
He darted his eyes around in embarassment.

You blinked at him then slowly smiled. "Okay."


During homeroom, you were daydreaming in your own little world as you pretended to listen to the teacher talking. A smile would occasionally appear on your lips as you repeated Chunji's words in your mind.
You should eat lunch with me. Since we're supposed to be a couple and all.
In your mind, even though he only suggested you to eat lunch with him, it felt like Chunji was getting closer and closer to you. 

Someone tapped on your shoulder and you snapped out of your daze.

"Oh, annyeong, Minhyuk oppa," you happily grinned.

Minhyuk smiled back in surprise. "You're cheerful today. Did something good happen?"

"Yes," you answered. "Me and Chunji are finally getting along--I mean, we made up after a huge fight." You tried to cover up.
If I said that we're finally getting along then that wouldn't seem like we're an engaged couple, right?

Minhyuk's heart felt like crippling out of jealousy.
"..Oh. That's great news."

"Yeah," you smiled.

He continued to gaze at you as you obliviously went back to daydreaming again.
Right now I feel like such a fool to fall for you, he thought sadly.


As Chunji walked to his next class, all he could think about was meeting you at lunch. He immediately felt embarassed as soon as he realized that he wanted to see you.

"Oppa!" An arm s around Chunji's arm. He glanced back and groaned. "What do you want, Taeyeon?"

"There's a grand party this Saturday, and I want you to come with me as my date~!" The Queenka chirped.

"Aish! Do you keep forgetting that I have a fiance? Let go of me!" Chunji became irritated.

But Taeyeon only tightened her grip on his arm. "But oppa! I can make you change your mind! It's not like you're married to her yet anyways."

Chunji grew furious from her words. "YAH! How can you say that? You are really crazy, you know that?!"

He roughly pulled his arm away and looked back at her in distaste. "Stop trying to act like you have control over me. You never will. Now please leave me alone."

Taeyeon felt anger build up inside her as she watched Chunji walk away from her.

You have no idea how much power I have, Chunji. 
I can break you two apart if I wanted to.

A smirk then appeared on her face.
But, patience is always the key.
When it's the right moment, I won't hesitate to destroy your relationship.


You were excused to go to the bathroom during class, and as you walked down the halls, a person came around the corner and bumped into you.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" you instantly said.

"Sorry--" The girl started to apologize, but then she stopped short when she saw who you were. She gave you a saucy look. "Ugh. It's you."

You gave her an odd look. "Umm, do I know you?"

The girl scoffed. "I'm one of the girls in Taeyeon's group. The name's Tiffany, remember it," she icily said before turning away.

"Hold on," you said. She turned around and gave you a questionable look.

"Why do you guys despise me so much?" you asked. "I never did anything to you. I know Taeyeon hates me because I apparently "took away" her crush, but does it really mean you guys have to dislike me too?"

Tiffany continued to frown at you, then her expression dropped.
She sighed and looked away.
"I don't know. I actually have nothing against you. It's just that..." She glanced at you with a gloomy look on her face. "We're used to the fact that Taeyeon's the queenka and our leader. And we're just the sidekicks."

You softened. "Sidekicks...? That doesn't sound very good."

"It isn't," she agreed. "Everyday she would always tell us to do this and that. And whenever she doesn't like someone, she would order us to hate them too."

You gave her a sympathetic look. "Well, if I were you, I wouldn't let anyone boss me around. Instead of having someone choose your decisions or commanding you to do something, you should follow your own path."

Tiffany gave you a small smile and fidgeted with her hands. "It's not that easy. If I could choose my own choices, I would. But Taeyeon...she has a great amount of power, enough to have control over us."

You frowned. "A great amount of power? What do you mean by--"

But you were interrupted by a teacher. "Hey! You two! What are you doing out here?"

"Shoot, I gotta go. Bye!" Tiffany quickly waved and went off.

"No! Wait!" you yelled out, but she already turned the corner and left.

You sighed and went into the bathroom, still troubled by Tiffany's words. "What did she mean by that?"


Lunch period finally arrived, and you anxiously walked out of the classroom, scanning around for Chunji.

We forgot to talk about where to meet at! You worriedly thought.
You continued to walk around the school for awhile, losing hope that you would find him.
You stopped and appeared near the cafeteria, glancing around to see if he was there.

"Looking for someone?" a voice called out from behind you.
You turned around and saw that the owner of the voice was no other than Chunji.

Your chest fluttered at the sight of him. "O-oh, there you are."

"Yeah. Sorry...forgot to set up a meeting place," he guiltily said.

"It's alright." You only felt relief that he at least found you.

"Next time, it's always going to be at this spot. Araso?" Chunji cutely pointed down at the area that the two of you were in.

You smiled up at him and nodded. "Araso."


Once you and Chunji received food from the cafeteria, both of you sat down at the table in the center. You tried your best to ignore the constant glares and stares aimed at you.

The three guys looked up from the table in mild surprise.

"Heyyy! It's _____!" L.Joe exclaimed.

"So you finally decided to let your girlfriend into our group?" CAP smirked.

Chunji rolled his eyes and ignored the senior.

You turned pink. "Hi, guys."

"Annyeong~" Niel waved joyfully at you.

Afterwards, you all started a comfortable conversation with each other while eating.

"Hey, _____, you should make Chunji a homemade lunch. I bet he would be jumping for joy," CAP teased.

Chunji blushed and frowned at him. "Shut up, hyung."

"Getting touchy now, are we?" The older male continued to joke around.

Chunji pulled back his hand as if to hit him. "Aish, quit it!"

You couldn't help but giggle at the scene. Then you tapped your finger against your lips as if in thought.
"Actually, I'll consider doing that," you said.

Chunji looked at you in astonishment. Then he cleared his throat and looked away, hoping nobody would notice his face turning pink.

"Aww, you guys are already starting to look like a couple," L.Joe cooed.

You raised your eyebrow. "W-what do you mean? We already are a couple."

Niel glanced at you in amusement. "What, Chunji didn't tell you?" He leaned over and whispered in your ear.
"He told us about the arranged marriage. You don't have to hide it."

You rounded your eyes. "Jinjja?" You looked at Chunji. "You told your friends about it?"

He sighed. "Well, yes...they're my best friends. I figured I would trust them with the secret because I know that they can shut their mouths."

"Well, except CAP. Sometimes he can blurt out a whole bunch of secrets without thinking," Niel darted his eyes at Minsoo accusingly.

The senior frowned in disapprovement. "Hey! I do not." 

"Oh yeah? What about the time you blurted out the secret about my you-know-what? Even L.Joe's you-know-what? And what about Changjo and--"

"Okay, quit your blabbering, guys," L.Joe rolled his eyes. Then he smiled at you. "But yeah, Chunji trusts us. Just like how we trust him."

"We're all brothers," Niel also smiled.

You were moved by their close bond with each other. It made you miss your own friends from your old school.
"That's really nice to hear," you sincerely said.


From the other side of the cafeteria, Minhyuk sat at his own table with his group of friends. He had spotted you sitting at Chunji's table, and the sight of you and Chunji kept on making him emotionally weak.

They look so happy...does this mean they have real feelings for each other?

Jungshin noticed Minhyuk hadn't touched his food and shifted his gaze to where he was looking at.
He sighed once he realized and shook his head.
Poor Minhyuk. To love someone who doesn't love him must be difficult.

Jungshin was the closest to Minhyuk and is the most--well, the only sensitive person among the group to understand what Minhyuk was feeling.
He really didn't like seeing his friend getting their heart broken, but he didn't know what to do.

He gently tapped Minhyuk's shoulder, causing the younger male to look up at him.

"Come on, eat your food. You shouldn't starve yourself," Jungshin gently spoke.

Minhyuk, knowing that Jungshin cares for his health, gave a faint nod and turned back in his seat. 
He absentmindedly picked on his food and made small bites as he sadly thought to himself.

I guess I can't do anything about it...if she's happy, then I'm happy.


I hope you all enjoyed my story so far ^_^? Yes?

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real