Chapter 42: Bliss At Last (?)

We Got "Engaged"


MBLAQ - Beautiful



You were too happy.
Too excited.
Too blissful.

And before, too nervous.

Everything was a slush in your head.

All you could remember was your feet scurrying across the marble floor in your white cotton slippers; towards the door of your one month--five month "fake fiance" before--boyfriend.

One month ago, Chunji surprised you with his love confession and a few days after that, asked you to be his girlfriend. And, of course, you said yes.

It was your best week ever; alongside the days that went by with you being his official girlfriend.
From romantic coffee shop and amusement park dates to surprising you with gifts and homemade gourmet foods, Chunji had showered you with much love and compassion; an entirely miraculous change to how he has treated you in the past. Though you never had a boyfriend before, and Chunji has only been your first,  you had no doubt that he was one of the most wonderful and loving boyfriend anyone could ever have. It was as if he was born to be a perfect lover.
Your father turned out to be very happy for you when he found out the news, and even threw a party for you and Chunji along with both of your friends and Kevin.
He was finally reaching out as a caring father, which also made your life at this moment very joyful.

At last, you reached Chunji's door and, without asking for permission, bursted inside.
You ran across the widely spaced room with compiled energy towards Chunji's bed, where he was still sleeping soundly.
Without any hesitation, you pounced on his bed; the impact of your body making the bed bounce.
Chunji stirred from the sudden movement and rubbed his eyes.

"What's going on..." he mumbled sleepily. You smiled sheepishly, removing his bangs from his forehead to plant a kiss.

"Good morning, sleepy head," you laid beside him and watched him cutely yawn and try to open his eyes.

"Good morning, my wonderful girlfriend," he replied as soon as his eyes adjusted.
Your heart twirled in happiness; you still couldn't believe that you were Lee Chanhee's own girlfriend, let alone kiss him so freely. It still made you giggly and joyful inside.

He smiled at you and caressed your cheek admiringly. "Happy one month anniversary."

Your face lightened up from his words. "You remembered."

"Of course," he sat up from his bed and slid his fingers through yours. "Do you have anything specific that you want to go to today?"

"It's alright. The only place I want to be at is by your side," you cheesily said. He chuckled, making his eyes into smiling thin lines that you very much adored.

"Well, I have something planned for us two," he confessed, making your eyebrows raise up. 

"You do?"

"Yes, but for right now, let us sleep some more." He gently pushed your head down towards the pillow beside him and tucked you in the blankets.

You blushed in embarassment, but still you scooted closer towards him and nested your head against his warm and protective chest.
This was the second time you've been in Chunji's bed (minus the time where he pinned you to the bed to confess to you); the first time you became so nervous even though the both of you were typically sleeping next to each other. The touch of his body at first intimidated you, but as soon as you snuggled against him, you felt relaxed and comfortable. Being by his side, whether emotionally or physically, felt so right. You felt that as long as you are beside him, you will always be safe; and that is what Chunji had vowed to do.
You never wanted this moment to go away.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

"Hurry up, slowpoke," Chunji nagged, but in a gentle way. He was on the other side of your room in front of your door, while you were still getting dressed for Chunji's "surprise" date. You lifted the hangers each occupied with an article of clothing up to your neck to see if it would satisfy you, but the ones you tested were not to your taste right now. You wanted to find the perfect outfit for this special day, even if it means Chunji will have to wait for a very long time. 

"Chanhee, stop rushing me," you frowned, using his real first name in comfort. You had been calling him that ever since he allowed you to, and it gave you much joy since it was a sign of a closer bond between the both of you.

"I'm almost done!" you chirped, finally finding a lacey, pale lavender dress that flowed down to your knees. You had applied some light makeup on since you knew that Chunji never likes too much on a girl's face, and also curled your hair at the ends a little bit. You checked every angle of your face in the mirror and smiled. Perfect!

Chunji was leaning against the wall near your door, blowing air into his mouth so that he looked like a blowfish. A sudden click from your door made him turn his head towards it and there, at that moment, his heart literally felt like stopping.

The mere sight of you, all dolled up and looking precious just made him melt right on the spot. Of course you do make him weak every day but whenever you dress up for him, your beauty sparkled even more. He felt like the luckiest guy on Earth just by standing next to you. Yes, Chunji was obviously head over heels for you; and of couse you were for him too.

You smiled at your boyfriend, who still gaped at you for a good three seconds. "What? Why're you staring--"

Chunji pulled your waist towards him and passionately kissed you on the lips, not even giving you time to finish your sentence.
You blinked in surprise but then slowly closed your eyes to embrace in the steamy kiss.
As you guys pulled back, you looked up at him wistfully. "What was that for?"

Chunji just shook his head, having to take long breaths out. "No words to describe."

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

At first, Chunji took you to the amusement park to have some fun, then as night fell down quickly, he took you to a place you hadn't recognized. There was a delicate bridge with vines hugging every corner of their body upon your view, a bridge that led to a small yet elegant table surrounded by green shades of grass and colorful shades of roses.The ancient trees by the bridge swung lightly back and forth from the mild breeze. Several crickets were heard all around with their chirping noises, calmly minding about their own business. The moist and warm feeling in the air felt just right. It was a park you have never been to, and the peaceful evening night sky made it look even more wondrous.

"Where did you find this park?" you asked in amazement. 

"It took some research and some driving around," he shyly shrugged, "I rented this park out just for the two of us. You like it, right?"

"I love it!" you gleefully jumped into his arms in appreciation. As you looked up at him, your eyes sparkled and your lips naturally came to a smile. "Lee Chanhee, you have never failed to surprise me in the most numerous ways. One of the many things that I love about you."

Chunji felt his heart twirl ever so warmly and joyfully and he lifted you up in the air, making you squeal and laugh. As he brought you down, his hand brushed against the side of your hair and he curled the strands behind your ear. 

"And you, Jin _____, never fail to make me so happy. One of the many things that I love about you." 

In response, you wrapped your arms around his neck and stared into his deep brown orbs with hearts dancing colorfully inside your eyes.

"Let's just both agree that we both love each other's qualities." And with that, a light yet romantic kiss was shared.

Chunji had led you to the table and sat you down, revealing extravagant dishes settled before you.
You and him laughed and talked and ate and everything seemed so perfect.
Awhile later, the two of you had laid down on the grass, staring up at the night sky in unison. It was a wonderful evening and it was a moment where everything in your mind had cleared. It was just you and your lover.

"Chanhee?" you asked.

He turned his head to face you. "Yes?"

"Thank you for today," you quietly said. You felt his hand approach yours and hold it tightly. 

"Of course. Anything for you."

"I don't feel like we've dated for one month. I feel like we've been together for more than a year. Do you think so too?" you questioned curiously.

"I think so," he replied, "plus the fact that we've known each other for five months. And maybe this is the power of love. Time seems to move slowly when I'm with you."

You smiled and started to close your eyes, the feeling of bliss surrounding you. "I agree."

Peaceful silence enveloped the air afterwards. Not a sound was heard, not even the crickets. It kept like that until the main subject is mentioned from the both of you; the whole purpose of this special day.

"Happy one month."

"Happy one month."

The two of you drifted off to a long nap, hands still entertwined together as if they were soulmates.
You hope to believe that Chunji will turn out to be your soulmate too.

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real