Chapter 36: Kidnapped

We Got "Engaged"

LOL, I like how everyone thought the main female character was in a car accident.
I guess the way I typed it made it sound like she was. Whoops! (>w<)
MBLAQ - It's War (Instrumental)


Everything was pitch black around you, yet your eyes were open.
"Mmmf!" you tried to scream desperately for help, but some sort of cloth was stuffed in your mouth so it was able to block out your shouts.

Just then, you heard a throaty chuckle. 
You flinched as you felt someone's hand brush through your strands of hair.

"What's wrong, princess? Miss your hubby-wubby already?" a feminine voice sarcastically cooed.

You wanted to yell out and demand answers from the kidnappers, but it was no use.
You became frightened at the turn of events.
One moment you were crossing the street towards the park then the next moment, a large van comes up and takes you away.

"Mmmmh!" You tried to call out again.

"Shut up, you little brat."

You felt something cold and bristly graze against your neck.
You gulped as you realized that it was some sort of sharp weapon.

"That's right. Just keep quiet. Until we arrive to our destination," the female voice hissed again.

You felt your tears soak against the blindfold.
My own desination has been long gone.
Your body was shaking from fear and the coldness. You felt so weak and helpless.
What are they going to do to me...?


Chunji glanced from street to street, checking his phone for any calls every five seconds.
He had given up on waiting at the bridge and started looking for you.
He was getting worried. It wasn't like you to ever miss his calls, except for when your phone ran out of battery.
He headed home, hoping for the slightest chance that you might be there.
But as he searched everywhere in the mansion and even asked the maids, he had no answers.

Chunji frowned and scratched his head. "That's strange...she couldn't have disappeared like that. She was on the phone with me just minutes ago before I came to the bridge. What on earth--?"

Just then, Kevin had came home and tossed his puffy jacket across the sofa.
"So," he grinned widely. "You confessed?"

But Chunji only gave him a sullen look. "Hyung...I can't find her."

Kevin's smile dropped. "What?"


You landed hard onto the coarse ground as the kidnappers tossed you from the vehicle.

"Ouch..." Your head grew dizzy from the impact.

A pair of strong hands lifted you up and plopped you roughly onto a chair.
You felt jagged ropes tightening against you as they tied you around the furniture.
Finally, someone pulled the blindfold and cloth away from you, enabling you to see and speak again. A whole group of delinquents stared back at you with distaste.
But you gasped when you saw the person standing in front of you.

"It's you...!" you said in disbelief. 
The girl with caked makeup and curly brown hair smirked. She was wearing a skimpy outfit that showed her cleavage and thighs.

"Hello, _____."

She then leaned over until her face was a few inches apart from yours, making you catch a whiff of her heavy scented perfume."It's nice to meet you again. I never got to introduce myself properly though."
The female stood up straight and gave you a forced smile. "My name is Park Nayoung. Daughter of CEO of Park Enterprise."

She tapped your forehead. "Remember that."

"What do you want from me?" you demanded.

Nayoung shrugged her shoulders. "I want nothing from you."

You grew puzzled. "Then why did you kidnap me?"

Her bright pink lip gloss gleamed in the faint light as she smiled deviously.

"Simple. To get rid of you, of course."


Chunji and Kevin scattered around the streets, yelling out your name from every corner.
After hours of searching, they decided to call their friends for help. The sun was barely visible under the horizon.
When their group of friends heard what happened, they immediately rushed to Chunji and Kevin's side.
Even though Kevin's buddies have no clue who you were, they would do anything to help their close friend Sunghyun.

"Glad you guys could make it," Kevin sighed in relief at the sight of his group.

"Of course we would, bro!" A tall, muscular and sharp featured young man named Eli slapped hands in greeting. The rest of them did the same.

"Man we haven't seen you in a long time!" Soohyun said.

"Come visit us more, dongsaeng!" Kiseop pouted.

Kevin gently smiled. "Araso, araso."

"I hope noona is okay," Ricky pouted. Changjo patted his friend's back with a sad look. "Me too."

"Damn, if only she had a tracking device installed in her," L.Joe bit his thumb in thought.
He earned a whacking on the back of his head from CAP.
"Ow! What was that for?"

"Be serious," the oldest of the teen group gave L.Joe a look.

"But I was," L.Joe rubbed the spot where CAP had whacked him.

"Alright, we should hurry up and search for her," Chunji impatiently said.

"Right!" they all said. Everyone dispersed in every direction, shouting and yelling your name over and over again.

"_____!" Chunji shouted loudly across the dim sky, ignoring the stares that people gave when they passed by.
"Aish! Where is that girl?" He scanned around the city some more.
Just when he was about to give up and call the police, his phone rang and he quickly held it up, widening his eyes when he saw that it was your number.
He eagerly picked up, beyond furious yet extremely relieved at the same time.

"Yah! So now you finally decided to call me back?! Where have you been this whole time--"

"Greetings, Lee Chanhee." 

Chunji froze. This was not your voice at all.
"...Who is this?"

The person chuckled. "You don't need to know. But what you do need to know is that I've got your little fiance right here beside me, all snuggly and comfortable under my care."

Chunji heard a familiar muffled voice in the background.
"_____!" He yelled over the phone. "What the hell have you done with her?!"

"Don't worry," the ladylike voice replied. "She'll be going to a happy place once I'm done with her."

Chunji's face turned pale in fear. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY FIANCE! YOU HEAR ME?!" 

Nayoung grinned maliciously as she thought up of a scheme.

"Tell you what, I'll let your precious girl go on one condition."

Chunji narrowed his eyes doubtfully. "And what is that?"

"...You come to me and be entirely mine."

From behind her, you broadened your eyes in shock. NO!
You squirmed around and tried to cry out in anger.
Two boys had to hold you down from struggling any further.
Nayoung only smirked and the speakerphone.
"I'm waiting for your reply, Lee Chanhee."

Chunji only stiffened over the phone. He felt numb and wanted to hurl his insides out from the girl's bargain.
No way in hell am I ever going to this cruel son of a--!

Then the thought of you being gone made his heart collapse. He bit his lip in frustration. He had to do whatever it takes to have you be free from harm's way.
To keep you safe is his main goal...

"..f...fine. I'll...take the deal," he finally mumbled weakly.

NO! Chunji, why?!
You miserably thought as you heard his reply. Tears were starting to spring out from your eyes.
Why did you have to agree?! I'd rather perish than see you be with another girl..!

Nayoung brightened up with a satisfied look on her face.
"Perfect~ Then I guess I can tell you where our location is. 
But! You have to come alone," she finished.

"Fine. Just tell me already," Chunji gritted through his teeth.

"Okay! So impatient!" Nayoung rolled her eyes. She then proceeded to say the address.


When Chunji signaled for the others to meet up at a spot, they looked at him in confusion.

"Why'd you tell us to stop looking? Did you find out where she was?" Niel anxiously asked.

Chunji only looked down at the gravel ground. "Yeah...I did."

Everyone perked up and pressed on for details.


"Did you find out what happened?"


Chunji held up his hand for silence. Everyone grew quiet.

"She's fine, so everyone can go home."

The group sighed in relief and a few whistled.

"Wait, so where is she?" Kevin placed his hand on Chunji's shoulder.

Chunji looked at his brother and hesitantly replied. "She' a place. I'll go get her myself. So you all don't need to worry anymore. Just go home."

His eyes teared away from the group and he strided away into the distance.

"Well, I guess that's that," Kevin's youngest friend Dongho stretched out his arms and turned to walk away. Everyone slowly started to separate too.

Kevin was about to follow along when he abruptly stopped, glancing back at his brother who was getting further and further into the streets.
He knitted his eyebrows together in thought.

"Something doesn't feel right."


Dang, I didn't think I'd write anything about kidnapping and what not... >_> Lol. I hate these parts and yet I wanted something dangerously dramatic.
Ugh I feel so evil for doing this to the characters. 
But I'll compensate for this in later chapters~!

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real