Chapter 26: Promise

We Got "Engaged"
U-Kiss - On The Floor

"Hyung..." Chunji murmured in disbelief.

You looked at him. Hyung? Does this mean that the guy is...?

The sparkly-eyed blonde smiled widely at Chunji.

"My little brother! Come here!" The young man pulled Chanhee into a giant, tight hug.

Chunji gave a look of distaste as he hung limply in his brother's arms.

"Why the hell are you here?" Chunji snapped.

The young adult pulled back and gave Chunji a hurt look. "Dongsaeng! How can you say that to me? Can't I just visit you because I missed you?"

Chunji looked away. "You only visit whenever you need money," he muttered.

The older male frowned. "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything."

Chunji's brother shook his head, then turned his gaze towards you. "And you must be Chanhee's fiance! Nice to meet you~"

He took your hand and kissed it lightly. Chunji quickly took a step forward on instinct, glaring at his older sibling.
You blushed at the sudden gesture and pulled your hand away. "H-hello. You must be his brother."

The brother smiled. "Correct." He then shook your hand. "Hi, my name is Sunghyun. But I prefer Kevin."

"A foreign name?" you asked in surprise.

Kevin chuckled. "Yeah. I always liked English names."

Chunji abruptly came between you two and stood in front of you as he faced his brother.

"Tell me the real reason why you're here."

Kevin looked back at him innocently. "I told you, I wanted to visit my family! Is that so hard to believe?"

"Apparently, yes. The last time you came to visit, you only stayed for three days and left right after Father gave you the money." Chunji stared hard into his brother's eyes.

You looked back and forth from the two siblings, aware that they weren't very fond of each other.

Kevin gave a faint smile. "What can I say? I needed it for my expenses from studying abroad."

"Or spending it on useless women," Chunji retorted.

Sunghyun scowled. "You--"
Then he glanced at you and sighed. "Forget it. It's not very nice to fight in front of a lady."

"Who taught you that? Your millions of girlfriends?" Chunji sneered.

"Lee Chanhee, just stop for now," Kevin gave up and started to pick up his luggage.

Chunji blocked his way before he could go up the stairs. "You're not welcome here anymore."

Kevin furrowed his eyebrows. "Says who?"


Kevin breathed heavily through his nose and looked at Chunji in distress. "Whether you may welcome me or not, I'm still a part of this family."

With that, Kevin tugged his luggage up the stairs to his room.

Chunji only looked up at him in frustration. "Sometimes I wish you weren't," he mumbled.

You bite your lower lip in concern as you heard the harsh words coming from Chunji.
Why aren't they on good terms?


The next morning, you decided to confront Chunji about the issue between him and his brother.

"Can I come in?" you asked as you knocked on Chunji's door.
"Go ahead," he murmured from inside.

You opened the door and saw him typing something on his laptop. He looked up casually.
"Yes?" he questioned.

"Mind if I ask what's the problem between you and your brother?" you bluntly asked.

He stared at you then sighed and looked away. "It's none of your business."

"Yes, but, siblings should never fight like this. It's not good," you sadly frowned.

"Well, I don't want to be involved with him at all," he looked blankly at the computer screen.

You came over to him and sat down on one of the chairs, leaning yourself towards him.
"Please tell me what's wrong?"

Chunji then glanced at you, entranced into your sparkling, curious eyes. His lips quivered at the pleasant sight of you staring up at him, urging him to hug you and tell you everything.

He shook his head and quickly looked away. "Now's not the time. I'm busy."

You pouted in disappointment. "Will you ever tell me? If we're to be husband and wife, then shouldn't we tell each other everything?"

"But we're not really going to be husband and wife. It's all planned," he said coldly.
You stared at him, feeling as if your heart was being stabbed by his words.

Chunji noticed your expression and realized what he had said.

"...You're right," you weakly said. You then got up from the chair and started to walk away dejectedly.

"Wait," he panicked, getting up as well. "That's not what I meant--"

He grabbed your hand but before he could walk any further, he tripped on the carpet and caused himself to lose balance.
"Ah!" Chunji yelped, pulling you along with him to the ground as you both fell down.

As soon as you guys hit the floor, both of you blushed as you noticed that Chunji's body was leaning on top of yours.
His face felt warm with embaressment as he met eyes with you, his breath tickling against your lips.

Your heart started thumping loudly at the closeness, but before you and Chunji could think of anything to do, Kevin suddenly opened the door and popped in. 

"Hey, Chunji--" Kevin stopped and looked down at the two of you.
A big grin spread across his face. "Sorry, was I interrupting a hot moment for you guys?"

You and Chunji's face flushed and you both quickly got off each other. 
"N-no you weren't! We weren't doing anything!" Chunji huffed.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Sure you weren't."
"Really! W-we weren't!" you stammered, brushing yourself off from the ground. "I-I'm just going to go now..."
You hurriedly walked past Kevin and exited out the room.

Kevin looked back at you then turned to face his brother. A mischievous grin was still plastered on his face. "I know this whole marriage thing is all planned, but looks like you guys are getting along very well."

"Shut up," Chunji grumbled. "What did you want?"

Kevin glanced around the room. "Nothing. Just wanted to check up on my little bro, that's all."

"Well, I'm fine," Chunji sternly said. "Now leave."

Kevin shook his head. "You know, you weren't always like this to me. I remember you always looked up to me and loved--"

"It's not like that anymore, and it never will again," Chunji snarled. 

Kevin felt his heart deflate. "Chunji, you should know that I still care for you. Even with all the changes I made."

"Care for me?" Chunji said in disbelief. "You made BIG changes, hyung. You quit everything that I thought you loved ever since Mom left us. You're not the brother that I used to know. You're just wasting your life right now and especially playing around with dumb women--"

"Alright, fine," the older male interrupted. "I admit I changed. I do mess around. I admit I do spend some money on women. But it doesn't mean that I'm wasting my life, because I really am studying abroad and I'm enjoying it." 

"And I still do care for the family," Kevin said with a serious tone. "Even if mom's gone, I will still continue to love this damaged family whether you like it or not."

The two siblings looked at each other. The room was filled only with cold silence. 
Chunji finally broke the tension and sighed in irritation. "I don't feel like talking about this. Just...go."

Kevin felt crestfallen. But he nodded slowly and turned to go.
Then he stopped for a brief moment and turned to look at his brother. "I get that you still hate me for everything, dongsaeng, but just to let you know...I won't ever give up on changing your mind about me. I'll show you that I'm still that same person you loved back then."

Chunji had his back turned, but he was taking in his brother's words in every single detail. 

"Oh, and by the way..." Kevin added. "I got you something from my trip. It's downstairs in the living room, if you want to check it out later." With that, he finally left the room.

As soon as Chunji heard the door close, he closed his eyes in frustration. He didn't know whether or not he should believe in those words. Not since his brother was one of the reasons he decided to give up on his dreams.

U-Kiss - 0330

Because of his tendency to be extremely curious, and the fact that he secretly liked gifts, Chunji sneaked down the stairs late at night. He stepped foot into the living room, scanning his eyes around for the "present" that Kevin supposedly gave him. His eyes stopped at the dark blue package, sitting peacefully on top of the glass table. He walked over to it cautiously, looking behind him to make sure no one was seeing him.
Then he opened the lid anxiously, only to widen his eyes in surprise.

His hand hesitantly reached inside the package, pulling out a soft, yellow hoodie that had a design of an animated blue robot. Chunji's mind instantly flashed back to many years ago, when he saw the same exact hoodie he had yearned for when he was a kid.
Without meaning to, Chunji's lips curved into a small smile. "He actually remembered..."


"Hyung!" The little Chunji yelped in excitement. "Look!"
His small fingers pointed towards the window of a clothing store. His older brother stopped short and looked to see where he was pointing at. Twelve year old Kevin scrunched his nose in distaste. "You want that?"

Chunji pouted. "But hyung, it's a design of a robot. Robots are cool," he cheesily pointed out.
He pointed again to the hoodie that had a picture of a light blue robot with dark blue arms and red feet. 
Kevin chuckled. He looked at his dongsaeng, who's eyes were gleaming towards the hoodie. Kevin could tell that Chunji really wanted it.
He always had a craze for robots and even had a collection of them. 
They were rich, and Chunji could have everything if he could, but he was drawn to that one specific hoodie that caught his eye.

Kevin looked up at the price tag of the hoodie, hoping he would have enough money, for they had already spent it on buying christmas gifts for their parents. He and Chunji had arrived at the mall by themselves after getting a ride from their limo while their parents were, as usual, very busy with their work. 
His hope dropped when he saw how much it costed. Not even the money he had now could afford it. His parents only gave him a limited amount since he was still pretty young.

"You really want to have it?" Kevin asked.
Chunji nodded quickly at him. 
Kevin bit his lower lip. "We can get it tomorrow, araso? We already spent most of it on mom and dad's presents." 

Chunji looked up at his brother and gave a small smile. "Araso."

But to their dismay, the next day they arrived at the mall, the hoodie was not there anymore. It was perhaps sold out or the owner decided not to sell it anymore.
Chunji stared blankly at the window of the store. His lower lip quivered silently. Kevin became disappointed and glanced at his brother.
He automatically felt a pang of guilt. If only I had reserved some money in order to buy it for him...

Kevin slowly patted Chunji's small back. "Mianhae, my brother...maybe the hoodie will appear again soon."

Chunji looked up at him with his sad, brown eyes that made Kevin feel the awful feeling of guilt again. "It's wasn't that big of a deal..."
But Kevin could tell he wasn't being sincere about his words.
 Kevin sadly gazed at his brother. 
He stooped down in front of Chunji and looked him in the eyes.

"I swear," Kevin said. "I'm going to get you that hoodie no matter what. So don't worry." He assured.

Chanhee smiled hopefully at his hyung. "Really?"

Kevin nodded. He ruffled Chunji's hair playfully and led him away from the store.

I promise you, my brother, I will find you that hoodie even if it takes me a long time.

*Flashback ended*


Sorry guys for the late update! >_< i've been busy. and plus i really couldnt think of anything. I ran out of ideas. T_T
All I could come up with was a hoodie for Kevin's gift for Chunji T_T hmm.

This chapter is mostly about Chunji and his brother, as you can see.~
I wrote this chapter because it will lead to unravel Chunji's mysterious past and his reason for wanting to take over his father's business.
Sorry to disappoint if it isn't a "romantic" chapter, heheh.


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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real