Chapter 25: Change

We Got "Engaged"

Girls' Generation - Baby Baby


Weeks had passed by, and you were still in good terms with Chunji.
He still kept a distance from you, but he wasn't as ignorant as he used to be either.

In fact, he would smile more and even do small, kind things for you.
You were already very happy with the progress he was making to open up to you.

One day, on a weekend, Chunji's friends had invited you to come hang out with them ever since they were able to bond with you more.

You were smoothing out your spring dress that hugged your curves when Chunji came into the room, blushing as he saw how pretty you looked in your outfit.

"Why are you dressing like that? Going out somewhere?"

You turned to look at him. "What, you don't knock anymore? I'm going to blame you if you ever barge in and see me ."

"It's not like there's anything to see," he smirked.

You narrowed your eyes at him. "Yah! Get out of my room if you're just going to insult me."

"I'm just kidding, woman," he snickered and jumped onto your bed, lazily relaxing against the mattress. He's been doing this numerous times lately.

You shook your head and sighed. "Months ago, you were barely a person to joke and now here you are, having a blast as you make fun of me."

He grinned and closed his eyes. "Anyways, you didn't answer me. Where are you going?"

"I'm going out with your friends," you bluntly said.

He quickly sat up. "Mwoh?! With my friends?"

"Yes, Chunji."

The creases between his eyebrows grew even deeper. Hanging out with a bunch of guys? Without me?! Unacceptable!

"Oh, no you're not!" he bursted out.

You frowned at him. "Why not?"

"I don't want you flirting with my friends."

"What?! That doesn't even make sense." You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Are you jealous or something?" 

"N-no, I'm not jealous. Why should I be?" he huffed. "It's just that...they didn't invite me!"

"Well then, I invite you," you casually said.

He rolled his eyes and laid back down on your bed. That's not really what I meant, you pabo.


As you and Chunji arrived at Changjo's mansion, he gave out a disapproving snort. "Are you serious? You're hanging out at his place?"
"What's wrong with that?" you ignored his comment and walked towards the mansion, ringing the doorbell.

The door opened and out popped a cheerful Ricky. "_____! You're finally here--"
He then noticed the frowning Chunji standing beside you.

"Ew. Why is he here?" Ricky scrunched up his nose in disgust.

Chunji grew irritated and immediately headlocked the younger male. "Yah! You little runt!" 
"Help, noona!" Ricky yelped.

You rolled your eyes in amusement and shook your head. You entered through the door and saw the four faces peering at you from the living room.

"Yay! It's noona!" Changjo jumped up from the couch and immediately gave you a big hug. 
You laughed through his shirt. "Hey, Changjo."

"Woohoo! It's my favorite dongsaeng!" L.Joe ran over to you along with Niel and CAP.

You giggled and blushed at the massive shower of affection.

Chunji stopped headlocking Ricky and looked up to see his friends all giving you bear hugs.

"Hey! Get away from her!" he yelled. Ricky snickered and joined in with the rest of them.

They all stuck their tongues out at Chunji, who looked at them in disbelief.

"Aish, I swear I am going to kill you all for this!"

"Us five against you? Let's go!" Changjo teased.

You chuckled and tried to squeeze out of the hug. "Alright, guys. Let's not make Chunji even more mad now."

They finally released you and you came over to Chunji, taking his arm and dragging him over to the sofa.

CAP noticed your grip on Chunji and shook his head. "_____, you should take his hand, not his arm!"

You blushed and immediately let go as the two of you sat down on the furniture. Everyone followed along and sat down at their spots.

"Man, why did Chunji have to come along? It would've been more fun with only you," Niel teased.

Chunji looked at him sharply. "Watch it."

"I love you, hyung!" Niel created a heart with his hands.

You lightly laughed and admiringly looked at everyone. This really feels like a family whenever I'm with them.


Lately, you noticed how overprotective Chunji was over you, even if he tried not to show it.
Especially when you're around guys.

For instance, there was the time where all of you went to the amusement park (Chunji wasn't invited again, but he demanded to come along), and  L.Joe took your hand and led you to the ferris wheel. 
All of a sudden, Chunji karate chopped L.Joe's hand and that made him let go.

"Ow! Hyung, what was that for?!"

"Stop holding my fiance's hand," Chunji commanded.

You stared at him in astonishment. He turned to look at you and saw your surprised face. 

"D-don't think anything, I'm just afraid people would notice us and think wrongly." His face turned pink.

You smiled. Right.

Then another time, Niel accidentally slipped and fell on you, making the both of you blush.

"Mianhae," Niel quickly said.

As soon as Chunji saw the scene, he felt like mentally smashing Niel's head against the wall.

"NIEL! Get off of her!"

For the rest of the day, he would continually give dagger eyes towards Niel.

One day, all of you were sitting around at Ricky's house, until Ricky scooted over to you and laughed.
"Man, Chunji has been outrageously jealous lately!" He hollered, loud enough so Chunji could hear.

Chunji whipped his head towards Ricky as soon as he said that and glared at him menacingly.
"I am not," he denied. 

"Then why have you been so mean to us every time we approach _____?" Changjo asked.

"T-to protect our secret, of course! With you guys all touching her then people would think it's strange and..." Chunji continued to blabber on.

CAP shook his head at Chunji's lame cover up and looked towards you.

"Hey, _____," he said.

You turned towards him. "Yes?"

"i think you're starting to change him."

You blinked at him and gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that ever since you came into his life, he started acting like himself more," CAP softly said.

Your heart fluttered in hope. "..Really?"

He smiled at you. "Yeah. You're breaking down his cold, heartless barrier."

You looked up at him wonderously. "So...he wasn't always like that?"

Minsoo's smile slightly faded. "No...he wasn't...he became a whole new different person, ever since that incident..." He bit his lower lip, not knowing if he should continue on.

"The incident?" you asked quizzically.

"It's not in my place to say," Minsoo shrugged helplessly.

"I see..." You slowly glanced over to Chunji, who was busy yelling at everyone who .

Despite his angry appearance right now, you could tell that Chunji was genuinely happy.

You gazed at him in curiousity, thinking back to the day you saw him crying.

I wonder if I'm able to talk to him about his life now...?


On the way home, you continuously sneaked glances at Chunji, debating whether or not you should confront him with his problems.

But before you could think of anything, Chunji opened the door and to his and your bewilderment, a young man in his mid twenties was standing around with his back turned. The guy finally turned around in surprise, then beamed at the both of you. He was dressed in expensive brand names, looking fashionably sleek. He had a charming smile on, but his eyes sparkled the same way that Chunji's does.

"Hello, guys! I'm back!" 


Who do you think it is? xD

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real