Chapter 34: Opposite

We Got "Engaged"
Boyfriend - Don't Touch My Girl (Instrumental)


A saturday morning was typically spent by you either staying at home or going out with your friends from your old school. This time, you chose to go out.

"I still don't get it, _____," your friend Jieun said as she pouted upon knowing your story.
You and your friends were at a cute cafe that was themed with Hello Kitty:

"What do you mean?" you said, scooping up a piece of frozen yogurt into your mouth.

"I mean that you have never told us about this marriage until it suddenly came onto the news!" your other friend Hyojin exclaimed.

You cheesily smiled and looked down at your dessert. "Mianhae. I just thought it wouldn't be such a big deal."

You didn't tell them that it was an arranged marriage yet, and you didn't know whether or not you should tell them. Unlike Chunji and his friends, they've been together their whole lives. But you've only known your own friends for merely a couple of years. Is it enough to tell them the truth and see if they can keep it a secret?
You looked at your companions who were busy eating their sugary snacks. You continued to wonder endlessly to yourself until you received a phone call.

You looked at the caller ID and knitted your eyebrows. "Um, hold on guys. I have to take this call."

"Alright, then!" Hyojin waved. While you were gone, they were busy giggling to themselves and chatting.

"I'm so envious! _____'s fiance is pretty cute! I took a peek at her phone and saw a picture of him!" Jieun smiled deviously. She was always the nosy type.
"Wait, how do you know if it's him?" Hyojin raised an eyebrow.
Jieun rolled her eyes. "She totally labeled the photo "Chunji Oppa" on it. With lots of hearts!"
Hyojin bursted out laughing. "Buahah! I didn't know she could be so mushy! Now I want to see the picture of him!"


Meanwhile, you accepted the call and held the phone to your ear. 


"Hello, dear," the voice rang out from the other line.

"..Dad?" you said in disbelief.

"Why do you sound so surprised?"

"Because you rarely ever call me unless it's an emergency," you frowned.

There was a short pause before you heard your father sigh.
"I know, I'm sorry. It's just that I've been busy with work and everything--"

You scowled and closed your eyes at the words; the same excuse your dad's been using against you. Work.

"Well, why are you calling now?" you bluntly asked.

"...I just wanted to see how you were doing. And..." your dad delayed a moment. "I miss you."

Your heart relaxed, yet your mind felt like rebelling against him.
So it took him about four months just to say that over the phone?

"I see," was all that could come out of your mouth.

Your dad frowned over the line. "Did you miss me too?"

The lines formed between your eyebrows faded. "Yes, Dad. I did." And you were honest.
Of course you would miss your dad after not seeing him in such a long time.
You weren't able to tell but your dad was smiling.

"That's good. Then, how is your life with your...'fiance'...?" he asked hesitantly.

You took a moment to think back to the times being with Chunji and gave a little smile. "Actually, it's--"

But your father then interrupted you. "Well, you don't have to worry about that anyways."

His interfering sentence made you froze. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that the contract is not forever. It's only valid until a year or so after you both get married. So you don't have to worry being stuck with a person you won't even bond with, huh?" your dad grinned, not knowing that what you were thinking was the opposite.

You bit your lip in uncertainty as you took in your dad's words. Valid only until a year we get married?
Your eyes wandered around the ground in thought. So when the contract is over...we...separate?

For some reason, that thought displeased you. Very much.

"Honey, I wouldn't let you stay with a random guy for the rest of your life. I want you to be with a guy you actually want to be with," your dad softly said.
"Someone who will make you happy and cherish you forever."

You opened your mouth to speak, although at the time you were somehow afraid and nervous enough to have your words clog back inside your mind.

"U-um, Dad..?"


A lump had formed in your throat as you tried to build courage to your voice on what you were about to say. 

"About that...Actually, I..."


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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real