Chapter 27: The Cause of Their Changes

We Got "Engaged"

Kevin~ ^^^^^^^

Taeyang feat. G-Dragon - I Need A Girl

The next morning, you washed up and headed downstairs to the kitchen to eat breakfast. As you sat down on the table and started eating the food the maids had already prepared, Chunji arrived calmly and sat down at the other end.
"Good morning," he mumbled sleepily.

"Good morning, Chunji," you replied back as you took a sip of water.

It was quiet afterwards as you both ate your food.
Just then, Kevin came down and stretched his arms out.
Chunji rolled his eyes as soon as he saw his brother.

"Morning," he yawned.

"Morning, Kevin," you smiled at him then turned back to your plate.
Chunji didn't say anything.
Kevin sat on the side of you and scooted his chair in.

For the rest of the time, all of you were awkwardly silent.
You looked around and noticed the stiff atmosphere, biting your lip as you hope to break the tension.
You were reaching for a napkin when your elbow accidentally knocked over a glass of water, creating sounds of shattering on the marble floor.
Everyone turned their heads towards the sound.
"Oh no!" you yelped, quickly bending down to pick up the broken pieces.
"Wait--!" Kevin said, but it was too late when he heard a mutter of pain coming from you.
Chunji abruptly got up in panic from your cry.
You held up your finger that was bleeding from one of the sharp blades.
"I cut myself," you murmured.

Kevin stood up from his seat. "Obviously! Here, let me see--"
"Don't touch her!" Chunji suddenly yelled. Kevin looked at him in surprise.
Chunji then stormed over and bent down to check your injury.
You glanced at him as he furrowed his eyebrows, studying your finger.
He made a disapproving sound with his tongue. "You're so clumsy, you know that?"
"It's alright, it wasn't that bad--" you tried to explain, but then you went into a moment of shock with what Chunji was doing.
He leaned forward and was putting his lips to your wound, absorbing the blood from your finger with his tongue.

You heavily blushed and even Kevin was mildly shocked at his action.
"Wh-what are you doing?" you stuttered, but he ignored you and continue to your cut. He then let go of your hand and got up and went off somewhere.
You glanced at Kevin and he just shrugged.

Chunji then came back with a small bandage and alcohol wipes in his hand. He took your finger and wiped your cut with the small white cloth,which stinged a little but you endured the tiny pain. Glancing at his concentrated face, you admired him for caring about you.

"There," he said as he finished wrapping the bandage around your finger gently.
"Next time don't pick up the glass pieces with your bare hands, pabo."

You smiled in guilt. "Mianhae."

Meanwhile, Kevin was observing the scene as he studied Chunji's expression. His face was full of warmth and softness whenever he looked at you.

Kevin's lips curved in amusement. 
Hmm, interesting...


You were in the living room watching TV with a box of crackers on your lap. You were blankly snacking on some when Kevin arrived in the room and plopped down on the couch next to you.
He glanced at the crackers then you and smirked. "You're a fatty," he teased.
"Shut up," you lightly laughed.
It's been only two days and yet you already felt comfortable with Kevin. 
Maybe it's because his presence felt similar to Chunji's.

"What are you watching?" Kevin asked, putting his hands behind his head.

"Just some reality show with K-Pop idols," you continued to munch on your snack. Still having your eyes on the screen, your face fell when you thought back to Chunji and Kevin's argument.

"Hey, Kevin," you said.


"...How come you and Chunji aren't on good terms?"

Kevin blinked at your question. He didn't really know what to say.

"It's a long story," he said after a long pause. "But he'll come around eventually." 
But even he himself wasn't sure if that's ever going to happen.
You pursed your lips. Even though you are an only child, you didn't like the thought of siblings fighting. 
There has to be a good reason for their fighting, right?

Kevin then glanced at you in wonder. Before, he had hesitated about telling you about their past lives, but right now he felt like he could trust you.

"You really want to know what happened between us?" He asked.

"I want to know what happened with your whole family," You replied as you looked at him.

He stared at you then gave a faint smile. "Well, for starters," He turned back to the television. "Our mom passed away 6 years ago."

You froze for a second, worried that their story might be too personal for them to tell you.

As if he read your mind, Kevin smiled at you. "Don't worry, I believe you're trustworthy enough to hear the whole story."
You softened.

Kevin continued on. "Our mother was like our savior. She was a pure, innocent young woman who really loved all of us. Everything she did for us showed us how much she really cared for the family, and we cherished her for that. I don't think we would've been able to cooperate and communicate with each other if it weren't for her."

You listened carefully, feeling amazed by Kevin's description of his mom. 

"My father loved her a lot, too. He made sure that he would try not to get into a fight with her or rebel against her. She always knew the right thing to do. To be honest, our father was never really fond of me and Chunji. At least, he doesn't show it. And because she was so precious to us, the day she went away..." Kevin sighed and looked down.

"...Was the day the whole family got corrupted."

"I guess our mother was too much of an angel that God immediately wanted to recruit her to heaven," Kevin half-heartedly joked.
"We weren't strong enough to hold ourselves together. We just let ourselves crumble." 

You frowned in concern. You had stopped eating, concentrating intently on Kevin's words.

"Your mother was a very special person," you softly remarked.

He smiled. "Yeah, she was. She was the one who really influenced me in pursuing my dreams. Afterwards, Chunji got influenced by the both of us to  pursue his own dream too."

"So after she passed away...that's when you both lost hope in chasing after your goals?" you asked.

Kevin nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. I guess I'm a weak just easily give up on a dream because my mother left. I guess it was partly my fault that Chunji decided to give up too." His smile turned into a frown.

"I remember his bright and cheery personality and his tendency to always smile. But because he's been through so much and plus the fact that our mom went away...he was emotionally unstable and completely changed himself."

Kevin sighed deeply and wrapped his arms around his legs. "A lot of things have changed. My father grew pretty cold towards us. We didn't feel any more warmth or connection. That's another reason why we fell apart," he sadly murmured.

You stared at him in sympathy. This is just like with me and my parents too...I never knew our family were so similar.

Kevin then looked at you and gave a warm smile. "But _____-ah, I believe you can change him. Actually, you're already starting to."

You smiled back at him. "Funny, that was just what one of Chunji's friends said."

"Then he sees the potential in you too," he softly said.
Kevin reached over and held your hands, looking at you straight in the eye. 
"_____, I want you to give him as much warmth and care as much as you can. It's the only way he will ever learn to open up and see the brighter things in life. I really do care for him as a brother, but he won't listen to me as much as he would listen to you."

You opened your mouth to argue, but he held up his hand. "Trust me, _____. I can tell he'll be able to go back to his own self comfortably as long as you don't give up on him. I don't care if you guys are in an arranged marriage or not, it's already obvious that you guys are quite fond of each other. He's already showing signs," he grinned.

You tilted your head in wonder. "Signs?"

Kevin lightly chuckled. "Don't mind what I said. Anyways, I hope you'll listen to my advice. Just talk to him, araso?"

You nodded your head in agreement. "Don't worry, I will. I'll try my best to have him go back to his original self."  And you really meant it.

After all, I care for him too. The once cold hearted person I knew in the beginning wasn't always so cold. I'm determined to bring him to his true colors.




Half portion of the chapter = Writer's block -.-.
I'm really really sorry...for that and for the late updates recently. 
Same old excuses: work/schoolwork/procrastination :\ 
But to make up for it: I will write a bunch of chapters to update for every day for the next seven days or more! Hurrayyyyyy \(*0*)/
Thank you for being patient with me, my lovely readers/subscribers <33333

P.S. Wow, I'm glad I picked Kevin heheh. A lot of you guys like him~
I thought he would be perfect for the role of Chunji's brother :D

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real