Chapter 38: Niel

We Got "Engaged"
Se7en - La La La (Instrumental)


The black-haired adolescent merely dragged himself into slumber as he fought his eyelids from closing shut. 
He shook his head from the drowsiness and darted his eyes around the waiting room in attempt to keep himself awake.
Chunji's eyes then rested upon the circular shape of a clock hanging on the wall above the sofa across from him, which told him the time of 1 o' clock in the morning.

It has been a good bundle of hours--approximately 5 hours--since Niel has gone through the procedure of getting his severe injury fixed.

Chanhee looked to his left and saw you quietly sleeping with your head arched up against the sofa and eyes peacefully closed. He smiled a little and scooted over a little closer, gently pushing your head away from the uncomfortable position and onto his shoulder.

"Silly girl, it's not good for you if you sleep like that," he softly whispered as he laid his head against yours. He felt a tiny sense of bliss knowing he would not be so considerate towards any other girl but you, which was what made you so special to him.

The lovestruck male tried to stifle a yawn but to no avail, and instead he decided to give in and fall into dreamland too. 


Around an hour later, the group were interrupted from their slumber when a doctor bursted through the doors with a clipboard in his hand. 

"Is he alright, doctor?" Minsoo was the first to spring awake even though his head was still feeling groggy.

The doctor cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes. The surgery was a success and luckily his organs weren't in close enough reach to have been damaged. There was quite an amount of blood loss and the large gash being caused that made the procedure a little bit more difficult but your friend will be better soon."

Everyone sighed in relief of this news. 
"When can we go see him?" Chunji asked.

"Right now the patient has been put to sleep, so it's best if visitors come see him in the afternoon," the doctor responded.

"I see. Thank you, doctor," Chanhee bowed, along with the rest of the group and you.

The doctor bowed his head in return. "Until then, the patient will remain here at the hospital. It will take him a month to entirely heal and that's when he will be able to leave."

After the doctor left, the rest of you exited out the hospital, weary and tired from what the night has brought on for you guys.

"Well, I'm gonna go back to sleep," L.Joe stretched his arms out and yawned. 
"Man, my parents are going to throw a fit since I stayed out so late," Ricky pouted.
CAP patted the middle schooler's head in reassurance. "Don't worry, kid. I already contacted everyone's parents before we even went to save our little princess here."
You lifted your head in response, though too tired and lazy to do anything else.
"Hey, let's all wake each other up when it's time to visit Niel hyung," Changjo said as he rubbed his eyes in a sleepy manner.

Everyone agreed and went their separate ways. You, Chunji and Kevin hopped on a cab to go home.
You instantly fell back into sleep and Kevin followed along. Only Chunji felt like staying awake.
On the way, Chanhee couldn't help but wonder about a certain subject that's been pestering him for awhile now that he was reminded of it.
He nudged his hyung on the arm, which he received a grunt in response.

"Yah, hyung. I have something to ask you." 


"...How did you find me?"

Kevin slowly opened his eyes, only to find Chanhee glancing at him in curiousity.

He smiled and sat up against his seat. "What? So you actually want to know about that?"

"Yes," Chunji frowned, not understanding why his brother was asking him such a pointless question.

"It's simple, really," Kevin patted his own chest. "I found you through brotherly love."

Chunji stared at his brother in disbelief and scoffed at his cheesiness. "I don't believe you."

"Well, you must really take me for a fool if you thought that I wouldn't think something was wrong. It was right for me to have followed my instincts, or else you and _____ would've been in big trouble."

Chunji blinked and looked away, for his brother was right. If it wasn't for Kevin, he wouldn't have known what would've happened to the both of you.

"Th..thank you." 

Kevin glanced at his younger sibling, whose face was purposely turned away from the blonde's view.
It wasn't easy for Chunji to have said these two words to his brother, especially since he hadn't been thankful to him in a very long time.
To even face him--to even make direct eye contact with him--would exceed his limits of keeping a good and balanced composure.

Kevin studied his brother's back and couldn't help but feel a gratified grin plaster against his face.
He honestly felt a bit taken back by Chunji's sudden burst of gratitude. But then again, he couldn't blame the teenager.
Kevin hadn't exactly been there for him as a supportive family member like he should've been when everything fell into broken pieces.
So the next four words that escaped Kevin's lips brought both him and Chunji the contentment of each other's less distant bond; a bond that they should've kept if only it weren't for their stubbornness and ignorance.

"You're welcome, my brother."

2NE1 - It Hurts (Instrumental)

The afternoon came, and you were the first to head out to visit Niel. After all, you did feel extremely guilty since Niel's injury was partly your fault.
If only you weren't the damsel in distress, Chunji wouldn't have been in this mess, then the group wouldn't have been involved either, and Niel wouldn't have to end up in the hospital...
You closed your eyes shut, not able to bear all the shame and guilt that's been builting up in you ever since you've been contemplating about it.
Before you could mentally beat yourself up for it, the elevator doors opened and you quickly stepped out to the floor to where Niel's room was supposedly occupied in.

You searched for the number of the room that you were told and finally found it.
Being cautious with your sudden arrival, you knocked on the door first before you quietly walked into the room.
Niel looked up and smiled when he saw your appearance.

"Noona! You came to see me."

You smiled back in response, relieved and happy that the boy seemed healthily lively.

"Are you feeling any better?" you asked, sitting down on the chair beside him.

He nodded cutely, his golden brown hair bobbing up and down along with him. "Yes, now that you're here."

You couldn't help but bring a smile to your lips from his bold remark. "Aigoo, such a mood maker. Anyways, I brought you some food."
You retrieved a container full of freshly made food from inside your bag and presented it in front of Niel.

His eyes sparkled at the sight and gladly received it from you. "Noona! You made this for me?"
"Yes, I hope you like it," you smiled.
"Of course! It's probably a million times better than what the hospital serves." He playfully stuck out his tongue as a sign of mild disgust.
You chuckled at his reaction and got out a pair of chopsticks for Niel to eat the food with.

"Yes! That means Chunji isn't the only one who gets homemade lunch from _____ noona! This is the best day ever!" Niel said in excitement, raising his fist in the air to show otherwise.

You laughed a little and shook your head at his childish ways, but you followed along anyways.
You held up your index finger to your lips. "Shh. Don't tell Chunji, araso?"

Niel shook his head in agreement. "I won't. He would get really jealous."
You leaned back in amusement and watched as Niel opened the lid and dug into the food you made him.

You smiled again at the usual, joyful sight of him, but it slowly faded when you thought back to the whole reason why he was in the hospital.
Niel was in the middle of chewing on a piece of vegetable when he looked up and saw your sad expression.

He stopped eating and became concerned. "What's wrong?"

You snapped out of your daze and shook your head in reply. "No, there's nothing wrong."

He tilted his head in doubt. "Come on, I know you better than that."

You managed to smile a little at his statement and finally gave in. 
"It's just that...I feel extremely guilty and sad that you ended up this way. It was my fault. If it hadn't been for me, you wouldn't have been injured and--"

"Whoa," Niel cupped his hand over your mouth to your surprise. "What are you talking about? You shouldn't blame yourself like that."

You wanted to argue back, but he predicted this and stopped you from doing so. You couldn't anyways with his hand still clamped against your mouth. 

"Look, noona, you weren't the one who called for me. I came for you, along with the rest of the team. We came to rescue you because we wanted to, not because we were forced to! So don't make it sound like that, araso?"

Niel leaned in closer and you felt a bit taken back from his closeness. 
He smiled warmly. "Noona, it didn't matter if I got hurt. As long as you were safe. I would be willing to do that for anyone who I care about. Chunji probably felt the same way too. So don't worry so much, pabo."

He lightly poked your forehead and released his hand from your mouth.
You blinked up at him and slowly nodded, extremely touched by his words.
"Niel...thank you..." you sincerely said, grateful that Niel was your friend.
"You have no idea how much it means to me that you cared this much."

Niel gave you a comforting smile. "Of course! You're like family to me."

You couldn't take it anymore. "Come here, you."
You stood up and quickly hugged him. 
Niel grew a bit astonished at your sudden gesture, but he soon hugged you back.
He heard you sniffing and brought another smile to his lips. "Are you crying, noona?"

"N-no," you denied, wiping your fresh tears that were starting to come down.

He only chuckled and gently pulled you away. He got out a tissue from the table beside the bed and wiped the tears that were visible on your cheeks.
"You're such a crybaby."

You pouted at his tease. "I-I can't help it. I'm a er for those kind of stuff."

Niel nodded and kept patting your cheeks until the tears were gone. "Araso, araso."

He attempted to throw the tissue into the trash can on his right side, but ended up straining the side of his stomach that was newly treated.
He winced in pain and let out a small grunt.

You quickly realized and straightened his body out, gently laying him against the bed. "Niel! You have to be more careful, you're not entirely healed yet."

Niel subconsciously touched his side that was throbbing a little from the pain. "Sorry, noona."

You relaxed and sighed, getting out another tissue to wipe his forehead that was starting to form beads of sweat.
"From now on, don't move so much, okay?"

"I won't," Niel quietly said. Instead, he glanced up at your face, which was visible of genuine concern.
You proceeded to examine his side by slightly lifting up his shirt, only to see white bandages wrapped around his skinny waist.
There seemed to be nothing wrong. You sighed in relief and pulled back down the shirt, softly resting your hand against the spot where his injury was.

"Good thing you didn't make anything worse," you said half sarcastically.

Niel didn't say anything but continued to stare at you. "I can see why Chunji hyung really likes you, noona."

Your heart almost stopped at his statement. "Wh-what?"

Niel smiled and shook his head. "Did you bring any water? I'm thirsty."

"Uhm, yeah. I did," you hesitantly said, still wondering about Niel's words and confused to why he changed the subject.

You reached into your bag and got out two bottles of water for you and Niel to drink.
You twisted the cap off of the water bottle and took small gulps of water, and that's when Niel spoke up.

"When are you and Chunji hyung going to confess?"

You nearly spat out the water and dropped the bottle, but you thankfully calmed yourself down and looked up at a curious Niel.

"Wh-why would you ask that?" you closed the cap onto the water bottle and set it aside.

"Because," Niel rolled his eyes. "You guys have been taking forever. It's been so obvious that you guys like each other!" 

You felt blush creep up your cheeks. "It was...obvious?" Okay, so maybe you admit that you have been pretty obvious about your feelings towards Chunji, but you never thought it was the same for him.

"You two are so slow that it's become very disappointing," Niel crossed his arms and pretended to give a disappointing look.

"Yah, who are you to judge? Just eat your food," you defensively said.

Niel gave off a playful shrug and scooped up bits of food with his chopsticks.
As he chomped down your cooking happily, you were still thinking about what Niel had said.
Sure, it was obvious that you had feelings for Chunji, but was it really true that Chunji could return those feelings?
Deep down inside, you had a good amount of hope that it was possible.
You shook your head of your thoughts. Now's not the time to be thinking about this.


Alright...been thinking about this...I should do comment responses, no?
I feel bad when someone comments about something and yet I don't say anything back even when I wanted to.
Anyways, I hope to update the upcoming chapters soon because that's when the good stuff piles in (I think)

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real