Chapter 37: Fight

We Got "Engaged"
BEAST - Mystery

Chunji stood in front of a tall, broken down building that loomed across the streets. The shabby, foreign area of the town gave him shivers as he looked around the unfamiliar place with disbelief. He could never have imagined that such a dark place would ever exist due to being accustomed to his clean, rich background.

He took a big gulp as he walked towards the unwelcoming entrance, hearing a slight creak that pierced his ears as he opened the rusty doors.

He looked around anxiously but spotted no sign of any life form appearing before his eyes.
Just as he planted both of his feet inside the building, a voice s out from the shadows.

"Nice to see you again, pretty boy."

Chunji whipped his head towards the direction of the voice, only to see Nayoung pop out from the dark, slowly advancing towards him.

"Where is _____?" he immediately demanded.

Nayoung clucked her tongue as she shook her head. "You're not a very patient person, are you?"

"Just show me where she is," Chunji growled.

The female delinquent sighed and gestured towards another door with the wave of her hand.

"Follow me."

Just as the door swung open, Chunji caught sight of you and instantly ran over.

You turned your head towards the familiar voice in surprise, your eyes still covered with a blindfold and mouth still clogged with a cloth.
Chunji took out the cloth and blindfold without hesitation, allowing you to see and speak again.

"Chunji!" you cried out in relief. He cupped your face and sighed in content.

"I'm so glad you're okay. You are, right?"

You nodded frantically, still dazed with happiness that Chunji was standing right before you.
He held you tightly against his chest; even though unfortunately you were still tied up against the chair that unabled you to hug him back.

Nayoung rolled her eyes at the scene.
"Alright, alright. Break it up, you two."

Chunji slowly pulled back and looked up at Nayoung with a stern look. "Release her now."

"Of course, dear," Nayoung gave him a smile and snapped her fingers. Two men appeared and started to untie the ropes that bounded you.

You were finally free and looked up at Chunji with hope, but that hope shattered when the two men abuptly pulled him away from you.

"Yah! What is this?!" Chunji yelled out in alarm, struggling to get out of their grip.

"Chunji!" you cried out, reaching out for him but you were also held back by another pair of men.

Nayoung walked towards Chunji and caressed his face with her long, slender fingers. causing him to develope horrible shivers all over his body.

She grinned with a devious glint in her eyes. "You're so handsome, you know that?"

"Get your hands away from me!" Chunji struggled and kicked even harder.

"Ah-ah-ah," Nayoung wagged her finger in disapprovement. "Don't be like this. It would be such a shame if Taeyeon unnie were to receive a grumpy Lee Chanhee, eh?"

Chunji broadened his eyes in realization. 
You widened your eyes in shock too. 

"Wh-what?!" Chunji exclaimed. "But I thought--"

Nayoung snorted. "What, did you think I'd actually keep you all to myself? I'd be insane to stand up to that witch.She'll probably reward me for something this good."

"So yeah, I lied," she shrugged. "I'll be sending you off to Taeyeon...and getting rid of your girl."
She lifted your chin up to have your eyes meet up with hers.

"NO! DON'T LAY A FINGER ON HER!" Chunji shouted in anger. He attempted to kick around again.
You froze in fear as one of the men pulled out a knife and held it against your throat.

"PLEASE! ANYTHING BUT HER!" he yelled out again, feeling mentally weak as he watched them threaten your life against your will. He couldn't believe things turned out this way; the outcome of him losing to himself and losing you. Tears started to jerk out from the corner of his eyes as the both of you helplessly gaze at the both of each other.
I still didn't get to tell you what I've been wanting to say...

Nayoung gave you a smug look as she rotated your chin in distaste.
"I've been waiting to get my revenge on you. And now that I finally--"

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" a voice boomed out from the entrance. Everyone quickly turned their heads and gasped in surprise. for there was the rest of Teen Top and U-Kiss walking through the door with confident looks on their faces.

"Damnit, why do I always get disturbed?!" Nayoung cursed under her breath.
She then pointed towards the saviors.
"Everyone, GET THEM!" 

As soon as she said that, dozens of more men appeared and stood in front of the group.

"Heh, looks like there's about to be a real fight going on here," Eli smirked as he cracked his knuckles and got into a ready position.
The other built members did the same, leaving the younger and less strong ones stare at them in envy.
"Yup," Kiseop flexed his hidden muscles under his sweater and tossed his hair back. "It's been a while since we've been boxing. I'm aching to punch some REAL people!"
CAP rolled up his sleeves and gently pushed Ricky and Changjo to the back of him.
"Get behind me, boys. You're too young and not fit enough to take on these guys by yourself."

CAP then became surprised as he felt his arm being pushed away.
"Whoa, hyung, you take us too lightly!" Ricky puffed out his cheeks.
"Yeah! We may be young, but these guys don't scare us." Changjo boldly said. "Besides, I learned taekwondo before and I taught Ricky some moves. We'll be fine!"

CAP stared at them for a second then shook his head and smiled.
"Araso. But if you guys get hurt out there, don't come crying to me."

"We won't," the maknaes both said bravely.

And with that, the fight broke out and fists and kicks arised here and there.

Meanwhile, you and Chunji had your own problem to worry about. 

"I SAID, LET GO!" Chunji gritted his teeth in anger. And with a sudden twist of strength, he escaped the two men's grip, darting punches across their faces as fast as lightning and started to lunge towards you.

Nayoung saw his approach and quickly ran over to you, taking the weapon from the men and placing it against your throat herself.

"I wouldn't come any closer if I were you," she warned.
Chunji froze in place and looked back and forth from you to Nayoung. 
You rounded your eyes in fear, clasping your hands around Nayoung's arm that was wrapped around your shoulders as you tried to inch your neck away from the sharp weapon. You never experienced this horrible life threatening experience and it honestly scared you.

"Ch-Chunji," you managed to squeak out. He noticed your frightened expression and felt his stomach churn.
Damn. What do I do?

"You're helpless now, Lee Chanhee," she smirked.
"Boys, capture him!"
Chunji panicked as the two delinquents advance towards him, cautiously eyeing them to see if he could get any way through.

Before he had time to think, he heard multiple thunks! and to his amazement, Nayoung and the two men fell down unconsciously, releasing their grasp from you and the weapon.
He looked up in shock and saw three of his friends grinning at him with chair legs in their hands raised above their heads.
"We got you, bro!" L.Joe gave him a thumbs up. Then they ran off and joined the others in the fight.
Chunji looked at them for a second with a grin then quickly turned towards you, pulling you into a tight embrace.

"Thank goodness you're safe," he breathed against your hair and closed his eyes to savor the moment.
You were still shaking a little from fear but as soon as you felt his warmth enclosed around you, you automatically buried yourself against his chest and hugged him back, staining his shirt with your now flowing tears.

"I thought...I thought I was actually never going to see you again," you sniffed.
Chunji gently released you and stared into your eyes with a serious look. "Silly, don't ever think that."

Just then, faint sounds of police sirens were heard outside and it seemed to be getting closer.
Everyone stopped their fighting and were all thinking the same thing. Crap! We're going to get caught!

All the delinquents from Nayoung's side released their attacks and started scrambling for the door after picking up the three unconscious bodies.
Teen Top and U-Kiss sighed in relief but soon panicked as they heard the sirens getting louder.

"Let's get out of here!" Soohyun exclaimed, gesturing for everyone to escape through the door.
You and Chunji both looked at each other with astonishment and started following the group outside.

You all ran as fast as you could and stopped by a convenience store. Luckily, the cops didn't seem to be anywhere around.
"That was actually kind of scary," Changjo huffed.
"Yeah, but it was cool," Ricky gave him a high five.

"Gyah!" A loud yelp bursted out among the group and they turned towards the owner of the voice, only to reveal a Niel in pain. The side of his stomach was punctured and was severely bleeding, staining a part of his bright olive sweater that his palms were occupying.
Everyone widened their eyes at his injured state, including you.
His knees then started to give in to the ground and he landed on the cement with a soft thud.

"Niel!" you cried out, rushing to his side before anyone else did.
"Dude, what happened?! I didn't see any of those men carrying a weapon or anything!" Kevin crouched down beside him.
Niel released a forced grin and looked up at the blonde male. "Unfortunately for me, the guy I was fighting was carrying a knife with him."

"Why didn't you say anything before we ran? Someone could've carried you. You made it worse by running that fast," Chunji furrowed his eyebrows in concern as he gazed at his friend.
"We need to take you to the hospital quickly," you attempted to heave him up, but CAP replaced your hands on Niel with his.
"It's alright, I'll carry him," he calmly said. You slowly nodded and got up to your feet as you watched Minsoo delicately lift Niel onto his back.

Soon after, the whole group decided to separate on their own ways.
"Sorry that we can't stay any longer," Eli said sincerely, rubbing the back of his head in guilt. "We all got work or school to do."
Kevin patted his friend's shoulder. "It's okay. I'm already very grateful for you all to help us."
"Alright, then. If you need any help again, just give us a call. I'll see you guys later!" Eli and his group waved and walked away, brushing off the fight as if it was normal in their daily routine.

Kevin decided to stay with you guys and you all arrived at the hospital, looking like a dirty mess but it didn't matter.
Niel was sent to the emergency room and you all waited outside anxiously.

"I hope he's okay," you said with uneasiness. You turned towards Chunji only to find him staring at the door of the emergency room like it was his job to do so. His undisturbed gaze kept glued towards the door as his foot kept tapping against the floor impatiently.

You softened as you looked at Chunji's worrisome face and couldn't help but smile. Seeing him so concerned for his close friend just proves even more so that he wasn't an ice cold person.

You placed your hand against his and gave it a gentle squeeze. Chunji removed his eyes from the door and glanced at your hand then you. 
You gave him a warm reassuring smile with a message written all over your face: Everything will be fine.

Chunji blinked at you for a second then responded back with a small smile. He began to relax a little as he saw your soothing smile and warm hands against his that seemed to have the charm of immediately washing away his nervousness.

He proceeded to place his other hand against yours and seemed to message you with his eyes: I believe you.




Why do I feel like this was rushed?
I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY sorry for the extremely late update...
I can't say this was all due to academic reasons but it was 50%. March is indeed a busy month for me.

Plus, I've apparently caught the flu (and am still having the darn thing now) for nearly TWO WEEKS.
Forgive me but I will probably be able to update more soon since I have a break coming up.
Thank you for sticking with me through a seemingly long one month hiatus T.T

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real