Chapter 40: Three

We Got "Engaged"
T-ara - Falling U

It was 9 o'clock at night, and yet you were starting to feel tired already. You were in the kitchen, preparing yourself a small bowl of fruit before you would decide to get some rest. Everyone was already fast asleep, though you weren't sure if Chunji was still awake. He probably was, since at most nights you would constantly find golden light shining through the small opening below his door and the sound of rapid typing against the keyboard of a laptop. Even though Chunji had said that he would chase after his own dreams from now on, he still felt responsible for taking care of his father's company, thus resulting in him still continuously working on projects until the official owner of the business would come back. Until then, he wouldn't say a word about his change of thought for the time being.

Trailing up the steps of the staircase, you held the bowl of neatly sliced peaches and apples, pondering if Chunji would favor in the natural sweet treat too.
You reached the decision to knock on his door, and as you opened the entrance to the room, you spotted Chunji simply sitting up against his bed with a book in his hand. He calmly looked up at you and placed his book down, his barely worn reading glasses resting upon the bridge of his nose.

"What do you need?" his question had a sense of a monotonous tone that followed along. You slowly walked up to him, the only thing heard was the sound of your slippers patting against the marble floor.

"Just wondering if you would want to eat some fruit," you meekly said as you held up the bowl, now standing at the side of his bed.

He solely glanced from you to the fruit, speculating on why you were being generous at this moment.

"Thanks," he casually said, grabbing a fork from the side of the bowl as you settled it down on the nightstand. He put his glasses down and quietly consumed the snack while you looked down to see that your fingers were fidgeting. You didn't know what to do at this time, but you didn't want to leave either. You wanted to talk to him, but by the looks of it, it seems that he didn't have the same intentions as you.

Chunji placed another fruit in his mouth before casting his gaze up. He stopped chewing for a second and thought back to earlier today, where he had suddenly yelled at you. Chunji gulped down the fruit, feeling more guilty by the second. 

"Hey...I'm sorry," he softly spoke. You looked up to meet eyes with his; his eyes that sparked of pure guilt.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, I mean," he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. The use of the apologetic word was never in his vocabulary in the first place. But now, it had appeared more in his life ever since he met you. To let it be a good thing or a bad thing, he honestly didn't know.

Seeing that he was honest about his words, you gave him a warm smile that gestured his release of blame.

"I forgive you."

Chunji formed a small smile of relief as soon as you said that. However, the relief he was feeling would soon be washed away, for you had a sly motive assembled in your mind.

"You still didn't answer my question though," you stopped him from picking up another piece of fruit. He looked up at you, confused. "What question?"

"That you...were jealous of Niel?" your eyes were full of mischief, determining whether or not Chunji would give you a straight reply.

Chunji groaned and arched his head backwards until it came in contact with the headboard of his bed. "You're at it again?"

"You never really gave me a response," you stuck out your tongue playfully.

"I don't need to respond," he rebelled.

"Admit it, you were jealous," a big smile grew on your lips. "Unless you have another explanation?"

He didn't respond but stared dully at the space in front of him. You enjoyed poking fun at him now.

"Chunji, admit it. There's nothing wrong with that." You slightly stooped lower, attempting to even more by getting the words closer to him.

"You were jeal--" you weren't able to finish your sentence, as you were caught off-guard when Chunji had quickly grabbed your wrists and jerked your arms along with the rest of your body towards him. In just a matter of seconds, he had you instantly pinned down to his bed, with him crouching on top of you.

Your breath resulted in getting caught in your throat as you widened your eyes, shocked by what just had happened. The soft yet heavy breathing occuring from Chunji was easily felt against your skin, giving you minor chills that expanded around your body. By the time you got your breath back, the two of you were heaving out air from your lungs, making your chests bounce back and forth. He gazed intensely into your eyes, which made your heart beat increasingly fast. You subconsciously glimpsed at his full, red lips, which were slightly parted to unleash his uncontrollable breath. You then slowly locked eye contact with him again, hoping that he wouldn't hear the sound of your rapid heartbeat. You gulped, moderately intimidated by Chunji's rare, rough nature.

"Chunji, what are you...--"

"Fine. I'll admit it. I was jealous," he sharply spoke, He then leaned in even closer until his nose nearly touched yours, causing you to become extremely nervous.

"Now that you got my answer..." he mumbled near your lips, "what will you do now?"

You blinked up at him in surprise, due to the result of the overwhelming distance Chunji had put between you and him. But mainly because it occurred to you that the answer to his question would be a difficult effort to manage. It was never expected of the young male to veritably admit his begrudging feelings. Now that he had, you couldn't think of what to do or say. Without a trace of an authentic reply, you could only utter the hesitative words from the top of your head. 

"I...I don't know..."

For him, Chunji only continued to gaze at you, seemingly unaware of your struggle to respond to him. However, in his eyes, it seems as if there was something he needed to express.

"Even if you're not exactly sure of what to do now, I know for myself," he said, making your heart do a small flip flop out of anxiousness. In your mind, you solely wanted to know what exactly he was thinking; what he was planning.

"I'm going to say this to you, the only girl who I probably will ever say it to, so listen carefully..." he faintly spoke, then gradually moved his lips towards your ear. Your chest started to pound like crazy as soon as you felt his gentle breath lingering against the side of your neck.

"I confess..." he continued in a barely audible voice, but he was so close to your ear that you could clearly hear every word he said.

"That..." by this moment, Chunji slowly closed his eyes, yearning to proclaim the three words he's been longing to say, and now was the time that he would finally fulfill his wish.

"...I love you."


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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real