Chapter 30: The Attack

We Got "Engaged"
2NE1 - Clap Your Hands (Instrumental)

Today was the day you went back to school, not that you were excited or anything. Nothing had changed.
Though, there was one particular change with Chunji...
His hair.
 He had suddenly dyed it black. Or, at least, very dark brown.

The moment you noticed it, you gave him a questioning look. "Why did you dye it black?"

Chunji had casually responded, "Because I wanted to."

"You don't like it?" he asked.

"I do. But now you just look so normal and plain," you teased.

Chanhee rolled his eyes. "Haha, very funny."



It was lunch period, and you walked at a quick pace towards the cafeteria, eager to meet up with Chunji. 
You were halfway there when someone put their hands over your eyes and quickly dragged you away into an isolated area of the school.

"What--hey! Who is this?!" You squirmed around even though your arms were still clutched on to your books.

When the hand was finally removed from your eyes, you met eyes with an unfriendly-looking girl who stood in front of you, crossing her arms in distaste.
Her face was full of heavy makeup and the way she frowned made her look unrealistic. Three other girls with loads of makeup stood behind her.

"Who are you guys?" you tried to ask bravely.

The girl didn't reply but shoved you hard against the lockers. You gasped in pain and your books dropped down to the floor.
"Shut up, you little rat," the female hissed.

You looked at her in bewilderment. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Doesn't matter," the girl responded. "All it matters is that you get out of my face and leave Lee Chanhee alone."

You stared at her in disbelief. Why is everyone so against me being with Chunji?

You brushed yourself off and looked sternly at the enemy. You were never the person to ever back down from someone threatening you.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. I don't even know you. Now can you please move out of the way so I can go to the cafeteria?" you said lightly.

The leader of the group smirked and advanced towards you even closer until you had no room to escape.

"Don't think I'm just going to easily let you slide. Why don't you do me a favor and disappear forever?"

One of the girls with bleached blonde hair and glossy purple lipstick stepped up next to her leader.
You still find it hard to believe that such an elite school would still have delinquents--especially since they're also rich.
"Hey, Nayoung, we should finish her up before anyone sees." 

You widened your eyes when you heard her words. They're going to beat me up?

The leader, now known as Nayoung, held a villainous grin. "You are so right, Subin. Let's start now."

You held your breath in fear as all four of the girls closed in on you. You felt weak and helpless, only having the lockers behind your back as your support.
A hand reached out and swiped their claws across your skin. You yelped in pain as you felt the sharp nails slice your cheek. You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping the pain they will cause more will go away soon.


"Hey! What's going on here?!" a voice called out.

All of you whipped your heads up in surprise. 
A tall, boyish figure approached the scene hurriedly.

"Minhyuk!" you cried out in relief. Distracted by the hero, the four girls didn't notice you slip away and run towards Minhyuk.

"O-oppa!" Nayoung stuttered.
"Minhyuk oppa! So nice to see you!" the girls from behind Nayoung cooed, acting as if they were sweet.

You subconsciously grabbed onto Minhyuk's arm and looked down. Nayoung snorted at you. "Oh, so you got the attention of another kingka? So you seduced this one too?"

Minhyuk defensively stepped up. "Hey, don't talk to her that way," he gritted his teeth.
Minhyuk then glanced down at you, broadening his eyes when he noticed that your cheek was bleeding. He instantly glared dangerously at the four accused people.

"You all did this to her?!" Minhyuk growled, surprising the girls since they have never seen him this angry.

"Oppa, she was being a bad person!" A girl with blue streaks pouted.

"Yeah, we were just trying to teach her a lesson!" Another one said.

Minhyuk had the urge to beat the living daylights out of the girls, but he held himself back.
He heaved a deep breath to control his anger.

"Next time I catch or even hear you guys harming her again, you will all be immediately expelled from this school. Got it?" he sternly said, except his tone seemed more darker.

The four girls widened their eyes. "No, oppa! You can't do this to us!"

"I have the power to and I will. Don't forget that my mom owns this school." Minhyuk gave them dagger eyes before walking away with you, leaving the girls utterly shocked and infuriated.

"UGH! Just you wait, Jin _____! I'm going to hurt you so badly!" Nayoung yelled out in frustration.
No way am I going to get destroyed by Taeyeon OR let you touch our Chunji and Minhyuk! 

Jay Park & Cha Cha Malone - Speechless (Instrumental)

"Ouch," you winced as Minhyuk dabbed a wet cloth against your cheek. 

"I'm sorry. I'll be softer." Minhyuk lightly patted your skin.

You were both in the nurse's office right after he saved you.

You looked up at him. His eyes were gentle and the side of his hair covered one of his eyes like always.

"Thank you."

Minhyuk glanced at you, but the moment you both made contact, his heart starting beating faster.
He quickly looked away. "No problem."

You exhaled a deep breath miserably. "This isn't the only time I've been attacked."

Minhyuk perked up in alert. "What do you mean?"

"There's been Taeyeon and other people from this school that's been trying to harm me."

Minhyuk felt himself growing sad. It pained him to imagine you going through this almost every day.

"I'm sorry...I wish I was there to help you," Minhyuk guiltily mumbled.

You gently smiled at him. "It's alright. Chunji was there to help me so don't worry." 

But little did you know that he actually felt hurt inside when you said that. 

"...Oh. That's great." Minhyuk tried not to show his grieving expression.

If only I could be her savior for the rest of her life...

He continued to treat your wound in silence.

"...What happened?" he asked, breaking the soundless atmosphere.

You snapped out of your daze and looked at him. "Huh?"

Minhyuk then suddenly rubbed his thumb across your cheek affectionately. "Why did they do this to you...?"

You relaxed and sighed. "I don't exactly know...but it's always because they get jealous of me being around Chunji."

Minhyuk softened, finally finishing up treating your wound.

You pouted. "It's kind of funny. I've been getting myself injured for the past few days."

You recalled the incident with the glass cup and also the other times where you minorly wounded yourself.

Minhyuk shook his head and patted your hair. "You've really got to be careful, silly girl."

You gave him a light smile and nodded. "Yeah, I know."

Just then, the bell rang and it took you a moment to realize that lunch was over.

You shot up from the chair. "Oh no!" 

Minhyuk blinked in surprise. "Hm? What's wrong?"

"Umm, nothing," you scratched your head. 
Shoot. I forgot about meeting with Chunji the whole time I was here.

"Well, I have to go now. See ya, Minhyuk oppa!" you waved.

"Wait--" he called out, but you already left the nurse's office.

Minhyuk slumped his shoulders. 
I wanted to walk you to class.

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real