Chapter 22: Rain

We Got "Engaged"
Kim Tae Woo - Dropping Rain


One evening, Chunji sat in his room as he roamed around the internet. He checked the time on the side: 7:00 PM.
He tapped his fingers against the glass desk. It's getting late and she's still not home...?

Chunji heard the rhythmic sounds of sprinkling drops of rain patting against the windows. He frowned and placed his chin on his palm.
It's starting to rain too...

He tried to come up with possible solutions on where you were. Many thoughts displeased him and made him give little grunts to himself. 

Maybe she's with Minhyuk...she better not be!

Maybe she decided to stay overnight at a friend's house...without my permission?!

Maybe she got sick of me and decided to run away...okay, maybe I'm thinking too much.

He shook his head and tried to distract himself by roaming around the internet some more.
It seemed to work for awhile, until the time reached 9 o' clock.

Chunji bit his lower lip. He got up and decided to go downstairs and get a drink.
He paced himself back and forth around the kitchen, checking his watch from time to time. 
The rain seemed to have gotten heavier.

The more time passed by, the more anxious he got. He unconsciously tapped his foot and leaned against his chair. 
His eyes flickered over to his phone that was sitting on his desk. Should I...?
Chunji's hand hesitantly reached for it, until he closed his palm and sighed. I'm probably worrying too much.

He decided to read a book and with much difficulty, he finally got entranced into the story.
After he looked up from the book, bored of reading, it was already around 10 o' clock.

He checked downstairs then your room to see if you were there, and even asked the maids. No luck.
Okay, that's it. I'm calling her.

He grabbed his phone and started dialing you from his contacts list.
However, all he heard was the operator's voice. *We're sorry, but the number you have reached is not available right now. Please call again.*

Damnit! He cursed in his head, attempting to dial again. The same thing happened.

He grumbled in frustration and sat back down on his chair thinking.
"Where on earth is she...?" he mumbled to himself.

Chunji dialed your number many, many times with not much success. 
He started becoming more and more worried.
It was already 11 o' clock.

He walked hastily downstairs and opened the door, only to be surprised by a massive heap of rain.
Large drops splashed him everywhere but he didn't care. He squinted his eyes through the downpour of water, hoping by some miracle that you would appear through those gates.

He stepped outside the door and frantically scanned through the area. 
"_____!" Chunji shouted, "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

He became even more distraught. 
What if something happened to her?! She's usually never this late!

One of the maids went to the door to see what the commotion was.
"Master Lee Chanhee! What are you doing? You should come back inside!"
But Chunji ignored them, clutching his chest in distress.

Another maid appeared and widened her eyes. "Master Lee Chanhee! You mustn't forget that you're weak against--"

But Chunji had already taken off into the rainfall without thinking. The heavy shouts of the rain slamming against the ground blocked out every sound around him as his legs took him farther and farther into the streets.

His breath would clog up his throat once in a while as he panted for air. But he never stopped.
He whipped his head in every direction to see if you were there. The impact of his steps splashed his pants from the forming puddles.
Please let me find you. Please let me find you.


You stretched out your arms and yawned quietly, finally glad that you were done with all your homework and massive studying.
You leaned against the chair, lazily looking up at the ceiling. "I hope I'll pass the exam with this much studying," you mumbled.

You had decided to go to the library today, hoping you would be able to concentrate on your school work and reviewing over the problems you had trouble with. This was your first exam at your school and you did not want to fail it.

You noticed some people packing up their stuff as they got up to leave. Glancing up at the clock, you realize that the library was nearly closing.
Whoa, already almost midnight? I've been here for hours.

You got out your phone and checked to see if anyone tried to contact you.
"Hm?" You narrowed your eyebrows as the device refused to turn on.
"Ah, darn. I forgot to charge my phone!"
You smacked your forehead. "What if someone tried to call or text me? Perhaps even Chunji..."

Suddenly, you heard thunder rumble in the distance. You jumped a little in shock as you glanced out the window. The rain had gotten enormously stronger.
You bit your lower lip in frustration as you started packing up your things, walking over to the front of the door. As you exited, the librarians quickly rushed past you over to their cars after they closed down the library.

"Wait...!" you called out to them, but they already got in their cars and drove off.

You emotionally deflated as you leaned against the wall of the building, protected from the storm with the roof over you.
Oh, how am I supposed to get home?
You looked out in the streets in frustration and sighed. I can't even call someone.

You stretched your hand out to test how strong the rain was, only to have the pouring liquid sharply slap against your skin. You flinched a little.
The rainstorm was getting dangerously heavy.

You wondered if you should wait until the rain gets lighter, but you started having second thoughts as you glanced around in the darkness. The street lights were dim amidst the drizzle of the rain.
It was already getting late and the emptiness of the streets did not help either.
You held in a deep breath. "I guess I have no choice but to quickly run home through this shower."

Just as you were about to step foot into the rain, you looked up and saw a familiar figure appearing towards you.
"_____!" you heard faintly from the person. Their footsteps echoed throughout the streets as they continued running.

You squinted your eyes through the waterfalls of the rain, not wanting to believe who you think it was.


This time, the person came closer and closer towards you, revealing to be the one person who you thought you would've never expected to see right now.

"It is him!" Your heart sparkled in hope, yet you were also confused. 

Chunji ran across the sidewalk towards you. You could hear his rapid breathing as he slowly paced himself closer.

"I finally...found you...." He slightly crouched down and clenched onto his chest tightly, gasping for air. He was soaking wet from top to bottom.

You kept on staring at him in awe. "" You didn't know what to say.

Chunji gazed at you with a troubled look on his face as he finally straightened up. His hair was dripping continuously of cold water.

"What were you doing here? Why didn't you come home? Why didn't you pick up my calls?" he asked frantically.

"I..I was studying in the library and my phone ran out of battery...I'm sorry..." You observed his worried face, biting your lower lip in guilt.

Chunji then started to relax and his expression turned soft.
He was too relieved and glad to see you to even become angry.

"At least I know that you're safe..." he whispered.

He gave you a small smile, but it faded as his eyes started to close.
He suddenly stumbled into your arms and you instantly reacted by grabbing hold of his body.

"Chunji!" you panicked. "What's wrong?!" You tried to hold him up.

He breathed heavily against your neck as he leaned his head against your shoulder.
You broadened your eyes as you realized something from the intense heat of his skin against your neck.

"You're burning up, Chunji! Let me take you to the hospital." 

"No," Chunji breathed as he gently gripped your wrist. 


"It's okay, just take me home. Please." 

You looked at him in concern. "Alright..."

Luckily, Chunji had his phone with him in his pocket. You carefully took it out and dialed the home phone from the mansion.

"This is Miss Jin _____. We're going to need a ride home from the ------ Public Library."


On the way home in the limo, you sat in the backseat and glanced at the sleeping Chunji lying next to you. His ears were entirely red and sweat was dripping down from his forehead.

You wiped it away with a hankerchief and felt his forehead. It was quickly heating up.
You sighed and lifted your hand away. 

Pabo. Why did you have to run after me?


Rain scene :o
I kind of had this idea stuck in my mind for quite awhile.
Woohoo I can't wait until I write the next scene *-*
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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real