Chapter 28: Talk Day

We Got "Engaged" 
4Men - My Girl

Chunji's eyelids fluttered open to a bright morning, letting out a yawn and sat up in his bed.
He washed up but stayed in his sleeping clothes, for he felt too lazy to dress up and go anywhere. 

He started reading a book when his mind started to drift away out of boredom. An image of you started popping into his mind and he quickly tried to shake it away. But you kept coming back and finally, he closed shut the book.

"I guess I should go check up on her since my mind can't stop thinking about her," he grumbled.

He walked out of his room and went to yours. He knocked on the door and opened it when you replied with a "Come in".

"Hey, what--" Chunji stopped short and his eyes started to round. 
You turned around and was standing in front of him with a petite, light dress that stopped to your knees. Your hair was delicately wavy but you didn't put any makeup, which made you look more natural. You gave Chunji a bright smile that suddenly made his heart skip a beat.

"Do you like it?" you asked as you twirled the dress around.

"Y-ye....It's fine," he stammered. 

"Good, because I'll be wearing this for the whole day with you."

Chunji lifted up his eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you and I are going to go out somewhere," you innocently responded.

Chunji blushed a little. "What? Since when did we plan this?"

"I planned it," you smiled. "Now it's your turn to get dressed."


"Have fun, you kids!" Kevin waved cheerfully from upstairs as you and Chunji headed towards the front door. 
He was glad that you listened to his advice. 
You just smiled and waved back. "We'll be back!" You walked out first and headed towards the limo. 
Chunji was just starting to follow, then he turned around and looked up at his brother who was still standing there.

"Hey, hyung." He called out.
Kevin perked up and responded. "Yes?"

"...Thanks for the gift," Chunji said sincerely. 

Kevin softened and was smiling on the inside and outside.
"No problem, my little brother. I told you I would get you that hoodie."

Chunji started to smile a little and closed the front door behind him as he walked out.
 Kevin put his chin onto his palm and sighed in a feeling of relief.
He thought back to the two of you and grinned.

I think Chunji has finally found his angel. The one who will guide him through his ups and downs. The one who will put a smile to his heart.
After all, this whole engagment plan must be fate for Chanhee and _____ to meet each other.


You led Chunji to a wide and beautiful park with trees that were starting to blossom cherryblossoms.
The grass was bright green and the cool breeze touched your face.
You raised your arms up and smiled in delight.
"Isn't this wonderful, Chunji?" 

Chunji looked around and had a satisfied look on his face.
"Yes, it is."

You smiled and turned to look at him. 
You suddenly took his hand that caused him to blush and stare at you in question.

"Here, sit down with me," you said, gently pulling down Chunji to the grass.
You then let go of his hands and looked up at the bright and cloudy skies.
 Taking a deep breath, you started to speak.

"Kevin told me about what happened with your family."

Chunji frowned a little. Kevin did...?

"Don't blame him though, I just wanted to know..." You looked down at the grass.

"When I was a little girl, my mom passed away too."

Chunji softened. I know...
Inside, he felt guilty because before he already looked at everything in your profile(in order to know more about you), including your family history.

"Kevin told me about how your family fell apart. And how special your mother was to all of you." You softly said.

You delicately smiled. "I guess my family is similar to yours. After my mom passed away, my dad grew into depression and started turning cold. He then concentrated more on his work instead of me. Without my mom's warmth and love, we drifted apart too. I don't even know if my dad still loves me."

Chunji gazed at you with sympathy. Her life is like the same as mine.

"But for mom really raised me up to be a strong person. She was a very independent and strong person herself.
With her guidance, I grew up to be strong enough to endure the pain I felt when she left. I stood back up and lived life normally for her.
She always told me to smile no matter what. Even if she's not by my side...I have to always smile."

You turned to look at Chunji, who was looking back at you in understanding.

"What I'm trying to say is...that no matter what, you should always look in a positive way. Instead of crumbling down, stand back up for your mother. I'm pretty sure she didn't want to see her family breaking into pieces because of her. I think she's really heartbroken right now. Try to put yourself in her place. You wouldn't want to see your family being depressed and miserable because of you, right? Wouldn't you feel bad?"

Chunji stared at you, then looked down in thought. I never thought of it that way...

You gave a gentle smile and lifted up his chin. "Chunji, I'm not asking you what to do, but trying to make you understand why you should be genuinely spending your life happily in order for your own mother to rest with ease. It may not be an easy thing to do, but I endured it and right now I'm smiling for my Mom." 

You beamed brightly. "Right now she's probably smiling along with me."
But your smile faded when you thought back to your father. Though, I'm not sure about my Dad...

Chunji looked at you and took your words into his mind. Everything you said seemed to make sense to him. He thought back to his sweet, loving mother and instantly felt guilty. Mom, forgive us if we ever made you feel sad.

Until now, Chunji wasn't ready to open up to you quite yet, but at this very moment, he felt a sudden close connection with you.

"You know, _____..." Chunji murmured.

"Hm?" You looked at him in question.

Chunji sighed and laid back against the soft grass.
"Remember the day we first met and I told you that the whole purpose of me agreeing to marry you...was only to take over my father's business?"

Your heart deflated a little when you remembered those words. "Yeah."

"...Well, that was never what I really wanted to do...taking over the business, I mean," he explained.
He closed his eyes and frowned. "I feel so stupid right now...that for the last 6 years, I gave up on my dreams and forced myself to be successful enough to be the heir of my Dad's company."

You turned to look at him. "Force yourself?"

Chunji nodded slowly, still having his eyes closed. "When my mom left, my brother instantly went to America without a goodbye to me.
He left me with harsh words that 'dreams will never come true'. I even started to believe him. I never saw him again until a couple of years ago. I started hating him for doing this to me.
My hopes were even more crushed when my father started to ignore me too. I know he was also heartbroken, but he barely ever said a word to me or even showed that he still cares for me.
I was alone from that day one seemed to notice me. All the kids at my school started avoiding me and teased me for being 'motherless'."

Chunji felt his eyes starting to water. "That's when I decided to change myself. I couldn't keep up with the cruelty of the world. In the end, I started becoming cruel myself. I shut myself from everyone else...afraid of being hurt again and again. I told my father that I wanted to take over his business once he retires, hoping that in return he would love me for that. I know he really loves being at work, so the thought of him actually considering to care for me...made me decide on that future."

"...But I was wrong." Chunji muttered. "He only had a little spark of hope for me, then after that, he left me with nothing. And yet, I continued to study business...hoping that my mom would be proud of me. I kept thinking to myself, I have nothing left to do. My dreams have already failed. Might as well do something to make my parents proud, right?"

"But now that I think about it...what's the point if I'm the one who's not going to be happy? Spending the rest of my life doing something that I hate."

You stared him in empathy. Your eyes turned moist and felt as if you could feel his pain. 
Chunji really endured a lot in his past, You thought to yourself sadly.

"Your dreams haven't failed," you said.

Chunji opened his eyes and looked at you.

"Dreams can never fail. Only if you stop yourself from pursuing it. But, it's never too late, Chunji." 
You softly gazed at him in assurance. "What is your dream?"

He took a moment to answer. "An actor."

"That's a nice dream," you remarked.

He blushed and peered up at the sky.

"So why don't you go after it? No one is stopping you, right?" you said.

Chunji sighed. "You're right...but this is such a new start..."

You smiled delicately at him. "It's alright. Just take step by step."

He stared at you in wonder. "Why are you helping me?"

You blinked at his question, then relaxed. "Because, Chunji. I know you're not a bad person. I want to see the real you."
Because I care for you...

You gently placed your hand against his. "Chunji, you're not alone in this. If you ever need comfort or just a little talk, I'll be here."
You gave him a soft smile.

Chunji thoughtfully gazed at you. Before you knew what was going on, he sat up and pulled you into his embrace.

You rounded your eyes in surprise. "Ch-chunji?"

"You said if I ever need comfort, you'll be here, right?" he muffled against your hair. 
You nodded against his shoulder.

"Well, I need comfort now."

Your heart softened and you slowly wrapped your arms around him.

Chunji grew warm as he felt your responding embrace.

"By the way...I'm sorry," he said.

"For what?"

"For anything harsh or cruel I've ever done to you," Chunji shamefully replied.

You smiled at his apology. "It's alright, Chunji. I don't think you're doing anything harsh right now."

Chunji secretly smiled to himself as he continued to hug you.

It feels nice to finally open up to a person. Especially you, _____.


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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real