Chapter 17: Avoidance/This Is Why.

We Got "Engaged"
4MEN & Mi - That Man, That Woman

(Their live performance was so amazing and very moving...I was basically tearing up when they sang with such passion T.T)


After the outburst from Chunji, he didn't bother to talk to you for the rest of that day. He had suddenly walked off and left you in the garden, confused and feeling remorsed.
For the rest of the lunch period, you sat down at the bench next to the greenhouse. You didn't feel like having an appetite. You didn't even want to go to class. All you can think about is how upset Chunji was. You understood that he would be mad at you for lying to him, but it still didn't make sense to why he got so mad to the point that he got aggressive.

When the bell rang, you found your way to your next class.
As you sat down at your assigned seat, someone had gently jabbed you on your side.
You turned to the left to see a fair looking boy with light blonde hair grinning at you.

"Can I help you?" you asked.

"You're Chunji's babe, aren't you?" the boy slightly teased.

You raised an eyebrow at him. Babe? You never thought of it like that.
"Uh, sure...Do you know him?"

He nodded. "Yep. We've been close friends ever since we were little. Nice to meet you, I'm Lee Byunghun. But you can call me L.Joe."

You shook hands with him. "Ah, I see. Nice to meet you too, L.Joe. I'm Jin _____."

He smiled, then he suddenly made a face. "I heard Chunji got really pissed at you."

Your face fell. "Yeah..."

He chuckled. "Don't mind him, he usually has a hot temper. He'll cool down eventually. He never told me the reason why he's so angry at you, but I won't ask, don't worry."
You slowly nodded. "It's alright. I just hope he won't continue to stay mad at me for too long."

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When school finally ended, you headed to the limo waiting for you and Chunji. You got inside and waited for Chunji to come out. When he finally got in the limo, he was silent the whole way. He still had a cold look in his eyes.
 You shrank back in your seat, afraid that if you even made a sudden movement, he would turn his glare towards you.

When you guys arrived inside the manor, you tried to talk to him.

But he would already go up the stairs, not even uttering a word.
You sighed. Maybe tomorrow he will calm down.

But as days pass by, he kept on distancing from you. Day by day you started growing more worried.
Everytime you tried to speak to him, he would brush you off or give you a cold shoulder.
You even started talking less and less with Minhyuk. Even his smile and his caring complexion or the encouraging words from Chunji's friend L.Joe couldn't cheer you up.
You started growing hopeless. Why does it strain me so much that he's not even talking to me? I feel so empty inside...

Finally, one day, you couldn't take it anymore. You had to make him talk to you. 
One early night, as Chunji hurriedly headed to the limo, you stopped his way.
He bitterly glanced at you for a brief second, then tried to go from the side.
You blocked him again. This time, he pushed you out of the way.
You stumbled back and pursed your lips. You weren't going to give up.
Chunji felt a strong tug on his arms and he nearly fell off balance. 

He turned around in irritation. "Yah! Quit it!"

"No!" you yelled out, surprising him with your outburst since you usually wouldn't go against him like this.

You pulled him closer and then grabbed both of his shoulders firmly, looking straight into his eyes.
Chunji started to blush at the sudden closeness. But it seemed like you didn't care for the moment.

"Chunji, why have you been avoiding me lately? Are you still mad at me for lying to you and talking to Minhyuk?"

Chunji slightly flinched at the mention of the guy's name. "No, that's not it..."

You frowned. "Then what is it? Why do you keep ignoring me?"

"Why do you care?" he retorted. Even you didn't have a clear answer to that.

"I...I don't know! All I know is that it's been bothering me for a long time and that you're just being immature by doing this!"

He sighed and looked away. "This is why I don't like being around girls."

"Wha..what?" You stuttered in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He pushed your hands away from his shoulders. "Nevermind what I said."

"You still didn't answer my question! Why have you been avoiding me?" 

He paused for a moment, with his back you. "Let's just say...I have a good reason."

And with that, he entered the car silently, with you helplessly staring out into the distance where the limo had driven off to.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


In the car, Chunji tried his best not to look back his shoulder to see if you were still there. He sighed heavily, completely feeling defeated.
To tell the truth, Chunji didn't want to purposely avoid you all of a sudden. He meant it when he said he had a good reason.
At least, he thinks the reason is good enough.


Chunji stormed out of the garden where he had left you. He entered the giant cafeteria and spotted his friends sitting at their usual seat, which was in the direct middle of the room. He walked over and sat down with his group, who all looked at him in curiousity.

"Hey, what's up with you?" CAP nodded, noticing the frustration on Chunji's face.

Chunji brushed aside the question. "Nothing."

L.Joe glanced at his friend with solicitude. "It's not nothing, it's something. I can tell."

"Just back off, will you?" Chunji grumbled. L.Joe sighed and shook his head.

Niel only looked at his older friend soundlessly. He already knew what had happened that made Chunji so furious. 

L.Joe nudged him on the arm. "Yo, what's with him?"
"Why are you asking me?" Niel turned towards him.
"Because you have class with him before lunch," CAP leaned into the conversation.
Niel glanced at them. "Fiance troubles," he finally murmured. 

"What are the details?" L.Joe pressed on, but Niel only held up his index finger to his lips.
Byunghun crossed his arms. "Fine, don't tell me."

After a quick moment of silence, they went back to talking except for Chunji, who was on the edge of bursting into complete annoyance.

"Arghh! I can't take it anymore!" Chunji slammed his fists onto the table that caused everyone to turn their heads at him. He got up and strode out of the cafeteria. His friends only stared after him in surprise.

"I don't get it. Why is he so upset over her? I mean, they're only in an arranged--" CAP was interrupted with Niel's hand covering his mouth.

"Hyung! Shut your mouth! What if somebody hears? Chunji trusted us enough to tell us the secret, not the whole world!" Niel hissed. CAP nodded his head in shame. 

L.Joe furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not sure, but Chunji hyung usually doesn't even care about girls."

They were all deep in thought about the whole situation.
But of course, they had a leading clue to why he was acting this way.

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Chunji walked alongside the lockers, looking down at the marbled ground in thought. Everything was all so confusing for him. The scenario where he saw you looking at Minhyuk with a tender smile, talking to him so joyfully, it had stimulated a bad vibe in him. Something that he didn't like at all.

He ruffled his hair in frustration. What was this feeling called again?
He had read about it. He had come across the terms. He had seen and heard his friends experiencing it.
So was it...jealousy?
He frantically shook his head. No! Impossible! I can't be feeling like this about her! This whole marriage thing with her is strictly business!
He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that the feeling would go away. But his mind didn't obey him. It kept on shifting to you and Minhyuk back in the hallway. You and Minhyuk smiling and laughing. You and Minhyuk at the anniversary party talking. You and Minhyuk possibly starting to falling in love...

Chunji snapped open his eyes at the unpleasant thought of it.
He can't take it anymore. He's not supposed to care. He's not supposed to be involved with you emotionally. He wasn't supposed to develop unwanted feelings, such as jealousy.

Chunji calmed down and slowly cleared his mind. He remembered what his beginning proposition was; 
To earn his rightful place as heir of his father's growing business. To not be knotted into forming a family. To not love a girl so passionately that he would forget about the company. To not end up disappointing his father and mother.

He's decided that, once and for all, he will stick to his plan.
And that would mean he's going to try to avoid any type of contact with you.
Because he knows that as long as he's breaking all those goals, he will consciously grow even more and more of these troublesome yet warm and desirous feelings for you...


*Flashback ended*


Chunji looked out the window mindlessly. A small, grieving sigh escaped from his lips. 
This is why I don't like being around girls like you, Jin _____.
You're going to make me dangerously fall for you without warning.

Don't forget to comment & subscribe, my wonderful readers!
Sorry, I was kind of having writer's block for this one (T_T)
so forgive me if it's not interesting..(x_x)

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real