Chapter 39: Nothing's Wrong

We Got "Engaged"
2PM - I'll Be Back (Instrumental, Japanese version)

"...You what?!" Taeyeon said in disbelief, hovering over a frightened Nayoung that was kneeling down to the ground. The outraged queen felt her pupils grow larger due to the pure hatred she perceived towards the cowering female, having prepared to rupture into violent frustration that she tried to retain under her elegant cover. It wasn't long until Nayoung could foretell her future from the loathsome glint in Taeyeon's eyes.

It was a good few minutes that scrambled by ever since Nayoung had been forcefully directed to Taeyeon's hideout, one that was surprisingly organized and kept clean. It was likely due to the fact that the place was being used by wealthy beings, who would usually have plenty of finances and concern regarding their surroundings enough to redecorate even the dirtiest looking places.

"I'm-I'm sorry, unnie," Nayoung's voice trembled, immensely threatened by the glare the queen gave her. "I did the best I can..." 

"It seems to me that doing your best wasn't enough," Taeyeon spat with repulsion. She shook her head, utterly disappointed in herself and the girl. "I should've known better than to send you to do all the work. You let both of them get away!"

Nayoung started rolling down tears, desperately grabbing onto the queenka's ankle. "Please, give me one more chance!"

"I don't give second chances," Taeyeon growled harshly. She roughly kicked the girl off her leg and snorted with disgust. Nayoung wept even more as she laid on the ground with her unkempt hair draping over her face. Taeyeon gave no sympathy to the delinquent and advanced towards her, reaching for her thin, brown hair as well as gripping it firmly through her fingers.

"You know what happens now, right?" Taeyeon hissed dangerously through the girl's ear. Nayoung whimpered as she soon realized the consequences of her failure.

"Time to spend the night in the dumpster," Taeyeon smirked. "Men, take her away!" 

Nayoung rounded her eyes in fear and stared helplessly at the queenka as she felt herself being dragged away. "No! Please! Spare me, unnie! Please!"

But her useless cries were only ignored, and Taeyeon rolled her eyes at the desperate aura obviously surrounding Nayoung. The girl was lucky enough that she wasn't going to be dancing with the Devil, Taeyeon had thought. A few beatings wouldn't hurt her.
She then sat down at a table in the room, picking up a bright red cherry from a bowl that matched the color of her newly polished nails.

Biting into the sweet, crisp skin of the fruit, Taeyeon sighed tediously as she thought to herself.
Looks like it's time for the real mastermind to step up.


A little over a month had passed, and almost everyday Teen Top, Kevin and you would visit Niel in the hospital (even though Kevin hadn't known him that well, he always thought that a sibling's friend should be considered his friend too).
All of you nearly got in trouble with Niel's parents as soon as they arrived to their son's aid, terrified and confused as to why he was deeply wounded. Thankfully, CAP was a smooth talker and ended up settling down his parents' vexation, along with sprinkling an amount of lies as to why and how Niel had ended up this way(the group decided it was best to keep the fighting a secret). Everyone was grateful that CAP was on their team.
Very soon, Niel will be released from the hospital, which made his friends and you wait eagerly during the process.

Even though it was necessary, Chunji couldn't help but feel a slight tinge of jealousy whenever he caught sight of you tending to Niel's essentials.

Mumbling sweet, encouraging words to him.
Making him homemade food.
Giving him that beautiful smile of yours. 

Those were the things that Chunji had always enjoyed from you, and having another male getting that same attention made him uneasy. 
And finally, these thoughts that he had wished to remain inside his mind had spilled out unintentionally one day.

"Niel, stop moving around so much," you lightly lectured the younger male as he playfully danced to a music video that was presented on the television screen in front of him. Eventually he stopped when he saw the baffled frown upon your face after repeatedly scolding you. His facial features softened and he lowered his head down in guilt.

"Sorry, noona. I couldn't help it," Niel fiddled with his fingers shyly, sticking out his bottom lip in order to create an honest pout. You couldn't help but giggle at the adorable sight of him, which Chunji had seen as he distantly glanced from you to Niel.

You softly patted Niel's head and gave him a pleasant smile that was an indication of forgiveness. "It's alright, Niel."

"It's not like he's a baby, you don't have to nurture him so much," Chunji blurted out, having his arms crossed against his chest as a sign of discontentment.

You and Niel looked at Chunji with a mildly stunned look from his sudden comment, which in response, he cleared his throat and quickly diverted his gaze away.

"What? I'm just saying." 

You continued to stare at him astoundedly for a moment until you finally found words in your tongue to defend yourself.

 "I'm simply just taking care of him while he's injured, you don't have to exaggerate it-"

"Are you kidding me?" he retorted, interrupting your explanation. "It's like you're treating him as if he's the most important person in the world to you."

"Hyung--" Niel started, but Chunji didn't let him finish.

"Forget it, I'm just going to go outside," he heaved a sigh and left the room in a hurry.

You and Niel turned to each other, confused as to why Chunji had such a rash reaction. It usually wasn't like him, for he would be calm for most of the time.

"I'm going to go check up on him, I'll be right back," you said worriedly. Niel nodded as you got up and walked out the door.

You stepped out into the hallway and spotted Chunji leaning against a wall with his hands wringing his hair as if in distress. Your eyebrows knitted together in puzzlement, wondering why he was in such a state of frustration. Chunji stopped clutching his hair and looked up to see you approaching him with a concerned expression on your face. He flicked his eyes away, not wanting to face you after all the commotion he had caused. He just didn't know what had come over him to say such immature things. 

"Chunji, is there something wrong?" you asked quietly, looking up at him even though his eyes weren't making contact with yours.

"Nothing's wrong," he responded, but the tone in his voice said otherwise.

You sighed and formed a thin line against your lips, knowing his stubborn nature.

"Then why were you acting up back there? It's like as if--" you stopped, finally getting the picture. There were many times had Chunji behave in such a way whenever you were around his friends, or even the male students at school. It only led to one possible solution, and you were curious to find out if you were right.

"Don't tell were...jealous?"

Your words at last caught Chunji's attention, for he quickly glanced at you with a troubled look on his face before turning away again.

"Don't be foolish. How could I be jealous?" he turned his back against you, attempting to hide the blush that crept onto his cheeks. 

"Well, there is no other explanation for this, is there?" you were amused at his shyness. He was making it too obvious, and too stubborn to admit it.

"I'm going home without you if you don't stop this," he warned.

"But Chunji--"

"I'm about to leave right now," he raised his eyebrow. His aggravating mood was evident, and you didn't want to bother him any further.

"Alright, fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going back to pampering Niel," you emphasized the last two words, purposely teasing Chunji to try to make him feel jealous again.

It worked, and as you went back into the room, he grumbled of disbelief and shook his head. 

"This girl...!"


You returned to Niel's room and sat down on the chair beside him, blankly getting out a container of fruits.
Niel glanced at you and tilted his head in confusion, wondering what had happened.

"Noona? Did you talk to Chunji?" he asked, receiving the container from you. Judging by the look on your face, he guessed everything had went smoothly.

You smiled at him and nodded. "Yes."

He blinked at you while munching on a strawberry, eager to press on for more details. "Well, what happened?"

"It's not anything you need to know. He carried away," you shrugged.

Niel scrunched his lips together in thought. "Ah, I see."

Deep down inside, you actually felt pretty content when you found out about Chunji's jealousy.
Because jealousy is always from the cause of that feeling, right?



Wooooooo my goooosh I haven't updated for so long...but will probably update a chapter tomorrow because I feel really motivated right now~
I probably have like twenty or more chapters left to go...this is getting really long o.0

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Chapter 42: omg. your story is really good. i really love it. good job author-nim. ^^
Goldie #2
Chapter 42: Update soon!
Chapter 42: Please update soon
Chapter 42: This chapter is so cute and fluffy and ph god. It was beautiul XD update soon!
Chapter 42: So darn sweet and cute I hope nobody will disturb their relationship...
Update soon
Chapter 42: So darn darn Super Duper Cute
-gone crazy-
Chapter 42: So cute and romantic and sweet! UPDATE SOON ~
Chapter 41: Update soon pls
Chapter 41: awww cute let hee say yes and get married for real