MY #25

Marrying You
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Jaebum didn't have a good day at work.

When he got up in the morning, Raena was gone. He knew she was going to avoid him after what he almost said the previous night.

When he got to work early that morning, he had barely started on writing the report for a refreshing new idea, Jimin came in, informing him about the meeting with the partners happening in an hour.

During the meetings and the rest of the day, he couldn't concentrate knowing that Raena was ignoring him.

Something good did happen, though. The partners approved Raena's idea. They wanted something really simple.

JB planned to bring Raena out for dinner to apologise and thank her for her idea. He figured that he needed to stop upsetting his wife.

Happy wife, happy life. Isn't it?

So he got off work early, to book the restaurant and get prepared. He waited in the living room, in his blue dress shirt. In his hand, he held his pair of sunglasses. He recalled that Raena had afternoon shifts on Tuesdays, so she would be home by 8pm.

Jaebum thought Raena would be home anytime soon, so he scrolled on his tablet, looking at his hotel's stocks and the reports from the meetings. He glanced up a while later and saw that it was coming to 10pm.

He called Raena's phone and as expected she didn't pick up.

He took a deep breath and redialled her number, "Are you really that mad at me?"

Jaebum kept looking at the door, expecting Raena to step into the house any time soon. “Where is she? Should I go pick her up?” He asked himself.

Jaebum then threw his phone onto his sofa and was going to change out of his outfit when his phone rang. Rubbing his face, he reached for his mobile. His eyes widened when he saw Raena's name flashing on the screen.

"Hello? Where are you?" He asked immediately after answering the call.




Raena took short breaths as she sat in the alley, her hand over her wound. Pain spread throughout her body and tears pricked at her eyes. Her eyes flitted to her hand and saw her bag lying away from her.

Wanting to get her phone, she accidentally pulled on her wound.

"," she let out a cuss.

Her fingers stretched, reaching for her earphones. Pulling on the wires, she dragged the mobile towards her.

"J-Jaebum..." She swiped the screen, searching for his number.

Raena's eyes landed on his contact and tapped the call button, bringing the phone up to her ear.


"Hello? Where are you?"

Jaebum picked up in less then a minute and he sounded upset. She wanted to say something, but all that came out of her lips were pained breaths.

"Hello? Raena, is that you?"



When JB heard Raena's pained voice, alarms started going off in his head. He sprang up to his feet, reaching for his keys.

"J-Jaebum... H-Help-" She whispered.

"Where are you? What happened to you?"

She accidentally twitched before replying him and another pain stabbed her, “.”

Raena could hear shuffling from JB’s end and she could tell that he had got out of the house. “Rae, hang in there. I’m coming.” He said urgently on the phone as he started the engine of his car.

“Stay with me. Talk to me.” He urged, switching lanes. "Where are you?"

Raena pressed her palm against her wound, something she remembered reading from the Net when there was bleeding. She let out a hiss in pain, and black dots started to paint her vision.

“Raena?” JB called out. “Im-Kang Raena, ing answer me! Hello?!”

Silence echoed through the call.

“You were right,” she let out a breathy whisper, suddenly speaking up. Her lips were white as she blinked slowly, the blood loss was making her feel faint.

“What was I right about?” He asked carelessly, turning into the street towards her cafe.

“T-That I was naive…” Raena’s voice trailed off.

Her body slackened, the black dots before her eyes started getting bigger and bigger. She then dropped her phone and out, her consciousness leaving her.

“KANG RAENA!” He yelled when silence engulfed him. He heard a thud over the phone and floored down on the accelerator, speeding towards the cafe. "!"

He only screeched to a halt when he saw the alley. A feeling of Raena being there struck him. He got out and slammed the door shut.

Running towards the dark place, he felt his heart drop.

"YAH, IM-KANG RAENA!" He ran up to her.

Slidding down to his knees, his hands flew all over her body. He lifted her up, only to realise that blood was pooling around her lower torso. Her blood was staining his shirt but all he cared was to get her to the hospital.

He stood up, carrying her bridal style and ran back to his car. Opening the car door to the passenger side, he sat her down and pulled the seatbelt over her unconscious self.

He ran back to his driver seat and sped off.




"Someone! HELP!" Jaebum yelled, carrying Raena into the hospital. "Doctor!"

Several nurses and doctors came towards him and bowed when they recognised the man.

"Director Im." They chorused.

"Help her," he tightened his hold around his wife. "Please!"

The nurses wheeled a bed over and Jaebum gently set her down. He was perspiring and his shirt was painted with her blood.

"What happened?" The doctor asked, as they pushed her towards the operation room.

"She was stabbed by someone, she's bleeding alot. Can you please help her?"

"We will do our best, Mr Im. We'll deploy our best doctors and ward to Mrs Im." The doctor bowed.

Jaebum huffed in anger, his eyes bleeding red, and grabbed the doctor's collar, "I don't want you to do your best. I want you to save her. Do I make myself clear?"

The doctor gulped and nodded his head frantically. He rushed into the operation room and one of the nurses stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Sir. You can't enter

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Chapter 41: I read this story have some relax but wonderful story..thanks again for this story
1301 streak #2
I think I might have read this story but I never finished reading it.
I'm thinking of rereading it especially if I read it but never comment on it.
Good story
Chapter 12: aaarggghh why does the timing dont match :( clearly hyungsik is cheating behind her
Tingtongtang #5
Chapter 42: Actually it will great also if you can make a new fanfic for jb got7
I've been reading your jb fanfic for a hundred time already but never feel bored
Hehheheh just asking
Chapter 42: I can't open the poll ??
tang53 #7
Chapter 41: I just come across this story. It's amazing and I love it.
Chapter 25: The marriage is interesting now
Chapter 22: Well, its not bad at all ^•<
Chapter 4: Jaebum's family is LIT ^∆^