Chapter 15

Start Again

Scynthia’s POV


“So does this mean you’re my girlfriend again?” Hoseok asks as he leans his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes.

I smile before saying, “Yeah, I’m sorry those words even came out of my mouth.

He gives me his bright smile.  “As long as we’re together now, everything is good,” he says before kissing my forehead.

I smile but then something pops into my mind.  He hasn’t said anything about it, so maybe it didn’t happen or it was a mistake?

What’s wrong? Seems like you’re thinking about something, perhaps it’s seeing my beautiful face everyday or it’s kissing these luscious lips,” he says as he wiggles his eyebrows up and down before chuckling.

I softly nudge his shoulder before breaking out into a smile.

I-I do have something to ask, though. Were you with any girls while we were apart?” I hesitantly ask and feel horrible for even thinking about it.

He scrunches up his face.  “No, why would I do that?” he asks.

I let out a sigh before going into my pocket to retrieve my phone.  I then open up the pictures before handing the phone to him.

He takes the phone then looks at the images.  He glances up at me then back at the phone before looking back at me again.  He hands me the phone but doesn’t say anything.

After a few moments, he suddenly breaks out into a huge fit of laughter.  I raise an eyebrow.  This is definitely not the response I was expecting.

After a few moments, Hoseok’s laughter soon died down.

Scynthia, you can’t be serious. You really thought me and Ann did something? That just made my night. That was hilarious. Ann believed me that it was setup and said she’d help me out with getting us back together. I was happy so I hugged her. And let me tell you, she is not a person who likes hugs. But anyways, she even helped me making sure you were here tonight,” Hoseok says.

My jaw practically falls to the ground.  What have I done?

Oh my god. I think I messed up. No, scratch that. I ed up really really bad. Oh my god, what am I going to do?” I hysterically say.

“Don’t tell me you-“

“Yes! I even slapped her and called her a !” I exclaim, interrupting him.

His eyes widen.

I’ve probably added even more problems and caused more stress for her,” I say, “I have to talk to her!

Alright. Let’s go ask if unnie will take you guys back now,” Hoseok says. 

And Scynthia, everything will be fine,” he says before grabbing my hand and leading me to where everyone else was located.



Lauren’s POV


It’s past midnight and you probably already guessed where I’m at right now.  Yup, I’m at the company working on iKon’s clothes, well I was working on their clothes.  I actually just finished! Their photoshoot is tomorrow! I let out a breath of relief, glad that I finished in time.  I just hope everyone likes what I designed.

I start cleaning up, putting all of my supplies away and hanging the guys’ clothes up on the rack where the rest of their clothes they’ll be using for their photoshoot are located.

“You’re still here?”

“WHAT THE FU-ohmygod, you scared the out of me,” I yell in surprise with a hand over my chest, trying to calm down my fast beating heart.

Bobby chuckles for a moment before saying, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you there.”

“Well you did,” I say before going back to my cleaning.

“Anyways, what are you doing here so late? It’s past midnight, you know.”

“I had to finish your guys’ clothes, which I did by the way,” I say before putting up the last of the materials away.

I turn around to see him smiling.  I raise an eyebrow at him.


He shrugs.  “Guess I’m just excited for the photoshoot tomorrow, or later today I should say.”

A smile then ends up on my face.  “Me too. This will be my first time attending a photoshoot, so I’m excited to see you guys in action!”

“Well, I’ll try to make it a fun and exciting day for you,” he says as he walks up to me.

For some reason, I start to get nervous at our closeness.

“Yeah? What are you going to do?” I say, trying to sound cool even though I’m low key freaking out in the inside.

He then leans in, his mouth right next to my ear.

“It’s a surprise,” he whispers before pulling back and smiling.

I just stand there, not knowing how to feel about that close contact.  I feel my heart beating fast.  It’s probably from being scared from earlier.  Yeah, that’s it.  That’s completely reasonable.

“Come on. I’ll take you home,” he says.

“I feel bad for you and your manager for always bringing me home,” I say as I start to get my stuff.

“It’s no problem. Plus, I enjoy the company.”

I just smile and begin to follow him out the door.

“And who knows, maybe we’ll stop to get some fries,” he says with a smirk.

I giggle before saying, “You know me too well.”



Jimin’s POV


I’m sitting in the dressing room just thinking.  Well, thinking about Ann.  I want to apologize but every time I have the chance to talk with her, she doesn’t stay for long.

I sigh and run my hand down my face.  I have to do something because I cannot take this for too much longer.  I’m starting to worry about her, as well.  Last time I bumped into her, she didn’t look too well.

I chuckle at out last encounter.  Even though she’s mad at me, she was still concerned for my well being.  I shake my head at the thought.  Always putting others before herself.

I sigh once again.  I start to think of what I can do for her.  She’s a simple girl and doesn’t like big gestures or corny stuff, so she’ll probably kill me if I ever serenade her.  I laugh at the thought.

Then, an idea hits me.  I smile to myself.  I can do it tomorrow since we both have the day off. 


I hop off my chair as I hear manager calling me, saying it’s time to go.



I just hope this works. 

I just need to be with her.





Don't kill me guys! I know I haven't updated in like 2 weeks. My job started and I literally come home and fall asleep, lol!  I've been working on this chapter for a few days but I feel really bad because it's short and not that good!  But I really wanted to give you guys a chapter.  I have three days off coming up, so the next chapter should be much better, hopefully.


Anyways, I hope you all are doing well! :D 


Annnndddddd, shoutout to Dukiepoopie and unknown43ver!!  I appreciate you all! :D


Again, I'm sorry for not updating!! 



tumblr_nygmi8wOgG1uacyhho1_500.gif  I love how he never fails to turn up xD




Anyways, PEACE! Hopefully not for long! :)


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