Chapter 1

Start Again

Like before, for conversations, black is in English and blue is in Korean. :)


Author's POV

Ann plops on the now mattress in her now empty dorm room.

"I'm finally done packing. I don't know what's worse. Unpacking on the first day or packing everything up to bring home," she says out loud to know one.

"I'd say it’s worse on the first day of the semester," someone says.

Ann lifts her head up to see Lauren leaning on the doorway.

"Eh. It's bad either way," Ann says back before letting out a laugh.

"I'm guessing you're all ready to go home, huh?" Lauren says as she sits on the other empty mattress in the room.

"Yeah. I just packed up my last bag and put it in my car. I cannot believe we made it through this semester. It was just so intense," Ann says before sitting up on the bed.

"Tell me about it. Classes were insane this semester. I'm so in need for summer!" Lauren says excitedly. 

Ann giggles.


Lauren looks next to her and sees Ann's phone.

"That is not your ringtone. You did not make that your ringtone," Lauren says looking at Ann.

"It's not my ringtone," Ann says back with a straight face.


"Then why do I hear Yoongi saying Infires coming from your phone?" Lauren asks.

"Because. It's my texting tone," Ann says before laughing.

 (THis is legit the best thing ever. xD. Watched this so many times!)


Lauren shakes her head.

"Have I told you that I'm done with you? Like really done?" Lauren asks.

"Just about 5 times a day. But you still love me," Ann says before making a heart.

"Unfortunately. I think that’s my problem," Amanda says before laughing.

"If my pillows weren't in my car I would have thrown one at you. I'll make sure to change the texting tone, though. But anyways, can you see who texted me. I'm too lazy to move all the way over there." Ann says.

"Girl. It's literally five feet away. Lazy girl, I swear," Lauren says, mumbling more of the last part.

Lauren unlocks Ann's phone and goes to her messages.

As she reads them, a smirk begins to appear on her face.

"Your boyfriend texted. He wants to know if you passed your finals and if you made it home yet," Lauren says.

Ann sighs. "For the millionth time, he is not my boyfriend."

"Oh come on. You talk to him every single day, whether it’s by phone or Skype!" Lauren says, now getting up and standing in front of the bed Ann is sitting on.

"No I don't," Ann says before crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“Then what do you call it?” Lauren asks, still standing in front of Ann with the phone in her hands.

“We’re just getting to know each other,” Ann says.

“Oh, come on! It has to be more than that! I remember him staying up on the phone with you while you pulled an all nighter studying,” Lauren says before smirking again.

Ann glares at Lauren.

"Oh my goodness. Ann's first boyfriend!" Lauren squeals before wiggling her eyebrows.

"First off," Ann begins while taking her phone from Lauren, "we are not dating. Second of all, leave me alone. Third of all, stop doing that. You look ugly."

Lauren glares at Ann before shaking her head and taking a seat besides Ann.

"Whatever. Just respond back to your boyfriend. Oh, tell him I say hi!"

"He is not my boyfriend! Get that through your head!" Ann yells back.

"Calm your lazy little self down. I’m just joking, sheesh. Well, if you don't wanna talk about your boyfriend, I'll talk about mine. Well, we aren't exactly official but we've still been talking. I haven't dated anyone and neither has he. So I'd say me and Taehyun are on good terms," Lauren says before smiling.

"That's good to hear. I bet he's excited to see you for the entire summer," Ann says while replying back to her texts.

"I kinda am too. I know we'll be working and all, but I'm still excited to go back! Hopefully we can sightsee this time around," Lauren says.

"You did get to sightsee! Suho took you! And Hoseok took Scynthia on their date. I'm the one who needs to go sightseeing!" Ann whines.

Lauren waves her hand, dismissing what Ann said.  "Details, details. Speaking of them, how are Scynthia and Hoseok. Scynthia still hanging in there?"

Ann shrugs. "As far as I know, yeah. Last time I talked to her, she said things were going pretty well. They still find time to talk to each other everyday and stuff like that, so I'd say they're still good.”

“That’s great to hear. I’m glad they stuck it through. I guess I can get more from her when we spend the night at her place,” Lauren says while smiling.

Ann nods.  "I can't believe we already leave for South Korea in three days. Like, I need a week to catch up on the sleep I lost this semester."

"Laziness I tell you. But anyways, we should go. Tell your boyfriend that you're on your way home," Lauren says before laughing.

"Why do you do this to me?" Ann says. They both walk out the dorm and to the parking lot.

"Because it's fun. Especially since you're the only dense and innocent one in our group," Lauren says before laughing again.

"Whatever. I'll see your annoying self tomorrow," Ann says before walking to her car.

"Bye! Better tell your boyfriend that you’re driving home!" Lauren yells as she walks backwards towards her car.

I'm gonna hurt that girl, Ann thinks to herself while getting into her car.



Two Nights Later


Scynthia's POV

I just came back to my apartment from a long day's work. I walked through the door and jumped on my couch.

"I need a vacation," I say out loud before sighing.

My phone vibrates.

"What?" I say rudely when I answer the phone.

"Uhhh. Are you okay?" I hear Lauren ask on the other line.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I just got home from work and I'm exhausted. But what's up?"

"Hey, if you're tired, we can just skip tonight so you can rest. I'm sure Ann wouldn't oppose to that idea," Lauren says. I bet she's shaking her head at our lazy friend right now.

"No way! I haven't seen you guys in like a month! This girls night is needed! Especially when we're leaving for South Korea tomorrow only to be around all guys," I say.

"You sure? It sounds like you really need some rest," Lauren keeps pestering.

"I'll be fine. I'll just go take a shower and that'll make me feel better,” I respond to her.

"If you insist. We'll be on our way then,” she says.

"Alright, see ya," I say before ending the call.

I sigh before standing up.

"I have a hot shower calling my name."

I come out the bathroom just in time to hear knocking at my door.

I walk to it and open it.



I then practically get jumped on as they both hug me.

"I've missed you guys!!" I say as we break our hug.

"Wait a minute," I say.

"What is it?" Lauren asks.

"Something is different here," I say.

I stare at the both of them for a minute until finally coming to realization of what it is.

"Ann! You got your cast off!" I say smiling.

She nods and smiles.

"I got it off a week ago," Ann says as her and Lauren come in and with their luggage. I thought it would be easier to have them spend the night at my place so we could just leave for the airport together. And plus, I feel like I haven't seen them in forever!

I shut the door before following them.

They place their luggage to the side and sit on the couch.

"That’s great! Have you been dancing? I bet the dance team was pretty sad their best dancer couldn’t dance with them this semester," I say before smiling.

"Umm, n-no," she says before forcing a smile and shrugging. "Been busy with finals and stuff."

"But your foot is okay? You are allowed to dance, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. The doctor said that I just have to wear a brace whenever I dance until my ankle gets used to it again."

I stare at her for a few seconds. Something is definitely up. I look at Lauren and she shakes her head. I'll just drop it for now, I guess.

"So, how were finals?" I ask, changing the subject.

"They were finals. Just glad they're over and that summer has officially started!" Lauren says excitedly.

Ann giggles.

Just as I was gonna say something, my phone starts vibrating on the table. I reach out to get it, only to find Hoseok is the one calling. Actually, he's wanting to facetime.

"Is it Hoseok?" Lauren asks.

I happily nod.

“You want us to leave?” Lauren asks.

“Nah. Plus the others might be with him,” I say.

“Well, while you guys chat, I’m going to the bathroom,” Ann says before walking off.

I nod and answer the call.

Hey, beautiful!” Hoseok says.

I smile, “Hey yourself.”

How was your day?” he asks.

Exhausting, just exhausting,” I say.

I’m sorry babe. I’d give you a hug and a massage if I could,” he says before winking.

I’m probably blushing right now but I ignore it and smile. Just hearing from him automatically brightens up my day. 

I look up to find Lauren trying her best to hold in her laughter. I glare at her but she just ignores me.

"They haven't watched or listened to Fire yet have they?" Someone yells behind Hoseok.

"I'll ask her," Hoseok says before turning around to face the camera.

"You and Ann haven't watched or listened to Fire yet have y'all?" He asks.

I smile before shaking my head. I then look over to Lauren.

"Has Ann watched it?" I ask her.

"No. I was gonna show it to her but she told me Hyejin told ya'll not to watch it," Lauren says.

"Is that a Lauren?" Someone says from my phone.

I look back at it to see that Jimin had joined Hoseok.

"Hey Jimin," I say, "and yeah, it's her, unfortunately."

Lauren laughs before coming over to join me.

"Hey guys," she says.

They wave back.

"Is Ann not with you?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah. She went to the bathroom. Though she's been in there for a while now," Lauren says.

We look at each other and then begin walking towards my bathroom.

"What are you guys doing?" Hoseok asks while laughing.

"We're just gonna check up on her is all. Make sure she didn't fall in or anything like that," I say.

Jimin laughs.

Lauren knocks on the door. "Hey Ann, you alright in there?"

We get no response.

Lauren looks at me and I nod. She slowly opens the door and sticks her head in.

"The heck? Where is she?" she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She isn't here." She responds.

“What did she do? Climb out the friggin window?” I say back.

"Who did they lose?" I hear someone ask from my phone. I keep forgetting I’m on a call.

"Ann?" Hoseok says unsure.

"Sorry! I forgot you guys were there. But yeah, we're looking for Ann. Oh, hi Namjoon!" I say as I wave at him. He smiles and waves back.

"Maybe she went to your room for something," Lauren says as she walks to my and opens the door.

I follow her and step in the door way.

"You’ve got to be kidding me," Lauren says.

"This girl."

"What happened?" Jimin asks.

"This," I say before switching the camera view on to Ann.

"She is asleep in my bed," I say before laughing.

"Has she not been sleeping?" Namjoon asks as Lauren giggles.

"I don't know. But apparently she's sleeping now," I say before closing my door and walking back to the living room portion of my apartment.

Me and Lauren sit back on the couch and I turn the camera view back to us.

"So how have you guys been doing?" I ask.

"Good. Just promoting our album and stuff," Jimin says.

"I can't wait to hear it! I can't believe Hyejin unnie is making us wait!" I say. The guys all laugh.

"Let me tell you, Fire is lit! Like Fire is pure fire!" Lauren says as she gets up and starts dancing.

I look at her before looking back at my phone.

"I sure hope that isn't in your music video," I say before giggling.

"Don't hate on my skills!" Lauren says before joining me on the couch again.

"Glad you like it," Namjoon says before laughing.

Guys, we have to go now!” someone says from their end.

"Well, we’ll let you two go. We have interviews all day long. I just wanted to see you," Hoseok says before smiling.

I shake my head while smiling.

"You cheesy guy. You'll get to see me in like a day," I respond back.

"Hey, I should be able to see you everyday!" He says before pouting.

"Aish. This hyung. I don't know how you put up with that," Jimin says before laughing. That comment got him a smack upside his head from Hoseok.

"Bye guys! Get some rest!" Namjoom says, shaking his head at s.

Me and Lauren both nod.

"You too! See you guys soon!" I say before ending the call.


"Well, your plan for us hanging out kinda got ruined," Lauren says before laughing.

"It's cool. We can just hang out ourselves. So what's been up with you? How are you and Taehyun doing?" I ask.

"We're doing good. We've just been talking and getting to know each other better. We've even Skyped a few times. Hopefully things will continue to go well when we arrive," Lauren says.

"That’s great! I'm sure you guys will make it official soon," I say before giggling.

"Yeah. I'd like that," she says while smiling shyly. "But I'm really excited to get back to working at YG, if you can even call it working."

"I feel ya. I can't wait to go back to training! I was on our Twitter account the other day, and we got so many tweets on how they're all excited for us to come back. "

"That's awesome! You guys are getting so popular! And it's only gonna go up from here," she says. 

“I just hope everything goes well,” I say. 

I look towards my room before turning back towards Lauren.

“So what’s up with Ann? Why isn’t she dancing?” I ask.

She sighs. “I really have no idea. She doesn’t talk about it. And when I ask her, she just changes the subject or gives me an excuse.”

“Really? I wonder what’s wrong with her. I thought she would be over the moon on being able to dance again,” I say.

“Me too. Hopefully she’ll change when she gets back to training. I mean, she is there for dancing,” Lauren says.

“Me too. Oh, how are Ann and him doing anways?” I ask, really wanting to know.

“Apparently they have been talking to each other every day. You can tell he really likes her but I don’t know how she feels. That girl is so confusing,” Lauren says before sighing.

“Yeah, I know. But that’s Ann for ya. She cares so much about others but keeps her emotions and problems to herself. Hopefully she’ll be able to let loose this summer,” I say.

Lauren nods.

“Let’s watch a movie,” I suggest.

“Sure!” she happily says and we go to my collection to pick out a movie.



Out in Seoul

J-Hope’s POV

I end the call before sighing and running my hand down my face.

Namjoon places his hand on my shoulder. “I think you should at least warn her. It seems like none of them have been keeping up with the news and gossip.”

I know. I just don’t know how. I mean, the rumors are just that, rumors,” I say.

I know, but I still think you should tell her. I don’t think you want her coming back here with all of this going on. I don’t want either of you to get hurt from this,” he says.

I guess you’re right. It’ll probably be better to hear it from me anyways. I don’t even know why I’m so worried. I haven’t done anything wrong and those rumors are not true. Just people trying to get a story,” I say.

Namjoon smiles. “I know. Just make sure you tell her before she hears it from someone else. It’ll be easier for the both of you.”

I nod. “Thanks.

He smiles. “Well, let’s start our day shall we?

I nod and we walk out our dorm to start our day full of interviews.

She won’t believe those rumors. As long as I tell her nothing happened, it should be okay . . .

At least, I hope.



Tis back guys! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I tried to add a tad of suspense without going overboard since it is only the first chapter. 

Shoutout to you awesome peeps for already subscribing!! dimeb29, Arashi93, Bakanani, niknac, and yunyunie!  You guys rock!

Tell me what you guys think so far. Good bad? Love it, hate? Drop a comment and subscribe . . .you know, only if you want to. . .lol.

Anyways, I'll try my best to post regularly now that school is out for the summer! Hope you all did well on your finals if you had 'em!

Wow. . .i feel like I talk a lot. . .well, I'll leave you guys now. Until later, PEACE! :)



Guuuuyyyyssss. OMG. I finally was able to watch and listen to Fire! All I can say was that it was liiiitttttt. Oh, and bae looked mighty fine if I may add. Like, Suga is already hot but bruuh, that video! Okay, imma let you guys go now. . .Peace :D



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