Jessica's Past: Part 3

Next Generation(Close Friends or True Love? #3)

~Jessica's POV~

It was almost the end of the day, I was waiting outside until Minwoo comes out since...that's what Hara have suggested me to do. I spotted him walked out and I made a surprise look.

Ah! He's here...what should I do? I thought to myself nervously.

All I did was just walked up to Minwoo and gave him a smile.

"Hi oppa!" I smiled.

"Hi..." Minwoo said.

I notice that he still has feelings for _______. At the same time, I feel bad. But...I had to do it for Hara. When _______  walked out of the studio. I made a nervous look. I didn't know what do at first so I quickly thought for a moment. I smiled at Minwoo and link my arm with his. ________ made a surprise look and I felt nervous. I bit my lip and my heart started to beat fast. She was about to walk up to me and beat me up but, I notice her friends quickly hold her back. They just walked away...________ looked back with a sad look and just continue walking on. I felt bad...Minwoo made a sad look and I notice it. I try not to feel bad...but, I actually do feel bad.

The other members has already arrived but, everytime we see you guys...we notice that it has gotten more crazy. The person who mostly understands me more was Yong Jae, so I had to do something. Whenever I see them...I feel bad. So I had to talk to her about this.

"Yong Jae, can I talk to you about something?" I asked sadly.

"Unnie, is there something wrong?" Yong Jae asked me worriedly.

"It's just that...I don't know what to do. I feel bad right now. I have nothing to say. Whenever I'm with Minwoo...I just feel different." I explained.

"I's actually hard for the rest of us. We have to listen to Hara it's part of her plan." Yong Jae said.

"Araso...but, what are we even suppose to do. Everytime we see them, our plan might become more worst than before?" I asked her worriedly.

"Unnie, we will figure something out." Yong Jae said with a smile.

"I guess you're right." I said.

I figured that everyone was tired of this game and we have to do something. The girls and I came up with a plan without Hara knowing...but, the only person that knows is ________. That's when she joined their band. I was glad she was being nice to them...but, then...Hara had an idea. It was her fault for ruining the plan. We all became upset when they found out that she was a spy. I notice every single day that Hara has become more mean. I was getting tired of this...but, I'm afraid to leave her behind.

Months have already passed. And it was Valentine's Day. Why does it special day even had to come?

"Why...this holiday?" Un Hae asked sadly.

"________ is lucky to celebrate it with someone. But for us...we're just stuck here." Hani said.

"Wait! I have an idea!" Haneul said.

"Ok...and that is..." I asked curiously.

"This might actually be hard but, it's worth a shot." Haneul smiled.

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stephanie_17 #1
Chapter 85: kwangmin color yellow!
I love blue!! I am a Youngmin bias!! Hehehee
kwangminshypika #3
Yay! I'm finally done. ♥ I'm was happy when they all got back together. (:
Ani! Babo! It's too late! You're going to make me start all over again!!! -_-'
I want two kids Zero & Ichiru~!!!!!!!!!! xD
Haha, yes...and yea! You're the only one that has 2 kids. Since little kids love you. Keke XD
Wait... WHAT!!!! Two kids O_o. awww u named them the way i would of named my kids keke...
Haha, yes. And she acts like you. Haha wow umma.
Yes my beautiful daughter scarlett x) aha i had a kid with HyunSeong YEAH!!!!
Aigoo, unnie. :P