An Unacceptable Favor

Next Generation(Close Friends or True Love? #3)

"...If you don't want them to get hurt. Then do a favor for us." Hara suggested.

"What the heck are you even talking about?" Kwangmin asked.

"Since you guys are married to those stupid girls..." Un Hae said.

"You should marry us instead." Hani said.

"You're blackmailing us." Minwoo said.

"Exactly, and if you don't...then might as well tell U-KISS to get rid of those girls." Jessica said.

"Are you crazy?! That is the stupidest idea I have ever heard of!" Jeongmin said surprised.

"Then, what's it going to be. Us or the girls?" Yong Jae asked.

Boyfriend made a surprise look and then they thought for a moment. They made a sad look and looked up at them.

"Fine, but if you hurt them...then the deal is off." Donghyun said.

"That's more like it." Haneul said.

"You don't have to buy me a ring Youngmin-oppa, I took the ring you gave her instead." Hara said as she smiled at Youngmin.

Donghyun and Hyunseong made a sad look. They took out their rings and put it on Haneul's and Yong Jae's finger.

"Aw...oppa. You're so sweet." Haneul said as she gave out a smile. She then started to hug Donghyun tightly.

Donghyun made a sad look and then she slowly started hugging Yong Jae back.

Mianhae... Boyfriend thought sadly.

Kevin and Hoon arrived back with _______ and then she ended up trapped with the others.

"Are you ok?" _______ asked.

"No...I feel upset right now." _______ said sadly.

"It's all her fault! I just hate her right now!" _______ said angrily.

"You guys might want to back away from her since she wants to hit something." ________ suggested.

"We know..._______ can act the same." ________ said.

"But did anything new happen?" _______ asked.

"I ended up here! Just because I told Boyfriend the truth. They actually believed me...until unnie came in and then took me away here just from saying that." ________ said angrily.

"You shouldn't have trust your unnie." _______ suggested.

"I were right guys. I'm sorry...this is all happening right now." _______ said.

Just then they heard the door open and someone arrived.

"And speaking of someone. Look who just came in." ________ said as she started to roll her eyes.

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stephanie_17 #1
Chapter 85: kwangmin color yellow!
I love blue!! I am a Youngmin bias!! Hehehee
kwangminshypika #3
Yay! I'm finally done. ♥ I'm was happy when they all got back together. (:
Ani! Babo! It's too late! You're going to make me start all over again!!! -_-'
I want two kids Zero & Ichiru~!!!!!!!!!! xD
Haha, yes...and yea! You're the only one that has 2 kids. Since little kids love you. Keke XD
Wait... WHAT!!!! Two kids O_o. awww u named them the way i would of named my kids keke...
Haha, yes. And she acts like you. Haha wow umma.
Yes my beautiful daughter scarlett x) aha i had a kid with HyunSeong YEAH!!!!
Aigoo, unnie. :P