I Can Not Just Lose Her

Next Generation(Close Friends or True Love? #3)

Next day passed by, Youngmin couldn't focus straight and he made a sad look.

"Youngmin-oppa, gwaenchana?" ________ asked.

"Aniyo..." Youngmin said sadly.

"He couldn't sleep the whole day last night after what happened." Kwangmin said sadly.

"You really must loved her." _______ said.

"Of course! I even cared about her! Who ever was wearing this necklace, they're going to regret it for stealing ________." Youngmin said.

"But, when I look at it...why does this necklace look so familar?" ________ asked.

"Including with the charm bracelet." Jeongmin said.

"And the silver car." Donghyun added.

"Um...annyong." _______ said shyly.

"Is there something wrong?" ________ asked.

"Well um...there's something you guys should know." _______ said.

"What is it?" _______ asked.

"Dongsaeng? What are you doing over here talking to them?" Hara asked.

"I was just talking with Youngmin-oppa. I just kind of felt bad about what happen with someone." _______ lied.

"Aw...you're always so nice." Hara said as she gave out a fake smile.

She then started to hug her dongsaeng until Youngmin notice something on Hara's finger.

"Hara...what's that on your finger?" Youngmin asked.

Hara made a surprise look and she just hid her right hand where she was wearing _______'s ring.

"It's nothing oppa..." Hara lied. "Let go dongsaeng-ah!" Hara then added.

"Um...sure, I'll see you guys later then." ______ said as she walked away with her unnie.

"Youngmin, what did you see?" _______ asked.

"It's weird, but I thought I just saw _______'s ring on her finger." Youngmin said confused.

Hara made a nervous look and she sighed.

"That was a close call..." Hara sighed.

"Unnie, I feel like you're doing the wrong thing." _______ said sadly.

"How am I doing the wrong thing?" Hara asked.

"You're lucky that Youngmin didn't even notice that ring. If he notice...then we would have gotten caught." ______ said. "Also, Youngmin never gave that to you. That was suppose to be something special for ________." _______ said.

"Look, whatever she gets from Youngmin. I might as well have one as well. Besides, that girl doesn't even deserve anything." Hara mumbled.

Hara thought for a moment all of a sudden and then she had an idea.

"Dongsaeng, look like I have another plan for you." Hara said with a smirk.

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stephanie_17 #1
Chapter 85: kwangmin color yellow!
I love blue!! I am a Youngmin bias!! Hehehee
kwangminshypika #3
Yay! I'm finally done. ♥ I'm was happy when they all got back together. (:
Ani! Babo! It's too late! You're going to make me start all over again!!! -_-'
I want two kids Zero & Ichiru~!!!!!!!!!! xD
Haha, yes...and yea! You're the only one that has 2 kids. Since little kids love you. Keke XD
Wait... WHAT!!!! Two kids O_o. awww u named them the way i would of named my kids keke...
Haha, yes. And she acts like you. Haha wow umma.
Yes my beautiful daughter scarlett x) aha i had a kid with HyunSeong YEAH!!!!
Aigoo, unnie. :P